I love this paragraph - and will use it often:

“We do not have the luxury of demanding perfection from Joe Biden before granting him our vote. He cannot be everything to everyone and still run the nation better than any president in a generation (at least). If a GOP candidate burdened with four indictments, two impeachments, and a multi-million dollar civil judgment for sexual abuse can command near unanimous support among the Republican faithful, we must be able to clear that bar for Joe Biden.”

Thank you- as always!

(And - Oh my, I also cannot believe- don’t want to believe - any people in in this community are seriously “reserving judgement “ about Kennedy. How can that possibly be true??)

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Chief, you make so much sense when you are sound asleep (as you claim) that I say, sleep on! Ikm going to bite the next person who says they want an alternative to Biden. What do they expect, Jesus? Satan? Biden will always be the most underrated President in our history.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

RFK Jr. is either selling his soul to the Republican party for some type of payoff or he's abandoned reality to live in a cloud of conspiracy theories. I'm sorry his wife, a Democrat, convinced him not to go on Steve Bannon's show, because he would fit in well with that crowd and show his true colors.

No American who understands the stakes of the next presidential election and wants to continue living in a democracy would ever consider voting for a third party candidate in the Democratic primary. Period.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Re the Cannon hearing: It isn't just that there are only a dozen or so documents to review, it's also that they warrant very little review. Their CONTENTS are irrelevant; all that matters is their classification.

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Let’s put RFK, Jr.’s stupidity aside for a moment, please. By the way, his own sister and nephew have denounced him. He is probably going to have other family members do the same. Kinda like Paul Gosar’s siblings. I want to talk about how great that video of the telescope was. Jill is such a grand cheerleader for the adventure and you, Robert, are a wonderful storyteller and videographer. I was totally fascinated by the inner mechanisms of the telescope. No, I cannot even imagine climbing up or down those stairs! That us pure crazy-making!

Are you and Jill the Everready Bunnies? I was exhausted just from your description of coming home at 2am much less babysitting later on! Well, thank you both for taking us with you.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am in awe of Joe Biden and his accomplishments and we are blessed to have him as our leader . He has guided us through shark infested waters time and time again. I try to stay positive and have faith in Jack Smith's work and pray that democracy will prevail.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Imo, a vote for ANY 3rd party candidate is a vote for trump. That's exactly what the @gop is hoping for...

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Cheers for MI AG Dana Nessel! Those 16 felonious criminals who tried to overturn the 2020 election in Michigan deserve everything she threw at them. We're proud of our women leaders in Michigan, with Nessel and Whitmer at the helm. A clear roadmap for the other states targeted by Trump?

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But, to my surprise, a handful a readers sent notes “reserving judgment” to see which Democratic candidate would “stand up to Big Pharma” or “demonstrate a willingness to take immediate action to protect the environment.”

The standard-issue far lefty morons who are why the Left has never taken power successfully in 150 years. The 30% of the crowd who never get the message. The people who remind me of what Clarence Darrow once said, "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great relish."

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This no labels party is quite worrisome. Unless someone has a reason otherwise, I do not see it affecting any political office except for the presidency. But there, to the extent that votes would be taken from Biden in swing states, the results would definitely affect the presidential race.

It is hard for me to understand how anyone who regularly reads this newsletter would think that a President Manchin would be better than President Biden. Manchin gave up trying to work with Republicans, and eventually helped pass a weakened infrastructure bill, remember? How in the world can anyone think that he or another like him would get anything done that needs to be done? He blocked voting rights, workers pay, transitioning to clean energy, campaign finance reform.

Try to do anything on those issues, no matter who you are or what party you are from, and the extreme right pivots to culture wars. Tell me, what is the platform of the no labels party. How does a candidate from that party propose to deal with these issues?

I have seen articles that those funding no labels are special interests, notably fossil fuel interests. Is that the case? And what is their position with respect to the newly articulated Heritage Foundation plan to destroy the rule of law as a foundation of democracy in the U.S.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, thanks for calling out fellow Dems and Indys who feel that we are living in normal times and can complain about our top leaders, with an eye toward “other candidates.” Would that we could live in that space again. We are in a war for the very life of our country, and right now, Joe Biden has proven to be the man for this time! Lesser men might have given with all the soul-sucking issues he has encountered, and never getting the credit or the love he deserved. Biden always understood that he is a public servant, not a celebrity in the making, and he has stayed focused and positive in the worst of times. Do we all wish he were 60, or even 70? Yes! But he’s not, and as talented a Party as I believe the Democrats are, I don’t see anyone else at this time who could bring to the table the record, the experience, and the wisdom of Joe Biden. I agree with you 100% that the BEST quality and perhaps only quality worth mentioning that the GQP offers is a total fealty to their Man, no matter what. Democrats have always been willing to criticize our own. We can still do that. But first, and foremost, we must not allow any GQP candidate to win back the White House!!!!! That trumps any wishful thinking about a possible 3rd party candidate. And if it’s the likes of Joe Manchin, please………..he has loyalty to himself and his millions. I am grateful he’s a Democrat, but he has also prevented us from getting so much done in these last two years. Remember: Joe Biden is our president, and we must protect him at all costs in 2024. After that, let’s vigorously discuss who comes next!!!!!! Stop your bellyachin’ , Dems!

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert, for routinely persevering through sleep deprivation to produce your daily newsletter. It has become an essential (and much appreciated) part of the morning for all of your readers!

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Dems choosing to "reserve judgement" are our most consistent Achilles Heel. They exhibit the same obstinate mentality as all the mis-guided souls who decided - often with a wink or a smirk - to vote for the Orange Curse the first time around under the rationalization of hoping for some kind of "change" to release their political boredom. It's stupid, careless and dangerous behavior. We have enough to overcome without having to battle such mindlessness which now is as dangerous as the assault from the right-wing morons. Time to wake up.

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We can all be concerned about programs...after the election is done and Democracy is restored for another 4 years. Voting for a candidate on a singular platform is long gone. This is very Black and White. The Strong Men are here. They have a plan and they are currently implementing the plan to push our great nation over the edge. Just read HCR Letters to an American yesterday. It terrified me and I will vote for JOE BIDEN hands down, no more questions asked. He is a moral compass and ALREADY proved this to us.

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Seconded, Suzanne Ciancio, with my thanks as well for your newsletters written both awake and asleep at the computer, Robert Hubbell, keeping my chins up off the floor.

Your Editor’s video of building the swing set is fascinating, adorable -- and unmissable as are your spectacular photos of the Webb Telescope.

Again, alas a worry or three -- Judge Cannon delaying Trial until 2024, Kennedy’s prank presidential spoiler run, and Trump’s terrifying potential win and autocratic plans for the Oval Office.

Too many Democrats tend to be complacent or are even unaware of elections.

The millions of wonderful grassroots leaders and volunteers are currently exploring ways to GOTV so ALL Democrats turn out to vote in every election, including local and State Legislative level elections, and not just National.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert, for all your letters, and photos. Heading over to Jill’s to watch the video next.

Our luxury is that we still have the vote and we must use that luxury to ensure it by voting for Joe Biden. Any other President would be a disaster.

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