Tom Keen won seat in the Florida House District 35 Special Election!

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Jan 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I appreciate your reminder not to make the assumption that all people in Iowa or other “red states “ are MAGA diehards. For instance, there is a very active organization in Texas called Mothers Against Greg Abbot .org who, along with many others, are fighting back. Let’s find out who these groups are and help them out. We need to build coalitions everywhere.

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Jan 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I was inspired yesterday and wanted to share this story with you. Last year, a young woman in her 30’s wanted to vote republican because she was afraid of all of the immigrants coming in to the country. Yesterday we picked up the conversation again when i suggested that she read the book “The Beekeeper of Aleppo”., a stunning book that for me put the hazards of immigration right up front...but as i mentioned it she told me she had met a recent immigrant from Mexico and was stunned and horrified by his story. It became personal. She has completely turned around her views on immigration. My mother in law was a holocaust survivor who was rescued by a Philadelphia couple and brought to this country. For my husband and myself, it has always been personal. Can we all find it in our hearts to befriend a recent immigrant? To lift them up? To look them in the eye and recognize our common humanity?

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Jan 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yesterday in Florida, the Democrat Tom Keen flipped a state legislative seat in a special election. This is huge. It is due to changes that our new state party chair has brought, including a huge push on her part to get us volunteers to help with GOTV activities. They overcame Republican "dirty tricks" in a district fairly evenly split between Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

Turnout is key.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I hate having to disagree with you, and I hate even more that I have to agree with Chris Cillizza's analysis of the vote, but unfortunately math is a yes/no option. When it adds up, the answer is yes.

We are all doing this "he's not as strong as they say" dance without looking at an important piece of data. That is, the question of who the DeSantis and Haley voters - and the Vivek voters - would vote for if the particular candidate wasn't running.

The answers were: 75% of the DeSantis voters would vote for Trump if DeSantis wasn't running. 40% of the Haley voters would also vote for Trump were she not there. 100% of the Vivek voters wuld vote for Trump.

So, make the race Trump and DeSantis with Haley out, and Trump's total goes up to around 60-62%. Make it Trump-Haley with DeSantis out, Trump's total is around 72-74%. In both cases, those are what are called "solid incumbent wins numbers." In th GOP primary, Trump is effectively the "incumbent."

There are no "magic beans" that will defeat him, and telling ourselves "he can't win" is the same "winning" strategy Democrats employed in 2016. It's "whistling past the graveyard."

The only solution is the one you advocate in your posts every night, Robert. Get to work. The only way he is going away is to Defeat Him.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My sister in law in Cedar Rapids Iowa was upset on Tuesday with the Iowa Caucus results. She said "This is not the Iowa I grew up in". Of course I sent her your newsletter yesterday and will do so today, encouraging her to subscribe. I told her "Robert will help you see things in the right light".

Thank you Robert. Our citizens in Iowa deserve better than what our media delivers them with this caucus stunt.

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Jan 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert for saying that so-called red states are not a lost cause. I live in Florida and last night we got Democrat Tom Keen who flipped a seat in the Florida legislature. Last year we got a Democrat for mayor in Jacksonville, once a large Republican stronghold. The wheels may turn slowly, but turn they do. Onward!

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Robert, thank you for everything. I guess I am more worried about the voters in Southern states or those who have gerrymandered districts more so than Iowa. When some Iowan Trump supporters were interviewed, I kept mumbling “These people are just plain dopey!” Really, I said stupid, but then realizing that a vast majority didn’t even get their vote in, made me realize that perhaps they are not happy with any of the R candidates. That could be another reason for the low turnout. I want to say that I know here, in Northern CA, there are many people writing postcards, calling their members of Congress, emailing them also, using social media to engage people. It’s going to be mostly all races of women and much of Gen Z who will save democracy.

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Thanks for the reference to "Judge Aileen Cannon Is Quietly Sabotaging the Trump Classified Documents Case."

I wonder whether anyone has filed a bias complaint against her?


She should not have accepted jurisdiction in case # 1 per local rule and per a published 11th Cir decision, and IMHO now she has a duty to stand for voir dire on bias.

28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a)Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his [or her] impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

In addition to her questionable conduct, she is married to Josh Lorence, a restaurant executive, whose employer may be tied to Trump.

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Women will win this election for Pres. Biden, yes the most important health issue ripped away by a bunch of political hacks, then compounded with prison, financial ruin etc. The commercials made by victims will NOT be buried in ignorance. Women will win this election & the GOP are left in our dust.

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We all know that Trump will claim voter fraud if it looks like Biden is winning. I am also afraid of voter repression in extreme MAGA areas. Please join me in an effort to get the White House to request UN Observers to be placed in critical swing states to counter GOP fraud claims and to make sure elections are held as fairly as possible.

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I am not getting too excited about the results of Iowa because of the weather factors which I believed influenced the turnout. New Hampshire with a more diverse demographics is a much better weathervane and let’s see what happens there. We are kinda in a catch 22 because we want both Trump to be the Republican nominee and we want proof that a percentage of Republicans will reject Trump and vote and deny Trump the presidency. It’s too early to get excited or depressed so we need to be patient and take one day at a time. Let’s see if all the court appearances and ranting and raving will impact both voter turnout and the percentage of the wins.

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Turnout indeed is the key. Today's thought..

Trade your handwringing for Doorbell ringing!

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This is why we need easier voting. Why can’t we all use vote by mail? I live in NH and having a primary in January is crazy. Many people can’t make it to the polls in frigid temperatures and possible blizzards. We have way more independents than either republicans or democrats. I am seeing a lot of Independents for Nikki around the area. She might beat Desantis. Either way, we MUST convince as many people as we can to get out and vote. I will be standing at my polling station holding a Write In Joe Biden sign.

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Great perspective and analysis of Trump’s “big win” in Iowa, Robert.

And I hope your wife Jill is feeling better these days.

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Judge Loose Cannon must be stressed out: She has to ensure that all of her actions please The Loser's demand that nothing happens until after the 2024 electon, while at the same time fully complying with the law and Judicial Rules in a way that she hides her bias. She fears that she will eventually drop a stitch and her strategy will unravel.

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