Sep 29, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Are we sure that Manichin and Sinema aren’t GOP moles? Thank you for your wizened appraisal of the news cycle. Thank heavens one or two reporters can write beyond the crisis of the minute. I am so happy to learn that the news about your cabin community is good today. This week has been exactly what you anticipated. I’m keeping the faith.

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Must read T friedman’s column in NYT today!

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One quick note w/r/t Ross Douthat’s opinion in The Irish Times, “Democrats should recognize possibility Trump might win in 2024”: Actually, the drag on Biden’s ratings is the result of Republicans doing their best to remain unvaccinated so they can undermine Biden’s presidency. The politically unvaccinated are no different than terrorists who are willing to blow themselves up along with innocent people in order to support their cause.

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As the all-knowing "they" say, the two things you don't want to see made are sausages and laws. As we know more and more about the ill-effects of the former on our health, we can also see how ugly the latter process is, too. But remember Mr. Churchill's observation.

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Thank you for your comprehensive analysis of our present "state". I am grateful for your positive outlook in these dire times. I have to believe that we will prevail as a nation to do what is necessary to nurture the "greater good."

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Once again, I am so grateful for your clear and confident assessment of the chaos that our government is in right now. Having taken a break from most news for the past week, due to feeling completely overwhelmed by it all, I found solace in this newsletter today. When all matters look incredibly bleak, your outlook is informed and comforting. Thank you so very much!

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Wonderfully written, thank you for the optimism! and the truth about the media/commentators.

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