Dear Musk Melon,

* On Monday, I did my job.

* On Tuesday, I did my job.

*On Wednesday, I did my job.

*On Thursday, I did my job

* On Friday, I did my job.

Sincerely Submitted,

NachO Puppet

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Love this!!

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Brava! 💪🏽😎

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I would have added a copy of my job description to really plug up his system.

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* I switched from X to Bluesky

* I did a Duck Duck Go search for labor lawyers

* I formed a union

* I passed out copies of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in the cafeteria

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Whoops, that’s only 4 things. Musk will fire you for low productivity.

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For your fifth item--you could add: I sold my Tesla.

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Or, I watched my Tesla burn

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Like this even better.

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Wow…love those actions!

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No gov work reporting on Monday - Not my President's day - it's a trap!

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Here's what employee Donald wrote to his boss Elon:

--I expressed my undying loyalty to Vladimir Putin

--I called a brave president of an embattled European democracy a dictator

--I threatened our friend and neighbor to the north

--I swore in a few more unfit cabinet members, because they call me Sir

--I broke, for the umpteenth time, my oath to the Constitution

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Not to mention faithfully played golf at MY golf courses 10 days out of 30 since elected. Taking care of my fitness and need to relax.

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…costing taxpayers a reported $10-million+ while firing thousands of hardworking gov employees…

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Here’s a great link:


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You are fired! Sorry, didn’t catch your name?

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It’s too disgusting to vote for, but it’s too true too

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Can't like this one bit, but that about sums it up.

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Here's what I posted to FB yesterday: From the NYT:

Elon Musk posted on social media that “all federal employees will shortly receive an email requesting to understand what they got done last week."

I want to tell Elon what I got done last week:

1. Led a discussion on Black history in Africa and on the early years of enslavement in the U.S.

2. Completed the first draft of a document to accompany a program series on "The Gift of Immigrants," and discussed edits with a colleague.

3. Attended a program in which elementary students acted out roles of historical figures in Black American history.

4. Worked on questions of responsiveness to ICE and to Illegal DEI prohibitions.

5. Continued to urge my Republican Senators to answer their phones.

Resistance comes in many forms.


White, cis, long married, 70-something grandmother and pastor, proud and patriotic WOKE American.

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I added a new window sticker to my car that states, "Proud to be Woke." It is placed right next to "Don't Blame Me; I Voted for Harris."

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Great list of ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Looks much like mine. I have dem senators but a right wing r for my house district. He's heard from me 3 times this week. Got 2 of the same form letters. He's afraid to hold a town hall in this part of his district.

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So are our two Trumpet senators.

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Thank you!!!

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To: Egon Musk

From: Worker B

Subject: What I Accomplished Last Week

Date: February 23, 2025

1. Watched you accidentally fire people overseeing our nukes

2. Saw you put a psychopathic Kremlin stooge in charge of the FBI

3. Observed you fire hundreds of FAA workers after three plane crashes

4. Listened to you indicating you want a Reichstag event

5. Took a lot of Maalox to manage my constant stomach ache because you are without a doubt, the most nauseating and foolishly dangerous cretin on the planet (no offense to cretins)

cc: My Boss

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I mean, maybe some cretins could save us.

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It would be a step in the right direction!

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Love it!

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TY! I try to have fun with existential dread:)

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What else can you do?

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Were I an employee, my reply would consist of one sentence:

“You’re not the boss of me.”

I really enjoyed today’s live chat, and there was one thing you said that caught my attention, because it was an example of how people often misunderstand _Rump, and thereby ascribe erroneous characteristics and motivations to him. You were discussing the recent polls, and you said something to the effect that his popularity had declined, and that would bother him…. In my opinion (and I have a case study paper to back this up), _Rump doesn’t care so much about being popular. What matters to him is attention, and power. The narcissist in him craves the spotlight, and wants to be the center of attention at all times. The only people whose opinions matter to him are those he views as important and/or powerful, mostly, other narcissistic bullies, because those are the only people he understands. He never cared about being president, except insofar as that would give him lots of attention, and a position of power and importance. He neither understands, nor cares about, democracy, American history, or the American people. He has no real strategy, he’s not interested in doing any actual work, and he has rarely, at any time in his life, been held to account for his actions.

Viewed through this lens, it’s understandable that he would be willing to let Musk run the show, while he attends concerts and sporting events and retreats to Mar a Lago to play golf.

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Right. What do polls matter to someone who lies 100% of the time about how popular he is?

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Yes! Tell DFT Grow a pair!

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Let's be clear: The "pair" he'd need to grow are breasts, not balls. Women, and most especially black women, have led the most brave and effective opposition to him and the other cowardly cohorts of MAGA et al during this entire dangerous time.

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He doesn't have the ability to grow a pair.

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Best description of FFOTUS I’ve read. Now why can’t legacy media and the talking heads on cable see that?

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Waiting for the day the headline is TRUMP BROKE THE LAW. AGAIN. or TRUMP LIED. AGAIN. crickets.

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Looking forward the day when his as* is hauled off to prison!

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Answer: they are not paid to be telling the truth or sounding the alarm. They only speak to those ensnared in their propaganda over the airwaves. The pay is good and the president loves them. They are lacking any soul, just like Trump.

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Your missing one foundational point about Trump. What he LOVES more than all else is $MONEY$! He and Musk are already grifting their way through the US agencies with money like the Treasury and Social Security. We may never know how much they've already stolen. And now they've thrown out all the tools for future oversight of corruption. If Trump can walk out of the White House in 2028 with $100 Billion salted away, he'll believe he's had a successful second term. Everything else he's ruining is frosting on the cake.

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I keep wondering if there is a way to make money meaningless. Like it is not worth anything to them, and we don’t need it because we have some other kind of system figured out where we can resource the People. Right now, it feels like they have us over a barrel because they are withholding our funds. They are firing people who work for US. The government works for us. And they are stealing our $$. But what if that $$ was not worth what they think it is? What if we could do whatever we want/need without them. I am really jumping out of the box on this one. It just seems that while the equation is the ones with the most $ manipulate everybody else, we are screwed. Especially when it has been codified into our laws as with Citizens United and corporations are people. Anybody have any ideas?

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Maria, unfortunately, money is VERY important. The latest news I've read on the NPR website is that tRump wants now to decimate the Department of Housing and Urban Development. I have outlived my retirement funds, and finally got a voucher to be able to live in a low-income senior apartment, but if I lose that voucher, I'll be homeless. No, in modern society, we can't live without money! I've heard of a few coffee houses that refuse to take cash payments. That is totally discriminatory! And bitcoins? Seriously? Have you heard how much electricity it takes to power up all those lithium batteries in their system? But don't give up, just come up with some other ideas, OK? We will need all we can get!

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I get it. Right now, the reality is that $ is what we use to shift resources around. May you he able to have your voucher for as long as you need it.

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Maria, have you looked into bartering? Of course it is not going to replace US currency or solve your housing worries, but if enough of us were to begin to do it, it might serve as another measure of the opposition to t***p.

Here is an example:


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The only indication I see that he cares about his popularity is the fact that he will lie about those numbers in his favor.

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He also just needed to stay out of prison for his lifelong crime spree…

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Very scary that it only took a month to break thru the guardrails of democracy. Your. “T” description seems right on, Beth. My background and experience supports your conclusions. While my “pro-democracy” actions this week were scattered, they were aimed at the Congress and the voters, because nothing, I mean nothing, we can personally do will change the mind of a clinically diagnosed narcissist . But, we sure as heck can work around “T” and begin the arduous task of take back control.

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This is an extremely astute analysis, IMHO. Thank you. To me, something that might be predictive is whether he suffers from an antisocial disorder or malignant narcissism, both diagnoses offered by mental health professionals. (Who point out that trying to get an accurate diagnosis from either of these disorders in a personal examination is almost impossible as they game the system and therapists.) The two disorders overlap considerably and practically speaking, there might not be much difference between them. But one difference is that a sociopath really doesn't care if they have approval, whereas a narcissist does. They can suffer narcissistic wounds, especially if the disapproval is very public.

I honestly don't know which he might be, but he does seem to be very competitive, whichever one he is. So if someone he is competitive with, for example, Biden, has better polling numbers, then he might care in that respect. And sometimes it seems that public opinion has caused him to back down. I totally agree with you that for him, any attention is good, no matter how negative. He just wants to dominate the airwaves. He is also capable of lying and confabulating to himself, whatever data there might be out in the real world, that he's everybody's favorite president. He'll lie to himself about the poll numbers, make up his own. It's really kind of horrifying how many "serious" people have enabled this disordered and dangerous man.

And I agree, I think he just likes being the Big Man and having people hop to and be able to throw his weight around, plus avoid jail and ruinous fines. He's lazy, and if Musk wants to do the job, then great. And yes, Musk being the richest man fits the narcissistic mold of basking in the presence of "greatness" while objectifying and dehumanizing everyone else.

I'm just thankful so many of the people are resisting this insanity. It won't be easy but I do think we can prevail in the end.

Thank you for your comment!

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Trump has been diagnosed a psychopath by several psychologists and psychiatrists. In this article, there's a checklist of diagnostic points. Out of a psychopathy scale of a possible 44, Trump scores 40. A regular person scores 3. It's worth reading.


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link isn't working....but my search engine used A.I. now and that's scary--are they filtering stuff for the tRumpsters?

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_Rump, and 3lon as well, they don't suffer from their disorders, they revel in them. It's a sick and twisted existence. Thank you for your insight.

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Very true. Ugh. So sick and so twisted :( You know, they have a mental illness so their behavior is often driven by that. I keep asking myself, what is the excuse for the rest of the Republican party just standing back and letting this happen or actively enabling them?

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This is exactly what went through my mind yesterday. Elon wields the sledgehammer while Trump basks in the afterglow.

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He loves to have others do his dirty work.

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And Congressional Repubs love having him do the dirty work as well.

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Ginger: Perfectly stated. He has no interest in BEING president just wants the power and prestige attached to it. I am sure he is perfectly happy giving Musk free rein to do whatever he wants to do

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Great description that feels accurate. One thing missing, though, and not sure how it fits with the rest - he holds grudges against those who defy him and revels in getting revenge (or what he perceives as revenge.)

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I agree, except I think he craves the approval of people he has always felt were somehow superior to himself. He wanted the acceptance and approval of the society mavens in New York, and ditto the extremely wealthy. This would explain why he allows Elon to steal the spotlight from him, and gives him free reign in the government.

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I completely agree. Now that he is back in power, his approval ratings could be single digits for all he cares, and he, Musk, Bessents et al still hold the reins over the government. Purging the military should bring Congress roaring out of its hibernation cave, but most of its members are still snoozing right along.

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In this vein I wish newspapers and tv would refer to him only as “the president” and NEVER use his name. It ll drive him crazy.

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BRAVO! Nailed it.

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Exactly Right Ginger. Thank you for such clarity!

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What I did this week:

1. My job

2. Cared for a friend who could not get proper medical care for her miscarriage.

3. Comforted a friend whose passport renewal misgendered them.

4. Distributed "red cards" explaining their rights to those who are afraid of ICE.

5. Sourced facts to share with friends who are unknowingly parroting the fictional talking points of this chaos and cruelty regime!

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Thank you!

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#5 is something I need to do more of!

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YES! My focus is on 3 things; supporting the targeted populations, correcting misinformation and educating non-voters!

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Wow!!! You are amazing!!!

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To be transparent, I took the assignment as hypothetical. I have never worked for the government and am retired, which is why I have time for so much activism and to support the populations being targeted by this despicable administration.

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Memo to Elmo Muck

1. F

2. U

3. C

4. K

5. U


Every One in the United States.

cc: Myself

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Brilliant!! Thanks for the early morning LOL 😂

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I'm gonna give it a go in a minute, but you have my vote !

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Why thank you Bart! I don’t know. There are a ton of good answers here, both funny and serious.

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My dad wrote commercials for the big ad agencies and he always felt that brevity was key. I feel if you can include a good punch, that can also be effective. You did both!

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Well, the five bullet points aligned perfectly with the succinct message I wanted to send. Kismet??😁

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I hope some employees respond with just this.

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Magnificent AF!

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* Instead of playing golf I went to work

* I helped people rather than disparaging them

* I did not randomly fire people or gut institutions

* I did not proclaim that all people of color and all women were DEI hires

* I did not get on stage high as a kite and wave a chainsaw around.

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You know I laughed at the chainsaw because knowing someone who can actually handle a chainsaw like that for their work, I thought Elon would not have a clue about actually running that saw. But maybe we should be glad Elon does not a clue on that. (legal disclaimer: nothing in this statement however is meant to infer that Elon really has a clue about anything)

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What is it with C-PAC anyway that they bring orban, milei and other wackos to throw red meat at a rabid drooling base of orcs? When will they invite putin? Where are investigative reporters when you need them. C-PAC should be high on the list.

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Nailed It.

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Dear Space Nazi:

On Monday: I did NOT become your baby momma.

On Tuesday: I did NOT go hunting endangered animals with the drooling Drumpf “twins.”

On Wednesday: I caddied for Mango McCombOver while costing the taxpayers millions of dollars. Spending 30% of all his working days on the links is BIGGLY fun. I enjoyed my $2 tip.

On Thursday: I went to a Tesla dealership, pooped in the showroom and drew swastikas all over the walls in the restroom.

On Friday: I helped place our ousted Military brass in their new jobs picking strawberries, okra and yellow squash, since all of our migrant workers have been deported (or assigned to GITMO for testing of your neuralink chips in their brains.)

All and all, I feel like I’ve had a very productive week. Thank you for asking.

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This is awesome, Nancy! Space Nazi 👍

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If not laughing at this crap, I’d be crying.

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Um, Thursday -- 😆🤭🫢😆

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I know, right?!

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Love this!

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Thanks Mary.

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Thanks for the laughs!

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You’re most welcome. The ridiculous shenanigans of this “administration” will not end well. Must MAKE FUN of them. It keeps me sort of sane. Stay safe out there.

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The 24 Hour Economic Blackout - FRIDAY February 28th

For one day we show them who really holds the power. Do not make any purchases. Do not shop online, or in-store. Nowhere! Do not use Credit or Debit Cards for non essential spending. If you must spend, ONLY support small, local businesses.

The point of the exercise is to give this administration a swift and noticeable kick in the economics!! No, the economy will not plummet ... that is not the point. It should be a demonstration of solidarity and 'rebuke'!

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I am planning to boycott all day on Friday, and I am encouraging everyone I can to do the same. Everyone, please join me. Together we can show them the power we hold.

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Thank you Joan of NYC. This economy boycott is really important to show solidarity far and wide. It needs to be a global event, for anyone everywhere protesting against dictators, fascism. Canada, Mexico, Europe, can join in to show support and express sentiment.

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Also March 7th to 14th is Amazon blackout week. And March 14th is a worker strike for 1 day.

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I am not sure it is fair to include small local businesses in this. However, if I do any local shopping on Friday, I will use cash so that I'm not supporting the banks with my credit card and/or debit card purchase.

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Many of my local businesses are maga, I already boycott them.

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You can shop before or the day after to support small local businesses, and for sure, if you really need something that, shop local.

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Small local businesses where you would normally shop were specifically excluded from this when I first heard about it.

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Perhaps the politics of the „small local“ businessperson *should* figure into whether to boycott.

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I respectfully disagree. I am particularly thinking about the small local grocery store where I shop every Saturday morning and buy my organic produce. I have no idea how the owner voted, since that isn't a conversation I have had with him or with his daughter who is now running the business. But, in any case, I think this boycott isn't just to show how much "power" we have; it also needs to be targeted at the money and major corporations that are supporting Trump.

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I have mixed feelings about the local grocery store and other merchants: If the store doesn’t flaunt its political preferences, fine; excellent. But I thknk that if it shoves its preference(s) in front of customers, customers may rightly conclude that the merchant sells its politics in addition to goods and services. In that case, I (and others, I presume) would be justified in taking business to establishments whose goods & services are less unfriendly.

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I live in Oakland, California. I am not aware of any local businesses that spout MAGA politics. And in terms of franchises of right wing companies like Hobby Lobby or Chik Filet, I stopped shopping there a long time ago.

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To: Elon Musk

Re: Accomplishments w/o 2/17/2025

1) I reported to work every day, and did my job serving the American people, despite being constantly reminded that my ability to continue depended on my degree of loyalty to a dictator, and my compliance with your unauthorized orders.

2) I organized my work and shared it with my supervisor, in whom I have great respect, so that in the likely event that my position is terminated, they will be able to pick up where I left off, assuming they survive.

3) I made contact lists of all of my fellow employees so that we can protect each other and join together to resist illegal and immoral directives, and organize an appropriate response to your draconian actions.

4) I formulated this response, and had to edit it several times to make sure I deleted all expletives and didn't jeopardize anyone else's employment.

5) As suggested by your deadline of 11:59 p.m. Monday, I prepared this after my normal working hours, and am required by law to submit for overtime pay. Please see attached.

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Briliant, Bob. You have captured a true voice: calm, loyal, dutiful, thoughtful, smart, and proud of serving our best imagination of who we are as Americans -- what is at the heart of public service and the government work, which is too often scorned by people who have never done a week of significant, caring work in their lives.

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Bob, thank you for sharing, and I hope that you will be o.k. This situation sucks, and we all need to oppose it. You sharing this is part of the opposition.

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Dear President Musk,

Everything I did last week is classified.

Have a nice day.


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please please please remember....Musk could NEVER Constituionally be President. He was NOT BORN in USA. "The presidential birth requirements in the U.S. Constitution require anyone elected to serve as U.S. president or vice president be a "natural born citizen." What that means is only those people who are U.S. citizens at birth and did not have to go through the naturalization process are eligible to serve in the highest office in the land."

Even tho I understand the reasoning behind referring to him as "Pres", let's not give him one teeny weeney foot hold of legitimacy EVER!

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What makes you think these current requirements won't be changed? So far the Constitution means nothing to the Dumptruck.

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„Dear *unelected* President Musk …”

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Dear Effing Non President not even close who the hell do you think you are?

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Love this one too

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On Monday I watched a plane crash, but I still enjoyed my federal holiday

On Tuesday I looked up the definition of the word Oligarchy, I got all of my work done, and I read a banned book.

On Wednesday I really appreciated being vaccinated for the measles so I could do my job, and in the evening I made 5 phone calls.

On Thursday I looked up the definition of the word dictator. I finished all of my work, and went home to write five e-mails.

On Friday after I had a big breakthrough at work and even got some of Monday's tasks complete I was furious to hear of the highly regarded General's being fired without cause. To relax I decided to do some research on just how this my play out. I watched MoonRaker, some delightful fiction about a filthy rich megalomania businessman as the villain, who just wanted to build rockets for England and keep hiding that he is a secret Nazi.

I gave up for the week

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He's not a secret Nazi though. MoonRaker is a good movie.

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To Elon Musk:

Re: 5 Things I Did Last Week. ( To Justify My Existence Less I Be Fired for Cause)

Like any good programmer, I looked at the existing code and tried to understand where there may be holes that need to be fixed. And then I set upon to do that. So, upon opening the Constitution, the statutes and regs governing my department and job, I realized that I didn’t have to respond. Hope you have a good day. Oh, by the way, where do I send you my legal complaint? I can’t find it in the Federal Register.

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As a former software engineer (now retired) I was thinking how the heck I would fill out such a report. Because many software investigations take days, new designs may take weeks, implementation may take weeks...

Also, who the heck is going to read all these reports? Working in a big company for many years, we saw many VPs come and go, one VP did require something similar. All the managers had to put together weekly reports in like 10 categories of what their teams did. And because it was a big company there were dozens of these put together by all the managers. I often wondered who the heck reads all these? I think the VP tried to read them initially but eventually we got the impression no one was reading them at all. Eventually they died out. And eventually the VP got fired.

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No one will read these responses. Musk will create a few fictitious responses to share with his drooling cult on X.

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It is a loyalty test. Just another trick to distract people like the fork in the road email.

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AI will ‘read’ them.

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Thanks for your insights. I’m a lawyer but I was trying to get at the question from an IT perspective because that is how I think of Musk and his minions, especially now because they have basically screwed up with our programs. How have I seen these type of reports used in corporate America in a law department? To justify firings. Your top 5 don’t hold a candle to so and sos top 5. Therefore, in the next round of layoffs, you are vulnerable. In other words, don’t get a bad performance rating in a down year.

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Memo to the Muskrat

Subject: My accomplishments for last week

Monday: I exceeded expectations by meeting my weekly quota of profanity, all on the first day!

Tuesday: Searched for the meaning of bat-shit crazy and lo and behold, your name was there.

Wednesday: Read the book "How to Destroy People's Lives - A first 30-day plan" , and found you to be the author - funny that!

Thursday: Darn if I couldn’t complete the assignment to find a bejeweled chainsaw.

Friday: I prayed for my country and vowed to never let the bastards drag me down.

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Elon Musk's own Artificial intelligence (AI) model, Grok, has admitted that the billionaire is a significant spreader of misinformation online. In response to user Gary Koepnick's inquiry about him being responsible for spreading the most misinformation on X, the chatbot surprisingly said ''Yes.''


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Bejeweled chainsaw, indeed. Even the chainsaw is fake! Musk could not lift a real chainsaw over his head. Our current government is a Potemkin village built in multimedia to impress the Emperor that things are great for him. Musk is not the government, Trump is not the government, and as Robert reminded us on Saturday, Republicans are the fourth largest political bloc in the U.S. trailing Democrats, independents, and the largest group -- those who did not vote in 2024. Trump's power is real and it is doing real damage, but it invites ridicule and resistance at every turn.

It is clear that a large percentage of Americans have shown our capacity to look away when Trump has shown himself to be a racist, misogynist, bullying idiot. The questions is: Will we continue to turn away and do our own version of Trump's going golfing while people suffer and the USA becomes an embarrassment, a dictatorship, and a pariah to the world? We must show who we are: are we the self-congratulating, sadistic crowd at CPAC or are we something better?

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Ah, Patrick, BETTER much better! Right now many folks are in shock! Seriously, people I know who are quick to complain legitimately are now afraid to stand up and be counted! Am I going to write the HUD offices to complain? ooooh, not me! I can't take that chance! But I'll be at the next protest march, or sit-in at the local congressman's office. Our senators and congressmen/women need to stand up and fight for us peons! Damn it, it's what they're paid to DO!!!

They are all fraidy cats! Scared sheetless about the threats from Agent Orange! Get some courage all you DC reps! Stand up for your people!!!

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Amen! Spread the word and the energy.

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