Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

If you haven't seen it, watch Rep Jamaal Bowman D-NY16 , who is also an educator, take his outrage regarding the lack of safe gun legislation into the hallways outside of the House floor. "They're all cowards! They won't do anything to save the lives of our children. Cowards," Bowman said to reporters assembled outside the House chamber. "They're gutless."

Gun nutter Rep Thomas Massie R-KY was very ineffective in trying to verbally spar with Rep Bowman, and asked him to "calm down".

No, Rep Bowman. You are doing your job in representing us. Do NOT "calm down".

We must all stay outraged and move to make legislative change that will protect our children.


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Comment from last night even more relevant tonight:

As Sarah Jones put it in the PoliticsUSA substack email this morning:

At every turn, the conservative movement is putting women and children in their crosshairs, enabling mass shootings in schools and domestic violence attackers to be armed with guns, at the same time as they are inciting their supporters to threaten violence against people with whom they disagree. It has gotten so bad it is now identifiable as a voluntary violation of morals.

Moral depravity: “A state of voluntary violation of morals, values, customs, or manners leading to an aberrant style of personality commonly known as antisocial psychopathy." "Antisocial psychopathy"

That certainly describes congresswoman Potato Face.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I never thought Tommy Tuberville was the brightest bulb in the senate, but he "has blocked the promotions of dozens of senior military officers because the Department of Defense grants women in the military the ability to travel to a state that permits abortion if they are stationed in a state that prohibits it." This seems like a good way to gain notoriety, and look stupid, and alienate large swathes of the military writ large and simultaneously, most women. I'd very much like CNN and MSNBC to feature Tuberville frequently talking about anything.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I appreciate your synopsis of the reader, or more specifically, listener, responses to your request for feedback on the audio version of your letter. I am one who listens and am only now, responding.

I highly value being able to hear you read your letters. Decency, calm, clarity, intelligence, experience, specificity, and hope are a few of the many qualities which your voice, demeanor and delivery convey. I'm grateful that you offer us readers the audio version of your letters

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Tik Tok is highly popular with young people. I fear there will be a backlash from them in the 2024 election against Democrats if President Biden and the Congress ban Tik Tok from the United States in general and not just on government devices. While Tik Tok is owned by a Chinese corporation it certainly isn't unique in being a monopoly taking advantage of money-making algorithms which are contributing to poorer emotional health of its young users. Congress and the executive branch should regulate and monitor these algorithms for the greater well being of all their users. Social media could be used in more positive ways -- for consensus building, understanding each other and appreciating different perspectives rather than creating confirmation biased bubbles and dividing us.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell


I appreciate your hopeful take on this. I truly hope that you''re right and that the 2022 election was a prologue for 2024. But I'm concerned that the Trumpist party's gerrymandering, voter suppression, appointing officials willing to subvert elections and stacking of judges and justices may overrule the popular vote in 2024. I hope very much that I am wrong. If the worst comes to pass, we may find ourselves in a position similar to other countries that have slid into authoritarian rule. We would have our American version of that, which is hard to imagine at the moment. May I be wrong.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I wonder what it will take for Americans to take to the streets the way the citizens of France (for a mere two year raise to the retirement age!) and the Israeli people have when their leader shows his authoritarian colors? When will students go on strike for their safety, not to mention for book banning and gender wars? When will women have had enough for forcing them to give birth and endanger their lives? When will we have had enough of the firing of principals who allow a class to see Michelangelo’s “David,” a statue that people travel from all over the world to see?

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for the hope, Robert. The NC gun law repeal opens the door for all kinds of misery, but I can’t see that it is much worse than Kevin McCarthy’s heartlessness. I argue weekly with a friend of mine about gun ownership. I refuse to participate, and if that results in demise, then that counts as my vote.

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Let's see--"intentionally cruel and gleefully anti-democratic." Well, that's way beyond being "Badly out of step with the sentiments of the American people." That's Fascism, with a capital "F." And the illegitimate Clarence Thomas and his traitor wife Ginny are beyond the pale. These two psychopaths, and the rest of the "unelected" right-wing court, are domestic enemies of the American people and should be treated as such by what's left of the legislators in congress who still embrace the principles of democracy as established by the Constitution. That includes expanding the court as a strategy to disempower them, of course, but more extreme measures are probably necessary. And as for bringing Trump to justice--I'm wondering if Jack Smith even exists. If he does, he needs to be part of "shifting tide" soon, along with We, the People, as we not only "shift" with the tide, but rise up with metaphorical pitchforks in hands and hold the GOP accountable for its "now identifiable violation of morals," as TCinLA puts it.

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I am genuinely curious about the actual process by which Republicans get their talking points. I imagine daily morning emails that say things like: "In response to the Nashville school shooting, respond: 'We need to get the facts' or 'The problem is mental health.'" Or is there a training camp they go to that is more generalized? "If it's about Trump, say: 'I didn't see it' and if it's about anyone else in the party 'I haven't heard anything about that.'"

Also, that comment by Rep. Tim Burchett in Tennessee was stunning. He said they aren't going to "fix school shootings" and his solution is to homeschool his daughter. What??? I suppose if you have the resources to homeschool, there is no need to worry about anyone else's kids getting gunned down.

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Can you do a deep dive into what happened in NY in 2022 as it doesn't square with your opening analysis? Of course, NY R's are not like DeSantis, but yet they are creeping into NY, creating a fertile ground for more extreme R's to run. NY moving to the purple column seems to be lost on many.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

WhaaatTF? I knew about FL and ID and KY and senator football, but not NC and MO. So, sheriffs in NC have no say in who gets a gun permit. Seriously?!? Presumably the sheriffs will subsequently organize a walk-out until the situation is reversed... HA! ... at least they should! And children don't need permits to carry in MO?!?!?!? Children without supervision; children, at any age to one degree or another, who specialize in playground taunts, shoving, snitching - they can carry a gun. And guns in church - who says Amen to that?

Saint Whitehouse, bless 'im! Dogged, under the radar, determinedly digging deep, with a twinkle in his eye in tv interviews. The series of his speeches on YouTube is alarming as well as heartening.

And NOT under the radar is Rep Bowman, former principal - NO he will NOT calm down. Neither should we.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, the last Republican president who was a decent human being was Dwight Eisenhower. Ever since Barry Goldwater high-jacked the party to gain the 1964 presidential nomination, the GOP has morphed into a right-wing machine, animated by punishing the American people for our desire to have an egalitarian society based on human well-being (think FDR's Four Freedoms and Second Bill of Rights).

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Assuming the validity of your argument that the Republican Party is pursuing self-defeating policies over the long term, the Democrats must, I emphasize must, do a much better job than we have consistently done in candidate selection and support of those who are well organized, articulate, and clearly understand the difference between actions and a world view that promotes the public interest, including protection of individual rights, and greedy self interest, including the interests of one’s economic or religious cohort. In short, I think we all recognize that criticism is legitimate and necessary but not enough to win elections.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

There are days when I want to take a half dozen raw eggs and throw them against the back of the garage, something my mother let me do when I was a frustrated teenager and when eggs were a heck of a lot cheaper. Now, I write letters to voters and donate what I can. I'm also buoyed by the comments of readers of this forum, and by Robert's level-headed take on the mess we're working hard to get through. It seems unbelievable that a once proud and honorable party could produce such idiots and promote such vile policies. Maybe I should raise chickens, like Joyce Vance.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

There is so much in today’s letter that nothing would be off-topic. But I want to return to the Waco rally and the image of Trump’s arrival. Some of my fellow Jews reject parallels to Hitler, but how can anyone watch that rally and not think of the similarities? Keep in mind one fact: The audience. Hitler succeeded not because of himself but because he promised leadership to Brown Shirts who enthusiastically followed. Perhaps if there is room for hope it is that the polls seem to show that despite the rallies, Trump’s appeal is shrinking. But it is important to keep our eye in the ball here. The audience. Not just Trump.

Re Alvin Bragg: I hope and pray that the one-month grand jury hiatus will give DOJ and Georgia time TO ACT. Come on DOJ and Georgia. Do something. This is not a law school exercise. You have our justice system in your hands. You will go down in infamy if you don’t act.

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