Thank you, Robert, for speaking on behalf of the millions who have been working for President Biden's re-election, and the millions more who voted for him during the primaries.

And to those who counsel that we must be realistic, here's the reality: There is only one person whose opinion on this subject really matters: President Joe Biden.


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It isn't just Trump, bur the entire insurrectionist movement and the Supreme Court that we have to fight, At this point we still have the capacity to sweep them out.


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How about we get Biden elected first.

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All in one swath. Millions of unregistered folk trend heavily Democratic. Statistics show they if they are registered, they will vote Democratic.

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And we fight voter suppression and voter purges. I recommend everyone check their voter registration status.

We also register people to vote.

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Are all of us working to register voters? Postcards, canvassing and telephoning are available to everyone who reads this newsletter. If you don't know where to start, go to Postcards to Voters.com.

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Also, check out the Blue Wave postcarding project. Excellent!

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I've just bought 100 1st Class Forever stamps in preparation for writing Letters to Voters [ votefwd.com ]. I already have most of a roll of 100 Flag Forever stamps. Don't forget that stamp prices go up (Again!) on July 14.

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The people continue to support Biden! His grassroots fundraising skyrocketed after the debate with half of the money coming from first-time donors. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4748477-biden-campaign-33-million-debate-donald-trump/

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

$33 million+, with about $26 million from "grassroots voters." Rep. Clyburn said today on MSNBC that these donations were "$15 to $100, from regular Democratic voters." We Democrats must stop being whiners and hand-wringers. NO ONE on the R side started to beat the drum to get rid of the Felon, despite his many despicable lies on Thursday. They RELISH in his instability and insanity. WE MUST DO and BE BETTER than this. Stand up for President Biden. Support our ticket. Doing anything otherwise is democracy killing. This. Is. Not. A. Test. Let's go.

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I made a $50 donation the morning after the debate to show my continued support.

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I’m fired up and ready to go! Worked on a batch of blue wave postcards this evening.

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wow!! thanks for this info!

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I bought over $200 worth of Biden swag from his campaign the day after the debate. I recommend swag, unless you live in a state where displaying it could get you killed. Not only does the purchase financially support the campaign, but the display of bumper stickers and window signs and hats and T-shirts and so on will show that our president has far more support than the polls would suggest.

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Good to hear, Robin!

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To anyone who counsels that "we must be realistic", I'd say that we already are being. Biden can and will win, and perhaps the Inquirer is on its way to being the new 'paper of record'.

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Right! As Robert pointed out, trying to replace Biden, at this point, is wildly unrealistic! (Plus I'm one of the many, many, many that believe he should not be replaced.)

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Me, too, Jocelyn!

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We can only hope the Enquirer is on its way to bring “the paper of record.”

The New York Times is getting tiring to say the least. The WaPO is beginning to travel the path of Rupert Murdoch’s Faux News - never news, always fantasy, Republican mouth piece. Once again, these media sources are feeling more like entities right out of 1984. Ugh!

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It’s been a tough week especially when you consider how SCROTUS (sic) is interacting with the election and Project 2025 and demonstrated that they are firmly in the Cristo-Fascist camp.

We are not just voting for Joe Biden, we are voting for his team! Here’s how I’m framing this battle:

Team Biden vs Team Trump

Team Democracy vs Team Autocracy

Team Competency vs Team Felony

Team Secularism vs Team Christian Nationalism (Team Christian Nazism? Team Christo-Facists?)

Team Labor vs Team Management

Team Rule of Law vs Team Pardon Supporters

Team 99% vs Team 1%

Team Rainbow vs Team White Male

Team Science vs Team Magical Thinking

Team NATO vs Team Putin

Team Legal Immigration vs Team Undocumented, Underaged Labor

Team Roe vs Team Forced Birth

Team Level Playing Field vs Team Corporate Socialism: Privatize Profits, Socialize Losses

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SCROTUS is from Giordano at TheJuiceMedia in Melbourne Australia who two years ago wrote and produced an excellent view of how SCOTUS could undermine our 2024 election: Honest Government Ad | The Supreme Court: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL5LaLT2BJM&list=LL&index=108&t=44s>


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I agree. I hope Biden stays in. Without him the planet will suffer. I also recommend Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who is an expert on fascism and fascist propaganda which is what Trump was using at the debates.


She claims that we are living in a moment of transition to fascism. We should understand the signs. The fascists manipulated the people, many of whom were democrats. We should not be caving in to them. I did not see the debates and I recommend that to people who are wavering in their support for Biden that they need to erase the debates from their minds and not watch any more if they are going to be influenced to think that you win the game by caving to the opposition just because they have a charismatic sociopath for a speaker.

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Thank YOU, Jerry, for stating our reality.

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What I cannot stomach is allowing Trump to gas on and lie at full volume. That is sickening, beyond offensive, and simply wrong. The spotlight should be on the blatant lies and weirdness of Trump. Why is that not happening? I am fed up with political spin, bothsiderisms and all the rest of it. If the American people don’t pull it together and stop tearing each other apart we will all lose. I will not watch any more of these media feeding frenzies. Biden’s performance was poor but his policies and administration are strong and working.Focus on policy, substance, and character. Somehow we have to get past politics as a reality TV show. But how?

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I agree Susan, the lies have been so difficult to endure. For one thing, I am enraged by the fact that all media outlets are not calling out the Convicted Felon for his mention of "black jobs". Why is no one calling out his blatant racism and asking him which jobs are the "black jobs"? Any chance I get, I am asking others to answer this question for me.

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I finally cancelled the NYT. Also WAPO. I'm spending my money to fight back,

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I did the same! Also gave another donation to President Biden along with post carding so I feel like I can make a difference

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

We are not ready to cancel our subscription yet but I wrote a scathing LTE to the NYT which I shared here in Saturday's comment section.

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I cancelled WaPo, let them know why, and now have more cash for contributions to ActBlue and subscriptions to other Substack writers.

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i cancelled my NYT subscription earlier this year. It was clear to me that the "Mainstream Media Has a Double Standard on Slip-ups by Politicians not Named Biden" Here's a link to my substack on it that I wrote back in Feb. https://thomasdillhunt.substack.com/p/mainstream-media-has-a-double-standard?r=1lwl10

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Lynn and Susan… agreed. I don’t watch the ‘news’ on tv or on the internet. We go to the occasional dinner at a friend’s home, the TV is often on for the news- I cringe at the horse shit that my intelligent friend listens to. I get it that he feels that he needs to stay on top of what’s happening but my God the drivel and crap and opinions that are put out there as fact… oh… all of it.

Post debate, I won’t even listen to NPR in the car. I know what is happening out there and I do not have to listen to the caring, concerned words of the lazy reporters guessing what is best for the country.

Having divulged all that… it may not surprise you that I did not watch the debate. Nothing that trump does surprises me exactly- I always expect the worst from him- but “black jobs”… what in actual f*ck. I just asked hubs what about the black jobs comment, he says that orange said “illegals are taking black jobs”. OK: now I confess, trump has actually surprised me. I am deeply ashamed we have to claim that trump is in the same species as the rest of us.

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I wish I hadn’t watched the debate, won’t make that mistake again. The camera angles of President Biden were intentionally unflattering, the lighting was terrible, the microphone should have been turned up, etc, etc.

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My husband, who worked for years in the film industry in NY said exactly the same thing. CNN set up the stage and podium to benefit tRump and hinder President Biden by forcing our President to turn to see tRump.

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Not true. Biden chose the right podium to his own detriment! I blame his campaign for that, and for the stupid rules where there was no fact- checking.

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And your proof that it was not CNN directed is?

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You have expressed the dark roiling of my mind and heart. Thanks for that. I'm going to read it out loud to blow off steam. WTAF🤬!😮‍💨

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Quite: this is why I started referring to him as "the pond slime" during his "presidency." I couldn't figure out anything lower; my husband said I was insulting pond slime.

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Love your husband, Jocelyn! A laugh i not just appreciated, it is needed!

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Yeah .... he's pretty funny. It helps.

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Post debate, I won’t even listen to NPR in the car. I know what is happening out there and I do not have to listen to the caring, concerned words of the lazy reporters guessing what is best for the country. AMEN!

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Karen I understand how you feel but we owe it to ourselves to hear all sides of the equation which prepares us for the job we all need to do. It’s not pretty but reality.

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Do you mean that we should watch the debate, or listen to the people reporting. Um… OK I am open to any thoughts and still what is the point of listening to reporters say the same nonsense over and over. Whey exactly would i listen to that? I might actually say that I have heard (the day after the debate) what they all have to say… and I don’t need to hear more. I do accept that that is “where we are” and it is not pretty. I listened- I don not need to listen over and over and over. Now that I’ve said that I am sure that once you hear it you may not actually have to hear it repeated by every newscaster coming down the line.

Thank you for responding

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I don’t watch tv or the news either. I closed my laptop after five minutes of the debate because I can’t take the lying, bloviating convicted felon spewing lies in my home. I’m glad to know I’m not alone. Thank you.

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The right wing appears to have become a toxic mix of celebrity culture, Christian nationalists and Libertarians. And so , so much dark money. I’m glad you’re asking those questions. So many people are being hurt by all of this.

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I don't think Biden's performance was poor. It was mediocre. Trumps performance was poor. 99% lies, by my reading of fact checkers. Why are Americans not screaming for his removal?

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Great distinction.

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Well said, Susan. Incredible that so many people are willing to shove aside so many intelligent and well respected specialists in law, science, economics, climate, but believe an ignorant, loudmouth, convicted felon and third-rate TV "reality" star who lies. How to get beyond this nightmare? Best bet, vote BLUE up & down the line. A working government might prove it is better than ignorant chaos.

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I read someone last week who called the lying Trump used a "technique" that is known, (something like the Gish technique) and it consists of lying one time after another, for hours and leaving your opponent looking exactly like Joe Biden looked on that debate stage on Thursday night. There is no way to correct or address the lies because there are so many of them right in a row - for 90 minutes! I felt that that rang true, though I had never heard of this technique. Trump will do it again, if the rules of the debate are not changed before the next one. (This is not about the Supreme Court, but it is about the other body blow we endured less than a week ago!)

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Well said, Rob. Joe Biden is our candidate. He is surrounded by a highly talented very diverse group of seasoned wise advisors who have our country's best interests at heart. We need to stick with him and them and cover his back unless he tells us otherwise. He has exercised exquisite judgment on nearly all of the multitude of complex issues he has faced as President and Vice President. Where will we find someone with his experience, wisdom, integrity, and leadership fortitude?

Let's move on from the doubting Thomas's and re-elect him. Let's stop providing fodder for the MAGA disinformation campaign.

Let's hope SCOTUS evidences some integrity later this morning

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I agree, Peter, and I think this is the best answer. President Biden's presidency is marked by a restoration of functionality to the presidency that Felonious Trump decimated. He restored the competence in his Cabinet, and got rid of FT's Tool Cabinet. If something were to happen to President Biden, things will be fine. Under FT, if something happened to him, it would unleash a level of chaos that would make his presidency look like a garden party.

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I think you make a very important point. This is not all about Joe Biden. It is about him and his very competent and capable administration. Biden is not, cannot, and never claimed to be capable of doing the hard work of governing solo.

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This reminded me of a piece I wrote over a year ago: https://open.substack.com/pub/bobmorgan/p/age-of-reason

My view hasn't changed much since. Any one of us could be hit by a bus tomorrow, or eaten by a shark in battery-infested waters...

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Or a turtle falling out of the sky .....

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Or eaten by a shark in battery-infested waters!

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Yes! Excellent! repost!

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I rewrote the line and edited it above. Is that what you meant?

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Sorry - it's early. I'm not sure which line you are referring to.

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Presumably another Democratic president would ahve those same excellent advisors.

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And who exactly do you have in mind as the person who should step into Bidens shoes??? This is classic magical thinking. It doesn't work like that...not one of the many suggested possible candidates has the name recognition, the grassroots organization in place ready to go, the fund-raising ability or high enough polling to match and beat Trump. Even the process to select a new candidate this late in the game is missing. It would be Democratic party chaos, civil war and it would hand the election to Donald J-for-jackarse Trump without further ado.

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Agree, TL Mills. Wooden Halsey's comment above is dangerously naive, like a child with a bump stock gun. It takes decades to build and lead a brilliantly functional team like Biden's. You don't replace the builder/leader and keep the team. Would you walk up to the parent of a large young family and say, "I'm going to replace you as the father of this family tomorrow, with a total stranger off the street, and don't worry, everything will work exactly the same?"

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That is not a given.

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Right on about getting behind Joe Biden, Peter! You were wrong, unfortunately, about SCOTUS.

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Yeah, no matter how hard you try, the dumbassed politically-illiterate legends in their own mind of the Vichy Democrat Bedwetting Caucus will still show up. ("What do you mean?! I have a college degree! I'm smart! Now let me speak to the managment here about your inappropriate behavior.") Most of them would have told Churchill to surrender after Dunkirk. They're the political equivalent of the Coward in "Saving Private Ryan" who got his buddies killed at the end because of his spinelessness.

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Good point. Churchill did not step down and neither will Biden.

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Vision and grit are needed against the fortune-tellers who foresee disaster based on nothing but gazing into a crystal ball. The real disaster is Trump, and we don't need a crystal ball to see that. The facts are all appallingly on display.

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They certainly are!

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Love the term “Vichy Democrats.”

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It's "open source" so - take it away! :-)

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Thank you Robert. We don’t abandon the President now when he has continually stood up for US. Joe is best President since FDR and has 4 more years to finish what he started.

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I was so disgusted by the “debate” and its aftermath that I sat down and wrote Joe Biden a thank you note. It seemed the least I could do.

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He NEEDS 4 more years! We have to make sure he gets them.

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Reading your substack this morning is so gratifying, Robert. I was disappointed to read that Jamie Raskin put himself in the "step aside" camp. He of all people who just went through a life-battling disease that could have ended his career. I'm assuming his backers did not abandon him during that time. So disheartening. But I was bolstered by all the links you provided in support of our President.

[Update: OK, Robert. I listened to what Jamie Raskin actually said and am not convinced that he was personally on the side of calling for Biden to step aside. What he said was there were conversations about it in the Democratic party, which I'm assuming he was in on. So, in light of that, I want to walk back the remarks that I made about him in this post.]

To add to the mix - as I wrote over on LFAA - for those who are struggling with the idea of whether President Biden should take himself out of the "race" for the presidency, I found that this "too long but worth reading" substack column written by Seth Abramson hits all the arguments that he should and strongly rebuts them. According to his bio, Seth is a "NYT bestselling author of eighteen books. Journalist. Attorney. Art critic. Recovering professor, radio broadcaster..."


He makes many of the same arguments you do but goes into a little more detail for each one.

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I think Jamie Raskin‘s statements were worse than the quoted sections suggested. He said at the very least that Joe Biden would be the keynote speaker at the Democratic convention. WTAF?

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I'm shocked. I hope he's realized his mistake, and will apologize - soon. Several others have done so since Thursday night!

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Ignorant of what that means...keynote speakers aren't ever candidates? Asking b/c I don't know. I need to listen again for anything else he said. At the very least, he looked very uncomfortable to be there.

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Right! That is not good. Can you post a link?

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Robert posted Raskin's remarks in his post (above).

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Thanks for posting about Seth Abramson everyone needs to read this.

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Good post and thank you for clarifying Raskin's comments. I adore him and he's just lucky that I'm old, he's happily married, and I live across the country because ... oh, never mind. I'm being silly. But when I think about Raskin's remarks and the pushback, it reminds me that we are all so scared right now (I guess that's a large part of it...) that we aren't willing to give anyone any slack and that's pretty weird as human beings. Everyone has bad days, says stupid things, makes horrible decisions; what matters if if those are a feature, not a bug. If they're 'bugs', then let's let them go on (except for roaches and scorpions: sorry) to live their lives and assume we don't need to police them.

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You made me smile ("I'm old, he's happily married ....") so thanks. But I also appreciate the rest of your post.

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I can safely admit (the Old Exemption!) that his 'type' -- smart, witty, honest, kind, brave -- was always my catnip. Back when I was susceptible to catnip.

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Me too! And hey, it's never too late for catnip. I could say the same things about L-M Miranda (except I'd add overwhelmingly talented and creative) ..... Catnip!

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Heh heh heh ... Maybe I should start a line of Older Lady Ts etc. w/a Catnip theme associated with various photos of the Catnip and an OL getting ready to pounce?

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Laughing out loud here! (But we wouldn't want to seem predatory (in a bad way, anyway) ......

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Thanks for posting about Seth Abramson’s excellent reporting .

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Don't walk back your comments about Raskin. They don't say anything Jeffries and Schumer don't tell them to say. Raskin should have been passionate and firm in his support of Biden, and he wasn't. Write him and criticize him.

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Well, Robert did say he mentioned that Biden could be a keynote speaker, which I assume means he wouldn't be the candidate. So that's not a good thing. It's all so disappointing.

Thanks, Christina.

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It is hard to believe the short-sighted, hysterical reaction to the debate last Thursday. My husband and I watched as Trump glibly lied and refused to answer questions put to him. Not only did the interviewers fail to bring him to task, but seemingly neither did many Democrats who now are ready to abandon President Biden . Thank you, Robert, for shedding light on the foolishness of those who share in this irresponsible behavior.

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Re:NYTIMES- unsubscribe. Best and only thing to do. And, doing so is enlightening!

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Thank you Robert for pressing on with what many need to understand.

I am so tired of the condescending, ageist view taken on by too many Democrats this last week. Joe Biden may go down in history as one of the most successful United States presidents ever, but yet how do so many think Joe does not know when he needs to step aside? Do they really think he is incapable of determining his abilities? He knows more than any of us what the job entails, yet there are some who profess, based on one evening, that he is no longer "fit" for the office. This means they feel they know more about this than Joe and Jill Biden.

Joe Biden is not only suited to continue to serve as Commander in Chief, but he will also know when he is no longer able to serve in that capacity. He can be trusted to determine when he should retire. The naysayers need to stop with their patronizing and superior attitudes. They need to have a hard look at what they are saying about our president, and realize that their continued effort to speak of their fantasized lack of ability in Joe is more of a reflection on them than it is on him.

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Again, thanks for saying out loud and validating my thoughts and feelings: How do you go from being a successful president to incompetent in the space of two hours?

It is my opinion that trump was president for four years (dang- that still doesn’t roll off the tongue, does it?)- four years and he did a lot of rolling back and taking away… well, he added to the Supreme Court. Health care?, Infrastructure?, Pandemic response?, Opioid crisis?, Border crisis? Did he, in any way, succeed in moving those balls down the field? . Without blathering on I’ll (try) to get to my point: Based on the free fall we were in with trump, it seems to me that our country can do a lot of running by itself. That may sound extraordinarily simplistic but think about it… trump was busy playing mental masturbation with our country - following orders from the Steve Bannon, Steve miller’s and the Federalists to set the country up for their future take over (You know they were using trump just like they were going to use Sarah Palin. With Sarah they found a path to further dumb down the American voter and appeal to those Americans who live paltry lives thanks to the leaders that they elect (but that is another story)).

Where was I- oh- our country running itself. Well it doesn’t run itself but Biden has things set up and if something happens to him? I believe that Kamala will keep running it … give me a break, what? Has she got secret aspirations to re-appoint the administration and make huge Changes? I dunno, Biden is on a pretty good roll, I’m guessing she might want to keep that ball rolling and ride his wave!?, take advantage and credit of/for his success! I sincerely don’t think the country is going to cease to ‘work’ if something happens to Biden. God knows we are better off now than when trump was treading water.

Don’t be shy - you won’t hurt my feeling if you tell me I’m way off!

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Karen, I fully appreciate all you have said here. I do agree that if something were to happen to Biden, that Kamala can handle it and would stay the course. Thank you for your thoughts.

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Kamala Harris is extremely capable. Joe Biden picks capable, competent people. Joe Biden knows how to govern and what government can do. That is precisely why the right wing money bags hate him and want him to fail.

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I appreciate this comment. During the entire course of Joe Biden’s presidency, I have been struck by the lack of appreciation and respect the talking heads have given him. We the people elected him, not the talking heads. Joe Biden works for America and Joe Biden knows how to tell the truth.

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Yes. I couldn't believe (but was not surprised) that the "speaker," Mikey, suggested employing the 25th !!!

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Sen. John Fetterman had a great response to Biden's debate performance, remembering his terrible one (following his stroke) against Mehmet Oz. Essentially, he said....."It's one debate! I had a lousy one too and still smoked my opponent by 5 points. Get over it, Democrats!"

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Thank you, Robert, for eloquently expressing in your newsletter what needed to be said. Like you, "I am not giving up and I won’t be pressured into apologizing for Joe Biden’s imperfections in a world where every politician is imperfect." As you also said, it is a clear choice between decency and depravity.

Practically my mantra lately, I have kept in mind what Monique Pressley said after the debate: “The proof of Biden’s ability to run the country is the fact that he is running it. Successfully. Not a debate performance against a pathological lying sociopath.”

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Well said Robert! I agree with your every word! I am so disappointed with the people who think Joe should be judged on a 90 minute appearance after his amazing presidency. Joe at 81 is far superior than anyone else at this point in time!

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Thank you, Robert. I was so upset yesterday reading some of the comments on several Substacks so posted mine below and the “data”/likes overwhelmed the negative comments.I’m not giving up ! 💙

I encourage all to read the transcript of the debate.President Biden(without the stutters , hoarse voice from a cold and trying too rapidly to refute the massive barrage of lies) is more than fine….and totally sane.Convicted criminal Trump is/was his usual unhinged self.



I encourage all who are concerned to do whatever is in their comfort zone to boost Biden/Harris, retain the Senate and flip the House..Action really does help alleviate the stress of countering MAGA. Trust me, I live in MAGA-vile, Florida.



Patricia Schroeder '64, Former United States Representative

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Yes. Reading the transcript makes a world of difference. It also sadly highlights how we tend to rely on the performative aspects of political events. It's human.

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Love the quote, Kathy!

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Biden is old, it's true. He was a long way from impressive in the debate, it's true. I too wish he was 10 years younger. But... he's not a convicted felon, serial philanderer, serial liar and fabulist. And Trump is only 5% younger. Let's ask the major questions: who do you trust with the nuclear codes? who do you want appointing the next round of the judiciary? who will our most trusted allies trust with their own intelligence on bad actors around the globe? who will continue programs to help the average Jane or Joe? who will continue tax cuts for the super-wealthy? I don't think the raw facts lead to Trump being best for the USA.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Biden would be betraying our trust in him if he dropped out. We've been committed to his re-election for many months now. The only way is forward at full speed. Consider the scene if he announced his departure from the race: the next two months would have people fighting for ascendancy, chaos ensuing, and any campaigning against the real foe would stop. And his campaign funds can't simply be passed over to a new candidate, unless it's Harris. Dumbest idea ever, leaving only two months for a new candidate to fund raise and campaign. The time to replace Biden is long, long past. And I'm hugely disappointed in Jamie Raskin. And I don't mean to imply that if it was practical to replace Biden, we should. I'm still with Biden. It's still his time. Godspeed, President Biden, Godspeed.

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According to Jess Craven’s Sunday round up - direct quotes below:

The hour after the debate – 11 PM to 12 AM – was Team Biden-Harris’ best grassroots fundraising hour of the entire campaign, raising $14 million from grassroots supporters on debate day and the morning after. They’ve raised at least that much again since then.

According to Biden’s campaign, more than three times as many people applied to work on the campaign in the 24 hours following the debate than apply on an average day.

Also, post-debate, across the battlegrounds, their rate of volunteer signups was more than three times as much as an average day

A focus group from Univision in Arizona showed undecided Latino voters moved toward Biden following the debate.

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Interesting. The felon was himself in the "debate".. he is raw and elemental and some find that appealing. But most people don't like liars, don't like bullies, and that's all 45 is.

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How about a NYT headline that says “ presidential candidate - sex offender and felon - states on national tv that some jobs are “Black jobs”. That’s a headline .

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And I think I saw that half the grassroots money raised after the debate came from first-time supporters! (I donated, but it wasn't the first time.)

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