Using it! Thank you! There's a lot of unproductive discourse on social media. Sharing my "scripts" (that's what they're called in my line of work which has nothing to do with politics) in case there's something you can use - modify to fit your communication style! Please share your scripts so I can make improvements.
Using it! Thank you! There's a lot of unproductive discourse on social media. Sharing my "scripts" (that's what they're called in my line of work which has nothing to do with politics) in case there's something you can use - modify to fit your communication style! Please share your scripts so I can make improvements.
How I respond to unproductive comments on social media:
Someone on Bluesky: There are no good billionaires. Me: Disagree. Don't have time to debate, there's a coup in progress. Have a nice day and be safe!
Someone on Facebook: We need a party! Dems, Repubs, and even the Green Party got us to where we are today. Me: Agree, but there's a coup in progress, so it's imperative left and center unite from Marxists through sane Repubs. Someone on Facebook: Marxism isn't a political party. Me: (no response; yeah, I know, but I think everyone got my point)
Someone on Bluesky: It's not a coup, it's a highjack. Me: I don't have time to debate labels, there's a coup/highjack in progress. Better?
Someone on Bluesky: Until it's determined it's a coup, we should refrain from alarmist talk. Me: They don't come right out and say "we're doing a coup." Don't have time for debate or for history books to be written. Have a nice day and stay safe!
Along the line of being effective, I've found that managing my sense of overwhelm by getting clear about what my expectations are is incredibly useful. In focusing on my expectations, I'm continually surprised by how many are always in place and getting mangled before I even realize they are there.
Using it! Thank you! There's a lot of unproductive discourse on social media. Sharing my "scripts" (that's what they're called in my line of work which has nothing to do with politics) in case there's something you can use - modify to fit your communication style! Please share your scripts so I can make improvements.
How I respond to unproductive comments on social media:
Someone on Bluesky: There are no good billionaires. Me: Disagree. Don't have time to debate, there's a coup in progress. Have a nice day and be safe!
Someone on Facebook: We need a party! Dems, Repubs, and even the Green Party got us to where we are today. Me: Agree, but there's a coup in progress, so it's imperative left and center unite from Marxists through sane Repubs. Someone on Facebook: Marxism isn't a political party. Me: (no response; yeah, I know, but I think everyone got my point)
Someone on Bluesky: It's not a coup, it's a highjack. Me: I don't have time to debate labels, there's a coup/highjack in progress. Better?
Someone on Bluesky: Until it's determined it's a coup, we should refrain from alarmist talk. Me: They don't come right out and say "we're doing a coup." Don't have time for debate or for history books to be written. Have a nice day and stay safe!
A coup is a French name for hijack.
Literally, coup means a blow.
That‘s what we‘re experiencing – a blow, as part of a takeover.
Very useful, thank you.
Along the line of being effective, I've found that managing my sense of overwhelm by getting clear about what my expectations are is incredibly useful. In focusing on my expectations, I'm continually surprised by how many are always in place and getting mangled before I even realize they are there.