Two items. 1. I believe Tommy the traitor is pulling a "McConnell" in holding the military promotions in hopes TFG wins and then put "loyal" officers in the ranks against the American publuc. 2. The attempted "end run" in the Ohio legislature echo Bibi's same try in Isreal to negate the courts rulings by giving the power to the Knesset.


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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My postcard group wrote to Chief Justice Roberts yesterday morning. All were variations on what a sham the new "Code" is. My last sentence was "Do you really think we are that gullible?"

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert, for inviting people to join Heather’s Herd, a group of grassroots activists, in the course of organizing your HCR book giveaway project. And thank you to everybody who applied. It’s a pretty big number to deal with all of a sudden, but know that we will get to each and every one of you. Thanks!

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Robert - I have a more dystopian view on the Tuberville military holds: He's trying to gum up the works (including encouraging unanticipated early resignations) to clear the field for highly politicized appointments by Trump. Effectively turbo-charging the dystopian "Project 2025". Stephen Miller's plan to create a patriarchy ruled by guys like him.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Is anyone surprised that House Democrats were the governing minority yesterday? Don’t we all know that one party is interested in governing, while the other only wants to sow doubt, fear and chaos?

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert - would appreciate your take on the apparent media coup handed Trump by Univision. Though hard to believe at first blush, it appears that the nations #1 hispanic cable system has gone all in for Trump.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

How is it that the Ohio legislature can determine how to implement issue 1 when issue 1 is no longer issue 1? It is now enshrined in the Ohio Constitution which should be determined as to legality by the Ohio Supreme Court. I think the ship has sailed and the legislature has been left in port.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

To Robert’s ‘Concluding Thoughts.’ – This morning wasn't the first time I was tearful while reading ‘Today’s Edition Newsletter,’ this place of community, of like-minded people.

I'm counted among the seniors whose life has changed dramatically since COVID, until now. It's been nearly four years since I've gathered with my family for the holidays, and outside of the holidays.

Over time, I've had masked contact with select family members, to support them in their medical and social needs. Though I'm venturing out, literally, to be with family for (the day after) Thanksgiving. With several proud MAGA Republican family members, I am hoping (and attempting to prepare) that I maintain a degree of calm and civility and graciousness at our gathering. Somehow.

Has COVID given me cover to distance myself from my family. Without a doubt. Still, real fears remain, about COVID, and the unfolding story of White Christian Nationalism, and Maga extremism. And for what’s at risk for the most vulnerable among us, and for us all.

So, today, I want to express what I feel day-to-day. To Robert and to his wife and managing editor, Jill, to your daughters and other family members, little ones included, and most especially – thank you. Your ‘continued dedication and persistence’ has served as an example through which this community has been built. And it has sustained me in some of the darkest of times, even now. It is through this community that I have witnessed the commitment of individual readers who engage in acts of courage and change; and where I look to those whose authentic expressions of curiosity contribute to this unfolding conversation.

This place has introduced me to individuals and communities beyond it, confronting the compelling questions of our time, as we witness and seek to respond to the suffering in our world. And it is within this community and extensions of it, that I attempt to move beyond despair – to small gestures of compassionate action, for all that is a stake, close in, as close as I am to myself, and very far from me and us all. As I read in a Buddhist community publication earlier, “community is essential for affecting social change.” So here we are. And I’m grateful to be here.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Democrats: fighting for our future

Republicans: fighting for their past

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After Dobbs, Republicans “assured” their constituencies that they, the voters, would determine whether or not abortion was legal in their state and if legal, voters would determine the time frame for abortions. Tuesday Ohio Republican politicians showed their true colors. Despite Ohio voters’ approval of abortion being legal, the Ohio Rs plan to negate their voters’ choice.

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I especially liked this sentence from Podhorzer’s post:

"Every election within the margin of error is within the margin of our efforts to shape the outcome.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

If you live in Ohio, make noise about the legislature’s move to subvert the will of the people in the recent election. Contact your legislators. Do it often. Tell your friends and neighbors to do the same. That’s what happened in Wisconsin and they backed off the impeachment idea.


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"Republicans in the Ohio legislature have drafted a bill that would strip Ohio courts of jurisdiction over cases involving the constitutional right to make reproductive decisions". If this passes, I encourage the DNC to broadcast it and plaster bill boards and bus wraps with this info all over the major college towns like Columbus, Athens, Kent, and Miami. If students start voting with their feet, maybe their representatives will listen.

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If it’s not too late count me in on purchasing HCR’s book to pass on to someone who would like to read it. Deborah Middleton

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am confident Biden will win. I am confident that Dems will retake the House. The Senate will be iffy. What does it means if the results are close? A deeply divided nation remains. Really what do i have in common with people in Oklahoma where its voters put in place a moron as senator who was a former plumber and cage fighter? Nothing against either profession but in my state one of our senators is a retired Harvard Law School professor and the other is a former lawyer. I say all of this because the Guardian ran a story about 84-year-old Bernie Sanders breaking up a near fist fight when the former cage fighter challenged a witness to get off his butt and duke it out. Sanders yelled “Sit down! You are a Senator.” Across the hall in the House Kevin McCarthy socked one of his Republican colleagues from Tennessee in the gut while being interviewed by a reporter. All three support an infantile bully who once slammed a ketchup bottle against the wall of his White House dining room. What a country.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Finishing my coffee with Podhozer's essay, this point early on strikes me as essential: "Every election within the margin of error is within the margin of our efforts to shape the outcome."

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