Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

No need to apologize for not watching the Republican debacle on Wednesday night. No need to waste hours of your life listening to lies & spin; you’d be more productive scrubbing commodes, & it would be a more pleasant experience. I live in Florida & am at the point of skimming headlines to see what the next awful thing our governor has done, & I skip the details. I’d much rather read about the great things President Biden has done to improve the lives of ALL citizens, whether or not they are members of the Democratic Party. I hope voters are “woke” enough to turn our government Blue.

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Republicans will go through the motions of appeasing MAGA/Freedom Caucus extremists, because Speaker Kevin McCarthy owes them. But eventually, the same bipartisan majority that raised the debt ceiling in the Spring will pass funding bills to keep the government from shutting down.

At that time, the bipartisan majority can also pass a "motion to vacate the Chair", and elect a moderate Republican like Don Bacon (R-NE) to the Speakership. So long as Mr. McCarthy is Speaker, this on-going assault on the House of Representatives will continue to be repeated.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that this is not just a typical minority voting bloc like libertarians, or even the Tea Party. The MAGA faction supports and identifies with January 6 conspirators, and speaks openly and proudly of a coming civil war.

It's long past time to isolate and marginalize the MAGA Members by replacing Speaker McCarthy with someone who commands respect from a majority of all Members and who owes nothing to the extremists.

A network of ordinary citizens has been working to see Kevin McCarthy removed and replaced since January. Everyone who values an orderly functioning House of Representatives is encouraged to pitch in.

Learn more here: https://www.FeathersOfHope.net


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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"Sigh. Americans don’t deserve a government that lurches from crisis to crisis. Or rather, they deserve a government that is able to perform basic functions like passing a budget on time"

And this is why Finch downgraded the US credit rating. We can't have nice things because the children break them or try to set them on fire.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As always, I am so deeply grateful for Robert’s emphasis on voting trump and, I might add, the Republicans in general, out of office and leadership next November. They do not represent this country well. Before trump, I voted in every general election. Occasionally I heard there were primaries and would vote. I knew enough to vote for Dems but didn’t know, mostly anything about the people I voted for. I had no idea I was able to organize and I barely knew I could canvass or phone bank. Trumps’ presidency gave me foundational purpose and I, and others like me, have now flipped our county blue and have grown our voter engagement and participation in a big way. I feel giddy thinking that if every single Robert reader were to take responsibility for outreach to say, 40 households of Dems in their town or neighborhood, visited them, reminded them to vote and sent them a postcard..what would that do for our chances of prevailing in 2024 and beyond. I don’t know how many of us readers there are but multiply by 40 households and that’s a slew of more certain votes. My prayer is that my fellow readers will truly and literally heed Roberts’ claim that we win this in a tsunami of votes. Too many votes for any devious undermining they conjure up to thwart us. We are a potential army for repair for this country. Thank you Robert for always bringing us back to the vote. Losing is not an option from highway super to president.

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With the tragic crisis at hand in Hawaii, it seems appropriate to use an analogy of equal proportion to the devastation and in line with recent weather events, asking the question, "How can we tell when a volcano will erupt? What are the signs of impending disaster?" In the case of a volcanic breakout several characteristic signs preempt the blast - an increase in the frequency and intensity of felt earthquakes; noticeable steaming or fumarolic activity; new or enlarged areas of hot ground; subtle swelling of the ground surface along with small changes in heat flow.

Similarly, our body politics is roiling. It has heated up to the point of boiling over. When the blast occurs toxic gases, ash and particulate matter will rise high up into the atmosphere effecting populations under the umbrella of scalding heat and burning effuse. The smoke will infuse the atmosphere and spread, as we have seen with the Canadian fires, throughout thousands of miles of cities, towns and villages. The lava flow will change permanently the contour of the land...and that of the lives of millions of people.

The signs are there for anyone with the will and courage to see. The question is, are we able to tell the truth and face ourselves? Can we recognize and care about what truly matters and is important to our survival? The Republican answer to these questions is a firm, indeed, absolute NO. "Let the magma flow", they contend. In their delusional world, no one but the enemies will scorch and burn. In their world, they will be saved from charring skin, smolder and incineration. They somehow believe they are exempt from the natural order and remain aloof from the dangers and tragedies informed by their plans They are wrong. Alas, that reality may only come due as the flow nears them personally. But who knows. They ran into shelters like scared rats when the insurrectionists invaded the Capitol. But, then they singularly pulled a "Hawley", frantically running childlike from the threat of harm only to support those who would do their mischief and cause them injury.

It is critical to realize that there are not two realities. There may be differing opinions about dealing with a reality, (that is what politics is all about), however, reality is a fact of existence that should not be avoided, debated or interpreted...just like the imminent, looming dangers of a lava flow. It is not "Liberal" to tell the truth. What makes a condition urgent is the demand for attention it requires. And, democratic action (small 'd') is what is needed now. Not partisan banter. We have a chance, and share an obligation, to speak with the immediacy and clarity this moment requires.

I recently sat near a gentleman at a B&B breakfast table. It was clear, briefly into our conversation, that we differed on matters, yet we laughed and enjoyed a lively conversation. He told me, "Your types usually don't speak with us types. They dismiss us." Reality is our friend. Do not dismiss it.

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Democrats should be getting up a discharge petition for a Continuing Resolution that funds the government at current levels until January 6, 2025. Be done with this claque of Confederate traitors!

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

An informed electorate is an engaged electorate, and an engaged electorate will turn out to vote. Thanks, Robert, for giving us a forum for informing and engaging.

Unlike Robert and others here, I'm planning to hold my nose and watch the "debate." It will be a departure for me as I never watch anything but sports on that network. But for me, it's important to see the next level of swamp creatures lurking beneath TFG, because one of them stands a good chance of succeeding him if justice is finally served.

While I'll also watch the postgame analysis, I'll want to see and hear the "debate" for myself. That being said, I won't hesitate to switch off if it gets too bad. My money's on ten minutes.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I wish all of us--including the press--could agree to stop using the word "debate" to describe these silly media spectacles in which candidates just produce canned speeches and there is no actual discussion of issues. Not that I have an idea for a better term right now--maybe you or some of your readers will, Robert--but can we please stop dignifying these stupid food fights with the word "debate," or at least put the word in quotes when we use it?

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Nor will I be watching the “Republican” debate tomorrow night, Robert. I am trying to keep my sanity, and keep my blood pressure at an acceptable level.

Thank you for your letters, and your reminder to not sweat the small stuff.

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It seems to me that at every turn the Republican Party is tripping over themselves to try and rig the trials of Trump whether it’s Judge Cannon, the Georgia legislators trying to limit or eliminate the district attorney or the funding of Jack Smith. The indictments are extensive , very detailed and expansive and yet the Republican Party is trying to hold the country and justice hostage to help Trump avoid prosecution. If he was so innocent then he will be acquitted by a jury of his peers. More importantly why isn’t the media and voters calling out this behavior. Why aren’t voters appalled by these tactics and screaming about them? Life is too short to live or die on every nuisance of the impending trials and motions and sometime we all have to vent.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A great piece of advice from Minnie Mouse about why you should not pay attention to political polls:


Just keep your head down and do the necessary work. The key to Democratic victory is turnout. It has nothing to do with polling.

How many people did you speak with today about the importance of voting? Tell one more person.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

On another topic entirely—-I am wondering whether there will be postcarding or letter writing for the reproductive rights ballot initiative in Ohio. With the defeat of issue 1, our work is only half done.

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I have tried periodically to watch FOX news but I too find that 25 seconds is my limit. For fear of damaging my TV, I have to turn it off. Fanni Willis, in everything she has done and said is clearly exceptionally bright and remarkably tough. We know that Trump will defy her warnings and the consequences of his inability to tone down his venom. I sincerely hope that she will have him arrested and put in jail. As I've said before, we know that there will be some violence, which I believe will be less than we imagine, and which can be dealt with Ullman's 'shock and awe' response. (*He authored this strategy before the first gulf war) We have the resources and I believe the will to enforce the law. We can also anticipate the hysteria of the 'Jellyfish republicans' - frankly I've become anesthetized to their blather.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

We definitely need a Congress that can pass a flippin' budget! The so-called Freedom Caucus & supporters have suffered a break from reality. We must get in the fight and get a solid Dem majority.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just spent last weekend with two Australian friends and naturally American politics came up. They and their friends back in Sydney are dumbfounded by our democracy. How can it be that federal elections are at the mercy of so many state jurisdictions and with such a hodgepodge of rules. This is an issue that strikes many thinking Americans as crazy. But how much attention does it receive? Not much; not any more than the extraordinary self-centeredness of Americans who can only muster up thoughts and prayers as a signal of their concern for the wellbeing of their fellow Americans, which also is a value deprecated by our English speaking friends throughout the world. We lack their ability to view American democracy objectively.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert, ... just thank you.

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