Just want to say that we all need to reach out to the young people in our lives with praise for their engagement. We need to focus on the issues that matter to them and not party ID. We also need to tell them about the real world consequences of third parties in 2000 and 2016. This is an educated and engaged generation. It’s the one we have needed for a long time and frankly, they will contend with the challenges much longer than many of us. Those of us who are older have an important role to play, but it is one that includes a lot of listening as well.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend. We all need some rest!

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Listening is so important.

I’m glad to read your insightful comment.

Our activism work is for younger current and future generations even more than for ourselves, as well to elect leaders who will improve lives for underserved populations and for everyone.

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It’s also helpful to point out that we’re voting not “for an old man for president” but for democracy itself.

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Agreed and I picture a campaign that includes something like “He’s My Old Man” with Gen Z wearing aviators.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

That’s actually funny - you should write the campaign and suggest it - I’d buy a shirt !

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that is funny and a great idea

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Definitely. You are exactly right. I also think we need to engage to have returned the Ukrainian children. Only in this way can it be turned around -- engagement with reality instead of fear. This could be a multi country action because there will be so many problems with returning children without homes or parents and these questions need to be asked and solved. We cannot turn away simply because it is difficult.

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And it’s poignant to raise the issue of unlawful kidnapping of Ukrainian children to turn them into Russians - given US history of the Indian Boarding Schools. Does humility work in international relations, as it does in personal ones?

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I absolutely love that I'm not the only one who gets repetitive when they are excited about vacationing.

Given your mastery of swing sets, I'll bet you have the place humming in no time.

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Sounds like the place is, at least, buzzing….from mosquitos!

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I couldn’t have said it better. Hope your weekend is productive Robert and Jill. Safe journey.

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Susan Glasser wrote in The New Yorker that all of the court cases might come too late to stop Trump. She tends to be a "glass half-empty" commentator, but I think she's on to something. Again we see the tragedy of the very deliberative Merrick Garland being denied his Supreme Court seat and being named to an office that demands more aggressive action. Through Garland's timidity, a whole year was lost in going after Trump

Democrats have lost elections by being overly confident that voters will see how far superior their policies are. Dems needed to have started talking yesterday about the dangers Trump and his mini-Trumps pose to our democracy!

Expect, too, that low-information voters will vote for a No Labels ticket because they're being told that Biden and Trump are equally bad. Lisa Murkowski had the gall to say that she'd vote for Joe Manchin since choosing between Biden and Trump would be no choice at all!

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023

Mina, While I, like Glasser, believe these indictments needed to have been issued 6 months ago, aside from Dems needing to go nose to nose with MAGA, I write principally to focus on No Labels. I believe our play, presuming we agree that “Center” reflects policy that a majority of the country favors, is to amplify that the Joe Biden administration is Centrist.

Specifically, Biden and Democratic leadership need to go make the argument in West Virginia, and also in the red parts of Mississippi and Alabama, and in other states and say, “Who do you want here—somebody who doesn’t want to extend the child tax credit or those who do?” “Doesn’t want to raise the federal hourly minimum wage to $15 or those who do?” “Doesn’t want to provide quality, affordable childcare, universal Pre-K, and paid sick and Family leave or those who do?” “Investments in affordable housing?” “In eldercare?” “In climate?” and the like. My point is that Democrats, aside from touting achievements, must travel the country and say, “This is what we have tried to deliver and these folks (every Republican plus Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema) have voted against it.”

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I absolutely agree with you, Barbara Jo, that we need to amplify the message that President Biden is a centrist. No president can be all things to all people, but Joe Biden is most things to most people. Centrism is how we stop the destructive swings of the political pendulum. I'd like to see some of the extreme progressives endorse President Biden with a message that acknowledges their differences but praises his empathy for, listening to, and consideration of their views.

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Bob, I deeply appreciate your reply and plan, at once, to start writing the Party’s standout Progressives and urging them to promote some version of your suggested message. Additionally, I would note that comments like yours are a principal reason I very much value being a Substack subscriber.

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Thanks, Barbara Jo! I invite you to check out my Random Thoughts (https://substack.com/@bobmorgan). I have a couple of pieces that might be of particular interest (Trump and Biden Campaign Messages, and Message To New High School Seniors).

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Bob, Thank you for writing. Indeed, I will check out your Substack and reply with some “random thoughts.”

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p.s. I share your sentiment about the communities I subscribe to on Substack. For the most part, aside from the occasional troll infiltration, I find the interaction stimulating, reassuring, and encouraging. I just hope I'm contributing enough.

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I agree with everything you say, but the Republicans have a way of labelling all those accomplishments as "socialism", and the rural MAGA folks, while benefiting from it all, believe them.

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Susan, While you make a most valid point, in my view, it’s our job to enlist rhetoric that seeks to establish whatever common ground we can persuade others to stand on.

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Lisa Murkowski and the forever pain woman from Maine are forever problems.

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Seems as if Murkowski is auditioning to be Manchin’s running mate on No Labels. 🤬

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They have no chance of winning. Only spoiling!

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On Merrick Garland’s slow pace, I’ve wondered if he had to do some internal HR work to bring the DOJ back to its institutional integrity after the prior administration oiled it for improper political action and put sand in its gears for doing objective justice. I doubt this process was as simple as “concern for appearances.” And on his obstructed SCOTUS appointment, why aren’t we seeing calls for impeachment of the bad actors who took his rightful place? There was a movement to impeach Earl Warren after Brown v Board of Education.

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Heather Cox-Richardson today writes about how our other MAGA-led jurisdictions (Alabama's gerrymandering legislature and Abbot's cruel, border-protecting immigration police) are ignoring the authority of higher jurisdictions from other branches.

The most consistent, basic thing taught in every law school since the beginning of law schools is that the entire rule of law of this great democracy is dependent upon honoring the authority of our Supreme Court. Alabama's defiance of this Supreme Court's decision regarding the state's unlawfully drawn Congressional maps as being in violation of the Voting Rights Act is as dangerous as the refusal of the President to honor the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election or the Republicans refusing to let Obama pick a SCOTUS nominee ten months from a national election and then forcing the appointment of Amy Barrett when elections are already underway.

We have corruption through cheating and ignoring the rule of law when it suits the ones in power is the scariest thing of all. Our legal system is based on voluntary compliance with Supreme Court orders. What Alabama and Texas are doing is a quiet death knell that is slipping by mostly unnoticed.

Very scary.

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Is there not a mechanism for requiring states to strictly follow Federal Law - especially when that law is affirmed and confirmed by the US Supreme Court? Certainly, the Feds can sue Alabama.

And the Army Corps of Engineers could be removing those horrific barriers in the river right now. They are in violation of Federal and International laws. The river does not belong to Texas!

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Who orders a state to obey? The courts. And who carries out the orders of the courts? Therein lies the rub. Once the militia has to use weapons to enforce court orders, where are we? Who will force Alabama's legislative body to comply? Or the Texas border patrol to stop what they are doing? Lawlessness, such as we saw on January 6 is what happens when one branch ignores another branch. This is what MAGA has unleashed. They've opened Pandora's Box.

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I hear you loud and clear. But we need to stuff this rebellion right back into the box.

I would suggest the DOJ do it's job and reign in the Alabama traitors. I would also suggest that the Army Corps of Engineers with support from an activated National Guard and the US Border Patrol remove the illegal barriers in the river. Now. It can be done.

Texas "Border Patrol" have no jurisdiction and should be told to stand down.

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I thought I replied, but it seems to have disappeared. "Requiring" states (or anyone, for that matter) to strictly follow any law or court order is, ultimately, a matter of complying. If the person/entity/state/whatever refuses to comply, then it is time for the militia, as happened with Governor Fauvas, in Arkansas. Eisenower nationalized the Akansas National Guard, which the Governor had ordered to block entry of the nine black students that the NAACP had registered for a white school. Once nationalized, the Arkansas National Guard obeyed the President. But what if it hadn't?

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That is very interesting.

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Your comments are so right on and important, Janet. I am in Texas and have been for 70 years, but I am an American first. This idea of sticking up a middle finger to the United States is shameful and unpatriotic.

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Looks like your Managing Editor was busy packing for the cabin and left you on your own with the result that you double posted. Whatever. You deserve the break.

Let me (somewhat) reinforce your message about picking up new voters. I took your suggestion and participated on Thursday evening on a Zoom call with the AZ group, Civic Engagement Beyond Voting and Laura Brill of the Civics Center.

A big takeaway for me was that when high school students are registered they vote at a rate of about 70+%. Given that statistic we need to do everything we can to get young people registered during their high school years. Please consider looking into what your schools are doing to get students registered. What is really great is that their is training offered twice in August to help student leaders who lead the voter registration efforts in their schools. Here’s a short piece from the CEBV group if you know of a young person who would be interested in working on voter registration in their school.

“Next, the student will sign up for a training and The Civics Center will take it from there with their comprehensive training and materials. CEBV is available to answer questions, provide suggestions & support, and help in any way possible.

It is mandatory that the student leader(s) participate in a Civics Center training: Aug 17 at 6 pm, or Aug 26 at 11 am. If we need to schedule more trainings, we will. Links to register for the trainings are included in the sign-up form.” https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVCx0UiOWe4Z39fLFjKVLXmQt_CpAz_DRXy2uAT9u8mxe2tw/viewform?emci=d4d236f4-6d27-ee11-a9bb-00224832e1ba&emdi=7cdf108c-d627-ee11-a9bb-00224832e1ba&ceid=14211982

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Also, through "The Civics Center," one can simply write postcards to young voters, asking them to ask a friend to register to vote. The postcards provided were great! It was quite easy and fun! Go to: https://www.thecivicscenter.org/volunteer

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Thanks, Joan, from an active postcard writer!

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What she said!

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Thanks Joan! Last year I participated in the Civic Center's program in calling targeted high schools to make them aware of the services that the CC has available in coordinating high school voter registration drives. It was all very well organized. I didn't know they now have an opportunity to write postcards! I am signing up right now!

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Another example of High School Student Registration, in PA:

Lower Merion HS Honored For Getting Students Registered To Vote

Lower Merion High School [PA] earned a gold level Governor's Civic Engagement Award for its efforts to get students registered to vote.

Max Bennett,

Patch Staff

Verified Patch Staff Badge

Posted Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 11:07 am ET

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Wow! This is great to know, Joan. Thanks.

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Grassroots and national organizations are currently running Registration drives to register voters, a focus of Democrats for 2023 and 2024 local, State, and National elections.

NEAZ, Arizona Native Democrats is another grassroots writing postcards and holding conferences for civic engagement, also the Rural Freedom Project, Blue Wave postcards, Vote Forward ran a letter campaign to register voters in Arizona.

Many organizations are participating in Voter Registration campaigns..

52 million new voters would be a godsend.

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I have participated in postcard writing with NEAZ, like to believe voters will see which party is going in the right direction; but more than that, I believe everyone should vote!

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John thanks for info on Civics Center! Engaging high school students is a smart strategy, & I'm hoping my two will help lead the way!

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023

Following mosquito remedy from Douglas Tallamy of Home Grown National Park: To a five gallon bucket of water add a handful of straw and a mosquito dunk ( available at hardwares and Amazon ). The female mosquito is unable to resist the fragrance will lay her eggs in the bucket and resulting larvae will be snuffed out by the mosquito dunk. This does not affect mature mosquitoes or pollinators. For adult mosquitoes and mosquitoes from your unenlightened neighbors google Thermacell for additional remedies that actually work as advertised. My only connection to Thermacell is four summers of success fighting mosquitos. When working in the yard and moving from one point to another use Ben's Tick and Insect Repellent. This contains 30% Deet. Consumer Reports states that Deet is a better alternative than disease that is transmitted by mosquitos or ticks.

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Great response Bobbe. My intention was to provide a way forward other than spraying poison, which also works, however, poison is not good for grandchildren and pollinators. In no way do I mean to take away from the seriousness of Robert Hubbell's work.

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I often think we can do nothing. The issues are so large.

But I watched a Focus Group on PBS, featuring people who had voted for Trump twice, and will likely repeat. I learned that they honestly think Democrats are godless baby killers. In that moment I realized that they will never change.

So, how did they get that way? Part of it is endless propaganda from an organized propaganda machine called Fox News.

So, what can we do about that?

Here is one thing.

Call or write The Pentagon and demand that Fox News is not to be played for our troops. I can't believe we are allowing a constant propaganda pump to those who defend us.

I am a retired US Navy Captain. I just wrote the Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces and demanded that Fox News be eliminated from our ships and bases.

You can write, too.

That's one thing...

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Why aren't our representatives pushing for this?

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On the subject of Trump, for the first years I was eligible to vote, I was an independent or decline to state (can't remember what it was because it was so long ago). Since then, I have been a Democrat. It seems to me there are two kinds of Republicans; there are real Republicans those with conservative views but who are open minded and willing to listen and then there are the Trumpers. These people seem to be quite close minded and fearful. They seem to be afraid that some darker skinned person will take something away from them, their children, their life, their job? Who knows. And who knows how these folks got to be that way! I am of the view that Trump is a menace and should not be tolerated by anyone. However, I believe in the two-party system that once was represented by Democrats and Republicans. Of course, a third party creeps in from time-to-time and that is good but it is frightening to think that nearly half of our country may be supporting Trump. Patricia Phillips, California

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In principle, a third or fourth party could be healthy by introducing alternate ideas for anything from the Climate Crisis to Voting Rights. But, under our system as it exists now, a vote that is NOT for a Democrat IS a vote for Trump and MAGA madness.

If we had Ranked Choice Voting, one could vote for a radical environmentalist or economic reformer first and select a Democrat second. The first vote would show your support for a cause but your second one would be included in the ultimate count. Win, win.

I like your belief in the "two party system" - in that there should be legitimate choices between governing philosophies. A balancing act, if you will. But the Grand Old Republican Party no longer exists. It has been infiltrated by fascists who want to control your body and your beliefs. They don't believe in democracy and they are in the process of dismantling our system of laws and justice.

For now, vote Blue, no matter who. Someday, perhaps there will be a center right party that believes in equality, justice for all and protecting the Earth from the greedy Oligarchs. A party that truly believes in business competition and a fair deal for all Americans. Someday.

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I agree that the 52 million potential new voters is a huge opportunity for the Democrats to pick up voters who will likely become lifelong Democrats if we continue to deliver improvements like Biden has in the past two and one-half years. However, there are extremely few organized registration drives going on this year by either state Democratic parties or grassroots groups . In order to get those new Democratic voters, we need to get them registered by focusing efforts for the next year on registration drives not just in college towns, but where ever there are significant numbers of young people or people of color or others who are likely to vote Democratic if registered. So please do what you can to get registration drives initiated or strengthened in your communities.

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After months of hoping for a white knight young person registration movement ushered in by the Texas Dem party, I am moving on and working with other groups and individuals. Like probably lots of places, we have various non-profits doing this and also many doing their own efforts. A young man I visited with last week had had good success on Ohio college campuses. The two factors he stressed were developing student leaders and identifying teachers/administrators as allies to get into classrooms, etc. I’m going to up my efforts there with my nearby colleges.

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Oh no! That sounds like a tough day. So sorry! I hope the clean up goes quickly. We go to a cabin in Minnesota every summer and one neighbor came back one spring to find that a raccoon had gone down the chimney during the winter and not been able to go back up so it ripped everything up and pooped all over and then died! Glad you don't have a dead raccoon there. Onward!

Always suggesting postcardstovoters.org postcards for Ohio...and hope lots of people can join us Monday at 6:30pm ET for a big Virginia hour with Senator Tim Kaine and leaders of the two chambers. Should be great! All invited! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdg3FA_EgY4D-EY7AEVMm19eXhZVMUeeMCiZMCv2BuC-N1Xog/viewform

As David Pepper says in his new book, Saving Democracy, "It's go time. Democracy is on the line."

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"Democrats cannot assume that college students and new graduates will automatically vote Democratic. " I made this up: Complacency Kills Campaigns. (At least I think I made it up). That statement or something like it should be on the wall visible to every Democratic political operative. Nothing can be taken for granted.

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You're good at making things up 😉

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Thanks. Consider subscribing to my free newsletter Len's Political Notes https://lenspoliticalnotes.com

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Absolutely agree.


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Thanks. Consider subscribing to my free newsletter Len's Political Notes https://lenspoliticalnotes.com

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Just signed up. I love what you do. Looks like you and Jessica Craven will keep me extremely busy in retirement.

BTW, you worked in our old "stomping grounds". We're both from the Springfield/Holyoke area. Northampton was our go to town for "art theaters" and an ever evolving fun food culture. WMASS is in our DNA even as I migrated east to be near family.

I write a letter on substack, if you are interested. billalstrom.substack.com

Mostly it's about politics and social justice. But I am also a small time farmer and include an occasional letter about food. Joyce Vance has her chickens and I have my veggies.

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The High Sierra Nevada is heaven on Earth. Seeing the high country white granite light up by moonlight is soul shaking. Watching a thunderstorm rise and rage on a high mountain bench bathed in sundown alpine glow amazes. I saw the sun set as the full moon rose from the awesome summit of Mt Clarence King.

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I was surprised the area would have mosquitoes. Thank you ZB for the description which does not surprise me as the name High Sierra sounds wonderful.

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So sorry to hear of your losses related to a place that I assume brings much joy and respite. Please take time for yourselves (managing editor included here). Wishing you strength in rebuilding.

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Here's hoping that you will be able to make light of your log cabin work, Robert. Your positive outlook will surely get the job done sooner rather than later!

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What we seem to have here is something in the. Nature of a double Hubbell!😅

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This newsletter does give me hope.

I attended a performance of Ballet Hispanico last night that was astounding. It caused me to reflect on the incalculable benefits of diversity, the creativity and energy brought by various cultures that are part of the USA.

I just hope we embrace one another.

The "big tent" "herding cats" makeup of the Democratic Party reflects one version of America.

I don't consider the standard bearers,

(such as Margery Taylor Green, the former guy and his "Lucifer" Stephen Miller, and Chuck Grassley who violated directives not to reveal "classified" information)

acting in such cruel, patriarchal, discriminatory, vulgar, hypocritical ways

to be Republican nor American.

Hope is in Action.

Be the change you want to see in the world. (Gandhi)

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