If one arises, great (I'll take a Buttigieg, Milley, a few Harris' please), and we may have moved past the age of great leaders. That time is marked by the context you OR me. It is the context Trump and company are coming from and it shows!
You AND me calls upon us to stand on our own two feet and …
If one arises, great (I'll take a Buttigieg, Milley, a few Harris' please), and we may have moved past the age of great leaders. That time is marked by the context you OR me. It is the context Trump and company are coming from and it shows!
You AND me calls upon us to stand on our own two feet and think for ourselves.
Moving into that space where you can creating a context for your own life puts you at the vortex of life. It makes you the table the pool game is being played on rather than one of the balls on the table crashing around thinking that every crash makes a difference.
From that space you natural experience a sense of responsibility for everything that happen in your space.
I know this is mind-boggling to consider, yet, if we only deal with that which we already understand or simply extend what we already know, we’re left with more of the same and that our current plight! We really must think for ourselves.
Leaders are necessary but not sufficient.
If one arises, great (I'll take a Buttigieg, Milley, a few Harris' please), and we may have moved past the age of great leaders. That time is marked by the context you OR me. It is the context Trump and company are coming from and it shows!
You AND me calls upon us to stand on our own two feet and think for ourselves.
Moving into that space where you can creating a context for your own life puts you at the vortex of life. It makes you the table the pool game is being played on rather than one of the balls on the table crashing around thinking that every crash makes a difference.
From that space you natural experience a sense of responsibility for everything that happen in your space.
I know this is mind-boggling to consider, yet, if we only deal with that which we already understand or simply extend what we already know, we’re left with more of the same and that our current plight! We really must think for ourselves.