Apr 19Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, thank you for the extraordinary effort that you put forth every week to help me (and thousands of others ) better understand and make sense of these fraught times. I find that I get most of my news and analysis these days from Substack — HCR, Joyce Vance, you, Jay Kuo, Simon Rosenberg, Jessica Craven — are my daily reads. Together, I find I get a broad mix of legal, statistical, historical context and optimism that I need. I don’t have to be jerked around by ‘click worthy’ headlines and other forms of disinformation. Does it take longer each day to digest what is going on reading several newsletters than scrolling headlines? Yes, but I feel much better informed and more energized to do my part to help the cause of defending our democracy. Your newsletter is an important part of the mix - each writer has their own style and focus — all important. Thanks again. (PS— your “opportunities for engagement” have helped my channel my efforts — my chosen work is to write postcards — I write 20-25 per week.).

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Apr 19Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, for what it’s worth, YOU are a national treasure. How you and Jill do what you do is a constant amazement to us. And I’m hard pressed to remember ANYTHING you have written that hasn’t been well researched and thought out. And consistent with what are “American” values for Jane and myself, at a time when these values are trampled right and left by people and institutions at all levels of the country. I get more out of your column and HCR’s every morning than I do out of all the rest of the news media in a week. We are uniquely well informed on the issues that truly matter. And we Thank You for that.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I'm not sure what Johnson "deserves credit for" except finally letting go of the Republican effort to stop helping Ukraine. It's an unanticipated backing away from a devastating 6 months of having to watch the United States continue not supporting the Ukrainian people. I am wondering if this colossal change is a result of Johnson's recent trip to Mar-a-Lago, where he perhaps saw something which opened his eyes. It is a head scratcher, but if aid to Ukraine is expedited, it's an extraordinary relief.

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Robert, you write: "I make a conscious effort to provide a positive view of the news to counterbalance the relentless negativity of the media. I also attempt to give voice to the outrage felt by readers as each new Orwellian development is treated with boredom and dismissiveness by the media." And thank goodness that you do!

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I am heartened by the news that Ukraine aid seems to be forthcoming. However, I won't fully celebrate until something is on President Biden's desk ready to be signed.

In the meantime, I continue to be grateful for your daily missives, Robert. If nothing else, they keep the dust from settling inside my brain!

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Apr 19Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert you never ever have to defend yourself to me or most of your readers. Today’s Edition is informative and insightful and yes opinionated and is a point of view that you either accept or reject but it factual. We all formulate our own opinions about what is going on based on the sources of information we read and Today’s Edition is one knowledgeable individuals opinion of the situation. It’s an opinion I respect and enjoy.

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Apr 19Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

From Judge Merchan's Trump gag order:

"[A]ll citizens, called upon to participate in these proceedings, whether as a juror, a witness, or in some other capacity, must now concern themselves not only with their own personal safety, but with the safety and the potential for personal attacks upon their loved ones. That reality cannot be overstated."

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I’m deeply saddened and actually feel like I have been punched in the stomach that you posted the newest anti-trans piece from The NY Times. And it is anti-trans. The NY Times has printed one article after another that is eroding the positive approach to and progress that has been made in treatment of youth and adults in America. England had been in the forefront of treatment but has been backing down, changing laws, and with anti-trans mouthpieces (like JK Rawling) has been taking away treatments that are lifesaving and affirming. After a brief period of support for the trans community and trans care during the Obama years, the US is also backtracking in dangerous ways. I will work on getting some scientific information as you requested. First treatment for youth will be restricted, and not long after trans adults will be fighting for care . This is already happening in our country.

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A "remedy" for Trump exists. 30 days in Riker's Island, preceded by a "jailhouse haircut" for public health reasons to insure none of the icky critters that live in that haystack get into the jail.

It's a good thing the Fwee-dumberer's didn't fart - it would be a real stinkeroo.

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Apr 19Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you do a lot of good--make sense of a huge amount of information each day --for just a "guy with a laptop!" To me, each newsletter I read brings something different and I don't read them to fact-check or opinion-check them against each other.

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Thank you Robert for your unrelenting and astute commentary on current events. It is much appreciated. It is 9:30 am in Wales and I sit in bed with my ipad and coffee and brood about good and evil. Every generation has its chance to make moral choices in that realm. I have shoeboxes full of the letters my dad sent to my mother during the 3 years he was in Europe during world war ll. In 1969, aged 19 I traveled to San Francisco for the Moratorium on the Vietnam War in a VW van with 3 guys and a german Shepard. I quite naively thought that would be my moment. But as time as gone on I see that it was small potatoes to the current evolving state of good and evil in the world.

Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Mike Johnson has chosen to welcome the darkness into his heart and mind. He chooses to serve his own interests irregardless of the enormous human suffering it has caused. His source of revelation is not God or the good. It is the darkness whispering in his ear. ‘Is this best for me?” This is so far from Christianity to be laughable if it was not so tragic. As Woody Allen said in one of his movies. ‘If Jesus came back and saw what was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up.’

So, as the miasma of evil seems to envelop the world there is still the wind of hope and love building to blow it away. We all have the ability to choose what we allow to inhabit our bodies and souls.

What is your source of revelation? Who do you serve?

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Thanks. You're right. "The challenges we face are exacerbated by a political dynamic and media environment that exalt negativity, promote disinformation, and revel in fearmongering."

We have the capacity to sweep. We can be proactive. Add potentially millions of unregistered folks who trend heavily Democratic to our base in swing states and we can do it.


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I suspect that a deal has been reached with several Democratic Congressmen to prevent Mike Johnson from losing his speakership. We know of at least two who have publicly stated so. So the head-scratching can stop with regard to his supposed altruism.

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There’s a piece by Jonathon Alter in the Washington Monthly entitled: Make Donald Trump Pick Up Trash if He Violates the Gag Order


His premise is that ordering some type of community service would be least likely to martyr him.

It could be extended with each violation, really highlight his transgressions and hinder his campaigning.

I think it’s a brilliant- better than fines or jail time. Have seen nothing else regarding this approach and wonder if it’s something the judge is considering.

(If not, how could it be brought to his attention?)

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I'm just guessing on what is happening, but this is a credible understanding to me: Putin asked Trump for a six months delay of weapons to Ukraine, Trump scared the s**t out of Mike Johnson and doubled down on Taylor Green. Now, Johnson has delivered enough for Putin to take command and fulfill his plans in Ukraine, and establish as a fact that the USA is an unreliable partner. It only takes for the speaker of the house to refrain from doing his job to make the president powerless.

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As Robert wrote today “…the best place to find a community of like-minded people who can provide a safe and supportive forum for processing these challenging times is your local grassroots volunteer group. If you belong to one, you know the truth of that statement. If you do not, I urge you to join one. They need you, you need them, and our nation needs you both. It is a win, win, win.” Markers For Democracy is one such group. We meet five times or more a week so we can really chat, get to know each other, write a lot of postcards, hear candidates and other speakers and learn about other forms of activism (like sharing the news of our group as I’m doing right now!). Learn more here


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