Biden mid pronounces a word (actually quite rarely) and it is all over the news. Trump spews continual hate and authoritarian pronouncements and he is given a pass. The 5th estate is failing democracy. Thanks Robert!
Right on, Betsy. The insanity of the moment continues in so many corners. It is as though the press cannot say the words, “This is a a serious moment for all. There is no equivalency.” Whether it is Biden vs TFG or the pending debt ceiling debacle, the press needs to be offering straight talk about the internal threat to democracy- the Republican Party - particularly the McCarthy led House and State Legislatures offering up the most draconian legislation whether child labor or denying healthcare for women or transgender people, or....
John, While your comment hits all the right notes, I would submit, were our Democratic leaders aggressively using their megaphone to instill in the media the “straight Talk” you rightly say is sorely missing, in my view, they could do more than any of us to shape how media delivers its coverage. Accordingly, your comment inspires me promptly to start pressing our public officials to use their positions to subject the pressing issues you so aptly identify to critical scrutiny.
And that, as Betsy repeats, is the point. We - the citizen voters - must make our voices heard loud and clear. We cannot sit around waiting for others to speak. Remember, WE are democracy when we participate. Thank you Barbara and Betsy.
I read 1984 about a year to a year and half ago. Every page was, for me, mind blowing. Orwell was writing in on the 40s, with 1984 published in 1949. To read it alongside of today’s news is a startling, shocking and disconcerting to say the least. I encourage everyone to read it in 2023 whether you have previously read it or not. For me, I couldn’t believe I was just now reading it.
In one of the blog comment sections I follow, someone referred to DT as Yam Face. It creates just the right image in my head and so I am now referring to MAGA and co. as "the Yam People". And they march loudly to Looney Tunes.
Christopher, While your point is well-taken, I would note it has not gone un-noticed that Biden has held fewer press conferences than most, if not all, other contemporary Presidents. Further, I have observed, when he announces some policy, he typically leaves the stage without answering any questions. Accordingly, I expect Biden’s age would be far less a factor were he regularly and effectively engaging with the press.
Postscript: Presuming you are speaking of the media, do you mean 4th estate?
I think public speaking is difficult for him. While I respect Robert's always-compassionate responses, most likely unrehearsed comments are very difficult for Pres. Biden. I'm a little HOH, and his speech is often too soft, fast, and garbled for me to "catch."
I suppose it would seem unpresidential for him to have an assistant, however. On the other hand, to have assistance just as if he had a hearing interpretor would be supportive of people with disabilities.
Hope, While I am sensitive to Biden’s speaking impediment, I would note that the denotative meaning of extemporaneous is “carefully prepared but delivered without notes or text.” In my view, too little attention has been paid to prepping Biden for said invaluable performances to offset the age factor.
Sadly enough some people everywhere are sensationalists and polls and certain news outlets feed on that. Here in Germany we have a coalition of social, green and middle conservative. Every newshour there is at least some instance where someone is gloating over any sign of discord in the coalition. In the meantime they forget that this coalition looked after Germany during a pandemic, a war that is 1700 plus kilometres away and keeps watch over climate change. Critique is easy and cheap.
I fully agree and we need to watch indictments carefully. And also dismiss the ass.ole Trump get busy registering college students, STANDING UP TO GUN SAFETY AND REGISTERING COLLEGE STUDENTS TO VOTE 🙏
I admit I’ve never been a Twitter user so I know not what I speak, but after opening the floodgates to authoritarian propaganda I don’t understand why there wouldn’t be a mass abandonment of the platform by all responsible users. Is there nothing to replace it? Might that not get musks attention?
When I did the Art Walk this weekend, I talked to the vendors on either side of me as well as some of my customers. The sense I get is that ordinary, sane people are fed up with this nonsense.
Also, Bluesky and Nester are two other alternatives. Bluesky is an odd choice for a name, to me. It is a sales term - promise the customer anything (the sky), just get the sale!
Twitter certainly isn't the same as it used to be. Check out the best Twitter alternatives--like Mastodon, Clubhouse, Reddit, and Tumblr--if you're looking to leave the site.4 days ago
Actually, I believe the Humanists are creating their own platform. You might see if you can find it. I suspect there are plenty of bright minds out there who don't support authoritarian billionaires.
Gee, all Joe should have to do to prove he's still sharp as a tack is recite "Person, woman, man, camera, TV," from memory. Isn't that solid proof? I mean outwitting the entire Republican congregation at the SOTU on live TV, in real time, apparently isn't good enough, so "Person, woman, man, camera, TV" should do it, don't you think?
Every time I panic about the polls I look at the people polled. This time it was 1000 people, that does not represent any true amount of voters. I also have to remember how small the Republican base has shrunk to. I will admit I wish Biden was younger, but I will still vote for him against any Republican candidate. I am 63 and will never vote for the cruel, vile Republican Party again.
I glory in Biden's age. He's the best president of my lifetime, which began early in the Eisenhower Administration. The only other contender is LBJ and he blew it on Vietnam, although he gave us much of value, such as LBJcare, or Medicare, as it is more commonly known. Biden and Nancy Pelosi have shown that some people, at least, can remain totally competent into their 80s.
This act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964, prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal.Feb 8, 2022
If Biden were younger, would he have the same abilities he has now.? I think Biden is the perfect president for the time we live in. I can't think of any other person who has the experience, knowledge and temperament to get us back to "normal" or as he says..."build back better"... Kind of klunkie, but the sentiment is right.
I agree. Experience matters and Biden has a lot of experience both with policy and with people. That he overcame a stutter and became President regardless is wonderful. We Americans have to overcome our fascination with looks and celebrity.
Now that the GQP has added child labor to the list of “parents’ rights” they believe resonate with their voters, let’s urge the Democrats to jump all over this manufactured umbrella title. Parents’ rights to allow children to work in unsafe conditions? But NO parental rights to allow a child to seek healthcare for her right to choose. Parental rights to allow angry mothers and fathers to ban books THEY don’t like? But NO parental rights for those who would WANT their children to read all kinds of books. Parental rights to allow those angry mothers and fathers to discriminate against the humanity of gay and trans people. But NO parental rights to allow the parents of trans children to support their children as they are, and to seek the necessary gender-affirming healthcare. We simply CANNOT let them keep hoodwinking the voters about what they stand for. They have truly crossed a line and have become inhumane. I want to know if the Democrats have think tanks, as the GQP does, who creates issues, writes talking points, and even fashions legislation so that all red states sound like puppets in what they’re doing. Seemingly out of nowhere, Sanders as Governor in one of her first acts loosens the regulations for child labor. WTH??? Then we learn that it’s not out of nowhere. It’s from their Hate Factories. We need to have TRUTH Factories for the Democrats to dispel the culture wars that are killing our people, our democracy, and our very souls. And my comment about Alito is short and sweet: If he’s so ticked off about the fact that he isn’t even sure the government would obey any ruling he made (Oh, how I wish that were true), perhaps he should use his considerable time to understand why the country can hardly tolerate the Extreme Court! 3 words for Sam - “pack the Court.”
We need to translate our disgust into action. I've gone through stages of this. Stage One: try to understand them. Stage Two: be outraged and angry. Stage Three: get as far away from these creeps as possible and defeat then soundly.
Justice Roberts should be reminded that umpires do far more than simply “call balls and strikes” and that even MLB is up to the task of changing the rules when its fans want to see change.
Thanks for the great advice, Robert! Keep it coming! The only poll that matters is on Election Day. Media polls are tools used by media to generate media.
Chief Justice Roberts has a unique opportunity to restore integrity to the Supreme Court. Instead, he seems to be abrogating that responsibility. My advice, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
Why Biden's age is an issue while Trump's is not is one of the greatest ironies of the day. Biden is only about 3-1/2 years older than Trump. Perhaps the explanation is that Biden acts his age, while Trump behaves like a 3-1/2 year old.
Biden needs a baggage handler among his communications staff. Hunter's troubles, Afghanistan withdrawal, ageism, gaffes, residual stuttering, and other such things should be better handled and not allowed to be weaponized.
It's sort of a retread from about 2 years into Trump's occupancy. A commentator referred to his team as a two-year-old administration, and I observed how apropos the term was.
We also need a rapid response team that reacts every time the GQP comes up with new culture issues and then lies about them! We should not let them overwhelm us with their lies and their absurdities. Call it out for what it is. There is no rational reason to attack trans: the GQP think tanks manufacture issues and then send out talking points to all the red states. They all say the same thing repeatedly until somebody believes it and Democrats are pulling their hair out!
"Next time you speak to a customer service representative for one of the above organizations, tell them how you feel about their efforts to fund an organization that backed the “Stop the Steal” efforts in 2020."
Absolutely do not do this! This is further abuse of the beleaguered customer service people in this Country! I have been on a serious mission to stop the abuse of these people. Taking one's frustrations (political or otherwise) out on the people least likely to have zero input into the matter is cruel. I have heard too many stories of people telling how they were just awful to the Customer Service person.
These are our neighbors. They have families and problems just like you and me.
I recommend going out of our way to have a real person to person interaction. I do this and have had some of the sweetest human moments ever.
I am not saying, "Don't be polite." I am saying, tell them how you feel about their company's positions and ask them to pass it on to their supervisors.
I understand this Robert. Even the supervisors are powerless in policymaking. It's the CEO's who are making these kinds of decisions. I still say. Let's leave the Customer Service folks out of it.
More and more service reps are off shore, working from a script and have no mechanism for passing on comments. By design! But it doesn’t hurt to try. Kindly, of course.
As a customer service rep in a recent part-time position, I say that's a sold "don't do it." CSR's put up with enough verbal abuse, an OSHA workplace violation btw, for very little pay. Just boycott the company.
I do this as well. If a customer service person hasn't genuinely told me that it was a pleasure to speak with me, I consider I haven't done my job well. I know I couldn't handle a job where people made their problem personal with me over something of which I have no control. I am not interested in adding to the misery of their job by entitled people screaming that the customer is always right. No, they are not. My intention is for people to WANT to help me, and that is not accomplished by being a jackass.
I whole-heartedly agree. The customer service people have ZERO input into the policies of the company whose product or service they are supporting.
They probably work for a different company, one we never hear of, not the maker of the product or service. And, they probably get paid by the number of calls they handle. Taking up their time to complain lowers their pay.
Ah --- the MEDIA once again!!! Every day they do what they did in 2015 -- have multiple headlines and stories about Trump and virtually nothing about Biden's accomplishments. And polls -- breathless and inaccurate. While on the issue of age, I fear that Senator Feinstein is repeating what Justice Ginsberg did. Missing those votes for judicial nominees? FINALLY - on postcard writing - it's something we ALL can do. I wore out my fountain pen writing for the CIVICS CENTER and the increase in some election of the youth vote was 240%
Derek, we need more people like you writing postcards and more. To good news is that we see this happening more and more. 240% increase! That’s really cool.
Another coup for Joe Biden-$1.5 billion Inflation Reduction Act thats set aside for the federal Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program to fund tree-planting projects over the next decade with a focus on underserved communities which turn concrete jungles into tree lined communities.
This age thing .... isn’t the youthful Trump around 76 or 77? Anyway, Biden has and will have countless opportunities to exploit Trump’s “youth” by stating his own age and Trump’s and empathetically explaining that, with his own “great” advantage in years AND experience, his “young” opponent is certainly disadvantaged in nearly every challenge facing our country and the world. Their diets and religious practices aside, Biden has a clear physical and spiritual youthfulness it won’t take a lot to showcase!
Once again, the mainstream media is normalizing Trump. We all know there is absolutely nothing normal about this man.The MSM delivered him to us before but we have to make sure it doesn't happen again. A twice impeached, serial lying former POTUS who tried to overturn the results of a fair election is NOT presidential timber and has never been.I will take our intelligent, accomplished "old man" over their criminal, fascist "old man" any day.Bring it on.
Age does not matter, stuttering does not matter, competence , conviction, experience and understanding the responsibilities of office matter, not just for us but the world.
Biden may be Ren Reed as one of our greatest presidents given the conditions he is facing. Thanks!
Biden mid pronounces a word (actually quite rarely) and it is all over the news. Trump spews continual hate and authoritarian pronouncements and he is given a pass. The 5th estate is failing democracy. Thanks Robert!
It is driving me crazy that so many in media are questioning Biden’s age as if Trump were decades younger. And hadn’t attempted a coup.
Right on, Betsy. The insanity of the moment continues in so many corners. It is as though the press cannot say the words, “This is a a serious moment for all. There is no equivalency.” Whether it is Biden vs TFG or the pending debt ceiling debacle, the press needs to be offering straight talk about the internal threat to democracy- the Republican Party - particularly the McCarthy led House and State Legislatures offering up the most draconian legislation whether child labor or denying healthcare for women or transgender people, or....
John, While your comment hits all the right notes, I would submit, were our Democratic leaders aggressively using their megaphone to instill in the media the “straight Talk” you rightly say is sorely missing, in my view, they could do more than any of us to shape how media delivers its coverage. Accordingly, your comment inspires me promptly to start pressing our public officials to use their positions to subject the pressing issues you so aptly identify to critical scrutiny.
And that, as Betsy repeats, is the point. We - the citizen voters - must make our voices heard loud and clear. We cannot sit around waiting for others to speak. Remember, WE are democracy when we participate. Thank you Barbara and Betsy.
You nailed it.
So well written. Why don’t we all write letters to the editors of our newspapers using this as a base? I will!
Good idea. Let's do it.
As Orwell noticed, it is difficult to get a man to recognize the truth when his paycheck dictates he do the opposite.
I read 1984 about a year to a year and half ago. Every page was, for me, mind blowing. Orwell was writing in on the 40s, with 1984 published in 1949. To read it alongside of today’s news is a startling, shocking and disconcerting to say the least. I encourage everyone to read it in 2023 whether you have previously read it or not. For me, I couldn’t believe I was just now reading it.
Oh, you mean it's not just Fox?
I wouldn't be nice if that weren't the comparator!
OMG, Right you are! Biden mispronounces and it’s all over the news. Trump actually uses the wrong words on a regular basis and crickets
And he has no words to explain anything because he doesn't understand any issue.
Remember the movie, "Dumb and Dumber?" It was very popular at one point. Perhaps this is the sequel.
In one of the blog comment sections I follow, someone referred to DT as Yam Face. It creates just the right image in my head and so I am now referring to MAGA and co. as "the Yam People". And they march loudly to Looney Tunes.
Biden overcame a speech impediment!
Christopher, While your point is well-taken, I would note it has not gone un-noticed that Biden has held fewer press conferences than most, if not all, other contemporary Presidents. Further, I have observed, when he announces some policy, he typically leaves the stage without answering any questions. Accordingly, I expect Biden’s age would be far less a factor were he regularly and effectively engaging with the press.
Postscript: Presuming you are speaking of the media, do you mean 4th estate?
I think public speaking is difficult for him. While I respect Robert's always-compassionate responses, most likely unrehearsed comments are very difficult for Pres. Biden. I'm a little HOH, and his speech is often too soft, fast, and garbled for me to "catch."
I suppose it would seem unpresidential for him to have an assistant, however. On the other hand, to have assistance just as if he had a hearing interpretor would be supportive of people with disabilities.
Hope, While I am sensitive to Biden’s speaking impediment, I would note that the denotative meaning of extemporaneous is “carefully prepared but delivered without notes or text.” In my view, too little attention has been paid to prepping Biden for said invaluable performances to offset the age factor.
Good point!
Thanks, Hope.
Good point.
As well as SINO McCarthy's word salads 😈
McCarthy is not a bright man.
Don't watch the news. These guys are on the wrong side of history. I think most people are thoroughly fed up with hate and anger.
Mispronounces a word? In the most important moment of the State of the Union address, Biden said, “Social Security is off the books.”
No, Joe, it’s off the table.
Christopher, with all respect, Mr. Mombles may not be up to the task much more than Orangeman.
You know the actions mean more than the words, right?
Let us know when you're perfect, at any age. And "with all respect" is rather passive aggressive, imho.
Why don’t you let me know? ApoarentlyYOU are. Bye.
Well said, Christopher.
Sadly enough some people everywhere are sensationalists and polls and certain news outlets feed on that. Here in Germany we have a coalition of social, green and middle conservative. Every newshour there is at least some instance where someone is gloating over any sign of discord in the coalition. In the meantime they forget that this coalition looked after Germany during a pandemic, a war that is 1700 plus kilometres away and keeps watch over climate change. Critique is easy and cheap.
I fully agree and we need to watch indictments carefully. And also dismiss the ass.ole Trump get busy registering college students, STANDING UP TO GUN SAFETY AND REGISTERING COLLEGE STUDENTS TO VOTE 🙏
I stopped watching polls many moons ago.
There is a movement afoot to restrict the "youth" vote because of the 2022 voting outcomes. See the link below.
I'm on it.
Also, as Robert mentioned. Voters will need updated proper IDs in many places.
My very simple method for avoiding fake news from any source on Twitter is not to go there.
I admit I’ve never been a Twitter user so I know not what I speak, but after opening the floodgates to authoritarian propaganda I don’t understand why there wouldn’t be a mass abandonment of the platform by all responsible users. Is there nothing to replace it? Might that not get musks attention?
For me, there's Facebook (dating myself now), email, Substack, telephone and (gasp) in person conversations.
When I did the Art Walk this weekend, I talked to the vendors on either side of me as well as some of my customers. The sense I get is that ordinary, sane people are fed up with this nonsense.
Now if we could only get a few such in Congress.
In-person, Dave? Surely, you jest LOL!
No, really. Don't tell anyone though. 😂
Also, Bluesky and Nester are two other alternatives. Bluesky is an odd choice for a name, to me. It is a sales term - promise the customer anything (the sky), just get the sale!
I so dislike auto correct - it's NOSTR
Twitter certainly isn't the same as it used to be. Check out the best Twitter alternatives--like Mastodon, Clubhouse, Reddit, and Tumblr--if you're looking to leave the site.4 days ago
The best Twitter alternatives of 2023 - ZDNET
Actually, I believe the Humanists are creating their own platform. You might see if you can find it. I suspect there are plenty of bright minds out there who don't support authoritarian billionaires.
No need to turn it off if you don't turn it on to begin with, is there?
Gee, all Joe should have to do to prove he's still sharp as a tack is recite "Person, woman, man, camera, TV," from memory. Isn't that solid proof? I mean outwitting the entire Republican congregation at the SOTU on live TV, in real time, apparently isn't good enough, so "Person, woman, man, camera, TV" should do it, don't you think?
Really folks. Although we can be proud of Biden’s State of the Union moment, we would be well served to do more than hang on to that address and move on to writing our congressional delegation, writing letters to the editor and passing along good reports as well as highlighting the threat to our democracy and the global community. See:
Absolutely! WE are messengers. The more we look beyond “Democrats should...” and see ourselves as the Democrats, the stronger we’ll be.
Agreed. We have to get behind the politicians and other leaders we respect and push. We the People need to make it happen. No magic wands here.
LMAO! (In reply to Mark)
Every time I panic about the polls I look at the people polled. This time it was 1000 people, that does not represent any true amount of voters. I also have to remember how small the Republican base has shrunk to. I will admit I wish Biden was younger, but I will still vote for him against any Republican candidate. I am 63 and will never vote for the cruel, vile Republican Party again.
I glory in Biden's age. He's the best president of my lifetime, which began early in the Eisenhower Administration. The only other contender is LBJ and he blew it on Vietnam, although he gave us much of value, such as LBJcare, or Medicare, as it is more commonly known. Biden and Nancy Pelosi have shown that some people, at least, can remain totally competent into their 80s.
They absolutely can and we should be delighted about that.
This act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964, prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal.Feb 8, 2022
Civil Rights Act (1964) | National Archives
If Biden were younger, would he have the same abilities he has now.? I think Biden is the perfect president for the time we live in. I can't think of any other person who has the experience, knowledge and temperament to get us back to "normal" or as he says..."build back better"... Kind of klunkie, but the sentiment is right.
And creative implementation of the tools of governance. Omg. Brilliant.
I agree. Experience matters and Biden has a lot of experience both with policy and with people. That he overcame a stutter and became President regardless is wonderful. We Americans have to overcome our fascination with looks and celebrity.
This! I've been saying this all along.
Amen!! Not even at the local level.
Now that the GQP has added child labor to the list of “parents’ rights” they believe resonate with their voters, let’s urge the Democrats to jump all over this manufactured umbrella title. Parents’ rights to allow children to work in unsafe conditions? But NO parental rights to allow a child to seek healthcare for her right to choose. Parental rights to allow angry mothers and fathers to ban books THEY don’t like? But NO parental rights for those who would WANT their children to read all kinds of books. Parental rights to allow those angry mothers and fathers to discriminate against the humanity of gay and trans people. But NO parental rights to allow the parents of trans children to support their children as they are, and to seek the necessary gender-affirming healthcare. We simply CANNOT let them keep hoodwinking the voters about what they stand for. They have truly crossed a line and have become inhumane. I want to know if the Democrats have think tanks, as the GQP does, who creates issues, writes talking points, and even fashions legislation so that all red states sound like puppets in what they’re doing. Seemingly out of nowhere, Sanders as Governor in one of her first acts loosens the regulations for child labor. WTH??? Then we learn that it’s not out of nowhere. It’s from their Hate Factories. We need to have TRUTH Factories for the Democrats to dispel the culture wars that are killing our people, our democracy, and our very souls. And my comment about Alito is short and sweet: If he’s so ticked off about the fact that he isn’t even sure the government would obey any ruling he made (Oh, how I wish that were true), perhaps he should use his considerable time to understand why the country can hardly tolerate the Extreme Court! 3 words for Sam - “pack the Court.”
Laura has nailed it. Let’s get these messages out there. Let’s motivate sane voters to vote and make their voices heard. Thank you Laura Stillman.
Another message we all need to email to the President at
Republican Party = Cognitive Dissonance, in everything they say and do.
We need to translate our disgust into action. I've gone through stages of this. Stage One: try to understand them. Stage Two: be outraged and angry. Stage Three: get as far away from these creeps as possible and defeat then soundly.
Justice Roberts should be reminded that umpires do far more than simply “call balls and strikes” and that even MLB is up to the task of changing the rules when its fans want to see change.
Ray Nord
Naples FL
And they've just put in time limits between pitches. Welp, Mr Roberts, ya got 1 week. 😈
He is clearly impotent.
Forget about Roberts-his fate (and legacy) is sealed
Thanks for the great advice, Robert! Keep it coming! The only poll that matters is on Election Day. Media polls are tools used by media to generate media.
Chief Justice Roberts has a unique opportunity to restore integrity to the Supreme Court. Instead, he seems to be abrogating that responsibility. My advice, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
Why Biden's age is an issue while Trump's is not is one of the greatest ironies of the day. Biden is only about 3-1/2 years older than Trump. Perhaps the explanation is that Biden acts his age, while Trump behaves like a 3-1/2 year old.
Biden needs a baggage handler among his communications staff. Hunter's troubles, Afghanistan withdrawal, ageism, gaffes, residual stuttering, and other such things should be better handled and not allowed to be weaponized.
"Ignore the polls!" Focus on what's important.
"...Biden acts his age, while Trump behaves like a 3-1/2 year old." ✅
None of the 3.5 year olds in my life act like that!
That's really a good one. Biden acts like a civil adult and Yam Face like the overgrown toddler he is.
PSA: Yam Face is also known as The Orange Menace:-)
It's sort of a retread from about 2 years into Trump's occupancy. A commentator referred to his team as a two-year-old administration, and I observed how apropos the term was.
I love your baggage handler idea.Brilliant!
We also need a rapid response team that reacts every time the GQP comes up with new culture issues and then lies about them! We should not let them overwhelm us with their lies and their absurdities. Call it out for what it is. There is no rational reason to attack trans: the GQP think tanks manufacture issues and then send out talking points to all the red states. They all say the same thing repeatedly until somebody believes it and Democrats are pulling their hair out!
"Next time you speak to a customer service representative for one of the above organizations, tell them how you feel about their efforts to fund an organization that backed the “Stop the Steal” efforts in 2020."
Absolutely do not do this! This is further abuse of the beleaguered customer service people in this Country! I have been on a serious mission to stop the abuse of these people. Taking one's frustrations (political or otherwise) out on the people least likely to have zero input into the matter is cruel. I have heard too many stories of people telling how they were just awful to the Customer Service person.
These are our neighbors. They have families and problems just like you and me.
I recommend going out of our way to have a real person to person interaction. I do this and have had some of the sweetest human moments ever.
I am not saying, "Don't be polite." I am saying, tell them how you feel about their company's positions and ask them to pass it on to their supervisors.
I understand this Robert. Even the supervisors are powerless in policymaking. It's the CEO's who are making these kinds of decisions. I still say. Let's leave the Customer Service folks out of it.
More and more service reps are off shore, working from a script and have no mechanism for passing on comments. By design! But it doesn’t hurt to try. Kindly, of course.
BOYCOTT THE COMPANY and let them each know why!
As a customer service rep in a recent part-time position, I say that's a sold "don't do it." CSR's put up with enough verbal abuse, an OSHA workplace violation btw, for very little pay. Just boycott the company.
I do this as well. If a customer service person hasn't genuinely told me that it was a pleasure to speak with me, I consider I haven't done my job well. I know I couldn't handle a job where people made their problem personal with me over something of which I have no control. I am not interested in adding to the misery of their job by entitled people screaming that the customer is always right. No, they are not. My intention is for people to WANT to help me, and that is not accomplished by being a jackass.
My intention is also to pave the way for a good interaction. I, also, really enjoy the person to person moments.
Thank you!
I whole-heartedly agree. The customer service people have ZERO input into the policies of the company whose product or service they are supporting.
They probably work for a different company, one we never hear of, not the maker of the product or service. And, they probably get paid by the number of calls they handle. Taking up their time to complain lowers their pay.
Good point. I never thought of that.
Excellent Barbara. Robert should consider pinning you post. We need to do everything we can to get the message to the right people NOW.
Ah --- the MEDIA once again!!! Every day they do what they did in 2015 -- have multiple headlines and stories about Trump and virtually nothing about Biden's accomplishments. And polls -- breathless and inaccurate. While on the issue of age, I fear that Senator Feinstein is repeating what Justice Ginsberg did. Missing those votes for judicial nominees? FINALLY - on postcard writing - it's something we ALL can do. I wore out my fountain pen writing for the CIVICS CENTER and the increase in some election of the youth vote was 240%
Derek, we need more people like you writing postcards and more. To good news is that we see this happening more and more. 240% increase! That’s really cool.
Another coup for Joe Biden-$1.5 billion Inflation Reduction Act thats set aside for the federal Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program to fund tree-planting projects over the next decade with a focus on underserved communities which turn concrete jungles into tree lined communities.
Way to go, Joe!!
This age thing .... isn’t the youthful Trump around 76 or 77? Anyway, Biden has and will have countless opportunities to exploit Trump’s “youth” by stating his own age and Trump’s and empathetically explaining that, with his own “great” advantage in years AND experience, his “young” opponent is certainly disadvantaged in nearly every challenge facing our country and the world. Their diets and religious practices aside, Biden has a clear physical and spiritual youthfulness it won’t take a lot to showcase!
Trump turns 77 on June 14th. He was born 6/14/46.
Once again, the mainstream media is normalizing Trump. We all know there is absolutely nothing normal about this man.The MSM delivered him to us before but we have to make sure it doesn't happen again. A twice impeached, serial lying former POTUS who tried to overturn the results of a fair election is NOT presidential timber and has never been.I will take our intelligent, accomplished "old man" over their criminal, fascist "old man" any day.Bring it on.
Age does not matter, stuttering does not matter, competence , conviction, experience and understanding the responsibilities of office matter, not just for us but the world.
Biden may be Ren Reed as one of our greatest presidents given the conditions he is facing. Thanks!
Ren Reed = remembered
Just reported: Tucker Carlson and Fox have decided to part ways. It makes one wonder if there were secret codicils to the Fox-Dominion settlement.
On the bright side, it will enable Tucker to realize his lifelong ambition to apply for a job at Channel One in Moscow.