Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Norman Ornstein, the political scientist and scholar at the normally conservative American Enterprise Institute, recently posted this, regarding journalists' demand that Kamala Harris submit to their questioning:

" I understand why journalists want to take this stance. But the fact is we have had no reflection, no willingness to think through how irresponsible and reckless so much of our mainstream press and so many of our journalists have been and continue to be.

Watch how often the White House press briefings end up as embarrassing zoos. Far too many questions have little to do with what Americans care about, and more reflect the egos of the reporters.

I do think that sometime in the near future Harris should do, not a press conference with campaign reporters who will not distinguish themselves with what is important but ask a flurry of gotcha and horse race questions, but one or two in-depth one on one interviews.

There are many good journalists who could do this really well. But what I have seen over the past two weeks is a bunch of whining by self important narcissistic journalists who think it’s all about them."


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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I nominate Heather Cox Richardson

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Dave, While a sit-down with Heather surely would be illuminating, in my view, there’s a larger issue. Frankly, I believe it unrealistic to deny that some time after the Convention the majority of people will be eager to see how Harris performs when challenged and under pressure. Additionally, as stated in my post, a press conference would be great preparation for September’s debate with Trump.

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Jerry, While I neither doubt Ornstein’s perceptions or expectations relative to the mainstream press, contrary to his perspective, I believe, after the Convention, aside from “in-depth one on one interviews,” Harris must show the American people not only that she can hold her own in a full press conference but also that she decisively can expound on the accomplishments of the current administration, articulate her policy agenda moving forward, and prosecute the case against Trump and Trumpism.

Postscript: As an afterthought, it occurs to me that a battle-tested Harris emerging from a presser or two could afford her an added edge as she prepares to debate Trump. Speaking personally, in every combative situation I can recall, the principal lesson that required repeated reinforcement was not to accept the premise of every question.

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You write, Harris "must show the American people not only that she can hold her own in a full press conference." Why? How is being able to deal with a gaggle of antagonistic, ignorant reporters shouting questions relevant to the qualities necessary to be a good leader?

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She should have a one-on-one interview with Heather Cox Richardson.

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Mim, As I wrote to Dave Dalton who stated the same, while a sit-down with Heather surely would be illuminating, in my view, there’s a larger issue. Frankly, I believe it unrealistic to deny that some time after the Convention the majority of people will be eager to see how Harris performs when challenged and under pressure. Additionally, as stated in my post, a press conference would be great preparation for September’s debate with Trump.

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Press conferences have become gladiatorial events. The public doesn’t need that.

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Agree agree agree!

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Robert, Frankly, I would be stunned were Harris not to hold at least 1 press conference prior to the election. In my view, some time after the Convention, the majority of people will be eager to see how Harris performs when challenged and under pressure.

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Frankly, I disagree. I don’t know anyone who expects or wants Harris to prove anything in a full press conference of screaming, disrespectful, one-sided, ignorant journalists. It’s time to ignore them and their whining.

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That "full press conference" demand is bullshit, brought by the Republican BS machine.

They answer questions every day. Yesterday, a reporter asked Biden if the U.S. has beaten inflation, Biden answered: “Yes, Yes, Yes. I told you we were going to have a soft landing…. My policies are working. Start writing that way.”

Later Trump lied about "his" economy." Headlines should say, "Trump lies about the economy in Ashville."

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Go, Joe !!💙

My simple message has been : Harris wants to raise the minimum wage. Is he Ok?/Trump wants to cut taxes for billionaires.

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Daniel, I agree, I agree, I agree. Thank you for stating it so clearly. There is no reason on earth why Harris has to play by the Republican BS machine rules.

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This failure by msm is a daily event. YouTube has offered a better overview of facts vs opinions

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Bonnie, I am in complete agreement with you. Yes, Harris needs to state her policy plans. No, she does not need to do it at an old-fashioned press conference. Does anyone else hold press conferences? Not Donald. Oh, the Mar-a-Lago spectacle? Did you know those were only hand-picked "press" (did they even have press credentials?) who were given soft questions to ask him, which he didn't answer anyway. Why is Harris the ONLY candidate anywhere who "has to" do a press conference? And why should she go to the press, anyway? Why doesn't the press come to her? Let's set up a Mar-a-Lago type press conference for her, then, at some famous resort where only 20 hand-picked journalists (maybe college reporters from small-town or village papers) are given softball questions that they are allowed to ask her. Let's do that. That I'll agree to support. And let's see how the MAGA media (the NYT, WaPo, Fox, NPR, CNN) handle that. Would they even notice it's an exact copy of the Mar-a-Lago spectacle? Or would they continue to let Mar-a-Lago slide and crucify Harris for doing it exactly the same way?

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The Democratic Party Platform will be issued next week, during their Convention. It will be a Biden-Harris statement.

That ought to (not will) satisfy the press.

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I’m with Bonnie!

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Bonnie, As I just wrote to Derek, before discounting my perspective, please consider the postscript I just added.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

With respect Barbara, Harris is a former courtroom prosecutor. How much more preparation do you think she will need to handle Trump’s gish gallop of lies?

I am a former journalist. As Robert has stated many times, even if Harris agrees and holds a press conference or two in the near future, the media are damned unlikely to offer an accurate account of her policy positions no matter what she says. Yes, optics matter and the optics right now are that Harris and Walz are kicking it with their campaign rhetoric and introducing themselves to their future constituents. Another words, they are taking their arguments to the people and the press has to follow them to get the story, not just show up and shout rude, unrelated questions designed to garner click bait. Social media “influencers” are either elated and pushing Harris/Walz hard or pissed as hell because they’ve lost control of the narrative. It’s fascinating to follow.

Harris’s media handlers are pretty savvy in my opinion. And with the Convention next week, they will turn back to traditional media and hold news conference regarding the policy platform. But Harris and Walz are Gen Xers, not Boomers and yeah, that matters. They are going to manage it differently than Biden or Trump. And given the people’s response in just the last month, I’m thinking they are leading rather than being strung along by a belligerent media.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I echo Sheila B. As a retired journalist, I believe Harris/Walz have their campaign comms well in hand. They are clearly working a savvy, multidisciplinary plan. They will engage with the self-aggrandizing and self-important MSM when needed. What we are witnessing is a slow-rolling disintegration of traditional media. These reporters fear irrelevance more than anything else. Let’s stand together with our candidates and their obviously experienced comms team.

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Sheila Strand, as eloquent as Sheila B. Thank you! We have to stand together and support this amazing new way of doing comms. It's great. It's innovative. It's effective. Let the MAGA media (which you very sweetly call the mainstream media) implode and fade away and go out of business and never darken our doors again. I for one will not miss them. Let them do their cooking and game features because people here seem to value that. Maybe we can pass a law forbidding them to cover anything else.

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Exactly. The old model is on its way out and this campaign is kicking it to the curb. Not sure what the new model is, but VP Harris seems to understand it. GO!

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Sheila, I wholly agree with your reply and would note, as you too mention, my comment specifically reads “after the Convention.”

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Of course. Kamala needs to shut out the noise from the chattering class of media right now. Kicking down the barn doors next week is Job 1! We are hosting a convention watch party at our home — might you consider doing the same thing? I believe Kamala will bring the goods. She has been magnificent since July 21. 🩵

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Sheila, While I think it’s lovely you’re hosting a Convention watch party, I’m puzzled as to why you would ask whether I would consider hosting a similar social event. Frankly, I am scheduled to spend next week with former students in a neighboring swing state meeting with uncommitted voters.

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You’re right. Missed that. More coffee needed….

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I will get go a step farther and say that I do not trust this so-called debate; there is still no commitment to factcheck , the journalist who does it will undoubtedly bend over backwards to be so-called fair to Trump. Somehow it will come out with her looking bad whether because she’s a lot physically smaller than him or because he throws some very ugly punches, I dread the debate and I wish it wasn’t happening. It’s a mistake for anybody to share the stage with a convicted felon.

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lauren, I share your concerns. My hope is that Harris' terrific comms team will do something to level the playing field. In my line of work, when someone is shorter than another presenter, we put them behind a counter and give them a stepstool. I'm guessing, though, that Harris went up against larger people many times as a prosecutor and has decades of experience holding her ground. She's not an inexperienced rookie!

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The first time I was aware of Kamala Harris was when she "cross examined" Kavanaugh at his hearing for the Supreme Court. I didn't even realize she was Black, Indian or anything but a strong, intelligent woman. She will not look small!

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My worry is that she’s gonna look a lot smaller and that on a subconscious level that will affect voters who have never seen a woman commander-in-chief

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Size difference between candidates would matter only if both are men. People expect women to be shorter than men.

In any event: The “debate” arrangers can site DFT and Kamala far enough apart so that cameras show one at a time.

They need to chain Trump to his lectern, however.

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He doesn't debate, he gish gallops! But, maybe that's something a former prosecutor could handle...

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Living in CA, we know of Kamala’s tenacity. The police unions weren’t crazy about her because she held their feet to the fire. Believe me, she does not stand for any BS as you could see when she was confronted by pro-Palestinian supporters at one of her rallies. She shut them down and then stared them down, in silence, for 3 minutes. That’s the character we need and will get in dealing with the ‘stupid questions”(per Lawrence O’Donnell) that journalists will ask her.

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Sheila, I appreciate your eloquence, insight and experience and I feel very strongly you have it right! Onward, in a very new and very different and very effective way. Harris has found a way to cut through the insanity and get her brilliantly-crafted messages across. It's the new way of doing things, and we cannot go back. For heaven's sake, we are progressives, not regressives. No going back to old ways.

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Sheila, attempting to be succinct here

“Astute, Brava”

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She should expound, as you say, but in a one on one interview with a responsible journalist. To expound to this current group of 'whining, self important, narcissistic journalists' (As Ornstein RIGHTLY characterizes them), would not inform the public one whit!!. They are simply unable to have the depth required to ask thoughtful, reflective questions. And they would, without question, ask the usual questions that are, to quote Shakespeare, I think, 'full of words and (terrible) music, and signifying nothing'

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Thanks for correcting my quote (from Macbeth) Here is the correction ------ Rather, life “is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.”

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Derek, Before foreclosing on my perspective, please consider the postscript I just added.

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You had me there until you subbed words and (terrible) music for sound and fury ;) …or was that a different play?

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From Robert Reich:

“Well, I have it on good authority that on Friday she’ll announce a plan to prevent corporations in the food and grocery industries from unfairly jacking up prices on consumers.

She’ll call for the first-ever federal ban on corporate price-gouging in these industries.”


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Kathy, Thanks for writing. While I was aware Harris was planning to call out corporate gouging as the main driver of high prices, I hadn’t yet read today’s Substack. That said, I only would note that for Harris’s messaging to carry import, she must mention specific offenders by name.

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Bob Reich says there are four food corporations that control massive percentages of food supply/sources, but he has not yet mentioned them by name. Does anyone know the corporate owner names at that uppermost level?

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On the subject of food monopolies: I just read “Barons”, by Austin Frerick, an eyes-glaze-over book that describes several food monopolies. It’s worth the slog: I’d had no idea how much US food sectors are concentrated and industrialized – moreover, how recently and rapidly the monopolization has developed.

Many of the food brands we might think come from separate companies in fact are all owned by a few companies – for example, Cargill dominating grain, Fair Oaks Farms (FaIrlife) domjnating much of dairy, and JAB dominating much of coffee. Much of this is obscured by the barons owning several of what we might think are independent companies.

In many cases, Government has been asleep. In many others, government knowingly succumbed to the ideas on industry concentration of our friend Robert Bork.

Liberals like Reich are just beginning to catch on.

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Barbara Jo, I think I'm going to let this and the ensuing discussion marinate for a while. So far, VP Harris has deftly managed what seemed a mere month ago to be nearly impossible - to unify the Democratic Party and generate enthusiasm. I trust her judgment, and have confidence in her political instincts. I don't trust the news media writ large.

I don't believe we'll see a press conference or in-depth interview before next week's convention, so I'm taking a wait-and-see approach. The convention could set the stage for both to be possible and positive.

In any case, the campaign is hers to run, and her message is hers to communicate, without giving in to goading by self-serving "journalists" and headline writers who stoke controversy to get attention.

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Bob, As a point of clarification, I specifically called for a press conference(s) after the Convention. Frankly, I would be stunned if there weren’t at least one before the election.

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I think she's already indicated that she'll have one at the end of the month. Depending on how the convention goes, the timing could be perfect...or not. But she'll need to be armed and ready to respond to hostile or gotcha questions. Perhaps a few, "What did my opponent say when you asked him the same question?" replies or a preface along those lines would be good.

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Bob, I understood the same and agree “she’ll need to be armed.” Additionally, I would note, contrary to postings on this thread, I expect after the Convention a majority of people will be eager to see how Harris performs when challenged and under pressure. Moreover, as stated in my original post, a press conference would be great preparation for September’s debate with Trump.

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On the tarmac at that impromptu discussion with the press, VP Harris suggested that she might have a press conference toward the end of the month, if I heard her correctly.

Oops, Bob Morgan said that two hours ago.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I respectfully disagree. The American media is abominably biased and this old model doesn't work anymore. I'm not sure what the new model is, but this old one is obviously dying AND doesn't work best for her. She is kicking it to the curb. Maybe VP Harris should get her own substack? And the press conference model is OLD OLD OLD in 2024. No one is going to watch. One on one interview is enough. I also love the model that is working for VP Harris. She is steadfastly and loudly speaking to the American people and she is coming across as strong and articulate. I love how she is planning multiple smaller venues across Chicago that involve/invite more PEOPLE. One big party and we are all invited, just not ONLY the NYT and WAPO (sad). Plus her policies are abundantly clear to me. All you need to do is look at the White House website..maybe the NYT journalists forgot how to read? Even w/o the website, I understand them. Her polices are all over social media, in bullet point format, everyday. I see inflation came down, I see medication prices are being negotiated, I see climate change policy and infrastructure being enacted. I see her supporting people's rights. I don't need the NYT WAPO pundits to tell me this. Out with this old model, in with the new, which suits her personality just fine. The orange guy just looks old and stupid up there doing press conferences....old, old old school way to communicate.

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Kathy, While, overall, I don’t dispute your viewpoint, with all due respect, I believe it unrealistic to deny that some time after the scripted Convention a majority of people will be eager to see how Harris performs when challenged and under pressure. Additionally, as stated in my original post, a press conference would be great preparation for September’s debate with Trump.

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Kamala can turn around a presser by just insisting on articulating her policies whenever she’s asked the stupid questions.

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Am I to conclude that the candidate is at fault for the yellow journalism we are provided from the mainstream and corporate journalists? That is a flawed premiss for this reader.

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Margaret, My intent hardly is to blame our candidates for the “yellow journalism” that is served up. That said, between now and the election, I believe our candidates are best poised to call out journalists 1) for not asking tougher questions, 2) for not demanding candidates be able to square their campaign rhetoric with facts, 3) for not stopping candidates when they’re not answering the question, and 4) for not calling out candidates when their answers contradict the facts.

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It seems that the only place this idea hasn't penetrated is the White House Press Corpse and it's owners in Washington, NYC, Chicago, and LA. I don't know why anyone would watch a Presidential press conference and understand even less why a candidate who is clearly connecting directly with voters would subject themselves to one.

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Dave, priceless! I may stop calling it the MAGA media and start calling it the National Press Corpse!!!!

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BTB, The use of the phrase 'Press Corpse" is one that TC inLA uses in his Substack pieces. LOL!

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That's who I picked it up from.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thx for sharing Ornstein’s comments. I especially like suggestion to do one or two in-depth interviews.

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Yes. I suggest Lawrence O'Donnell.

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It is insulting when she takes a moment to answer their rude questions and they turn out to be all about her opponent. What a waste of her time.

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You wrote: ?I do think that sometime in the near future Harris should do, not a press conference with campaign reporters who will not distinguish themselves with what is important but ask a flurry of gotcha and horse race questions, but one or two in-depth one on one interviews." Why -- of course. But how much of the current criticism of Harris is really due to what I call ticks-on-the-clock. No doubt, Harris and Walz are spending every waking minute reviewing messaging, strategy, and schedule. Sure, they have people to do this for them. But they need to give final approval. Give them a minute to catch up, right?

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I've read she should do one on one interviews at a few of the rally stops with a local newspaper. Give them a little love :)

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I participated in the Zoom fundraiser by Robert for the nine Democratic US Senate candidates. For those who were unable to participate, know that Robert was ever the intrepid warrior, following through with his commitment come hell or high water, or hoarseness from illness contracted from caring for precious grandchildren. My takeaway was being enormously impressed with Sen. Tammy Baldwin (WI) and Rep. Elissa Slotkin (MI), particularly with the iceberg below-the-surface magnitude of the depth of the bench of Democratic women politicians. (Lucky Michiganders know that Elissa Slotkin is a treasure!)

Next I jumped onto the Zoom call in progress of weekly follow ups by the Women for Harris. Wow. More impressive depth of the bench of amazing organizers and women politician speakers.

Speaking of magnitude, the dimensions of the galaxies and nebulae reported with Robert's splendid photographs is utterly stupefying and humbling for how each of us is but a fraction in time and space on this blue dot of Earth spinning among these formations so very far away--like the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million light-years from Earth and 152,000 light-years in diameter!!!

Finally, Robert, Happy Anniversary to you and Jill! Have a wonderful day!

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Ellie, thanks for joining the call. Apologies for my raspy voice. Half my extended (but nearby) family has Covid, the other half has Norovirus, and Jill and I are providing medivac support services. It was a great call. You are right--the depth and strength of the Democratic bench of women leaders is astounding. Senator Baldwin and Rep. Slotkin are amazing!

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Please ask everyone to partner with Field Team 6.

Also contribute to Debby Mucarsel, https://www.debbieforflorida.com/ Katrina Christiansen, https://www.katrinaforussenate.com/ and others.

Yesterday, texted for both Baldwin and Slotkin on FT 6. Turn the blue wave into a tsunami https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Ellie, I was on the call yesterday and I concur. I was so impressed by all 4 candidates. And I echo your praise for Robert and Jill's continued leadership.

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Wish I remembered about the Women for Harris call, Ellie. There were so many zooms, I failed to keep track of the ones I wanted to be part of. Along with all the junk mail, my inbox lately has seen an explosion!

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Du wop zoom at the same time. Hopium. DEC committees.

We are in early voting for the Florida primary. FT 6 Florida phonebanking, also Fladems phone bank today.

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Thanks, Daniel! Just last week I sent off the last of my FT6 postcards to register Florida voters.

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Same here. I missed a couple of online meetings simply because too much going on. But I am at the point where I am pretty clear on how I will be involved for the remaining weeks. I have started weeding out some of my inbox, because so much is repetitive, so I can concentrate on those things that I feel I can be most effective in. I love seeing the explosion, but at the same time some of it is getting in the way.

I've also received a number of posts from groups I suspect are bogus, some since verified as such. Be careful out there! Stick with the groups with a known reputation for validity and effectiveness!

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Annie, thank you for the warning. I have deleted and marked as junk a number of "scare" solicitations that were from neither the Democratic Party nor a specific candidate. I am suspicious of invitations to complete a "survey" and messages that say "we have to increase our giving by XXXX%" by midnight. Can any of you more experienced hands offer tips on what to watch for in bogus appeals. Even $5 sent to a scammer is $5 that do not find their way to a legitimate campaign.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Happy anniversary, Robert and Jill!

I had an interesting reaction yesterday that I wonder if others out there have experienced. I and another female volunteer were on a local college campus registering voters. A (heavyset, sloppily dressed) man walked by and said, almost to our faces, “Go, Trump!”

As this was a LWV, nonpartisan event, we said nothing, and I’m not sure I would have anyway, but for the first time I found myself just flat out angry! There was something about a man announcing to us that he was supporting a lying, misogynistic, gutter-mouthed, philandering rapist just felt like a direct attack.

I hope every woman and every man who respects women votes this November.

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Thanks for your important work!! And yes, the sloppily dressed man knew exactly what he was doing--trying to intimidate you by saying the name of ying, misogynistic, gutter-mouthed, philandering adjudicated sexual abuser. If he had the capacity for self reflection, he would understand that his boorish behavior is the reason he will spend the rest of his life alone.

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The work you and thousands of others in registering voters is vital. Thank you.

And all of us need to beware the male and female voters who are suave, sophisticated, "well-to-do" and superficially "kindly," who would never shout, "Go, Trump," but will kill with patronizing smiles and give dollars and their votes to Trump. I imagine this exchange, "Why, Cathy, so good of you to be registering voters out here in the hot sun. It is SO important that we ALL vote. See ya." That's not a direct attack but it can be just as deadly.

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Robert, Thank you for expounding upon economic policies Harris is expected to call for when speaking this Friday. If I may, I wish to frame certain of these policies within a context I hope Harris touches upon in her speech.

Considering 60% of the people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck and millions are working for starvation wages, I hope Harris amplifies when Democrats, in January 2022, had introduced legislation for a $15 hourly minimum wage, the legislation received zero Republican support. Additionally, as the only major country on Earth not to have paid family and medical leave, I hope she notes that Democrats had introduced legislation for I believe up to 12 weeks of leave that also received zero support from Republicans. Similarly, as the only major country not to have universal healthcare, I hope she adds that no Republican would support even that. Likewise, in a time of massive income and wealth inequality, when the American people want billionaires to start paying their fair share of taxes, I hope Harris would note that not one Republican supported it. As a final point, I would imagine Harris would want to speak about cutting the price of insulin for non-Medicare recipients, extending the child tax credit, providing affordable, quality childcare and universal Pre-K, and investing in housing, in eldercare, and in climate, all of which have received zero support from Republicans.

My point is when the American people in poll after poll report that inflation and the economy are their two major issues, I would consider it, I dare say, political malpractice for Harris not to make clear to working families throughout this country, many of whom are prepared to vote Republican, that if they vote Republican they are voting for a party which on every single major issue economically runs counter to their interests. While I don’t expect taking the fight to the Republican Party will have much, if any, impact on MAGA, if Zoom calls over the past 24 hours are any indication, I imagine there are sufficient numbers of “persuadables” who could help Democrats hold the White House and the Senate, retake the House, and also win contests in battleground state and local elections.

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Wise analysis. Please forward this to the Harris campaign and to other candidates. I know, I know, it's unlikely to be read by Kamala, but it may help some of the internal discourse that darn well should be going on. Harris is doing a great job, but we Dems must not get drunk on the magic of joy and the thought that a TikTok campaign is the total story. The smart Republicans will be pushing a line that Kamala Harris is a fresh new phenonmenon, but can she govern and lead seriously after November. We know that line is a bunch of hooey, especially up against Trump's clown show, and it speaks with more than a murmur of sexism.

I am confident that Kamala Harris knows she has to defeat not only the women's haters club version of sexism of Vance and Trump but the more subtle Republican board room sexism that women are not really "serious" leaders. The mansplainers are out there are ready to light into her, knowing that in many states there is already a prejudice FOR Donald Trump. They just have to give a % or two of Republican voters in Ohio, NC, Florida, and Wisconsin a cover for voting in the direction of their prejudices and saying "I'm no sexist and I know Trump is a jerk sometimes, but I'd rather have Republicans in control than a "liberal" woman."

The wonder of the world, of course, is that a candidate with Trump's manifest faults of mind, heart, and morality is even in this race at all. After his years in office and what he is planning to do in Project 2025, the Democrats should be winning 60-40 and the Blue Tsunami Party Gear should be flying off the shelves like Halloween costumes, but we are still playing catch up in the swings. Powerful forces are arrayed against Harris and long traditions of racism and sexism are helping the big money. Let's seize the enthusiasm AND fight hard with clear facts and evidence. We have to raise the comfort levels of all voters AND activate the anti-trump voter.

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Patrick E. White —

“The wonder of the world, of course, is that a candidate with Trump's manifest faults of mind, heart, and morality is even in this race at all.”

It is, indeed, sickeningly wondrous. Other politicians’ careers have been demolished by revelation of one or two horror shows – yet DJT survives revelation of several simultaneously. What is it about this man that he is adored by millions who know what kind of person he is and yet, in their minds, somehow explain it away?

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What is it? That bullying blackmail and bribery are and always have been his way of doing business. That he and his main perps are all on Putin’s payroll, many (Stone? Bannon?) for a long long time. The most neglected story of the last 8+ years? Deep Throat’s advice: Follow the money.

Sure, I’m just guessing. But it seems plausible.

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Patrick, Thank you for writing and for affirming my efforts to help arm the Harris campaign prior to the fire hose of deceptions and distortions that will be unleashed after our Convention.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Well, Bob, according to the Trump Rule of IQ, if you're that closely related to a Major Genius, you must be a Triple Major Genius, almost up there with the terrified old man in Florida whose uncle taught at MIT.


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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It is fascinating to me that the real news these days is no longer about politics but about REPORTING about politics. The news is a reflection with what is wrong in our country, reportage, the media, its ubiquity, and self-serving nature.

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Reading the coverage by MSM of the criminal's rally yesterday, I felt I was with Alice in Wonderland, where things don't appear as they are. As many have pointed out, they describe the orange monster as if he is a sane human being whose thoughts are considered and worth reporting. This man is a criminal (34!!); a fraudster, an invertebrate lier, and a a little boy with a rapidly declining mental funtion, which should ALWAYS be mentioned in anything they write. And thus far, much of their drivel about Harris, have been, well, drivel. EXCEPT ---- it's irresponsible, lazy and very dangerous. Ornstein is right to characterize them as self important, unthinking and desperate to be quoted as posing a question that makes Harris look stupid. If I were her - I would not spend a second talking to them --- let them whine, complain and have a 3 year old's tantrum. They would do no service to readers and would be a destructive focus on an amazing candidate. For me, when hearing many candidates talk about their policies, my eyes glaze and I tune out. Why? because that's what we are used to hearing. Harris and Walz are so exciting and so refreshing. They are real, down to earth, serious, and very bright. Their histories (if the press would take the time to inform themselves) tells me all I need to know about them. Decent, hardworking people who have accomplished so much, who have experience, who care about people (what a novel idea) and, who are having fun and creating joy. What a wonderful thing for all of us. No - at this point, I'm writing off the press!! Unless it's Jennifer, Tom, Paul and a few others.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Harris and Walz need to keep reaching out to the people…the voters that is. All the oligarchs and fake journalists together cannot outvote we the people. They are doing their best to hold onto power, using their ill gotten fortunes and their purchased press to elect Trump, their favorite tool(fool). But we can have the final say in November. There are way more of us than there are of them and their followers.

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Happy Anniversary, Robert and Jill! My husband and I will be celebrating our 43rd anniversary just five days later, on the 20th.

I was very impressed by the remarks of both Senator Baldwin and Rep Slotkin at last evening's Zoom call. Each of them demonstrated IMO how qualified they are to serve their constituencies as well as the country.

As to the stupefied press who don't seem to know who the Vice President is, reminds me of those naysayers of yesteryear: "What? The earth is round, you say? Never heard of such nonsense!"

And lastly, thanks for the heads-up about the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy colliding in 4 billion years. I'll be sure to stock up so as to be prepared when it happens!

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Funny last bit, Lynell. Stock up on Milky Way candy bars and Mars bars.

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I don't blame Kamala for not wanting to be"interviewed" by the vultures of our msm. We all have watched in abject horror at what they have been doing to Joe Biden these past few years and what they did to Hillary before him. Their sleazy GOTCHA journalism is really not journalism at all but a National Inquirer tittering style that is out there mainly to embarrass and mock Democrats. I agree with Jerry Weiss when he says she should do an in-depth interview with a quality journalist and she should do it on her own terms.

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I agree. And others here also suggest it should be Heather Cox Richardson who conducts the interview.

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I think HCR is a genius but rather boring in person. I think Harris should pick a better foil, not another intelligent female. A warm, caring, intelligent male reporter with some charisma. That way, the slightly oblivious people who will watch it will come away with a warm and fuzzy look and feel from the interview that will sway their vote (sorry to say) more than any fact or policy will. Let's be honest. That's how Americans vote. It's the only factor that explains Trump's wide appeal--he was a B-level TV "star," so they're familiar with him (they liked his horrible show) and that makes them vote for him. Luckily, Kamala has plenty of her own charisma, and I for one think that's what's fueling the passion of the rallies. I once had a young friend who was a big fan of the evil Donald Rumsfeld. "He's so sweet," she would gush. "He reminds me of my grampa! I would definitely vote for him if he ran." Don't be idealistic, Hubbell fans!

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It is yellow journalism reincarnated

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The thing about Trump is: he lies, he makes stuff up. Personally, I think a lot of the time he doesn't even know that what he is saying just ain't so. I think he lives in the gilded cage at Mar a Lago that's bigger, and more gilt covered than anything he has previously had but, the thing is, he was born with a gold spoon in his mouth. Ten times as over-the-top as the world into which George W Bush was born. His social interactions with the common-man are limited to his chauffeur, caddy, or waiters. There is no way in God's Green Earth that he will propose policies that are good for the average Jane/Joe. He will follow advisers to the billionaires. He will follow what he's been told by Project 2025 authors, by the Koch Brothers, by Peter Thiel and Steven Schwarzman. Anyone who thinks this is not the case really needs to wake up, smell the coffee, and for Heaven's sake, vote Blue down the line in November. If you're wavering, swear to yourself that you'll vote red in 2028. Just don't vote for the charlatan living behind the curtain in Mar a Lago.

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Swbv, agree. Trump actually says he got his "policy idea" for eliminating the tax on tips from a waitress he met. (Doesn't mean it's a bad idea -;)

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And OBTW, like infrastructure, he did nothing when he had the keys.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Neat to find out that you are related to astronomer Edwin Hubble. It’s in your genes to photograph the universe & share it with your readers! I, for one, appreciate it. Somehow seeing the wonders out there gives me hope for humanity.

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Harris more trusted on the economy than Trump according to Financial Times Poll. It seems some of the hangover that unfairly blamed Biden has decreased. Trump's numbers don't change, but there is a positive shift to Harris from those who credit neither. Possibly some voters who just like Harris are giving her some credit. In any case, very positive!


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I never understood why Trump had an edge on the economy. That just didn't make sense.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In my opinion, Kamala Harris has no obligation to bow to the will of the press. The press has been consistently dismissive of the Biden/Harris Administration ‘s many accomplishments. Harris/Walz are on a roll and they don’t need to be interrupted by more press shouting matches. The press wants controversy not serious policy.

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Sometimes -- because I'm hopelessly Eeyore -- I look at that gorgeous photo of the Andromeda Galaxy, read how it's going to collide with the Milky Way in 4 billion years, and start wondering how politics will manage to screw up any future attempts to Save the Planet... :) I cannot be helped. In other news, our favorite Substack writer, Robert B. Hubbell! continues to help raise many thousands of $$ (is it millions by now?) to save our democracy and return anti-Eeyore energies to our world. Thanks, Mr. Hubbell!!!!

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Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have been a critic of our mainstream “liberal” media since the mid-nineties, ever since I happened on Gene Lyons’s book “Fools for Scandal” in a bookstore. Lyons documented all the misreporting reporters were doing about the Whitewater pseudo-scandals. That book opened my eyes to how biased and often blatantly wrong reporting by the NY Times was and how the rest of the media followed their lead.

Nothing has changed except for the fact that since 2016 rank and file Democrats have finally realized this. Back in 2000 a lot of them were bamboozled by the media’s playing along with Karl Rove’s propaganda about Gore. For example Gore had never said he had invented the internet like the Republican slander machine claimed but the mainstream media gleefully repeated that lie and others crafted to make Gore look like a delusional fabricator. I spent a lot of time convincing friends who had bought the spin and were planning to vote for Nader that it was all a pack of lies. This article is a good summary of that blatant media malpractice.


It took another 16 years for most Dems to realize just how biased the MSM really is but now that they do change is finally possible if not inevitable.

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Thanks for the link! Indeed, media malpractice. But leave it to the high school students and their teacher to work the truth. And the quip by Gore's daughter of wanting a president as designated driver is pure gold.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Retired though I am, it's the begining of the school year and I'm (still) thinking about vocabulary to help my classroom build meaningful community of learners. Kids inherently know weird and bully. They know that bully on the playground might be in their reading group the whole week. That weird kid might help the math group solve that problem - and win gold at the district math field day. Sure 'nough that kid with the same ole stained and ill-laundered clothes is quite the artist, winning a ribbon at the district art exhibit. So, hopefully, by the end of the year students learn that it takes all kinds to make community and everybody has to learn how to get along and accommodate .... hopefully, applying those lessons in participatory democracy. Unfortunately, too many forget.

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