The Country is still under attack for fucks sake! What is lacking is a significant mission oriented collection of active or former Congressional Members, Governors, active or former U.S. Attorneys, C.I.A. Clandestine Operatives, FBI Agents, Navy Seals, Army Rangers, Green Berets who are all on the side of Democracy, loyal to The Constitution who will follow leaders such as a former President, Milley et. al. who can locate Musk, his crew, seize any and all documents and devices in their possession and help them reassess their illegal mission while in custody!

At the same time a similar collection of the same kind can gather SCOTUS together with the help from the Democracy loyal three to persuade them to overturn their immunity decision and begin putting an end to this insanity. None of the actions of the current Executive is preserving, protecting or defending The Constitution, or is remotely plausibly within the scope of the Constitutional parameters of the Executive.

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"What is lacking is a significant mission oriented collection of..." YOU AND ME.

All the "officials" and "leaders" in official capacities and leading others are representing YOU AND ME. It is up to YOU AND ME TO TELL THEM what direction to go. To let them know what the will of the people is. The People being YOU AND ME.

There must be clarity on who is leading this game. Calling out from the stands isn't going to put points on the board. Only the people who are actually on the court can put points on the board. The way to get out of the stands on the court is to actually work with the people who are in a position to put the ball across the line. Those people are our elected representatives.

What is missing is our direct participation. The lack of leadership lives with US not them.

We are the ones who have the power to direct our republic. Stop suggesting it is up to them. It is up to us. It is up to YOU AND ME.

You and I are the ones to initiate the change in direction.

I don't see any way to make this work with Trump as the President. He must be impeached. It is up to us to make this happen.

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Look, I have been writing and calling almost daily. I live on social security but give donations to multiple groups fighting the war Muskrump is waging on America. I will rally in Annapolis on Wednesday if at all possible. I feel consumed, unheard, and exhausted. I'm a widow in my 70's; what the hell else do you want ME to do. Your message is not well received.

BTW; Senator Van Hollen is at least responding. I would be interested to know if other representatives are doing the same. https://outreach.senate.gov/iqextranet/view_newsletter.aspx?id=274033&c=SenVanHollen

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💯 and same. I write, I call, I comment on their social media pages. I won't, however, be donating any $ to Dems until I see some actual leadership. Why aren't Dem leaders holding press conferences in front of the Treasury bldg, now?

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There’s a grassroots rally planned tonight at the Treasury Dept. I hope it is well attended and gets some coverage.

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I think it’s tomorrow, Tuesday.

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Tues at 5:00. Indivisibles is leading it.

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Yes our current leaders are NOT rising to the moment, in fact, some are confirming these terrible nominees (here in NH) and enabling what is happening in doing so. No money to the Dems right now!

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Good question. Ask them.

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I have!!

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And they said...

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Yes, I totally agree with you. This message that We The people are not doing enough to fight this fascistic coup is baloney. I like you, Joyce, and thousands of others have called our reps, written to them and others concerned with government, have written postcards, donated hard earned cash to many individuals and organizations, have attended meetings with local progressives, have marched many times. I am with a group of people who started a progressive group here in red Ohio. Our representatives are paid by taxpayer dollars to represent the interests of their constituents. They are paid BY US.I also agree with Sam Urdank's first comment that there needs to be massive actions by all of the people and groups he mentioned to move heaven and earth to save our democracy and to punish these rogue actors

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Being precedes doing. It's too big a conversation to have here as I've found out by failing at it several times. It might be summarized in the observation that "Context is decisive." A question to dwell in as an inroad is how do you move an idea from content (in relationship to other ideas) to Context?

“Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo, The Future of Man.

The question then is how do we move an idea as merely an idea among other ideas, move an idea as a thing, to an idea whose time has come?

If you consider yourself to be a thing, and most of us do, then yes, all the doing in our days does not nurture us. In fact it wears us down. That's a function of a missing distinction.

Distinctions are not things. They are creations within the paradigms which we generate and then for the most part live unconsciously within, like a box.

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I apologize for it landing that way for you. It wasn't directed to you, Joyce. My intent is to enroll those not in action to be in action while having them recognize their own power in the matter. You're doing Great! Keep it up while also taking care of yourself. The war is lost if you are consumed by it.

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Thank you Bern...the rage is just below the surface these days.

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To the degree it is safe enough for you, allow yourself to experience your experience of rage. While in the moment it may feel bottomless, it isn't. Let it rise and fall and carry you to a place where you can have all your experiences, all your feelings, all your thoughts and be free to have them and still be you and free to act.

You are obviously committed to making a difference and care deeply. Keep it up and continue to live from your own heart and truth. I believe our shared future is primarily in the hands of women like you.

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I just tried to call my 2 Ohio Senators- R Jon Hustead’s pre-recorded message says he is not taking calls and his mailbox is full.My other R Senator,Bernie Moreno has a pre-recorded garbled unintelligible message and no ability to leave a comment.My House rep, Bob Latta ,has a live human being answering and she was very cordial.She took my message.It appears that my Senators are hiding from me.

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For those facing their legislators' full mailboxes, all senators and representatives should have a place on their websites to write messages. Some even have a way to send them direct e-mails.

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I have been told categorically that emails to senators are a total waste of time. Actual letters get tossed. Phone calls are all they pay attention to and now we can't even leave messages. I have spent hours emailing and calling. If Republican members of Congress don't wake up and stand up, what can happen? Musk is breaking laws by taking over the US Treasury and shutting down USAID, but who is taking out warrants for his arrest? Trump fires inspector generals illegally but who is handcuffing him? Within hours of swearing to uphold the Constitution, he violated it. Who is going to arrest him? Not the DOJ and definitely not SCOTUS, who gave him immunity to commit criminal acts while he is president. You say it's up to We the People?

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Victoria, like you I have been calling and writing the "3 stooges" offices, Bernie, Jon and unfortunately Gym Jordan. This morning I called Bernie's Columbus office and got a real person who said he would get my message to Bernie (fingers crossed). Jon does not seem to have state offices and I haven't checked Gym's site yet. I've also used the app "5 Calls" which makes it easy to contact them, although getting through is still a problem. Think Bernie also has a Ckeveland and Cincinnati office.

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When I contacted my representatives if the phone call didn't work I googled their office and left a written message on their site.

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Send snail mail then.

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Joyce, I share your feelings. In the previous election I wrote 1300 letters and postcards I may have done some good. BUT at 91, no longer driving, there seems to be little beyond postcards (have prepared 200 postcards for the April 1 Judiciary race in Wisconsin). But as a retired Navy Commander with 23 years of active duty I am looking for a leader to bring together the very many "activist" organizations each asking for "just" $5 dollars a month. As our country is being taken over by Musk I agree with Hubble that it is time to find a brave leader, a George Washington around whom all the anti- trumpmusk can join to fight the coup. I will join that leader, I realize that with Musk taking control of all Federal payments that joining the revolt jeopardizes my retirement pay and my social security but the country I love is being destroyed and I will make any sacrifice to save this United States. Hubble help us find that leader, it just might be General Milley or Kamala Harris but someone we can rally around to fight the COUP.

Brave men fought and risked their lives to found our country let's take it back!

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I am going to go out on a limb and suggest David Hogg. He was just elected vice-chair of the DNC, but he's motivated, competent, and nimble. He might be just the person.

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I have been supporting and asking others, including Robert's readers, to support David Hogg and his Leaders We Deserve for months. I am a small monthly donor and believe that he can make a difference. We need young voices to take on the causes and the work we did in the 60s. It is their time now and David is a very inpressive young man. Not going out on a limb. Thanks, Paula.

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Leaders are necessary but not sufficient.

If one arises, great (I'll take a Buttigieg, Milley, a few Harris' please), and we may have moved past the age of great leaders. That time is marked by the context you OR me. It is the context Trump and company are coming from and it shows!

You AND me calls upon us to stand on our own two feet and think for ourselves.

Moving into that space where you can creating a context for your own life puts you at the vortex of life. It makes you the table the pool game is being played on rather than one of the balls on the table crashing around thinking that every crash makes a difference.

From that space you natural experience a sense of responsibility for everything that happen in your space.

I know this is mind-boggling to consider, yet, if we only deal with that which we already understand or simply extend what we already know, we’re left with more of the same and that our current plight! We really must think for ourselves.

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Very garbled electronic messages in both Missouri Senator's offices this morning that closed by saying their mailboxes were full. There is a response and we just need to keep it up. You're not alone.

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You’re doing all the right things! Writing & calling your elected officials lets them know what you expect them to do. That’s our power - because all electeds want to be re-elected. It’s up to us to push them in the right direction. So keep on doing what you’re doing! That is what we all need to do!

Thank you Joyce!

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Thank you Angela! Just finished with email messages to the Finance Committee membership and other Senate Leadership, as too many voicemail systems were full. Maybe that's good news; we can hope!

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Thank you, Joyce, for all you are doing.

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Bernie is

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Joyce, Fetterman’s phone line has been “full” for a couple weeks

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Same with Ted Budd and Thom Tillis. Although Tillis has 3 options for leaving messages so I chose one of the “non-full” ones.

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There is a protest rally at Tillis' Greensboro office Wednesday afternoon and I will be there with friends. Ted Budd not worth even a call, in my opinion.

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Yes, I am encountering the same; sending emails to those folks where I can.

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Same, daily

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Joyce, Join your local Indivisible group or other action-oriented grassroots organization. You’ll find community and a lot more ideas of what you can do with partners in the fight. National Indivisible leaders along with Move On, Working Families Party, and Public Citizen are urging us to up the ante by showing up in person at our Senators’ local offices and demand that they fight for us loudly fiercely. They have many ways throw sand in the gears of the Musk regime and they need to do all of them. Get connected to a real community of your peers. We need you.

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Wow, that's an impressive newsletter. You're lucky to have such a good representative.

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Yeah, that sounds inspiring, but in fact, if we don’t have a well-known savvy leader, willing to put his/her comforts and name on the line, there won’t be a focal point for the rest of us to rally. Having a charismatic leader, doesn’t mean we sit by on the sidelines. It means we have someone who will speak out eloquently and forcefully, represent us and focus our energies. Reflect on the Civil Rights movement and every other successful movement I can think of in history. We don’t have that level of leadership right now with our elected leaders.

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The following WF Murray quote shows how commitment aligns human beings and provides unexpected power. By fully giving ourselves to a cause, we align with something larger than ourselves, where miracles can occur.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

There’s a link between commitment and a willingness to take responsibility for the world around you. As your commitment increases, your sense of ownership and power grows, and you naturally find yourself responsible for more and more around you.

Be the leadership you wish to see in the world.

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The leaders have to be us. We can’t wait around for somebody to save us. We can do this if we stick together. Solidarity is the secret sauce.

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From last night's 50k (number who signed up at least) Indivisible etc. meeting. And I apologize if this is posted elsewhere.

Copied from the followup email:

Thank you so much for joining our call to action tonight. Below is a recording of the call and our full list of actions we are asking you to take.

Call Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yf3AstpQI

‼️ACTION ITEM: Take action by scheduling a visit at your senators office, check out our toolkit at Indivisi.org/choosetofight and register your event at https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/c/funding-crisis-response/event/create/

Learn how Dems can shut down trumps agenda here: https://indivisible.org/resource/how-senate-democrats-can-shut-down-trumps-agenda-procedural-hardball

‼️ACTION ITEM: Call your Senator and tell them: Vote NO on Vought and Stop the Next Funding Freeze! https://indivisible.org/resource/tell-your-senator-vote-no-vought-and-stop-next-funding-freeze

‼️ACTION ITEM: Join tomorrow’s phonebank to Tell Congress: Don't Cut Off Working Families! Monday Feb 2, 2pm ET: https://www.mobilize.us/workingfamilies/event/752152/

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Joe, I attended but didn’t get the follow up email. Can you please send it to me? You’ve got my email address. Thanks.

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Thanks, Joe!

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I see no other answer: “You and Me”, we are IT. We are the “WE THE PEOPLE”. Find a group or collection of groups and take an action everyday. No matter how small your action, it can be impactful. Indivisible.com is a great place to start

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You seem to be of the mind that no one is reaching out to their elected representatives, nothing is further from the truth, I for one have called, written via website and direct email. The voicemail boxes are full and it takes weeks to get a response from an email. As for impeachment, look what the gop controlled House is doing and permitting. There was a time when impeachment would have already started. Just the other day I asked in the comments section of The Warning with Steve Schmidt, who here would agree to coalesce as one voice to reach out to elected representatives, I must look for esponses. I will say again, the idea of waiting until '26 or '28 is a fools errand. This is uncharted territory that must be traversed with swift dispatch! Just look at the lay of the land, White House has a maniac, GOP MAGA majority in Congress, MAGA majority in SCOTUS and atop the DOJ. Democratic leadership in the Senate is a geriatric feckless weak politician and we have Democrats voting for the trump agenda in. both chambers.

My last message sent to my representatives this week:

"Nothing is more important right now than making the House & Senate the most painful miserable place for Republicans to work. You should be ashamed of the feckless inept pushback from Leadership, particularly in the Senate! The Trump agenda should be ground to a halt, but we have Pete Hegseth Sec of Defense. And that absurd bill taking discretion from the tool bag of ICE, with the help of Democratic votes. You should be making them do it all on their own! Fuck this bipartisan bullshit, it’s gaslighting. Senate leadership is impotent and should be changed immediately! The minority party has powers it can use to grind it all to a halt, but Schumer is a spineless impotent politician not a leader like Elizabeth Warren!


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Sam, what do you mean coalesce as one voice? If you mean a mass message, I'm in.

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Well, yeah. Paula my feeling is that there are authors here on Substack who have a knowledge and known how in these areas. I posted a note on this topic yesterday. For example, the Steve Schmidts et. al. of Substack, who have deep political experience could rally together their’s along with this subscriber community, with messaging guidance that can have an impact on Congress and other government officials. If you or I write our reps, we but two voices. But if a couple hundred thousand of us speak with one voice the right message, well then I think we can make a difference in a continuing pushback of opposition. But I feel it requires their leadership to make the it happen the right way. The thing is I’ve not seen any evidence in my activity notifications that there is any interest. That note was titled “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”

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We could try asking them. Are you doing any of Jessica Craven's action items? I know a lot of people are, which also means a lot of pressure on representatives.

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I’m calling, writing, posting directly to them, it’s tough to get through and one reply I got from Adam Schiff was an email explaining how alarmed he was at what Musk was doing, assuring me he would stand up to Trump and an explanation of what the duties of a Senator are. Not exactly what one wants to hear. Then independent of my reaching out, my Congresswoman sent an email asking if I would stand with her against Trump’s executive orders. With an attached survey asking which of these was I most concerned about. In as much as Schiff et. al. Filibustered a floor vote on Russell Vought he was confirmed so they are not doing much.

This is why I’ve suggested that these authors we are all following begin to lead.

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I am clear that at the root of our issues is a lack of participation. The health of the country is a function of participation and we are not healthy.

Some here are thinking that I am saying that they are not doing enough and are rightly insulted as they should be. There are many here doing so much that if I were to compare myself to them, I would be going backwards, at high speed.

What I am saying is that right now the issue isn’t what I am doing or not doing or what you are doing or not doing, or what they are doing or not doing. The issue is where people are coming from. What is the context that is driving, generating, forming, limiting the actions we think we can take? I’m saying we are stuck in a box of our own making that we are not aware of.

What needs to happening is not in the box we are in. The space we have to have this conversation in is limited by the box we are in. The answer (and there is no answer) must be created newly every day. The truth we discovered yesterday isn’t the truth anymore. It’s got to be created newly every day.

I need to provide for you a space that makes available a new way to know, act, and communicate. This is unthinkable, yet must be thought.

I’m committed to a breakthrough and not merely an incremental change. The breakthrough I’m committed to has to do with reinventing what it means to be human. This is the great opportunity we have the privilege to participate in.

When you create a context, a space to live in and come from, the very same actions take on a new meaning. If you create for yourself a context of a world that works for all of us, then all the content happening in that self created space will be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem. New unseen opportunities show up.

Merely changing the circumstances is not enough. We've all done that a thousand times and it doesn’t make any difference if it's in the same old paradigm.

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What do you plan to do toward that end?

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I sent letters to my congress representatives, urging them to initiate a movement to impeach the president.

I sent a letter to my AG to initiate an investigation into the illegal actions Musk has taken.

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Yes. THEY is WE

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From a current congressional staffer:

"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for

that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't. ""

Capitol Switchboard

A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can connect you directly with the Senate or House office. (202) 224-3121

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Is this from a particular state or in general? Are they saying that *every* representative gets more calls from Republicans than Democrats?

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It seems that there is (as yet) no leadership for a meaningful resistance movement. It's wonderful to make our voices heard via the normal channels, but unless you're a constituent of a GOP senator/congressman, I'm afraid it's not a particularly effective tactic when confronted with the norm-busting, law-defying, constitution-what? blitzkrieg that Trump and Musk et. al. have launched. I haven't heard anyone communicate a viable battle plan that the grassroots can get revved up about; no demonstrations in the works ala the Women's March early in Trump 1.0.; no strategically innovative way to break through the neutered gridlock that our elected officials, however well-meaning, find themselves in. This is a fight - some of our best democratic fighters, our bright light governors, have been sidelined because they understandably need to find ways to work with the federal government to help their states - but we need some guidance!

ROBERT HUBBELL - you are in touch with vastly more officials and activists than any of us - please use your network and this platform to connect all these willing, eager supporters with any leaders/influencers who are making and implementing savvy plans that could benefit from popular support, whether virtual or in person.

Whoever it is - Is it Marc Elias? Is it Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez? Is it Rahm Emanuel? Ken Martin? Barack Obama? Whoever! Give them a platform with your online town halls/webinars and help us help the country!

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John, I can tell you one thing. Doug Ford, the leader of Ottawa in Canada, is canceling their Starlink contract. This hits Muck where he lives. Maybe some other countries can do things we can't. I know it's not exactly what you're talking about but pressure is pressure.

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John- It’s Indivisible, Move On, Working Families Party. Get connected. They’ve got your todo list. We need you in the trenches with us.

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Absolutely agree and as I said to my dog walking buddy this morning, "When Scotus gave trump presidential immunity, they had no fucking clue Musk would be involved." I stand behind this until proven otherwise. I pray Marc Elias or another democracy warrior lawyer is putting together a case right now to take asap to the Supreme Court and if they refuse to hear it, then we'll know they too are a part of this COUP.

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We already know, that’s what the immunity decision was designed to do.

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disagree, musk was nowhere near the scene yet when that was decided. the decision was for the president only

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Hm, interesting idea. Technically, this only applies to the president. I'm not even sure it applies to the vp. So in theory, Muck can be prosecuted. Here's a question: is he in any way committing state or local crimes? Is that an angle? Can the mayor of DC, for example, arrest him for something?

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he's harming the citizens of every state, so i would think yes. and i wonder too if the DC mayor can't arrest him. you know this is being discussed if you and i thought of it.

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I hope so.

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"now is the absolute worst time to ask us to “Please chip in $5.00 so I can fight for democracy.” Stop trying to fundraise off a crisis. Take care of the crisis and worry about the fundraising later."

Thank you. Not the most important words you wrote, Robert, but the combined inaction and failure to lead along with the constant drumbeat of moronic fundraising emails is infuriating and frustrating.

I've been thinking a lot about the Democratic Party and its failures. I think it is a mistake to blindly "support Democrats" and to say that we're "allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good." We're not comparing perfect and good, we're comparing "something, anything, please!" with absolutely nothing. There's no question that come 2026 I will vote Democrat as compared to Republican or third party. That level of support is unwavering, to the point that I wonder whether the Democratic leadership has gotten a little bit lazy counting on that level of commitment. But there is no way that I'm not going to criticize the Dems and urge them to get their act together NOW.

The issues remain the same and among the biggest is how to communicate the urgency of the danger to more people, including at least some who voted for Trump. I see several promising pathways. I don't know if any will work but I'd like to see someone give SOMETHING a try. For example:

"Who the fuck is Elon Musk?? You can't put that in an ad during the Super Bowl, something else I think the Dems should be doing, but you sure can do it on much of social media. Or at least you can do it with an asterisk (f*ck). The idea is "who the hell is this billionaire taking over the government and do you really think it's going to be good for you?" Oh, and not so btw, this guy's company made $2.4 billion last year and paid ZERO taxes. How much did you pay?

Surely there are some people who are or can be made to be disturbed by the idea of the richest person in the world also being in charge of the government and the treasury? It's downright anti-American.

Among many other issues, the Treasury takeover raises incredible issues of privacy that should appeal to conservatives and even right wing fringe conservatives. And not just privacy. How about literally controlling who gets paid and when, including YOUR social security check and x, y and z programs that YOU depend on. And I would think at least some people would be concerned about Musk having access to data about his competitors; it has to be somewhat intuitive for at least some people that this is bad for businesses, the economy and jobs.

Let's not forget the price of eggs or all of Trump's "day 1" promises. Surely there are video clips of his promise to end inflation, to end the war in Ukraine, etc etc etc.

Anyway, the point is somebody ought to do something and if it's not the Democrats we'll have to figure out a way around them.

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The NFL should put the game on hold until Trump is removed, and if it never happens so be it and I'm a KC Chiefs fan. Fuck over all those advertisers and MSM and Sports networks give them the pain they deserve. Then again it might happen anyway when the war gets rolling.

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Love this idea!!!

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A perhaps simpler version: people turning off their TVs, or switching to a different channel every time a Super Bowl ad starts.

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Feb 2, 2025

Dear Senator Schumer, I hope you saw my note from yesterday. Today I beg you to read these two substacks from historian Heather Cox Richardson and one by Robert Hubbell. They are far more eloquent than I. We NEED YOU to wake up and have every senator and congressperson go out and shout about what is happening. Get them together. Develop a new strategy. Flood every possible media outlet. STOP THIS COUP!

This is the ending of Robert Hubble today, “Musk and Trump have made the grave mistake of underestimating the American people. That is a mistake that most adversaries of American democracy make only once.”

My father, Herbert J. Kramer, worked for Sargent Shriver in his war on poverty, the OEO. My father-in-law, Martin Gilbert, worked for USAID in population control. They would never have capitulated, or kissed any ring. I, for one, want to leave my grandchildren a better, safer, kinder world than what I fear is raining upon us. Time is of the essence!



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Yes...this times 1000, and it occurs to me that every time I get a fundraiser request in response to my emails asking for action, I will simply copy/paste Robert's statement that you quoted here.

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And try Politics Girl : on Gaslit and This is War

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I hope that, if they stop sending SS checks, they don’t only stop for democrats and continue paying republicans. That’s just the sort of thing they would do.

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What, precisely, is the point of going after the Democratic party? Change your affiliation to Independent.

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It’s too late for that.

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If you think this is going after the Democratic Party we have very different conceptions of what that means. I think I'm somewhere between begging and encouraging the Party to do something. I've also offered some ideas that they're welcome too if they think they're any good. When I go after the Democratic Party, or anyone for that matter, you will know.

As it happens I've been registered independent for at least 20 years, probably longer.

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Finally just now several Dem leaders gathered together with USAID workers and read the riot act regarding MUSK. Please do more. I for one feel very tentatively ok! For most of my 78 years I've been a voting Dem, a volunteer, and a supporter but I am truly fed up now and unsure. This 78 year old says get rid of these old relics and bring in the next generation. I really need to see a lot to regain any sense of trust in this party.

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Somebody like say, Chuck Conners?

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Jeff, these are great messages! Why not just post them on social media? If you get censored, then how about a GoFundMe or Kickstarter for a projection onto Musk's and Trump's buildings like the Germans did recently. It's not permanent so it can't be vandalized.


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Here is a letter to send, today, to your representatives and partners. Please respond with suggestions for improvements or other top priorities if this isn’t the number one priority.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Email]


The Honorable [Representative’s Name]

[Office Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Urgent Call for Impeachment Proceedings

Dear [Representative’s Last Name],

I am writing to express my deep concern over recent unlawful actions by the President, which I believe pose a direct threat to our democracy and the rule of law. As my elected representative, I urge you to make holding the President accountable your top legislative priority.

The severity of this crisis demands immediate action. I call on you to initiate and support impeachment proceedings against President Trump. The integrity of our government and the trust of the American people depend on Congress demonstrating that no one is above the law.

I request a prompt response outlining your position and planned course of action regarding this matter. Additionally, I am eager to understand how I, as your constituent, can support efforts to uphold constitutional accountability.

The preservation of our democracy requires decisive action, and I trust you will rise to this challenge. I look forward to your reply and to working together in defense of our nation’s founding principles.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Address]

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We have to write to our state Attorney Generals to request a multi-state lawsuit to stop Musk and DOGE. My family and many of my friends live in states with Democratic Governors and Attorneys General. We are writing our emails today. This worked with trump's plan to end birthright citizenship. Robert wrote about how truly serious this issue with DOGE and Musk is.

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Like this?

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Email]

[Your Phone Number]


[Attorney General’s Name]

Office of the Attorney General

[Attorney General’s Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Urgent Request for Multi-State Legal Action Against Elon Musk’s Unlawful Actions

Dear Attorney General [Last Name],

I am writing to request an immediate investigation and coordinated legal action against Elon Musk and his associates for what appears to be an unprecedented circumvention of Congress, the Executive Branch, and lawful financial oversight. Over the past weekend, disturbing reports suggest that Musk and a network of Silicon Valley engineers have found a way to override democratic checks and balances, effectively seizing control of public financial mechanisms—an unlawful and undemocratic power grab that demands urgent legal scrutiny.

In addition to Musk’s ongoing market manipulation with Dogecoin (DOGE) and other financial misconduct, this latest scheme appears to constitute a direct attack on government accountability and the rule of law. If private individuals can redirect or exploit national financial resources without Congressional or Executive approval, this represents a fundamental breakdown in democratic governance and a grave threat to public trust.

I urge your office to investigate these actions, pursue any necessary legal remedies, and collaborate with other states to halt this unlawful overreach before it further undermines our nation’s financial and legal systems. This is a matter of both economic stability and the preservation of constitutional governance.

Please let me know if there are any developments on this matter or if additional information would be helpful. I appreciate your commitment to justice and the protection of the public from unchecked corporate power.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

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Thank you, Bern. I just used your template to contact CT AG and shared it with ten friends. We don’t need to individually keep using energy to craft content. Your help is greatly appreciated. This is how we do it! We work as a team!

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Doing this. I added:

If any other bad actors occupied government offices, let alone commandeered classified computer systems, they would FIRST be instantly arrested and put in jail. THEN legal proceedings would take place.

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Absolutely true. If you or I had even attempted to access classified information and financial information held by the government, and were fingered, we would be arrested. Isn't that a crime? How in the world do they believe they can get away with this? And Rump's designates are also taking over the FBI?!

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I live in NC, and last night I sent an email inquiring about charging Musk with stealing our data.

I also had a terrible horrible nightmare about being caught in a dystopian town. I heard my husband’s alarm and realized I was caught up in a terrible dream. My husband said I was talking in my sleep. In my dream I was screaming.

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You are not alone. I have a terrible sleep disorder, waking up as early as 3 am, such as this morning. I take one day a week of no news, including no Substacks. I took Saturday off from news and slept much better that night. I read Substacks yesterday and was a wreck. The tariffs will also be horrible, including for victims of hurricanes, floods, wildfires, tornados. Just such vindictiveness and cruelty from those people.

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Getting up at 3 is a disorder?!?! Yikes, that's become sleeping in...

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I had a nightmare last night too.

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Unfortunately, my state AG is a Trumper.

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Do it anyway. This is a huge security breach.

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I am writing to Todd Roikita in Indiana. I have a connection through his college, Wabash. That's long ago. He won't read it, and it will make not difference, But they must learn that their actions and their inaction have consequences.

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I wrote to the California AG, no response yet. My Senator, Alex Padilla sent a form response. I saw on CNN that "Lawmakers and crowd are at the Treasury building" Has anyone else seen anything about this?

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Using it! Thank you! There's a lot of unproductive discourse on social media. Sharing my "scripts" (that's what they're called in my line of work which has nothing to do with politics) in case there's something you can use - modify to fit your communication style! Please share your scripts so I can make improvements.

How I respond to unproductive comments on social media:

Someone on Bluesky: There are no good billionaires. Me: Disagree. Don't have time to debate, there's a coup in progress. Have a nice day and be safe!


Someone on Facebook: We need a party! Dems, Repubs, and even the Green Party got us to where we are today. Me: Agree, but there's a coup in progress, so it's imperative left and center unite from Marxists through sane Repubs. Someone on Facebook: Marxism isn't a political party. Me: (no response; yeah, I know, but I think everyone got my point)


Someone on Bluesky: It's not a coup, it's a highjack. Me: I don't have time to debate labels, there's a coup/highjack in progress. Better?


Someone on Bluesky: Until it's determined it's a coup, we should refrain from alarmist talk. Me: They don't come right out and say "we're doing a coup." Don't have time for debate or for history books to be written. Have a nice day and stay safe!

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A coup is a French name for hijack.

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Literally, coup means a blow.

That‘s what we‘re experiencing – a blow, as part of a takeover.

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Very useful, thank you.

Along the line of being effective, I've found that managing my sense of overwhelm by getting clear about what my expectations are is incredibly useful. In focusing on my expectations, I'm continually surprised by how many are always in place and getting mangled before I even realize they are there.

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Doing this in Maine!

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Sending! Thank you

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Here is a link to the Senate Finance Committee members. It will take you to each members website with contact info. Just click to call. You can also call their state offices. You don't have to give your info.


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I wish I could like this a hundred times. Ron Wyden OR is the ranking member and he is onto the Musk Coup at Treasury. Looks like Maria Cantwell from my state of WA may be as well. We need to inundate this committee with URGENT phone calls letting them know of our concern about this Musk coup and our expectation that the Senate Finance Committee do something in response.

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My senator is on that committee. I called him last night.

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Unfortunately, that link isn't working.

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Click on each member’s website at the bottom of their bios. Then find Contact. You will be able to send an email or call. I’m sending emails.

Thank you for providing this link. It’s a big committee.

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Good to know. I assumed if you weren't in their state then you were blocked . Now I will write too.

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Yes. For some one must keep scrolling down. Or look for Contact.

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It is indeed working. You click on it and the website loads.

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Just checked it again and worked.

But please try googling Senate Finance Committee Members and look for the .gov site.

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I have a lot of confidence that grass-roots leaders are stepping up, speaking out, guiding and supporting us, pointing the way for us. Today's big Zoom call with Indivisible, Working Families Party, MoveOn, and some other organizations was a good illustration.

I have zero confidence that our elected "leaders," apart from only a handful of exceptions, will actually lead. Maxwell Frost, who spoke on the call for a few minutes, is one such exception. Generally, the "leaders" will have to be led -- by us, the people, in grass-roots organizations, stepping up to the challenges and working in unity and solidarity, working through the frustrations and disappointments, to bring about the changes that need to happen. Eventually the "leaders" will follow. But we have to show them the right things to do and demand that they do them.

At this critical point, the system has failed us and there's no one else to fight for us except us. But we are many and if we hang together and keep going, we can take our country back.

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My friend shared this with me today to describe the situation. Too bad the Russians don't seem more cognizant of it.

"Just found this Russian proverb, unfortunately so à propos (sigh): Когда деньги говорят, правда молчит. Lit. ‘When money speaks, the truth is silent’"

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Or in more vulgar, but purely American words: money talks; bullshit walks.

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Follow the Musk seizure of the U.S. Treasury and your Social Security with this interactive map.


Elon Musk, A National Security Threat Takes Control Of Vital U.S. Government Systems: Follow The Money


12 ways Elon Musk’s hostile takeover of the U.S. Treasury will ruin your life


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This is insanity. Musk and his gang of six have no authority to do what they're doing, but they did it. Who can stop them? Are there any decent Republicans willing to stop this? Where are the Democrats? I just want somebody way above my pay grade to do something. I'll do what I can, but my job description says nothing about saving democracy.

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Well, like many you probably started your schooldays with the Pledge of Allegiance – quite an archaic thing to do, if you ask me, and certainly not a way to raise critical citizens, but that is a discussion for another day.

Now let's just take the text, overly repeated ad nauseam by 100s of thousands of students every day: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands..."

And there you have your job description as a citizen – keeping the Republic, saving democracy from the flag humping lunatic, his posse and the Brownshirt enablers in Congress.

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Hi all.

Check out this video from Jess Craven.


Indivisible is calling on us to do a number of things:

1. DC residents show up at a rally outside the US Treasury.

2. The rest of us, connect with your local Indivisible chapter and go to your Senator office. Tell them: "to vote no on Russell Vought and tell them to stand up to Elon Musk"

** Calls are fine but a visit is more powerful.

Since we don't know what Elon Musk is doing with our money and sensitive data, this is scary and we should be ready with all we got to push back.

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What to do? What to think? A quick look at the NYT just now and the focus is on tariffs, very little on Musk. Is anyone trying to convince trump to stop him? Can NASA cut him/space X off? This country is filled with brilliant, honest people. Is something underway in addition to calls? South Koreans prevented a recent coup thanks to almost spontaneous action. Is it too late for us? Should we all take to the streets?

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Yes! I was paralyzed with fear yesterday, today I am very motivated and angry enough that I’m starting in my home state contacting my township officials, my county commissioners, my state reps, my Governor, Josh Shapiro and my two useless senators Messers Fetterman and McCormack. Then the next county and the next county until I work through all of them. Because everyone in every county in PA will be affected by this coup. We need to blow this up fast! Put pressure everywhere on every elected official to stop Musk and Trump. I can do this, you can do this, WE CAN DO THIS!

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Feb 3Edited

Thank you, Robert, for offering a more positive view than some other newsletters, of the rough situation we face, without sugar-coating it.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but it seems pointless for everyone to even talk about "DOGE" doing anything. It was never a department, as has been noted in several substack newsletters. And now it's really only one unelected "man" using what may be a temporary gang of co-conspirators who do not even have one fully developed prefrontal cortex between the lot of them. Harvard brains with no common sense and no moral compass.

Why not just call it what it appears to be: "Elon Musk" strong-arming his way into (Name the department here)?

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On the subject of tariffs I have learned this: Regarding legislative approval for implementation of tariffs, Representatives Suzan DelBene of Washington and Don Beyer of Virginia, two Democratic lawmakers, have introduced legislation seeking to restrict Trump's ability to unilaterally levy tariffs, accusing him of a "blatant abuse of executive power. Congress must reassert its authority by reining in this egregious misuse of the law” stated the lawmakers.


We must get our lawmakers to support this legislation on an urgent basis.

This morning I will be making my calls and sending my emails, but my reps are all Democrats. My family and friends in other states will be doing the same. Please call your reps no matter if you are in a red state or a blue state and spread the word! These tariffs impact every one of us and include Governors, Senators, Reps, etc no matter what state we live in.

We will all be very negatively impacted. Tragically, these tariffs will also really hurt those trying to rebuild after losing absolutely everything in Hurricanes Helene and Milton, then horrible flooding in western North Carolina, and the tragic losses in the LA fires. This includes homes, schools, libraries, places of worship, shopping districts, infrastructure, clinics, etc.

The other side is blanketing us with all of this on a daily basis. We must dig deep to fight back.

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Linda, thanks for the info on the Prevent Tariff Abuse Act. Will call my MAGA Rep today.

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Look back in comments for a link to the finance committee. I sent emails to the Republican members holding them responsible for this illegal breach and demanding they stop this now.

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In my comment to your 2/1/25 Substack, I concluded with the following statement, “We need a method or a strategy to make our bellowing voices so loud that we cannot be drowned out nor ever ignored again.”

It is a fire alarm! It is urgent that grassroots organizations and all pro-democracy actors immediately coordinate in a massive action to threaten all complicit Republican legislators that they will pay the cost if they do not immediately step up to stop this inside coup. This time those responsible must be legally held accountable.

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Bellowing voices may help; but what must be done is to *hurt* Trump and Musk.

I wish I knew the best way. Our Representatives and Senators should figure it out and take actions, not just deplore and deplore.

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If Musk can shut off duly authorized Treasury payments he doesn’t like, what is to stop him from instituting new payments to himself, I.e. LOOTING the US treasury?

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Feb 3Edited

RH: :Here is the most important development: Over the weekend, Musk posted on Twitter that his DOGE team was “rapidly shutting down payments to federal contractors.” See Bloomberg, Musk Says DOGE Is Halting Treasury Payments to US Contractors." My guess is payments to Starlink and Space X will continue just fine. Maybe they'll add a little vig just for fun.

Hope someone is Congress thinks this is not OK.

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How in Hades can Musk/„DOGE“ shut down government payments? Under what authorities? These are patently illegal actions – private persons dictating government disbursements.

Okay, Democratic Representatives, Senators, and lawyers in nonprofits, what *concrete actions* are you taking to stanch this galloping illegality?

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Where is Halliburton when the country actually needs it? Fight fire with fire. Are the other oligarchs, the oil companies happy with Elon? He is threatening them as well.

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We don't see where we're headed, but it's being driven by evil forces, greed, and power for its own sake. Known strategies cannot fix these things. The evil that confronts us is born of the seven deadly sins. It will be a long and difficult plight, as it has historically been for oppressed people for thousands of years. Human beings have evolved in all ways, including evil ones. America, with its grounding in peace and freedom, didn't see it brewing and we were blindsided. Now we don't know how to stthe grand scale of this coup. Thank God for this and other Substack writers.

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