Being precedes doing. It's too big a conversation to have here as I've found out by failing at it several times. It might be summarized in the observation that "Context is decisive." A question to dwell in as an inroad is how do you move an idea from content (in relationship to other ideas) to Context?
Being precedes doing. It's too big a conversation to have here as I've found out by failing at it several times. It might be summarized in the observation that "Context is decisive." A question to dwell in as an inroad is how do you move an idea from content (in relationship to other ideas) to Context?
“Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo, The Future of Man.
The question then is how do we move an idea as merely an idea among other ideas, move an idea as a thing, to an idea whose time has come?
If you consider yourself to be a thing, and most of us do, then yes, all the doing in our days does not nurture us. In fact it wears us down. That's a function of a missing distinction.
Distinctions are not things. They are creations within the paradigms which we generate and then for the most part live unconsciously within, like a box.
Being precedes doing. It's too big a conversation to have here as I've found out by failing at it several times. It might be summarized in the observation that "Context is decisive." A question to dwell in as an inroad is how do you move an idea from content (in relationship to other ideas) to Context?
“Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo, The Future of Man.
The question then is how do we move an idea as merely an idea among other ideas, move an idea as a thing, to an idea whose time has come?
If you consider yourself to be a thing, and most of us do, then yes, all the doing in our days does not nurture us. In fact it wears us down. That's a function of a missing distinction.
Distinctions are not things. They are creations within the paradigms which we generate and then for the most part live unconsciously within, like a box.