I am worried about the Trump attacks on Kamala, because they apparently buoy up his voters with uglier and uglier thoughts and ideas. Today the Bulwark discussed the anti-trans campaign, and I really hope that people vote on issues that affect them, not their neighbor's health. I am really appreciating the Lincoln Project Ads. This is a Republican group and one of the reasons that their ads against Trump and Vance are so powerful. One of their latests is called Abuse. I think it is out in time for the VP debates. https://youtu.be/Bm_Ozma50Ao?si=ywpERFScGk95e2rj

I wish Tim Walz the best on the debate.

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The misogyny flowing through the veins of today's GOP is extraordinary. Hard to fathom how that's a winning strategy. My guess is that there are a lot of formerly steadfast female GOP voters who will pull the lever for Harris/Walz. I sure hope that's the case. Voting against your own best interests is counter-intuitive.

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Some of us also think we will flip veterans, military and military families via "not suckers or losers." Lots of testimonials from vets who voted for Trump x 2. .https://votevets.org/

Similarly the DNC has outreach to Polish Americans, Ukrainians, etc. https://keystonenewsroom.com/2024/09/23/kamala-harris-pa-polish-outreach/

It started in Pittsburgh and went all the way....


You asked for it.

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Thank you. A mystery: How could Mike Pompeo support Trump? Trump dissed John McCain. Trump lies. Trump will sell out Ukraine. Mike Pompeo was an honored graduate of West Point. I don't get it.

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Right you are about the Lincoln Project ads, including this one. I have donated to them for that very reason: hard hitting.

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

In addition to the Lincoln Project and VoteVets, there is Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT). All three have dedicated YouTube Channels:




If you subscribe to theses channels you will get alerts about new content.

FYI - LP has a another new ad leaning in on Vance's ugly rhetoric about staying in abusive relationships. Trigger warning: it discusses domestic violence


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Sarah Longwell and the Republican Accountability Project.

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If we think the GOP has hit a new low, we are mistaken. I think Waltz is up to the task to take on Vance. Waltz does not suffer bullshit from anyone. Thanks Robert and great photo!

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I agree, Christopher.

Also, we have to keep in mind that many excellent Substacks are informing more and more people. I see an important job of Substack writers is to pay attention to the turns of phrase, the rhetorical tricks, the slights of hand, the slick evasions, as well as the obvious lies.

In columns this week, these clear-thinking, skilled writers can educate readers about what the rhetoric really REVEALS. The mainstream media is not going to do that, but talented writers like Robert, Heather, Beschloss, Truscott, and so many others can do that. Then we can share far and wide.

I believe people can be educated about rhetorical tricks. And they don't like to be flim-flammed unless they're already in the cult. I trust our real writers to do that.

Thanks, Robert, for everything: sharing your fine mind, writing your crystal-clear prose, and generously giving your time and energy to educate as well as encourage us. Your name should make it into the history books.

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When the light in that photo of Andromeda left its source, to arrive here tonight, at that time the closest thing to humans on Earth was Lucy and her fellow Australopithicines.

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My Anthro 101 Professor told the joke about the Fugawee Tribe wandering about Africa in a state of being lost. I always chuckle at that one

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"There is little historical precedent for vice-presidential debates making a difference."

That's right. Historical. But is it fair to expect historic outcomes from an ahistoric election?

And the debate does not necessarily have to get one to admit, "ya know, I was REALLY intent on voting for Trump, but now that I've seen the VP debate ..."

No, but the debate can light a fire under a person who was on the fence about whether to vote or not to vote.

"OK, I wasn't certain I can break away from work to vote for Harris-Walz, but now I cannot allow a JD VP."

Or how about this? "I was sorta leaning for Trump, but now I think I'll just stay home."

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The DEM campaign should shout out that Walls’ opponent in this debate is not just vying to be Veep, but, given DJT’s dementia, in all likelihood would soon be President - either actually on or behind the throne.

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And that has to be one of Trump's unspoken nightmares...

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And in addition to being another of Putin's puppets, Vance is beholden to Peter Thiel.

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Robert, I particularly related to your concluding thoughts this morning, thank you. May I reach out to folks here about something I have been noticing? When referring to Kamala Harris in brief, it would be best to use her 'sir name' rather than her first name. This is a discerning sign of the respect we all have for her. Folks use 'Trump' but then use 'Kamala'. I consider this an important difference for professional women. While I truly respect her and feel comfortable with her enough to use her first name; the subliminal use of her first name may take her down a tier amongst those that wish to belittle her. We all need to contribute to raising her up, no matter how small that gesture may be.

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Great point!

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I like the idea of calling her Harris

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Usually, I would agree with you 100%, and you have hit on a point I have been preaching since the 1970s. However, in this case, I believe using her first name is being used intentionally to demonstrate her relatability, joyful personality, and sharpest contrasts with Dump. For example, the signs that are passed out to attendees at her campaign events often say "Kamala" or "Kamala and Coach." I do hope, though, that when she becomes president, everyone will address her properly as "President Harris."

I do sincerely wish the media would immediately stop referring to Dump as "President Trump" instead of "Former (or "Ex-") President Trump." HE IS NO LONGER A PRESIDENT, and of course, he never deserved the title in the first place!

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3 hrs ago·edited just now

The bald partisan nature of today’s corporate media has been exposed as, once again, CBS this time, will allow MAGA to stand up at a debate and, in a FREE ad and part of a blatant disinformation campaign, lie to millions unchecked ! The scary weakness in America is that the corporate media appears to be ultimately owned by billionaire oligarchs who favor Dump. Dump is the Leonard Leo/ Heritage Society puppet they want, to seize the US. And Peter Thiel is there as well. A very scary situation, as disinformation and brainwashing the American public is the goal. I’m just having some anxiety, as the swing states have such outsized voting power. I’m meeting with a group this week and we are writing postcards to Wisconsin. That’s a positive action. If it wasn’t for the corporate media, in the form of Rupert Murdoch et al, we wouldn’t be having such a close election. I am grateful for President Biden and VP Harris, as they dedicated themselves to saving democracy, and tirelessly campaigning all over the country during their elections….

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Hi Kathy, fellow postcard writer here. It is one of my favorite antidotes to anxiety. If I feel like my brain is getting stuck on that spinning hamster exercise wheel, I just pull out a handful of postcards and go to my Zen space.

I have been getting reports from some of my other postcarding Zoom friends that they had to order postcard stamps online from USPS.com because their local Post Office has sold out. This is coming from multiple people in different locations. So everybody, please assess how many postcards you still plan to write and stock up on stamps! Mail dates for those "write and hold" campaigns are rapidly approaching!

Of course I thought I had bought enough stamps before the July price increase and have been back to buy more stamps several times already since then. I have had a lot of anxiety to dissipate!!

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I follow Scott Dworkin and encourage others, especially those on social media ,to share his links/hastags..He has a massive online campaign calling out the media and last week generated over 2 billion impressions.📣


Robert,thanks for sharing link for Jason Garcia/Seeking Rents, an excellent investigative reporter who “gets in the weeds” about all things DeSantis. His work also needs to be widely shared.📣

The ACLU and Southern Legal Counsel have filed a lawsuit on behalf of the org behind Amend 4.

In the meantime,let’s GOTV and inform that reproductive rights are on the ballot in Florida! Also helps if you have a messaging t,bumper sticker or yard sign as I’m not seeing any in my area. With 35 days to go, you could also get creative and design your own.



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Nice One, Robert☆ Steady as we go, focused and disciplined, just like KH.

I'd like someone to start a movement called


For the vast majority of us, either we ourselves or our forebears came from some place else.

Spread the word.....


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"I am Spartacus!"

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"I am Spartacus!" (And the daughter of an "illegal immigrant" who worked for the US Army during WWII.

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I hope that Walz (and Harris) point out that a vote for the Trump/Vance ticket is essentially a vote for Vance as President. With Trump rapidly devolving into a megaphone as loud as a gas powered leaf blower and less intelligible than a babbling lunatic, his party and the Heritage Foundation will depose him (effectively and/or legally) in a New York minute. Project 2025 may have been written with Trump in mind, but he is not essential.

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Beautiful photo. Such a contrast to the ugliness of the other party's candidates in this election. I am not concerned about the upcoming VP debate because it will be no contest, although I am not sure I can bear to watch this one since I expect Vance will be spewing his usual unchecked outright lies.

On another note, looks like the autocorrect demon has changed "Erie" to "eerie" in advance of Halloween...

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Governor Walz is a successful governor. Not a football coach or a social studies teacher. He is a former congressman. We will do well to emphasize that, while JD is a first term senator who has missed many votes and voted on the wrong side when he did vote.

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Morning, Robert and all! To add to it, this 37-minute interview between Marc EIias and Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut explains how reforming the Supreme Court is a must do for us. All the more reason to elect Democrats to the House and Senate, and Kamala Harris with Tim Walz becoming president of the Senate.


Great photo!

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I know this to be true: "So, as we head into the final weeks of the campaign, Kamala Harris is on message and disciplined, while Trump is shambling ever deeper into nonsense and incoherence." Oh Boy. I can see a GOP orchestrated transition to JD Vance as president in a couple of years if given half a chance. Let's all vote to not give Trump/Vance that chance!

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Regrettably, it likely will be a couple of months, 6 months at the most, rather than a couple of years. Be afraid, be very afraid, and Vote Blue down the line!

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Vance has not had even 2 years in Washington. Our allies may well be shaking in their boots. To say nothing of our own Governors, mayors, and top military.

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I will NOT be watching the debate. Thanks for watching it for us! I'll read your analysis the next day.

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HCR offers a nice bookend to Robert today.

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