Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 25, 2022Pinned

Call/text/postcard to Black voters in the rural South whose votes are being suppressed! Center for Common Ground has all the info you need to get started right away: https://www.centerforcommonground.org/actions

Our scripts are tailored for their target audience, and we give voters information specific to their county. We get incredibly high results using this method.

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Thanks, Linda. I have an investment here--born in Alabama, veteran of the Civil Rights movement at its unlikely center in Atlanta, Georgia. What's going on there infuriates me. I'll get on this.

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Yet another reason we click, Teach. I too was born and raised in Bama! My fab, life-long Blue Dot mom remains actively committed to canvassing, calling, and most other forms of communicating for We the People, All of Us This Time down in the Heart of Dixie. ๐Ÿ’™

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Thanks, Linda. Please consider writing to NC, too. Cherie Beasley and essential state house races in NC. ๐Ÿ˜˜

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We are writing to NC!!! Go, go, go Cheri!!!

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Cheri. My spelling error!

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Thanks, Linda. Iโ€™ve signed up to text to voters in Georgia and Florida.

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Just signed up for Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Thanks for promoting this. Iโ€™m big on postcards but this will be a new venture for me!

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Writing postcards to GA. I love that the messages are tailed to each county.

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Yes - that's part of what makes them so powerful! We give specific, actionable information along with messages that resonate with those who receive the postcards. We assume a lack of consistent voting behavior comes from a lack of accurate information and from our failure to tie voting to specific issues that voters care about. Thank you for writing them!

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Thanks, Linda. I signed up for TX (but live in CA).

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Hi Lindaโ€ฆa few of us are new to Slack and stuck. A message comes up stating that I need an @thedemlabs.com email address and I should contact the "workspace administrator" at Center for Common Ground for an invitation. I don't see how to do that on the CCG website. Do you have any advice how to proceed??

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I'm working on getting you an answer. Stay tuned!

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Email me at Linda at center for common ground dot org - type it all as block text without the spaces - and I'll get you what you need. Thank you!

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Hi Linda - I'm trying to sign up for texting but I'm getting a message that I need an @thedemlabs.com email address and I should contact the "workspace administrator" at Center for Common Ground for an invitation. I don't see how to do that on the CCG website. Do you have any advice how to proceed??

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Same as Beatitude Betty above - stay tuned for guidance!

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Same as above - Email me at Linda at center for common ground dot org - type it all as block text without the spaces - and I'll get you what you need. Thank you!

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Thanks Linda! I just emailed you.

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Iโ€™m hoping Linda H can answer this. I too am stuck and not sure how to proceed. I thought I would have gotten more detailed instructionsโ€ฆespecially being new to Slack.

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Thanks for the opportunity and for everything you do. You are a light in these dark times. Iโ€™d like to invite your readers to consider attending a Zoom event with Rep. Tim Ryan, Thursday Sept 29 at 6:45 pm. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/forcemultiplier2022ryanevent?refcode=Org_Hubbel He has a good shot at the open Ohio Senate seat. For advice on which races are the best investment check out www.forcemultiplierus.org

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I think Tim Ryan is a great candidate and I hope he wins. Force multipliers is a great organization and a great way to help these worthy candidates win.

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Robert B. Hubbell is indeed a wonderful light in these dark times. I will try to join the Zoom with Tim Ryan on Thursday September 29th.

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With Vote Forward you can write letters from home to help turn out the vote. I wrote letters for the January 5, 2021 Georgia run off election. Iโ€™m writing again for the November election.

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Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 24, 2022

This is a great way for me to contribute to the effort with my 5 letters a day since Iโ€™m not up for canvassing etc. Iโ€™m always surprised how compelling this practice is. Vote Forward says that 3 million voters have been adopted so far!

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Iโ€™m writing for a vote forward also. So far Iโ€™ve written 60 letters from Michigan and have 20 more to do so far๏ฟผ

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Me too - sitting here in Washington state writing to voters in Texas. Great tool to help one make a bit of a difference.

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Me too. It's a effective way of getting out voters. Many elections are won by 1-2% margins or less. Even if your letters have only a small impact, together they could make a difference.

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Got this one, too. Thanks, Pat. I'm seeing the advantages of not being able to get out :-)

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I've been working on 140 letters in total for the 4 states I adopted and it was great that there's a long lead time. I'm nearly done w/ the project and there's a month to go before they have to be mailed.

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PostScript: Short version โ€” Vote Forward is encouraging current volunteers to invite more volunteers to write even more millions of letters to voters, based upon ongoing scientific research for the 2022 cycle.

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There are some 6 million Americans living outside the US who are eligible to vote, But many of them donโ€™t think they can or donโ€™t know how . Please reach out to any children, friends or family living outside the US and ask them to go to VoteFromAbroad.org today to register to vote and request their overseas absentee ballots. Voting for us has already begun. September 24 is 45 days before the election, and states are required to send out ballots from that dateโ€”many have already started to do so. I voted from abroad two days ago, after Minnesota emailed my ballot. Every state will email ballots to citizens living outside the country. Thirty states allow for some form of electronic ballot return. Some states will allow you to request a ballot right up until Election Day, but no one should wait. Overseas votes are the margin of victory in critically important races. Our votes delivered Arizona and Georgia to Biden in 2020. We also make the difference in close state races. Readers who have any questions, or who would like to be involved in getting out the overseas vote, should email VoteFromAbroaduk@gmail.com. Thanks!

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Great information. Thank you for speaking on our 24 Hour Postcard Around The Clock event! It is so important for people abroad to realize that their votes can be the margin of victory in crucial elections as you describe above!

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Glad to be invited, I was in awe that so many people in the us were up then!

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Since 2016, women across the suburbs have been gatheringโ€” first to lament, but then to figure out how to change the world together. Red, Wine and Blue is building on this sisterhood, and creating new momentumโ€” with digital content, media, and tools that empower our unique voices and networks. Red, Wine and Blue.ย http://redwine.blue/

Also, check out Red, Wine and Blueโ€™s โ€œGreat Troublemaker Turnoutโ€ and learn how you can be a troublemaker, especially in four key swing states.

In Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, Red Wine and Blue has local suburban women organizers on the ground ready to help. By joining the Great Troublemaker Turnoutโ€ โ€“ Red Wine and Blueโ€™s massive relational voter turnout initiative โ€“ you are saying:

Voting in 2022 is not enough. I want to do more. There is power in my voice, and I will use it. For more info and to sign up, click here: https://secure.everyaction.com/-J2ah1mceU6JD-8d2uXqHw2

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And you don't have to be living in one of those states to participate. I live in Vermont and will be "coaching" troublemakers in one or more of the four states Kathleen mentioned. The entire concept is built around relational politics: people listen to people they know personally, and the troublemakers reach out to the folks they are in contact with. My own experience has taught me that when people are encouraged to talk about their concerns, they are more likely to vote. My "job" as coach my troublemakers is to be there by phone, email, and online contact to encourage them, answer questions, guide them if they need it as they talk to their friends, neighbors, and other contacts. I'm not suburban, and I live in a tiny village in a rural area. But I have the knowledge and skills from my own experience electioneering to help other people do this. So do a lot of you! That personal contact can make a huge difference, better than ads better than postcards and way better than calls.

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Thank you for explaining the coaching aspect. I am in CA and coaching a group in MI (where I attended college!).

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If you are looking to join with others on Zoom to write postcards (and If you need help getting started on that and other forms of activism) please look through our Linktr.ee describing all we do. And please join our Zooms, weโ€™d love to have you!


MarkersForDemocracy, Downtown Nasty Women Social Group and Team Min.

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I have joined Markers For Democracy. I am now targeting Ohio voters regarding Ohioโ€™s Supreme Court nominees. One is given many options of where to send the postcards.

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Thatโ€™s fantastic! Glad the info was helpful. Please join our Zoom when you have a chance! Weโ€™d love to meet you. I assume youโ€™ve signed up for our newsletter from the linktr.ee so you have the Schedule and Zoom links now.

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I have, Jenny. Thanks for the encouraging words.

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Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 24, 2022Pinned

Think of which states have passed horrendous laws over the past year--and are ramping up for more.

State legislatures are uniquely critical this year to prevent subversion of the 2024 presidential election.

In addition to our grassroots efforts of voter registration, postcards, door knocking, and digital amplifying, we can contribute our small dollar donations to support good candidates in pivotal state legislature races to tip or keep a Democratic majority. The States Project does the research to maximize impact for funds raised by Giving Circles, such as our Tending to Democracy Giving Circle (given great support by Robert!). Join us!


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I too, use Jessica Craven's Chop Wood Carry Water. Every day I do every one of her to-dos. They are always great action steps, and take less than 1 hour. She's a force. And really fun to read also. (http://CHopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com)

Thanks again, Robert, for all you do. You, Heather Cox Richardson, Dan Rather and all of you guys are my source of news, inspiration and strength these days!

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There is a beautiful poem, a prayer by Howard Thurman, 20th century Theologian, Civil Rights leader, author, and educator, who inspired Martin Luther King.

The prayer, sent to me by a friend of devout faith, expresses for me universal encouragement and inspiration for this extremely challenging moment: https://uuwestport.org/i-will-sing-a-new-song-by-howard-thurman/

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If anyone lives abroad or has family or friends who do, please let them know about VotefromAbroad.org for absentee ballots for Americans. It is really easy.

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Force Multiplier is hosting Cecile Richards of America Votes on October 11.(Forcemultiplierus.org/events). In the meantime, listen in to a field report on the status of on the ground outreach to Blue Surge voters in NV,PA, GA,AZ,MI, and WI. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rc-2rrTsjGdQuNWl0VzTwLItd0sNUhoHk. Steven Krugman

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GM Robert & Todayโ€™s Edition readers! The Women & Seniors for Crist are making great strides in connecting with FL Democratic voters to GOTV! 10k calls to women who have a history Of only voting in presidential elections. If you are a registered Democrat Florida voter & want to help please send an email to me and we will get you set up after clearing your registration: swindmiller@charliecrist.com We know when we vote, we win! Thank you!! Susan Windmiller

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Just sent you an e-mail. I am in Pasco County..

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Annette Thank you so much for your reply and your stepping up to volunteer! Iโ€™ve been at events all day and just got home I will send you an email in response. Thanks again Susan

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We invite health professionals, such as nurses, physicians, pharmacists, policy experts, etc, to join us in writing or signing on to opinion pieces in swing states like Pennsylvania. These are aimed at informing swing voters of critical health care issues and encouraging them to vote in the midterms and in later elections.. We have been interviewed previously by Robert for his podcast, for which we are grateful. Here is a link to our most recent article published in the largest conservative media outlet in Western Pennsylvania, which is a Republican stronghold with a history for some counties of voting Democratic. https://triblive.com/opinion/dr-norbert-goldfield-dr-mitch-kaminski-and-jeffrey-c-lerner-voting-for-the-common-health-of-pa/. We also publish in media that reaches large numbers of health professionals such as the ANA News. See www.asknursesdoctors.com Please contact norbert@asknursesdoctors.com or me. The work you would do takes VERY little time and we provide assistance. Thank you, jeffrey.c.lerner@gmail.com

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Virginia has over 550k non-voting registered voters who list the environment as a top issue. Help us get those non-voters to the polls on November 8th. Join the Environment Voter Project and the Fairth Alliance for Climate Solutions on October 5th for a briefing and training; followed by calling these Virginia low propensity voters. Refgister at: https://faithforclimate.org; click on Get Out the Eco-Vote.

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Thank you Robert for this opportunity to share ways to get involved. Senate Circle is hosting John Fetterman and Mandela Barnes on Monday, October 3rd at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT. This is the last scheduled Zoom with them both.

Please consider joining the Zoom call: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/scwipa?refcode=Hubbell

By Biden margins, these races in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the top two chances to flip Senate seats. The difference in policy between these two current Lieutenant Governors and Mehmet Oz and Ron Johnson is immense.

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31st Street Swing Left has identified a few NC state legislature races that could use small (or large!) donations. These are viable candidates with well organized campaigns. Donate here, with a list of the candidates:


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Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert for bringing up the Arizona abortion ruling today. For those like me who were unaware, today was supposed to be the start of the new Arizona law banning abortion after 15 weeks. Bad enough, eh? Well, a Republican state judge just made everything mega-worse. He said the 1864 law passed when Arizona wasn't a state, which bans abortion in all instances, is now reinstated!

The one thing I can think about this is, the Republicans have just lost the race for Governor, Secretary of State, Senator, and at least a couple of congressional seats. This is going to bring out voters the way it happened in Kansas back in June. Talk about putting things to the voters in the starkest possible terms. A 157 year old law from before the state was a state, when women were not allowed to vote, is now the controlling law on womens' right to choose. If this doesn't bring women out in mass numbers in 45 days, nothing will.

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I hope you are right; you would think a 15 week ban that criminalizes abortion would do that, but here we are.

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Hi, TCinLA. I just visited your substack website to subscribe to your newsletter. I see that it hasn't launched, but I am eagerly awaiting your first publication. When you launch, let me know and I will recommend your newsletter. Seems like the least I can do given that I have taken to quoting your comments in the newsletter with regularity!

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My Substack was christened and launched a year ago Robert. You might have gotten just the formative page. Here's a link to the active substack:


Thank you very much for joining. You can recommend away. :-)

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I wouldnโ€™t get my hopes up high re: women. Arizona is radicalized. Nuts. My sister--supposedly educated and a successful business woman in Phoenix--gets ALL of her โ€œnewsโ€ from QAnon and the Dark Web. Her family questions her sanity, at this point.

My husband was called to do an expert testimony on a medical case that should have been a slam-dunk for the female plaintiff. The defense used a less qualified โ€œexpertโ€ who was from Arizona. I warned him that the jury would go with โ€œtheir own kindโ€ before listening to the facts of the case, and I was right! Yet, when the jury was asked for feedback afterwards, the response was: They would rather be in the care of the expert physician who was from out-of-state, but they chose to listen to the other guy because he was from their area. WTF? It never seemed to click that the WOMAN who brought the complaint was ALSO from their area. The double standards of the Looney-Tunes radicals are mind-boggling.

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Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just read an article on judicial dumbness in Texas. It referred to the decision as โ€œCalvinBallโ€ where Calvin and his Tiger Hobbs play a game where the rules can be changed on the fly and are never repeated

Judge believes in comic strip precedent it seems

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Very true regarding the illogical tendency of ideologues. During the height of the pandemic I had an in-law that is a registered nurse spout conspiracy theories that vaccines donโ€™t work and contain nanobots designed by Bill Gates to advance the new world order. A person may have a lot of knowledge and education, but that doesnโ€™t always translate to intelligence.

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I learned that smart could be crazy from my years working at jr. High. In fact, smart crazy can do so much more damage than dumb crazy.

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I'm sure that's true, and any victory there will be by a narrow margin (perhaps slightly less marginal from this). I too have a friend there, whose work brings her in touch with people from different backgrounds/communities, and she says women are becoming radicalized - in the direction of voting for choice and against Republicans. She emphasizes her information is anecdotal, but what surprises her are the women she thought would go the other way.

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Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 24, 2022

It may be that the plaintiffโ€™s case was not tried well. Probably shouldnโ€™t make a difference, but it does. At least, as a trial lawyer, I hope it does.

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There is no explanation for this except โ€œinsanityโ€ and blind adherence to lies that nourish underlying bias.

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Makes my blood run cold. The deliberate ignorance is stupefying

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Arizona was a territory before arriving as part of the Union. But one issue is that in order to become a member of the Union, Statehood must be established or the jurisdiction must prove its ability to be self sustaining. A state is a country. Not a province. Even though some think DC should be a state, it cannot because of certain requirements for statehood, namely its independent sustainability.

If it became a state, the Capital of the Union would then belong to a national entity that is not essentially the whole Union but a partisan fragment. As it stands, DC belongs to the Union. So when a state enforces a law which was on the books before joining the Union, it is able to do decide by previous precedent. I am a DC native born and most who seem to think statehood is a possibility, do not understand what is Statehood. But this also poses numerous problems for granting voting representation. The Capital as an entity of the Union is not to be partisan controlled but neutral. I remember when my family could finally vote. That was decided by law but DC residents cannot hold office as voting in Congress or negotiating legislation other than lobbying for DC rulings because of it's neutrality and nonpartisan status.

Those were the conditions under which the land was granted to the Union and held within the original land title for DC. Most people do not realize this, even many lawyers and Congressional. So when you hear about an old law being held, think about why it can be. It's not always in public agreement, but old does not invalidate until the legislature so acts.

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Sep 24, 2022ยทedited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

All they have to do is draw a smaller perimeter around the capitol, supreme court and white house and the capitol is still national. People have already figured his out. As to "sustainjability," the state of Columbia would be bigger than Rhode island.

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Like button not working (even after refresh), ergh! But "Like"

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When the heart button doesnโ€™t turn red, refresh your page and it should then show itโ€™s red. If not, just click on it again, and it should turn red. You may have to scroll to find it.

I have encouraged readers to report the issue to support@substack.zendesk.com. They claim they cannot replicate the problem on their end. The more who report it, the more they will recognize it is an ongoing issue with many readers and the better the likelihood they will try to fix it.

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Yes. Exactly. Constitution requires a DC, so it could be shrunk to Lincoln Memorial east to Supreme Court, pull in Jefferson Memorial and a few gov buildings just south of Mall, White House, NEOB, Blair, Archives, Justice north of Mall and a bit more. Rest could be state. I suggest name Potomac. There is precedent for this. DC was originally a square. In early 1800s, the part cut out of northern VA (part of Arlington) was returned to VA. Now easier to make new state rather than give to MD

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

What constitutes sustainability? There are a number of states that receive more money from the federal government than they send in.

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The ability to handle yourself economically. They had to do so before acceptance into the Union.

But the Union provides mutual support on various levels. Hass this been abused? I have truly driven across 40 or the contiguous 48. I have driven NH to VA, took a right into NC, TN, AR, TX, NM, and now in AZ My return trip in December will go through LA, MS, AL, and North FL and GA. The states most likely to be receiving the greatest federal aid are the ones most likely screaming about getting rid of big government. Do it some time and judge for yourself how people live and use or abuse resources, you name it. That still does not delegitimise an opinion or whatever. Just take the rune. Not doing flight connections, but go into an area, buy gasilibe there, eat in a diner. Get a line on people. Spend time on a reservation and see whatthe reak Native Americans got stuck with. Do you know that a tribal nationals are for all intents and purposes not US citizens, at least if they were born on a reservation as it is considered, if at least yard to be a foreign entity. Maybe that law is changed, but that is what it was for a long time. Wishing doesn't change things. Doing does

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The other condition is a functioning constitution. Alaska and Hawaii both had to demonstrate those two before Statehood was considered, and in being accepted as eligible to join the Union, they had an option to back out. What if DC was given the option for statehood and then backed out? That would make the government look like it was made of tinker toys. The government would then be beholding to a foreign entity. That would be really a huge problem.

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Once again, your reasoning is faulty because you think anything beyond the seats of the three independent arms of government have to be included in "DC"

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You are always spot on, here and at Letter From An American. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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Thank you for this William.

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I live in Prescott. I am an 'independent'. And I am so happy to read Robert's newsletter. I certainly hope that women will turn out in vast groups to bring back our right to have control over our own bodies. Thanks for your share.

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Geez, by those standards, Indigenous people will (continue to )be snookered out of their land and lives. Slavery will be permitted, and health care performed by traveling potion sellers.

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