
Help hold the Wisconsin 3rd Congressional district and meet Brad Pfaff. Brad Pfaff is a state senator and farmer running against a January 6th insurrectionist. His district swings the state powering Mandela Barnes to the US Senate, Tony Evers back to the Governor’s Mansion, and two state legislators who prevent a Republican supermajority. To restore Roe, we need Brad’s voice and we need to turnout the voters in his large, rural district. Watch this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG77YFWk2xU ] and donate any amount to meet Brad tonight: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/winwisconsin1. If we want to win Wisconsin in 2024, we need to reach the voters of the 3rd district in the next three weeks. Event starts at 7pm ET/6pm CT/5pm MT/4pm PT.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

I write because, whenever circumstances permit, I underscore, that while abortion care, let alone democracy, must remain on the front burner, Dems need to focus more on a pro-worker agenda—$15 hourly minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, universal healthcare, tax reform, and more, all of which have received zero Republican support.

With 60% of the people in this country living paycheck to paycheck and millions working for starvation wages, it should come as no surprise that the American people in poll after poll report that the economy and inflation are their two major issues. Hence, not only should we not ignore these issues; we should make it clear to working families throughout this country, many of whom are prepared to vote Republican, that if they vote Republican they are voting for a Party, which on every single issue economically runs counter to their interests.

While I don’t expect said messaging to exert any meaningful impact on MAGA, I do believe there are enough “persuadables” whose votes could help hold the House, pick up some Senate seats, and add to the count in state and local elections.

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I was digging around looking for information on how polls are taken. Here is one assessment:


According to this source, most are based on in person interviews. Which poses questions for me. First, how can one possibly find an accurate representation by neighborhood? Which doors to knock on? Who actually answers the door when a stranger rings the bell? He might be a bible thumper. She might be looking for donations to a cause I don't care about? Go away!

And for that matter, who is actually home? Younger people are more apt to be at work or out and about socially while old farts like me would be home.

The polls are a profession that in some cases is a sincere effort to measure sentiment. But despite their attempts at truly representing the the prevailing moods, I think they are too flawed and can never be relied on except to bring a smile or a look of terror to our faces.

I think we are headed for a November Surprise. I think women and members of the LGBTQIA community (and those who love them) are going to vote in numbers and percentages like never seen before. And I also think if the word about messing with Social Security and Medicare gets out there, the seniors of America are going to be really pissed. We may end up thanking Senator (Medicare Fraud King) Scott and Senator (I didn't really help with the Insurrection) Johnson for handing the Democrats a gift.

Maybe I am just having another naive optimistic day. But I am sticking with it.

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I have come to some hard truths recently. Facts are not going to persuade or change MAGA voters minds. Not all Republicans are members of MAGA and have become invisible to pollsters more out of fear. Regardless of party affiliation the average voter has a lot to lose if Republicans get elected such as freedom of choice , impacts to Social Security , Medicare and low cost prescriptions to name a few. There would be no hope for effective gun control , fair voter registration and voting rights and no meaningful legislation for climate change. A pretty bleak picture especially if you are a young person starting out in life. So my friends as Howard Beale said in the 1976 movie Network “ I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take this anymore!” go out and vote.

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Tonight’s zoom conversation with Tim Ryan was wonderful. It gave me hope for our chances in November, as did your newsletter tonight and so many nights over the past 6 years of insanity! Congratulations to Julia and Dan, and to you and Jill! Many happy returns!

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“ As a former prosecutor, I’ve given a lot of thought about what it will look like for women as the MAGA abortion bans are enforced. #LockHerUp illustrates what's at stake this November for the women we love.”

Check out and share Eric Swalwill’s video. Just under a minute and a half.


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Not to rain on the parade but to kick people into redoubling their efforts these next three weeks:

Fetterman only leads Oz by 2 points in the latest Philadelphia Inquirer poll released today.

30% of Democrats are willing to vote for an election-denier over their "problems" with gas prices and "inflation" according to the NYT/Siena College poll.

Trump told associates today that in a second Trump Administration, he thinks it would be a good idea to put Marjorie Taylor Green into a "senior position in the Justice Department."

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A another beautiful, courageous, evidence-based report reflecting the fighting spirit that defines democracy in action. Today's Edition Newsletter is the standard bearer in the battle against Donald Trump and his fascist army of loud mouth MAGA miscreants like Majorie Taylor Greene attempting to undermine the authority of the Constitution. As Abraham Lincoln warned, "Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties." Lincoln also said "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves." In this watershed moment it really is up to us, WE, THE PEOPLE, to win the day and ensure our liberty by harnessing the power of the ballot. If not in this election cycle, then the next, until the fight for freedom is won. Lincoln once again: "Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

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One hopes that your Concluding Thoughts and Mr. Ryan's optimism presage some genuine progress is breaking the artificial partisan barriers keeping Congress from being a functioning part of our government.

The comments on Social Security and Medicare and Mr. Biden's 'promise' to codify the right to make one's own health care choices suggest another opportunity for the Democrats to grab some low-hanging legislative fruit. Why not publish the legislative text of a bill to stabilize the Trust Fund by removing the income cap on OASDI tax and have it sponsored in each house by a well-regarded member outside the leadership like Katie Porter and Maggie Hassan. That would put the GOP squarely on the spot and gain some serious support for Democrats without running commercials showing Grandma going off a cliff in her wheelchair. The income source should be changed from Wage and Salary to Adjusted Gross Income too, but that may be too great a leap for most of Congress to comprehend.

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"Hmm. If it is true that MAGA doesn’t vote for stupid people with big mouths, what does that mean for MAGA’s support for Trump?"

Thanks for the chuckle.

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Voting Democrat is voting for bread and butter. How can retirees, many of the veterans, want to vote for a party in favor of: 1) defaulting on our government's debt obligations, a significant part of which (_____%?) is held internationally, and sunsetting social security and medicare. Trumpet this bad news to the farthest corners of Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. And do it tomorrow.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This is a link to an article that explains the threat of the Republican tactic to use a Constitutional Convention to amend our constitution to their minority conservative values using state legislatures. I fear this issue is not being recognized and taken seriously.


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There is a good article in the Guardian today about the American election. Here is a portion; "LaTosha Brown: ‘The abortion message needs to be layered with other messages’

For Democrats to win, it’s all about three things: money, message and mobilization. And when it comes to the message, the message needs to be more layered.

Democrats should lead with a trifecta of messages focused on the economy, voting rights and racial justice.

They need to speak about the economy from a worker’s perspective. They need to humanize the issue and focus on the struggles of ordinary people, like wage stagnation and rising costs. They need to ditch the jargon. They need to lay the blame for the mess we’re in on Republicans and their corporate tax cuts, which only benefit the ultra-wealthy."

Proportionality: he GDP is proportioned outwards. Those who stand for fair living quality are demonized. But Obama talks about relaxed language about this. Ordinary people are asked to take less so that the rich can take more, send it offshore, whatever.

I have found that when I am too scared by what someone is saying as it is false, forgetting to say it is false is my first mistake.


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Indeed damn the polls, and the media too. Time to break up media monopolies and take away the special protections from liability for social media.

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Your newsletters are better than any anti-anxiety meds. Thank you so much!

My birthday is November 7th. This year my birthday wish is for a Democratic Congress so President Biden can keep doing what he's doing for the American people. Not too much to ask, is it? 🎁

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