This short note opens the Sunday Comments section to everyone.
I will send a Today’s Edition coffee mug to the reader who pens the best response to Musk’s Saturday email to federal workers instructing them to “reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager.”
Brevity, style, wit, and class will earn extra points.
Submissions need not be humorous. Musk managed to insult millions of dedicated, productive federal workers who make our lives better and safer every day. Giving voice to the anger and hurt of those workers is also welcome.
Of course, you should also feel free to comment on other current events.
As a reminder, I will be in the air on Sunday evening, headed to London. Monday’s newsletter will likely be shorter and may not have an audio version.
The image below features the Flame Nebula (center) with the Horsehead Nebula in the lower right. When I took the photo, I was trying to capture the Flame Nebula but did not correctly center my subject, resulting in a more interesting image!
Dear Musk Melon,
* On Monday, I did my job.
* On Tuesday, I did my job.
*On Wednesday, I did my job.
*On Thursday, I did my job
* On Friday, I did my job.
Sincerely Submitted,
NachO Puppet
* I switched from X to Bluesky
* I did a Duck Duck Go search for labor lawyers
* I formed a union
* I passed out copies of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in the cafeteria