I missed the invitation yesterday to comment about the impact of trump’s policies on our lives. At the end of my daughter and son-in-law‘s honeymoon, she heard news of the DC plane crash in which her former collegiate skating coach died, and her grief was compounded by Trump‘s outrageous comments the crash was clearly the result of DEI. Then just days later, my son-in-law was informed that he was out of a job. His company was funded by USAID and implemented the contracts abroad. First he learned members of his team were being furloughed or fired. Then he received the news he was out of a job. He had been promoted just last year and served as a Project and Finance Operations Manager. He worked with teams in other countries, notably and most recently including Ukraine. He is now looking for work in an industry that essentially no longer exists.
I am so terribly sorry to hear this, Marilyn. 😢 Please tell your daughter and son-in-law that there is a much larger community of decent people who will continue to fight for what is right. Always. ❤️🩹
Katherine, Happy to see you writing. I thought your letter to Times magazine was so well done, not as an honor for Man of the Year, , but for pointing out that Trump is the personification of a human Frankenstein monster made from all of the worst of human traits.
Very kind of you, Ray. Thanks so much. Funny you should mention that because (caution: rant to follow 😂) I sent a revised version of it to WaPo and they emailed me yesterday "Thank you very much for your submission, but we won't be able to use this one for the oped page. Good luck and please stay safe." Yes really.
I replied this morning "Hi Rachel, and thanks for letting me know that my submission can’t be used for the op-ed page. It tells me a lot, especially that you close the email by saying 'good luck and please stay safe'. It will indeed take luck to 'stay safe' in this terrifying anti-democratic, anti-constitution, anti-rule-of-law, anti-American environment, where no one, including the Washington Post, has the courage of their convictions to point out the serious danger in which we currently find ourselves. Bezos and every thinking human on the planet knows better than to cozy up to someone as evil, dishonest, hateful, unscrupulous, and unprincipled as Donald Trump, but they did it anyway, because, you know, profits and power are all that matter. Thanks for showing us who and what you value.
While I’m apparently in the minority in this country, I believe in standing up for what is RIGHT no matter what. And I will continue to do so, even if I stand alone.
Good luck to you, too."
I ended up feeling a bit sorry for Rachel as I'm sure she's just trying to do her job, but i'm so sick of people taking the path of least resistance at such a critical time in our history. Is it just old fashioned at this point to think that integrity actually matters?! Sorry to unload all of this. Just really disappointed in humanity at this point. I thought we all shared the same very very VERY basic values.
Thanks for so thoroughly covering the decline in Trump's approval rating.
I agree with everything you've written except one point. I believe Trump's support among his MAGA base will decline as he cuts federal programs that support the poor and working America. MEDICAID, CHIP, FEMA, USAID, Biden's Infrastructure and green investment initiatives and Federal employment are NOT partisan programs.
Many of TRUMP'S MAGA voters need the benefits these programs provide. Trump's approval rating will rapidly decline over the next 6 months as the Madness of King Donald accelerates. Throw in the spike in inflation and the coming effects from his incompetent Cabinet.
Merrill - spot on about the approval ratings however I'm beginning to look at the impact differently and good grief I hope I'm wrong on this. I think we now have to look at who's approval "Le Grande Orange" is looking for and I no longer think its his maga people. LGO is much more concerned with his new buddies and they don't work on farms or in factories and they sure as hell don't have to worry about healthcare or the price of any damn dozen eggs. These are the "movers and shakers" he has always wanted to be part of all the way back to his early days in NYC where by the way he was targeted by the KGB as a likely asset - what a freakin' surprise that isn't.
So back to a few few, I hope, somewhat salient points. I truly believe (outside of direct violence) we collectively have to hit the economy and HARD. This will not be for easy but it can accomplish multiple things. One, it will "eventually" grab the attention of the corporations as profits plummet and stocks decline and Wall Street will notice. Two, if the first happens we just may get the malleable media to take notice of the assault on democracy and there is no more "whataboutism" with the GOP in control- LGO will own it. Third, and it may take this long, just maybe we will come across some leader out there who can crystalize a message to the masses that LGO doesn't give a damn about them...or their families (the families are the important part) or the government as we once knew it. LGO's plan is not to reform the government it's to destroy the government. It's about time we got that message to the masses. Thanks for your time
I hope so too. We can all help to make this happen by hammering away at Trump's outrageous statements/tweets, filling the GOP phone lines with messages condemning his actions and building an everyday national protest movement. The cumulative effect will frieghten GOP elected officials as much or more than Musk's facist threats and we will win back the house in 2026.
I’m originally from NJ - been in Raleigh NC Since 1988. My area is blue but via gerrymandering the rest of the state is red and outside of charlotte and Raleigh those that voted for LGO are in for a big surprise when their benefits disappear.
Trump nor Republican law makers (ignorers) don’t evidence giving a hoot for polls.
Nonetheless it’s better than the polls moving in their direction.
Meanwhile they are still out there doing their destruction…
taking away jobs, closing down offices… Now it will be the Post Offices. Trump and Musk have probably never gone to a Post Office in their lives. (Underlings have done their business.)
Hi, George. It doesn't matter if Trump or Republican lawmakers care about the polls. It matters what independents think. And right now they are strongly against Trump. That's the point.
Trump wants Ukraine to repay him with mineral rights. In perpetuity. $500 billion is the estimated value.
How much have we spent for Ukraine? It’s officially $185 billion spent over three years. Not $500 billion.
We have spent about a nickel on the defense budget dollar, and a penny on the U.S. budget dollar, for Ukraine. Our costs for the Iraq War were at least 20 times higher.
Our contributions to Ukraine are less than Europe’s combined, and far less than Ukraine spends in money and lives.
Timothy Snyder explains how we have benefited from our support of Ukraine. Bigly.
All pretty awful,. The last one sounds a LOT like the "franking" actions for pro-Nazi propaganda in the 30s as described in Rachel Maddow's Prequel. That really is a must read book even though it is about the 30s, because history's rhymes are getting really lock step; no more slant rhymes.
What’s missing the providing of which will make the difference is courage.
Angus King, one of my two Maine Senators, spoke on the Senate floor yesterday calling what is happening in America a constitutional crisis. Here is an article from last night which I’m not sure is available without a paid subscription that includes his speech.
In about 20 minutes he speaks clearly about the crisis at hand. It’s the speaking on the senate floor of what everyone here thinks needs to be said.
In this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2ptQFOi9Pg he even more passionately speaks about the crisis brought about by the abdication of the exercise of responsibility of the senators to protect and follow the constitution.
After clearly saying what needs to be said, it did not move the senate to do what needs to be done, what must be done to continue having a government that follows the constitution.
The upshot for me is that the Senators have abdicated their responsibility to the American people by not speaking out and rather leaving it up to the courts to decide if we are going to have a constitutional run country or not.
Simply put, they are not doing their job. That mean you and I have to choose if we are going to have a constitutional government or not.
Our collective elected leadership has fallen. A dictator is rising in its vacuum.
Someone in response to my post yesterday about using our economic power questioned whether to withhold paying our taxes as a form of economic sanction against the rising dictatorship. This fighting fire with fire is not a good idea as it invites legal lawful action against us. This opens the door for rightfully branding us as tax evaders which then cancels whatever political power we might have gained from our actions.
No, we have the power of our purses without straying from our moral compass and entering into the realm of the illegal. We can choose to withhold our payments to companies that are supporting the illegal actions of our elected officials. That is totally legal and is a form of economic sanctioning against the gathering dictatorship.
This will take courage and a willingness to do the work. The app “Goods Unite Us” is listed as “GUU: Debate Politics & Shop” looks like a powerful tool for this.
Do NOT do what the congress is doing and pass the buck to the congress like they are passing the buck to the courts. Our day by day choices about who we empower with our money, by voting every day by our purchasing power, while not our only power, is our immediate opportunity to make our voices heard and heard loudly and clearly.
You do not have to wait a week for the general action planned for the 28th. Do it today, Now. Take the lead, think and work it out for yourself. Be the leader in the change you want to see. Don’t wait.
Doing the daily work takes courage. Do you have the heart to do it? Do you make a difference? Do you count? Do your choices matter? You get to say each and every day. You exercise your right to vote with every dollar you spend.
Thank you for saying the truth out loud. I, too, have been appalled at our Democratic senators caving into the coup. They almost all voted in Rubio and look at his actions now! They are late to the fight - and yet, my inbox is full of their requests for donations! It’s the wrong ask, in my opinion.
I downloaded GUU the other night and pledge to do my duty to boycott those companies that supported this travesty. I will attend any protest I can (50501). I will write cards, letters whatever it takes. I know there’s millions of citizens who will do the same.
I live on beautiful Cape Cod. After the election, many of us thought we’d survive the next four years because we live in Massachusetts, we have wonderful representatives, a fabulous governor and great communities. Those communities are so diverse. They include people from all walks of life, including immigrant families, scientists, government and municipal employees, small business owners, LGBTQ, artists, nonprofits, and so much more. They are not safe, in fact. Funds that have been cut are affecting my friends and neighbors.
We cannot be complacent. We cannot wait to be rescued. For the first time in my politically aware life, I am frightened. But I can choose to fight back, and if others can’t, then I’ll fight for them. It’s time, folks!
I wonder if "shock and awe" is a blessing in disguise, in that everyone can see this if Project 2025 being implemented, and in EVERY state. It's been one month and look how mobilized we already are, and the energy is building. This has not been a one and done march on inauguration day...we are seeing ways to be continuously involved. I'm a realist, but I HAVE to be an optimist. My hopes for Texas aren't as bright at the moment, but I'm hoping states other than the deep red (and gerrymandered and voting suppressed) ones will start seeing a lot of blue movement.
Bern, thank you! Due to age, I have been using Amazon, but with a deepening sense that not using the service is a tool of resistance at my disposal. Every day , I search for and use new forms of resistance. The seed of the action that became Nazism can also be our seed to resist the current leaders of our govt.
Yup, it was scary to delete my Amazon account. I've used it heavily for years and it is taking time and effort to find new sources.
On the other hand, it is a great opportunity to reexamine what I am using, find new and better options, and refocus on spending more on local businesses and support people near me. As a Mainer, it feels good to support our local economy.
Pam, I so agree with you. I am not buying anything on Amazon, and it's painful because using Amazon is so easy. Now I search out the vendor sites themselves (often less organized and efficient); haul out my credit card and type it in, along with all the other info they require. Yesterday I bought some markers from a vendor. They cost $13. I had to pay $7 for shipping. I'm proud of myself for paying that, and am dedicating the hassle and expense as my contribution to the resistance. It ain't much but it's what I can do today.
I agree with everything except the last sentence. It IS much. Your taking action is what makes the difference! It's absolutely critical that you are nourished by your efforts. Celebrate the small wins as most everything is small. If you aren't getting the rewards, if you don't eat the even very small bites of success, then you will eventually stop. Every action not matter how mundane, even washing the dishes, or the toilets can be held as a fulfillment of your purpose, of our cause. It's chop wood, carry water every day!
Every action, every win is a win for us all. Keep going Christina!!!
I figured out a few years ago that Amazon was a good search engine for finding things I wanted. But then once you know what you want you can seek the item you want directly from vendors who are running a good business. Slightly less convenient than "one-click" everything but have developed good relationships with many on-line companies since I started doing that.
Thank you for the post and the links! I attended a virtual Townhall with my Democratic house representative on Wednesday, and I left feeling worse because he basically threw up his hands and said well the billionaires are in control and there’s nothing we can do. One participant asked why more Democrats aren’t speaking out and his response was well. The media decides who they’re gonna put on TV. We don’t decide.
And his parting words were stay hopeful yet he gave us nothing to be hopeful about. So yeah, it’s up to us.
Thank you for your courage and strength to continuing honoring your commitment. It takes a big person to hear other's resignation or in some cases, cynicism and not have it stop you. That is being a hero in action and what will carry the day. I salute you!
Well then, inundate his offices with calls and write to him on his congressional website relentlessly. You tell him he gave you NOTHING! Let Hakeem Jeffries know that too because he is watching the reps’ town halls.
Sharon, until or unless the non-Trumpies in this country understand that we need our own media (like the Trumpies have Fox), there is no way in hell mere speaking is going to have any effect on anything. I can't buy a TV station or a media outlet for non-Trumpies. We need a friendly billionaire who will!
Congress folk are afraid to act against Trump as it might hurt their re-election chances. If their constituents see that their interests aren’t being served by fawning to Trump as their businesses suffer, THEY will demand change.
Stop the flow of money to their companies and see it get their attention and get them in action. WE have the power, not them.
Stephen, you're kidding, right? The Democrats are just as bad. Either they are supporting and voting with Trump (Fetterman??) or are passively silent, drawing their big salaries and sitting on their duffs eating cake and drinking champagne. I just found out that my brand-new Arizona senator, Gallego, whom I voted for, worked for, and sent lots of money to, is a big supporter, past and present, of the Laken Riley Act.
This strikes me as the same as Mitch McConnel’s BS about no reason to follow through on impeaching Dump because we have courts to deal with his flouting of our laws. Hah!
Bern, I appreciate the action focus in your post. And it's nice that Angus King spoke out. But we need less analysis. Upper-class Democrats are really good at that. We don't need more of it. We know what's happening. We know why it's happening. We know what the implications are. What we need is action. Like you said. I guess if Angus King and his ilk won't do anything (other than continuing to analyze the obvious), we need to do things as you recommend at our minuscule, local, daily level, and hope it slowly grows, infinitesimally, over ten years, more?, into a resistance movement that will have some effect. The sole good thing I've heard coming out of the Democrats is a tiny text message from AOC saying we need to become the party of brawlers. Brawling takes action. It's what we need to do. And we can't rely on centuries-past institutions, like voting. May I remind us all that Russia has elections. Putin always wins. But no one can say "you weren't elected." The Russians are the best computer geniuses in the world. We can't fight back that way. They can engineer whatever they want in software. But we can take our bodies to demonstrations. It's a little primitive but it's what we've got.
"But we can take our bodies to demonstrations. It's a little primitive but it's what we've got."
That's a pretty small view on what and who we are to reduce humankind and our humanity, our being in the world, to mere bodies. Animals have bodies, but they are not us.
I understand the very human feeling and mood of despair, resignation, or cynicism. It's something I need to acknowledge and work through daily. Interacting with people here, reading the writings here and elsewhere, moving projects forward even in small increments, I am reminded and returned to my own humanity, my own being, my own life I'm living.
Here is a list I post in my calendar and read every so often to remind myself of what I'm committed to, to what I say I'm about:
1. Respect the other person’s point of view, whether or not you agree with it. Recognize that if you had their history, their circumstances, and the forces that play on them, you would likely have their point of view.
2. Consider life a privilege - all of it, even the parts that are difficult or seem a waste of time.
3. Give up the islands that reinforce mediocrity, the safe places where we gossip and complain to one another, where we are petty.
4. Take a chance. Be willing to put your reputation on the line; have something at stake.
5. Work for satisfaction rather than for credit.
6. Honor your word. There will be times when the circumstances of life will make you forget who you are and what you’re about. That is when you need to be committed to honoring your word, making what you say count.
Michael, respect like forgiveness is for your sake. Some people make it damn difficult but better than carrying them around for a lifetime. If compassion doesn’t work for you, find something that does.
Yesterday Senator Mitch McConnell gave a teary speech on the floor announcing that at 83 he finally decided to not run again in 2026. Another MAGA Brownshirt Senator afterwards asked the Speaker to allow Senate members as well as visitors to applaud for 30 seconds. The Speaker of course happily complied and everybody applauded Moscow Mitch for his great service to the country. Everybody! Chuck Schumer and the other democratic Senators included.
An hour later Moscow Mitch cast his vote to confirm Kash Patel! Pathetic. Democrats still want to play nice with the insurrectionists.
Because this McConnell is the same McConnell who said he wanted to be sure that the Obama presidency was a failure. He wanted an American president to fail. He wanted his own government to fail. That is treason from within.
Mitch is a traitor to our democracy. Always has been. He never believed In a two party system. His arrogance and obstructionism have been a road map for the MAGA movement.
McConnell wants Patel to chase down Democrats like wild dogs after rabbits.
I don't believe in a "Hell". But I may need to change my thinking so there can be a place for this monster to rot in.
Christina- I’m sorry to hear you say this. First, it’s not true. Many Democrats in Congress are committed fighters for ordinary Americans. Second, they’re all we’ve got in Congress between us and the MAGA future Trump and Musk imagine for us. Instead of demeaning them with harsh insults, we the people need to bend them to our will for our freedoms, our families, and our futures. Keep up the calls. Show up at their local offices. Become best buddies with their staff. Tell them what we expect of them, and don’t let them off the hook. And thank them when they do the right thing. Carrot and stick. Tried and true throughout human history. Persistence pays off always.
While I found the day's developments disconcerting -- particularly the FBI confirmation, and continued schism re: Ukraine -- there seems to be more congressional division regarding budget proposals. This is notable. Cutting Medicaid and related programs is actually causing some GOP representatives to speak up, and not endorse all of the budget measures being suggested. Constituents are ratcheting up pressure as they realize the jeopardy more. Budget bills are still at a proposal stage. I heard this corroborated on a few podcasts. And now, some GOP Senators are groveling hat in hand to Trump to please, really, give-us-the-money-now for their respective districts. Those appropriations faucets should already be flowing re: court orders.
I have also seen different analyses regarding the polls (to be distrusted, but not entirely discounted). One observation: Trump actually cares about his popularity. He needs to be liked. This may mitigate his positions re: above cuts or other painful measures. Musk on the other hand, while also severely disturbed and ruthless, has no obligation to heed public outcry. He reacts more to court and shareholder rejection. Those will haunt him. The sketchy notion floated of sending taxpayers DOGE checks may reflect a growing desperation to justify their coup "fraud" scam.
To be clear, the above policy disagreements are not a full-throated rejection nor courageous, but it is a modicum better than the shameful lockstep confirmations.
Yes, we are still discovering the perverse character of the mind and heart of Donald Trump. All politicians, all people have egos. But what President is so consumed with his ego and bizarre self-love that he celebrates his ridiculous "triumph" of blocking a local law in NYC concerning traffic congestion with having someone make for him a mock cover of Time Magazine of himself with a crown on emblazoned with "Long Live the King." This is loved by some as one more sticking it to the libtards, but sane people have to say, this is perverse. Trump has often said, "I love people who love me." Had Zelensky signed an agreement to sell out his country's wealth, he would have been praised -- and then betrayed when convenient. Trump want to be loved and he knows the power that being loved brings to him. Let's show him and our representatives that he is not loved nor are those in power who abdicate their responsibilities and violate their oaths of office.
Only thing about him needing to be liked is that if the polls go against him he'll lie and say he has the highest ratings of any president. What we need to do is mock him.
Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter today is excellent. "Our society has been peaceful and healthy for so long that for many people serious disaster has become inconceivable,” James Marriott writes.
Dems need a communications channel and Meidas Touch Network may be it. They are #1 rated for podcasts, surpassing Joe Rogan! Love it. MTN is on Substack.
I was thrilled to see Joaquin Jeffries on the Meidas touch Network yesterday. We need to get more voices out on social media, that is the answer to reaching the masses.
Trump2 is acting swiftly, chaotically, cruelly, and most important: intentionally. They mean to divide, scare, inflict pain. But how can they do all that and not alienate voters? Not increase D and Ind turnout over their slacker 2024 participation? Not cause the MAGA cult and other Rs difficulty and disappointment?
* Because they intend to have no elections in 2026 or 2028. *
I think that is a premature view. The GOP reps wouldn't be folding so quickly in confirmations if they weren't at risk of being primaried and losing vulnerable seats. Not even Trump's minders believe there won't be 2026 repercussions, even though he himself tends to think a maximum of 48 hours ahead, if that. Propaganda from CPAC or extremist mouthpieces do not substitute for overall GOP concern re: elections.
He has dementia. He can't think ahead. He's just doing as he's told which is obvious because whenever he writes/ speaks unmonitored they are walking it back hours later. When he has forgotten he said it.
Whether Trump is or is not clinically demented is beside the point. What *is* important is the immorality, inappropriateness, stupidity, and cruelty of his actions and those of his fellow travelers.
I fear you're being naive, Dan. Elections run on software. Software is the bailiwick of genius Russian developers. Russia has elections, you know. Putin always wins. To put your faith in the integrity of an election system that has been hollowed out from within is naive. Voting won't do it in 2026, even if Musk allows elections. Sheer physical rebellion is what we have left.
Maybe he intends to only cancel the ability to vote for president. That way he can be king and still have his grubby little hands all over the down ballot races and keep control of the house and senate with threats to primary them.
Ann - you are correct as he said as much during the campaign. To paraphrase - " I have all the votes I need and after this election you won't have to vote again"
Right, Jeff. Trump told us he will end elections. And we're still ignoring what we will soon see to be fact. We're like the chicken with its head cut off, still running around squawking "Wait till 2026!" And then we'll be "surprised" and turn in on ourselves to blame ourselves for "not doing enough". We have to find another way to fight than elections.
Yes, they behave like there is no tomorrow, or more to the point, there are no elections in 2026. That would be a bit hard to pull off, though, even when taking into account the pace with which they are dismantling the constitution and changing the country into an autocracy.
But you are absolutely right, they won't be able to win those elections fair and square. So they will use those two years to ramp up their voter repression activities to levels you can't imagine today, they will go after their political opponents and anybody voicing criticism with the full force of all levels of "law" enforcement, the media will be brought to heel, social media will be flooded with even more lies and shit – and if nothing else should help they have already announced their aspiration to buy voters with a 5000 USD bribe, the cheques all carrying a certain well-known signature.
Marj, you nailed it. I hate to say it. Putin owns Trump and is in bed with Musk and Putin is the master of bogus, sham, engineered elections. We are so bloody naive. It breaks my heart.
You're seeing clearly, Ann, in my opinion! They're doing demolition on everything that makes the USA, the USA. We're going to have to abandon 20th century ideas of how things (used to) work, and fight like hell to (a) resist and (b) build an entirely new structure that works for the 21st century that will likely have little resemblance to anything we've know over the last 240 years.
I left a voicemail for each one yesterday, objecting to the "Reverse Robin Hood" budget bill--giving to the rich by stealing from the rest of us. They need to hear the roar of the backlash coming their way. I'll be calling every day. Join me!
You have to be from their district for them to care about the call. Look up the address of a chain restaurant in the district to get a zip code to identify yourself.
What I've been doing is just giving my name at the start, then saying my piece, ending with something like, "I’m a US citizen, and you’re a US Congressmember, so even though I don’t live in the __th district of (your state), you represent me, and I wanted you to hear my voice."
I'm afraid that my name + fake zip code is enough info for them to check in seconds whether I'm a registered voter. They'd find that I'm not--and delete the message without listening? Or if I give just my name, do they listen to the end, to see if I give my address later?
Excellent way to focus our calls. Remember that they may want you to identify that you are a constituent-even though we all are profoundly affected by another state’s congress people. So I recommend you have a zipcode to say if they ask for one. Zillow can give you addresses if you don’t have a friends address to use.
Chump is just doing what the repubs have wanted to do forever. When Delay and the vipers from 2006 required the USPS to fund retirements for 75 years in the future, they made sure that it would always be in the red and they could gripe and complain ad nauseam. Matters not that it is in the constitution. Chump and the current vipers will roll right over everything that works…
Thank you for helping to keep us motivated and in the fight. I stopped using Amazon months ago. Almost everyone I've spoken with is planning to hold their purse strings tight on Feb 28. I've downloaded a list of Trump supporting companies which I am handing to friends. A group of us are meeting next week to figure out how to mobilize our community beyond letter writing. "We're mad and we're not going to take it anymore"
Almost same steps here, Beth. We have to show up and encourage others. The Democrats in Congress need to be challenged as well as the Republicans to do their jobs. Let teach each other how to do the work and move. I hope with David Hogg as an DNC vice chair we will find ways to reach out and mobilize young people.
When I read Marc Elias's email replying to musk I cried. I read that email twice. When we donate to Marc via Democracy Docket, we are undoubtedly also donating for his personal security needs.
Then Mitch McConnell announced his retirement after voting to confirm Patel. I was hoping when I saw the headline he was leaving now, but we are stuck with him until 2026. Who will be running to replace him? Will it be Amy Mc Grath? She has a website but I did not see a "Donate" link. I'm going to contact her. https://amymcgrath.com
What really frightens me about 2026 is the massive amounts of dark money that will be flowing into the races. In the race for Wisconsin State Supreme Court (election April 1) musk is pouring huge amounts of money into Judge Susan Crawford's opponent's campaign. Brad Schimel, her opponent, made sweetheart deals with predators and blamed the women for being attacked. That's how disgusting Schimel is. He also held on to rape kits.
In 2024 three totally decent Senators: Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, and Jon Tester lost their races to maga extremists due to musk's dark money, and in the case of Ohio and Montana, voter suppression. In Pennsylvania musk actual bought the state for trump. We are going to need to be really frugal in our budgets and raise so much money for our candidates.
Thank you for including Judith Levine's article in The Guardian about withholding our taxes. If done en masse collectively, this could be a real blow and expose the billionaires who never pay a penny.
Sue, Musk doesn't need our taxes! He has hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars! It would just shut down 100% of our government, and make it easier for him to put his own sick schemes in place in the rubble. We can't fight back anymore with tax payments or votes. Those are, unfortunately, 20th century methods that no longer work. We have to find new ways.
I missed the invitation yesterday to comment about the impact of trump’s policies on our lives. At the end of my daughter and son-in-law‘s honeymoon, she heard news of the DC plane crash in which her former collegiate skating coach died, and her grief was compounded by Trump‘s outrageous comments the crash was clearly the result of DEI. Then just days later, my son-in-law was informed that he was out of a job. His company was funded by USAID and implemented the contracts abroad. First he learned members of his team were being furloughed or fired. Then he received the news he was out of a job. He had been promoted just last year and served as a Project and Finance Operations Manager. He worked with teams in other countries, notably and most recently including Ukraine. He is now looking for work in an industry that essentially no longer exists.
I am so terribly sorry to hear this, Marilyn. 😢 Please tell your daughter and son-in-law that there is a much larger community of decent people who will continue to fight for what is right. Always. ❤️🩹
Katherine, Happy to see you writing. I thought your letter to Times magazine was so well done, not as an honor for Man of the Year, , but for pointing out that Trump is the personification of a human Frankenstein monster made from all of the worst of human traits.
Very kind of you, Ray. Thanks so much. Funny you should mention that because (caution: rant to follow 😂) I sent a revised version of it to WaPo and they emailed me yesterday "Thank you very much for your submission, but we won't be able to use this one for the oped page. Good luck and please stay safe." Yes really.
I replied this morning "Hi Rachel, and thanks for letting me know that my submission can’t be used for the op-ed page. It tells me a lot, especially that you close the email by saying 'good luck and please stay safe'. It will indeed take luck to 'stay safe' in this terrifying anti-democratic, anti-constitution, anti-rule-of-law, anti-American environment, where no one, including the Washington Post, has the courage of their convictions to point out the serious danger in which we currently find ourselves. Bezos and every thinking human on the planet knows better than to cozy up to someone as evil, dishonest, hateful, unscrupulous, and unprincipled as Donald Trump, but they did it anyway, because, you know, profits and power are all that matter. Thanks for showing us who and what you value.
While I’m apparently in the minority in this country, I believe in standing up for what is RIGHT no matter what. And I will continue to do so, even if I stand alone.
Good luck to you, too."
I ended up feeling a bit sorry for Rachel as I'm sure she's just trying to do her job, but i'm so sick of people taking the path of least resistance at such a critical time in our history. Is it just old fashioned at this point to think that integrity actually matters?! Sorry to unload all of this. Just really disappointed in humanity at this point. I thought we all shared the same very very VERY basic values.
You were perfectly in your right to respond the way that you did. Bravo!
Actually, you and I are not in the minority despite the "numerical" outcome of the election. Our values do represent those of the majority.
no words 🙏
I am so sorry, Marilyn. That is horrible!!!
So terrible.
Thanks for so thoroughly covering the decline in Trump's approval rating.
I agree with everything you've written except one point. I believe Trump's support among his MAGA base will decline as he cuts federal programs that support the poor and working America. MEDICAID, CHIP, FEMA, USAID, Biden's Infrastructure and green investment initiatives and Federal employment are NOT partisan programs.
Many of TRUMP'S MAGA voters need the benefits these programs provide. Trump's approval rating will rapidly decline over the next 6 months as the Madness of King Donald accelerates. Throw in the spike in inflation and the coming effects from his incompetent Cabinet.
Or as Trump might say..."It will be WILD".
I hope you are right.
Merrill - spot on about the approval ratings however I'm beginning to look at the impact differently and good grief I hope I'm wrong on this. I think we now have to look at who's approval "Le Grande Orange" is looking for and I no longer think its his maga people. LGO is much more concerned with his new buddies and they don't work on farms or in factories and they sure as hell don't have to worry about healthcare or the price of any damn dozen eggs. These are the "movers and shakers" he has always wanted to be part of all the way back to his early days in NYC where by the way he was targeted by the KGB as a likely asset - what a freakin' surprise that isn't.
So back to a few few, I hope, somewhat salient points. I truly believe (outside of direct violence) we collectively have to hit the economy and HARD. This will not be for easy but it can accomplish multiple things. One, it will "eventually" grab the attention of the corporations as profits plummet and stocks decline and Wall Street will notice. Two, if the first happens we just may get the malleable media to take notice of the assault on democracy and there is no more "whataboutism" with the GOP in control- LGO will own it. Third, and it may take this long, just maybe we will come across some leader out there who can crystalize a message to the masses that LGO doesn't give a damn about them...or their families (the families are the important part) or the government as we once knew it. LGO's plan is not to reform the government it's to destroy the government. It's about time we got that message to the masses. Thanks for your time
I hope so too. We can all help to make this happen by hammering away at Trump's outrageous statements/tweets, filling the GOP phone lines with messages condemning his actions and building an everyday national protest movement. The cumulative effect will frieghten GOP elected officials as much or more than Musk's facist threats and we will win back the house in 2026.
I hope you are correct. I don't see a softening here in my town in NJ
I’m originally from NJ - been in Raleigh NC Since 1988. My area is blue but via gerrymandering the rest of the state is red and outside of charlotte and Raleigh those that voted for LGO are in for a big surprise when their benefits disappear.
NYT article - US Objects Russia as Aggressor
Thanks for making the article available to all.
Trump nor Republican law makers (ignorers) don’t evidence giving a hoot for polls.
Nonetheless it’s better than the polls moving in their direction.
Meanwhile they are still out there doing their destruction…
taking away jobs, closing down offices… Now it will be the Post Offices. Trump and Musk have probably never gone to a Post Office in their lives. (Underlings have done their business.)
Hi, George. It doesn't matter if Trump or Republican lawmakers care about the polls. It matters what independents think. And right now they are strongly against Trump. That's the point.
Independents need to know this.
Trump wants Ukraine to repay him with mineral rights. In perpetuity. $500 billion is the estimated value.
How much have we spent for Ukraine? It’s officially $185 billion spent over three years. Not $500 billion.
We have spent about a nickel on the defense budget dollar, and a penny on the U.S. budget dollar, for Ukraine. Our costs for the Iraq War were at least 20 times higher.
Our contributions to Ukraine are less than Europe’s combined, and far less than Ukraine spends in money and lives.
Timothy Snyder explains how we have benefited from our support of Ukraine. Bigly.
Recoup the Costs https://open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p/recoup-the-costs?r=m52qv&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false
Thanks, Carol. Bigly and hugely!
Any time!
10 Ways Trump's Takeover Of The U.S. Postal Service Will Hurt You. Check this infographic.
All pretty awful,. The last one sounds a LOT like the "franking" actions for pro-Nazi propaganda in the 30s as described in Rachel Maddow's Prequel. That really is a must read book even though it is about the 30s, because history's rhymes are getting really lock step; no more slant rhymes.
Deepak, this graphic is critical!! Is there a way to restack it? The share options below it are for other social media and I don't do them. Tx!
What’s missing the providing of which will make the difference is courage.
Angus King, one of my two Maine Senators, spoke on the Senate floor yesterday calling what is happening in America a constitutional crisis. Here is an article from last night which I’m not sure is available without a paid subscription that includes his speech.
If not accessible here is the youtube video of his speech which is accessible without a paid subscription: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-C913fyfnU
In about 20 minutes he speaks clearly about the crisis at hand. It’s the speaking on the senate floor of what everyone here thinks needs to be said.
In this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2ptQFOi9Pg he even more passionately speaks about the crisis brought about by the abdication of the exercise of responsibility of the senators to protect and follow the constitution.
After clearly saying what needs to be said, it did not move the senate to do what needs to be done, what must be done to continue having a government that follows the constitution.
The upshot for me is that the Senators have abdicated their responsibility to the American people by not speaking out and rather leaving it up to the courts to decide if we are going to have a constitutional run country or not.
Simply put, they are not doing their job. That mean you and I have to choose if we are going to have a constitutional government or not.
Our collective elected leadership has fallen. A dictator is rising in its vacuum.
Someone in response to my post yesterday about using our economic power questioned whether to withhold paying our taxes as a form of economic sanction against the rising dictatorship. This fighting fire with fire is not a good idea as it invites legal lawful action against us. This opens the door for rightfully branding us as tax evaders which then cancels whatever political power we might have gained from our actions.
No, we have the power of our purses without straying from our moral compass and entering into the realm of the illegal. We can choose to withhold our payments to companies that are supporting the illegal actions of our elected officials. That is totally legal and is a form of economic sanctioning against the gathering dictatorship.
This will take courage and a willingness to do the work. The app “Goods Unite Us” is listed as “GUU: Debate Politics & Shop” looks like a powerful tool for this.
Do NOT do what the congress is doing and pass the buck to the congress like they are passing the buck to the courts. Our day by day choices about who we empower with our money, by voting every day by our purchasing power, while not our only power, is our immediate opportunity to make our voices heard and heard loudly and clearly.
You do not have to wait a week for the general action planned for the 28th. Do it today, Now. Take the lead, think and work it out for yourself. Be the leader in the change you want to see. Don’t wait.
Doing the daily work takes courage. Do you have the heart to do it? Do you make a difference? Do you count? Do your choices matter? You get to say each and every day. You exercise your right to vote with every dollar you spend.
Thank you for saying the truth out loud. I, too, have been appalled at our Democratic senators caving into the coup. They almost all voted in Rubio and look at his actions now! They are late to the fight - and yet, my inbox is full of their requests for donations! It’s the wrong ask, in my opinion.
I downloaded GUU the other night and pledge to do my duty to boycott those companies that supported this travesty. I will attend any protest I can (50501). I will write cards, letters whatever it takes. I know there’s millions of citizens who will do the same.
I live on beautiful Cape Cod. After the election, many of us thought we’d survive the next four years because we live in Massachusetts, we have wonderful representatives, a fabulous governor and great communities. Those communities are so diverse. They include people from all walks of life, including immigrant families, scientists, government and municipal employees, small business owners, LGBTQ, artists, nonprofits, and so much more. They are not safe, in fact. Funds that have been cut are affecting my friends and neighbors.
We cannot be complacent. We cannot wait to be rescued. For the first time in my politically aware life, I am frightened. But I can choose to fight back, and if others can’t, then I’ll fight for them. It’s time, folks!
We are planning a protest in Norwell MA on 28 Feb on the town green on route 123. Here is a link to our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/565929043603631
Absolutely great, Marj! YEA!
Now, here's another BIG ask of you. Might you find another venue to organize with other than Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook platform?
Zuckerberg owns Facebook and Instagram. We have to find a way to boycott them without losing our ability to e-organize. I don't know how yet.
I left FB, Messenger, Instagram, and Threads right after Zuck cow-towed to The Criminal King. I use Signal for encrypted messaging now.
Here are some alternative venues to get away from Zuckerberg for you to consider: https://www.ask.com/news/social-media-alternatives-to-facebook
Check out this platform, designed to be a medium for pro-Democracy voices: https://sez.us/
I wonder if "shock and awe" is a blessing in disguise, in that everyone can see this if Project 2025 being implemented, and in EVERY state. It's been one month and look how mobilized we already are, and the energy is building. This has not been a one and done march on inauguration day...we are seeing ways to be continuously involved. I'm a realist, but I HAVE to be an optimist. My hopes for Texas aren't as bright at the moment, but I'm hoping states other than the deep red (and gerrymandered and voting suppressed) ones will start seeing a lot of blue movement.
Bern, thank you! Due to age, I have been using Amazon, but with a deepening sense that not using the service is a tool of resistance at my disposal. Every day , I search for and use new forms of resistance. The seed of the action that became Nazism can also be our seed to resist the current leaders of our govt.
Yup, it was scary to delete my Amazon account. I've used it heavily for years and it is taking time and effort to find new sources.
On the other hand, it is a great opportunity to reexamine what I am using, find new and better options, and refocus on spending more on local businesses and support people near me. As a Mainer, it feels good to support our local economy.
Pam, I so agree with you. I am not buying anything on Amazon, and it's painful because using Amazon is so easy. Now I search out the vendor sites themselves (often less organized and efficient); haul out my credit card and type it in, along with all the other info they require. Yesterday I bought some markers from a vendor. They cost $13. I had to pay $7 for shipping. I'm proud of myself for paying that, and am dedicating the hassle and expense as my contribution to the resistance. It ain't much but it's what I can do today.
I agree with everything except the last sentence. It IS much. Your taking action is what makes the difference! It's absolutely critical that you are nourished by your efforts. Celebrate the small wins as most everything is small. If you aren't getting the rewards, if you don't eat the even very small bites of success, then you will eventually stop. Every action not matter how mundane, even washing the dishes, or the toilets can be held as a fulfillment of your purpose, of our cause. It's chop wood, carry water every day!
Every action, every win is a win for us all. Keep going Christina!!!
I figured out a few years ago that Amazon was a good search engine for finding things I wanted. But then once you know what you want you can seek the item you want directly from vendors who are running a good business. Slightly less convenient than "one-click" everything but have developed good relationships with many on-line companies since I started doing that.
Thanks for your post! I downloaded app “Goods Unite Us” the other day and looked over it. I have found it helpful.
Thank you for this suggestion as I had not heard of it!
Thank you for the post and the links! I attended a virtual Townhall with my Democratic house representative on Wednesday, and I left feeling worse because he basically threw up his hands and said well the billionaires are in control and there’s nothing we can do. One participant asked why more Democrats aren’t speaking out and his response was well. The media decides who they’re gonna put on TV. We don’t decide.
And his parting words were stay hopeful yet he gave us nothing to be hopeful about. So yeah, it’s up to us.
Thank you for your courage and strength to continuing honoring your commitment. It takes a big person to hear other's resignation or in some cases, cynicism and not have it stop you. That is being a hero in action and what will carry the day. I salute you!
Well then, inundate his offices with calls and write to him on his congressional website relentlessly. You tell him he gave you NOTHING! Let Hakeem Jeffries know that too because he is watching the reps’ town halls.
Recall him.
Sharon, until or unless the non-Trumpies in this country understand that we need our own media (like the Trumpies have Fox), there is no way in hell mere speaking is going to have any effect on anything. I can't buy a TV station or a media outlet for non-Trumpies. We need a friendly billionaire who will!
The problem is no Republicans are listening or willing to do the right things.
Congress folk are afraid to act against Trump as it might hurt their re-election chances. If their constituents see that their interests aren’t being served by fawning to Trump as their businesses suffer, THEY will demand change.
Stop the flow of money to their companies and see it get their attention and get them in action. WE have the power, not them.
Stephen, you're kidding, right? The Democrats are just as bad. Either they are supporting and voting with Trump (Fetterman??) or are passively silent, drawing their big salaries and sitting on their duffs eating cake and drinking champagne. I just found out that my brand-new Arizona senator, Gallego, whom I voted for, worked for, and sent lots of money to, is a big supporter, past and present, of the Laken Riley Act.
That blew me away too! Also Slotkin voted for it. 😡😡
This strikes me as the same as Mitch McConnel’s BS about no reason to follow through on impeaching Dump because we have courts to deal with his flouting of our laws. Hah!
Right, and one of congress folk suggested that it was ok to go along because he learned his lesson. There's a lot of fooling ourselves going on!
Angus King's speech is one of our greatest and should go into every US history text. Stands up there with MLK. And even, I would say, Lincoln himself.
Thank you so much for the app recommendation!! Very useful. And everything else you said too.
Bern, I appreciate the action focus in your post. And it's nice that Angus King spoke out. But we need less analysis. Upper-class Democrats are really good at that. We don't need more of it. We know what's happening. We know why it's happening. We know what the implications are. What we need is action. Like you said. I guess if Angus King and his ilk won't do anything (other than continuing to analyze the obvious), we need to do things as you recommend at our minuscule, local, daily level, and hope it slowly grows, infinitesimally, over ten years, more?, into a resistance movement that will have some effect. The sole good thing I've heard coming out of the Democrats is a tiny text message from AOC saying we need to become the party of brawlers. Brawling takes action. It's what we need to do. And we can't rely on centuries-past institutions, like voting. May I remind us all that Russia has elections. Putin always wins. But no one can say "you weren't elected." The Russians are the best computer geniuses in the world. We can't fight back that way. They can engineer whatever they want in software. But we can take our bodies to demonstrations. It's a little primitive but it's what we've got.
"But we can take our bodies to demonstrations. It's a little primitive but it's what we've got."
That's a pretty small view on what and who we are to reduce humankind and our humanity, our being in the world, to mere bodies. Animals have bodies, but they are not us.
I understand the very human feeling and mood of despair, resignation, or cynicism. It's something I need to acknowledge and work through daily. Interacting with people here, reading the writings here and elsewhere, moving projects forward even in small increments, I am reminded and returned to my own humanity, my own being, my own life I'm living.
Here is a list I post in my calendar and read every so often to remind myself of what I'm committed to, to what I say I'm about:
1. Respect the other person’s point of view, whether or not you agree with it. Recognize that if you had their history, their circumstances, and the forces that play on them, you would likely have their point of view.
2. Consider life a privilege - all of it, even the parts that are difficult or seem a waste of time.
3. Give up the islands that reinforce mediocrity, the safe places where we gossip and complain to one another, where we are petty.
4. Take a chance. Be willing to put your reputation on the line; have something at stake.
5. Work for satisfaction rather than for credit.
6. Honor your word. There will be times when the circumstances of life will make you forget who you are and what you’re about. That is when you need to be committed to honoring your word, making what you say count.
Please revise #1 in your calendar. One need not reflexively *respect* another person‘s point of view: it may not *deserve* respect.
Rather, it’s good, most often, to respect the other person’s *right* to hold that point of view.
Michael, respect like forgiveness is for your sake. Some people make it damn difficult but better than carrying them around for a lifetime. If compassion doesn’t work for you, find something that does.
AOC IS WONDERFUL! I am in total agreement of what we need from our reps.
He should call it a couple. Constitutional Crisis is old news.
Yesterday Senator Mitch McConnell gave a teary speech on the floor announcing that at 83 he finally decided to not run again in 2026. Another MAGA Brownshirt Senator afterwards asked the Speaker to allow Senate members as well as visitors to applaud for 30 seconds. The Speaker of course happily complied and everybody applauded Moscow Mitch for his great service to the country. Everybody! Chuck Schumer and the other democratic Senators included.
An hour later Moscow Mitch cast his vote to confirm Kash Patel! Pathetic. Democrats still want to play nice with the insurrectionists.
Smoke and mirrors. The fools are still buying it.
Yep. More of the same. What makes anyone think he would change now?
Why did he need to do this?
Because this McConnell is the same McConnell who said he wanted to be sure that the Obama presidency was a failure. He wanted an American president to fail. He wanted his own government to fail. That is treason from within.
Mitch is a traitor to our democracy. Always has been. He never believed In a two party system. His arrogance and obstructionism have been a road map for the MAGA movement.
McConnell wants Patel to chase down Democrats like wild dogs after rabbits.
I don't believe in a "Hell". But I may need to change my thinking so there can be a place for this monster to rot in.
The Democrats in Congress are pigs.
Christina- I’m sorry to hear you say this. First, it’s not true. Many Democrats in Congress are committed fighters for ordinary Americans. Second, they’re all we’ve got in Congress between us and the MAGA future Trump and Musk imagine for us. Instead of demeaning them with harsh insults, we the people need to bend them to our will for our freedoms, our families, and our futures. Keep up the calls. Show up at their local offices. Become best buddies with their staff. Tell them what we expect of them, and don’t let them off the hook. And thank them when they do the right thing. Carrot and stick. Tried and true throughout human history. Persistence pays off always.
While I found the day's developments disconcerting -- particularly the FBI confirmation, and continued schism re: Ukraine -- there seems to be more congressional division regarding budget proposals. This is notable. Cutting Medicaid and related programs is actually causing some GOP representatives to speak up, and not endorse all of the budget measures being suggested. Constituents are ratcheting up pressure as they realize the jeopardy more. Budget bills are still at a proposal stage. I heard this corroborated on a few podcasts. And now, some GOP Senators are groveling hat in hand to Trump to please, really, give-us-the-money-now for their respective districts. Those appropriations faucets should already be flowing re: court orders.
I have also seen different analyses regarding the polls (to be distrusted, but not entirely discounted). One observation: Trump actually cares about his popularity. He needs to be liked. This may mitigate his positions re: above cuts or other painful measures. Musk on the other hand, while also severely disturbed and ruthless, has no obligation to heed public outcry. He reacts more to court and shareholder rejection. Those will haunt him. The sketchy notion floated of sending taxpayers DOGE checks may reflect a growing desperation to justify their coup "fraud" scam.
To be clear, the above policy disagreements are not a full-throated rejection nor courageous, but it is a modicum better than the shameful lockstep confirmations.
Donald does need ro br liked. So let's make sure we keep stressing that WE DON'T LIKE HIM OR HIS RACIST TROLL ELON.
Yes, we are still discovering the perverse character of the mind and heart of Donald Trump. All politicians, all people have egos. But what President is so consumed with his ego and bizarre self-love that he celebrates his ridiculous "triumph" of blocking a local law in NYC concerning traffic congestion with having someone make for him a mock cover of Time Magazine of himself with a crown on emblazoned with "Long Live the King." This is loved by some as one more sticking it to the libtards, but sane people have to say, this is perverse. Trump has often said, "I love people who love me." Had Zelensky signed an agreement to sell out his country's wealth, he would have been praised -- and then betrayed when convenient. Trump want to be loved and he knows the power that being loved brings to him. Let's show him and our representatives that he is not loved nor are those in power who abdicate their responsibilities and violate their oaths of office.
Well said !
Only thing about him needing to be liked is that if the polls go against him he'll lie and say he has the highest ratings of any president. What we need to do is mock him.
He did that his ratings were in the 70’s! HA!
Yes – clever mockery and ridicule can be powerful.
And he's such an easy target.
Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter today is excellent. "Our society has been peaceful and healthy for so long that for many people serious disaster has become inconceivable,” James Marriott writes.
That passage gave me a jolt: it exposed how inordinately and literally thoughtlessly self-satisfied we can be with our views.
Dems need a communications channel and Meidas Touch Network may be it. They are #1 rated for podcasts, surpassing Joe Rogan! Love it. MTN is on Substack.
I agree that Meidas Touch is a good place to start for podcasts and would like to see them add shorter version news updates. Their reach is wide.
To reply to myself, I just searched Meidastouch.news and was able to access top stories. Perhaps a centralized media navigation tool would be helpful!
I was thrilled to see Joaquin Jeffries on the Meidas touch Network yesterday. We need to get more voices out on social media, that is the answer to reaching the masses.
Trump2 is acting swiftly, chaotically, cruelly, and most important: intentionally. They mean to divide, scare, inflict pain. But how can they do all that and not alienate voters? Not increase D and Ind turnout over their slacker 2024 participation? Not cause the MAGA cult and other Rs difficulty and disappointment?
* Because they intend to have no elections in 2026 or 2028. *
I think that is a premature view. The GOP reps wouldn't be folding so quickly in confirmations if they weren't at risk of being primaried and losing vulnerable seats. Not even Trump's minders believe there won't be 2026 repercussions, even though he himself tends to think a maximum of 48 hours ahead, if that. Propaganda from CPAC or extremist mouthpieces do not substitute for overall GOP concern re: elections.
He has dementia. He can't think ahead. He's just doing as he's told which is obvious because whenever he writes/ speaks unmonitored they are walking it back hours later. When he has forgotten he said it.
Whether Trump is or is not clinically demented is beside the point. What *is* important is the immorality, inappropriateness, stupidity, and cruelty of his actions and those of his fellow travelers.
I fear you're being naive, Dan. Elections run on software. Software is the bailiwick of genius Russian developers. Russia has elections, you know. Putin always wins. To put your faith in the integrity of an election system that has been hollowed out from within is naive. Voting won't do it in 2026, even if Musk allows elections. Sheer physical rebellion is what we have left.
We have decentralized elections. That makes fraud a wole lot more difficult than it is in Russia.
“[E]ven if Musk allows elections —
Contemplate that!
Maybe he intends to only cancel the ability to vote for president. That way he can be king and still have his grubby little hands all over the down ballot races and keep control of the house and senate with threats to primary them.
Ann - you are correct as he said as much during the campaign. To paraphrase - " I have all the votes I need and after this election you won't have to vote again"
Right, Jeff. Trump told us he will end elections. And we're still ignoring what we will soon see to be fact. We're like the chicken with its head cut off, still running around squawking "Wait till 2026!" And then we'll be "surprised" and turn in on ourselves to blame ourselves for "not doing enough". We have to find another way to fight than elections.
Yes, they behave like there is no tomorrow, or more to the point, there are no elections in 2026. That would be a bit hard to pull off, though, even when taking into account the pace with which they are dismantling the constitution and changing the country into an autocracy.
But you are absolutely right, they won't be able to win those elections fair and square. So they will use those two years to ramp up their voter repression activities to levels you can't imagine today, they will go after their political opponents and anybody voicing criticism with the full force of all levels of "law" enforcement, the media will be brought to heel, social media will be flooded with even more lies and shit – and if nothing else should help they have already announced their aspiration to buy voters with a 5000 USD bribe, the cheques all carrying a certain well-known signature.
Or they will have Putin style elections where few vote for him and he wins by 90%.
Marj, you nailed it. I hate to say it. Putin owns Trump and is in bed with Musk and Putin is the master of bogus, sham, engineered elections. We are so bloody naive. It breaks my heart.
You're seeing clearly, Ann, in my opinion! They're doing demolition on everything that makes the USA, the USA. We're going to have to abandon 20th century ideas of how things (used to) work, and fight like hell to (a) resist and (b) build an entirely new structure that works for the 21st century that will likely have little resemblance to anything we've know over the last 240 years.
My Congressmember, Jim McGovern (MA-02) recommended calling House Republicans who won their seats by narrow margins. So I went online and found that the following MOCs all won by less than 2% according to https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results,_2024:_Congressional_margin_of_victory_analysis#5%_or_less
Rob Bresnahan, PA-08 (1.62%) – (202) 225-5546
Ryan Mackenzie, PA-07 (1.01%) – (202) 225-6411
Scott Perry, PA-10 (1.62%) – (202) 225-5836
Mariannette Miller-Meeks, IA-01 (0.19%) – (202) 225-6576
Don Bacon, NE-02 (1.85%) – (202) 225-4155
Gabe Evans, CO-08 (0.73%) – (202) 225-5625
Nick Begich, AK At-large (0.37%) – (202) 225-5765
I left a voicemail for each one yesterday, objecting to the "Reverse Robin Hood" budget bill--giving to the rich by stealing from the rest of us. They need to hear the roar of the backlash coming their way. I'll be calling every day. Join me!
McGovern is a class act. I am proud to live in MA. Our rep (Trahan) is excellent as well.
Love this action. I will be calling. "Hi my name is Bill and I expect to retire and move to your district in plenty of time to vote next year...."
Ha! ✅
You have to be from their district for them to care about the call. Look up the address of a chain restaurant in the district to get a zip code to identify yourself.
What I've been doing is just giving my name at the start, then saying my piece, ending with something like, "I’m a US citizen, and you’re a US Congressmember, so even though I don’t live in the __th district of (your state), you represent me, and I wanted you to hear my voice."
I'm afraid that my name + fake zip code is enough info for them to check in seconds whether I'm a registered voter. They'd find that I'm not--and delete the message without listening? Or if I give just my name, do they listen to the end, to see if I give my address later?
I'd like to ask AOC! She explains why we should call Republicans in Congress in this message: https://www.instagram.com/anyshkaanyshka/reel/DF0lhTXJApv/
Oh, Sally, I love it. This is how we will have to fight now.
Excellent way to focus our calls. Remember that they may want you to identify that you are a constituent-even though we all are profoundly affected by another state’s congress people. So I recommend you have a zipcode to say if they ask for one. Zillow can give you addresses if you don’t have a friends address to use.
Chump is just doing what the repubs have wanted to do forever. When Delay and the vipers from 2006 required the USPS to fund retirements for 75 years in the future, they made sure that it would always be in the red and they could gripe and complain ad nauseam. Matters not that it is in the constitution. Chump and the current vipers will roll right over everything that works…
Thank you for helping to keep us motivated and in the fight. I stopped using Amazon months ago. Almost everyone I've spoken with is planning to hold their purse strings tight on Feb 28. I've downloaded a list of Trump supporting companies which I am handing to friends. A group of us are meeting next week to figure out how to mobilize our community beyond letter writing. "We're mad and we're not going to take it anymore"
I am circling back to Costco and not shopping anywhere on February 28th.
Almost same steps here, Beth. We have to show up and encourage others. The Democrats in Congress need to be challenged as well as the Republicans to do their jobs. Let teach each other how to do the work and move. I hope with David Hogg as an DNC vice chair we will find ways to reach out and mobilize young people.
When I read Marc Elias's email replying to musk I cried. I read that email twice. When we donate to Marc via Democracy Docket, we are undoubtedly also donating for his personal security needs.
Then Mitch McConnell announced his retirement after voting to confirm Patel. I was hoping when I saw the headline he was leaving now, but we are stuck with him until 2026. Who will be running to replace him? Will it be Amy Mc Grath? She has a website but I did not see a "Donate" link. I'm going to contact her. https://amymcgrath.com
What really frightens me about 2026 is the massive amounts of dark money that will be flowing into the races. In the race for Wisconsin State Supreme Court (election April 1) musk is pouring huge amounts of money into Judge Susan Crawford's opponent's campaign. Brad Schimel, her opponent, made sweetheart deals with predators and blamed the women for being attacked. That's how disgusting Schimel is. He also held on to rape kits.
In 2024 three totally decent Senators: Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, and Jon Tester lost their races to maga extremists due to musk's dark money, and in the case of Ohio and Montana, voter suppression. In Pennsylvania musk actual bought the state for trump. We are going to need to be really frugal in our budgets and raise so much money for our candidates.
Thank you for including Judith Levine's article in The Guardian about withholding our taxes. If done en masse collectively, this could be a real blow and expose the billionaires who never pay a penny.
Didn't we begin this republic with no taxation without representation?!?! Here we are again centuries later.
Sue, Musk doesn't need our taxes! He has hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars! It would just shut down 100% of our government, and make it easier for him to put his own sick schemes in place in the rubble. We can't fight back anymore with tax payments or votes. Those are, unfortunately, 20th century methods that no longer work. We have to find new ways.
good point, but it would send a message of no confidence and our resistance