Excellent Edition, Robert! Thank you for giving us the way to watch the full message that Arnold Schwarzenegger posted on Twitter. The news did not show it in full. It was really well done and spoken from the heart. I hope that many Russians and Russian soldiers hear it. Maybe Putin could save face by throwing some of his advisors and military leaders under the bus and say that they did not tell him the truth so that he could end the war. Not likely, but one can always hope.

Thank you for providing us with a link to The Guardian. That was an excellent article about prosecuting Trump. I hope that the heads in the Justice Department read it. I want Trump and all of his cohorts prosecuted.

I did not realize how outrageous the far right cable propaganda channels were becoming until I was watching The Daily Show With Trevor Noah tonight. He had clips of some of the outrageous things that they are saying. I would like to see them all stripped of their American citizenship and sent to Russia to live along with several right wing politicians. However, that is unconstitutional.

I just pray that we get those weapons to the Ukrainians very soon. I watch Anderson Cooper every night reporting from Ukraine for two hours. I am just heartsick at what the Ukrainians are going through. He not only shows the horrors of the cities being bombed, but he interviews other reporters stationed around Ukraine , and he interviews the Ukrainian people. My admiration for them grows every day.

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Yesterday I decided to cancel my subscription to Hulu where you pat about $75 per month for live TV including MSNBC with ads. One ad from an insurance company (Ladderlife) shows children trying to murder their father with lethal weapons (a large knife, an arrow and finally the family dog holding a lit dynamite stick) to get his life insurance. While a voice over does say you won't get the money if you kill someone, I find it horrible and dangerous. It is not worth listening even to the mostly fine commentators on MSNBC if you have to be stressed by such an ad repeated over and over again at least hourly. I also shut off the program for screaming goat type ads such as Sirius XM one with Kevin screaming. Don't they understand between COVID and the Ukranian War that we don't need any more stress! I did send MSNBC suggesting that viewers should have at least some limited control over the ads they are forced to watch. Like being able to ban up to three ads. If you ban a fourth the oldest is no longer banned. On the bright when looking for an alternative way to get the news I ended up watching PBS. It had real news rather than non-stop commentary, it had BBC World News which gives one a needed global perspective, and I heard an excellent interview with the former Speaker of the Texas House for more focused local news. It was a delight -- no ads - and you get a year's access for less cost than one month of Hulu. Our media needs to care about democracy and the well being of its viewers over making a profit. Glad I found a good way not only to shed some stress but to actually feel refreshed. We, the People, all of us along with keeping our sanity this time.

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Thank you for pointing out the growing efforts of the Republican party to deny individuals their right of privacy, their right to choose their own sexual preferences, their fundamental right to vote. Why aren’t the students and other groups out on the streets in the states supporting basic civil rights! Ukrainians are standing up for their rights. We Americans should stand up for our rights as well. Perhaps one reason is they don’t know what’s happening in their own governments? Is it their news source?

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Hi Robert,

In lieu of the news that the city of Lviv in western Ukraine has been directly hit by Russian missiles, I hope someone will point out to Americans that the Old Quarter of Lviv was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. Parts of it date back to the 5th century & have particularly fine examples of architecture from the medieval, Renaissance & Austro-Hungarian Empire periods of history.


Thank you,

KMD, Ellsworth, ME

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Thanks again for a fact filled and highly informative letter. I like the balance you keep. Between international and domestic issues. There is hope in the Russian failures and the Ukrainian heroism. There is hope back home - thanks to many in the press who are all too often underappreciated.

And between all of it and a life well lived.

I planted snow and snap peas Wednesday. It rained the next day. There are bright spots in life. We need to stay informed, we need to take action. But we also need to do the wonderful normal as well. Time with loved ones - human and furry. Fun with food. And for me it's getting my hands in the soil, planting. And showing the grandchildren where food comes from!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Future steps for Ukraine:

1-Every country should confiscate all known assets (within their boundaries) of Russia or Russian leaders and convert them to cash. Send cash to a fund in Switzerland for the rebuilding of Ukraine. An exception could be made for income generating assets if the income is sent to the Swiss fund.

2-Remove some significant sanctions when Ukraine has been rebuilt OR Russia agrees to meaningful reparations.

3-Remove remaining sanctions when all living people convicted of war crimes are turned over to international authorities.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert. I am dumbfounded by Garland lack of action to prosecute sociopath Trump. We have people in jail for possession of marijuana and he is sitting with mounting evidence that would put him away and break this cult he’s created but does nothing. This is my version of insanity! How much do the American people need to hear before he takes action? I just don’t understand and am incredibly frustrated.

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Robert thank you for today’s addition. I loved the Arnold video and I was very interested in the Guardian article about why it’s time to prosecute Donald Trump. The article made me realize something about myself. I have been wanting Trump prosecuted and convicted for years and held accountable but recently I have realized that it’s more important to change, modify or eliminate rules, procedures and laws that would allow another candidate the opportunity to corrupt the government for their own benefit. Trump created the roadmap for the total disregard for the constitution and rule of laws and the power of the Executive Branch resulting in no accountability and we must change that immediately. If we tighten the controls of power we can stop future abuses and corruption and that in the end is more important than Trump.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am so glad to read your followers after reading today's letter and watching the full Schwarzeneger video. Hopefully the Russian soldiers will have their eyes opened and will just "walk away" from the war.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I was born in 1943 to first generation Americans, children of Orthodox Jewish immigrants from what is now Belarus. That gives away how old I am and that I am a Jew that has survived because my grandparents did. But this brutality against human beings, that cannot be justified by any rational thought, is more than I can stomach. The other day I posted on this Newsletter and completely butchered the spelling of Zelensky. I spent the whole day trying to get the egg off of my face. But the truth is that I was subject to a true senior moment, the first of my long-life; I hope it was an outlier event. But I think the stress of the horribleness of what I am seeing and hearing is stressing my mind in ways that I have never experienced. Thank heavens for the calming effect of these Newsletters, and of having friends to talk with. But I agree with Robert that the stress of this constant news of human suffering weighs heavy on me.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Many years ago I read John Steinbeck's "The Moon is Down." Written in 1942, this classic implied (although never mentioning Nazi Germany or Norway) the Nazi occupation of Norway which began in 1940.

It is remarkable that through the years, a world leader would not have read this short book or, if they had, so tragically dismissed it's most profectic passage, "The fly has conquered the flypaper."

No doubt, Putin is either Stienbeck illiterate or too egotistical to care. Whichever, he is doomed to the fate of the Nazi's in Norway, and everywhere else for that matter.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Good morning, and thank you and M.E. for staying the course. Loved the visit Adam Schiff. Would it be possible to include 2022 election banner with a link to top congressional races to follow and support from Congressman Maloney and his perspective? Maybe Senate too. A HARD TARGET would be helpful for those who write postcards and give money from afar (eg. People's Republic of San Francisco)? They certainly caused me to have hope.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Republican disinformation on Biden's effective interventions will in time have to confront what we pray is the eventual outcome, a Ukrainian victory. The devastation of the Russian forces being reported has two essential ingredients, the bravery and skill of Ukrainians, and American military technology, as delivered by President Biden. And thank you for the link to Schwartzenegger video. I must say I underestimated the man. As fine an outing of the self-destructive folly of fascism as one could ask.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Has anyone had success with “unfoxing’ their TVs? We use Hulu, primarily for live sports. I remember a suggestion for other streaming services that do not include fox but can’t find it. If possible could someone please link it here? Thank you!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Bastards indeed—bastards of democratic freedoms and God only knows what crackpot venality!

With Alabama moving to the dark side, the South is losing any pretense of New South progressivism (a perpetual canard, it seems).

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The Dominion report was produced *before* the election:

"Two weeks before the election, we were doing those reports hoping that we would pepper the swing states with those,” [Garret] Ziegler said of the three-part Navarro report in an appearance last July on The Professor’s Record with David K Clements.

Garret Ziegler was a policy aide under Peter Navarro.

Enough w/the "the small fry lead to the big fry" Garland method of prosecution (I paraphrase, of course). When you've got the goods on the mob boss and his lieutenants, do you just go after his street thugs??? It's time for the DOJ to indict Trump and his traitorous band and convict them of conspiracy to defraud the United States.

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