I apologize for it landing that way for you. It wasn't directed to you, Joyce. My intent is to enroll those not in action to be in action while having them recognize their own power in the matter. You're doing Great! Keep it up while also taking care of yourself. The war is lost if you are consumed by it.
I apologize for it landing that way for you. It wasn't directed to you, Joyce. My intent is to enroll those not in action to be in action while having them recognize their own power in the matter. You're doing Great! Keep it up while also taking care of yourself. The war is lost if you are consumed by it.
To the degree it is safe enough for you, allow yourself to experience your experience of rage. While in the moment it may feel bottomless, it isn't. Let it rise and fall and carry you to a place where you can have all your experiences, all your feelings, all your thoughts and be free to have them and still be you and free to act.
You are obviously committed to making a difference and care deeply. Keep it up and continue to live from your own heart and truth. I believe our shared future is primarily in the hands of women like you.
I apologize for it landing that way for you. It wasn't directed to you, Joyce. My intent is to enroll those not in action to be in action while having them recognize their own power in the matter. You're doing Great! Keep it up while also taking care of yourself. The war is lost if you are consumed by it.
Thank you Bern...the rage is just below the surface these days.
To the degree it is safe enough for you, allow yourself to experience your experience of rage. While in the moment it may feel bottomless, it isn't. Let it rise and fall and carry you to a place where you can have all your experiences, all your feelings, all your thoughts and be free to have them and still be you and free to act.
You are obviously committed to making a difference and care deeply. Keep it up and continue to live from your own heart and truth. I believe our shared future is primarily in the hands of women like you.