
hi, all . i had to shut down the chat. Some users had their settings customized to receive a notification every time a new reply was posted. I have asked the chatters to come here. apologies!

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“I never had sex with a porn star” says it all……..

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Having to say that during a presidential debate definitely positions you on the defensive.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

That problem is this is a minor detail. The crime was the fraud on the American people who never would have voted for this nightmare in the first place. I think pointing out he cheated on us to get into the White House would get under the First Felonʻs skin.

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Yea! So how's that democracy with only two parties working out now?

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He’s probably right if “having sex” applies only to acts undertaken by the two or more partners for enjoyment. Any other acts would then be classified as “prostitution”, “assault”, “rape”, or “masturbation”.

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I am beside myself with anxiety. This has been a disaster for democracy.

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It's one debate. right now it seems huge but in a day or two something else will replace it. Also. there is another debate.

Look at how trump has started to sweat. He looks increasingly more uncomfortable and tired. Biden is picking up steam.

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I hate to say it, but I couldn't disagree with you more. Biden's performance was catastrophic. I don't think anyone who watched it will forget it. As for myself, I think I'll be having nightmares tonight.

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The optics were cataclysmic.

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yes the optics were so bad I could only watch 20 min. Then had to turn it off.

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As I recall didn’t Obama do a not very good showing against Mitt Romney in that first debate?

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Yes, I was just going to say that. And from what I've read that seems to happen with incumbents on the 1st debate.

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I've heard that as well. And I can imagine that the brain of the incumbent is so full of what the actual job is that it can be frustrating or flustering to deal with the ridiculous sound bites that people try to reduce it to during campaigns and debates. Like "Are you kidding? Do you understand this at all?" And that's with a "normal" opponent where the differences are just policy, not someone whose every sentence, literally, was untrue. How does that not blow up your brain?

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Obama wasn't 81 years old

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It's about competence not age.

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It’s all about optics too.

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You are completely accurate. I thought of a Obama’s less than ideal performance in that debate yesterday. He seemed hesitant and even distracted at times.

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When I was prepped for depositions I was given say four themes to pound on. Stick them in as appropriate whenever possible and do not deviate. Trump is great at that. I would have started out by saying almost everything you hear from Trump is a lie. Empty drums make the Ioudest noise.

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No more debates!

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It's not a debate when one person has a mental illness and we all treat him as if he's healthy.

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I think it’s much more than a mental illness. That’s letting him off lightly. He needs to be held accountable at the very least for putting no effort, from day one, into the high level skills, continuous education and strategic know-how needed to run a country. Swindling money lenders and businesses for decades does not equate to being a world leader. Not fit for office. Then there’s the lies…AND the destruction he will wreak to protect himself and his billionaire cronies. Mary Trump, in her memoir, ‘Too Much and Never Enough’ described him as one of the most dangerous men alive, I really believe her.

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As others have said here, Biden should do the Reagan "there you go again" thing. "Tsk. There you go again lying and lying. You don't even remember what's true, do you? Amazing..." And then proceed with his message. The guy is a pathological liar. He doesn't even know he's lying. I think, on the debate stage, esp where the "moderators" did nothing about the lies, an effective optic would be to treat him as if he has a psychological disorder. When someone lies like that, esp in a setting like this, it's deeply unsettling. The lies themselves are what kept Biden off his game tonight IMO. If he could treat him, "Well, strangely your party has chosen you but man you're really not well..." and just ignore him and message as he wishes. Biden didn't owe anything to CNN either, IMO.

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That's right Trump has a mental illness that does't show. One has to listen to his words and realize they are all lies and his narcissistic inability so he sense that he is the greatest.

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I doubt Trump will show up at a second debate. why would he? s disheartening.

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Not time for anxiety yet. Take that positive energy and DO SOMETHING GOOD for democracy instead :)

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I just sent a donation to the Biden-Harris Campaign. Let's show our support.

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Me too.

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me too!

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I've been sending money every month. Tonight, however, I don't think it'll make any difference.

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The Felon made me so mad that sending Joe a donation seemed a good way to let off steam! I hope that others speak with their wallets.

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I did the same—donated to Joe. And I’m going to get serious about volunteering.

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It will make a difference.

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That's what worries me!

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Contributed just now, as well. I’m grateful for Robert’s suggestion to do so.

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If you can't sleep tonight, count indictments

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I think you’re overreacting read Heather Cox Richardson

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I have read Heather but I also watched the debate to the bitter end. Nothing will convince me that he doesn’t have dementia. His stiff gait, his confusion it’s more than his stutter. He couldn’t recall facts. He’s such a good man and has done a good job but it’s time for someone else.

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He had a COLD and had obviously overdone so chilllll

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I cannot find the link

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Thank you, Robert. My blood pressure and heart cannot handle listening to the convicted felon that wants to be dictator . I will be voting, happily, for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next President and Vice-President. I will be voting for democracy and decency. Tha k you, Robert, for all you do, and for your voice of hope and sanity.

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I also had to turn the debate off about 30 minutes into it, and I have no idea if it got much worse after that. To listen to a pathological liar and malignant narcissist repeatedly insult my president is more than I can bear. President Biden has obviously been on the phone working on a Middle East peace deal, and managing everything else on his plate, so his voice is a bit rough. This has not helped the situation and I hope people can see beyond that. The fact that this debate has not been fact-checked in real time, and that there has been no pushback whatsoever from the moderators, has made matters worse by allowing Trump to lie maniacally. I almost wish this debate had never taken place.

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"The fact that this debate has not been fact-checked in real time, and that there has been no pushback whatsoever from the moderators, has made matters worse by allowing Trump to lie maniacally." Thank you, and yes to this and more that you say, Janet.

And good to see you. Softens the blow of this fraught night.

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Nice to hear from you, Jean. I had taken a break from everything for a while because I desperately needed it.

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I hope the time away allowed you to take care and restore some, Janet. Important that we are attentive when the need calls.

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I concur.

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Eric Swalwell said he was embarrassed that our president had to stand on a stage with a convicted felon.

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I don’t know how President Biden had the strength to do it. One of the reasons why I stopped watching is because it is almost physically impossible for me to listen to or watch DT. I get a visceral physical reaction to him, and I’m not exaggerating. He truly sickens me.

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I had to leave my Watch party because the debate was so awful. I am very disappointed in Biden's performance. However, what can you do against someone who lies like that. Also, Biden has a speech impediment. I finally figured out a while ago that he doesn't do too many prime time appearances on tv because by 9:00 at night, he is tired and he doesn't have control over his speech. The exception was the State of the Union!

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I’ve been watching as much as I can stand but how do you debate with someone is says the world is flat, is circled by the sun and aliens impregnated Eve. But this kind of process is so detrimental. It’s all headline blurbs and snappy response. Every single thing Trump says was an absurd statement.

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The next debate should be in the MORNING. The tables will turn. Trump will be sleeping! Let’s all write in that suggestion .

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It was NOT a debate and there should NOT be a next one. Trump is a bullying liar not a debater.

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MY FEELING EXACTLY, Mario! His campaign managers should be fired for putting him in that position.

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When you are the president of the United States, and you have just come from meeting with the G7 and the like, how does your head not explode with the person at the other podium does not speak one single sentence that is true? This isn't about policy difference. We saw Disinformation in action. "I am the one who had the best economy. I am the one who got insulin price down. I am the one who defends health care. I am the one who got us out of Covid. I am the one who defends social security. You are the criminal. You deserve my retribution." Up is down. In is Out. Triangles are Square. Lying with a straight face so his base will continue to believe.

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Yes, Heather Cox Richardson identified it that way in her nightly letter the night of the debate. She said she suspected it came naturally to Trump.

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Amen, Susan!

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They said he had a cold too. Sounded like he was congested.

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Hi Joan in CA. This is Joan in IL. Yes, Biden apparently has a cold. Seems to me, that likely explains his whole performance. Only time will tell but I hope this event recedes....it's still early.

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Yes, it is early. Thank goodness!

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But he went to a Watch Party immediately after the debate and sounded completely fine!

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I heard that. Maybe he was nervous or felt the pressure? Who would want to be on the stage with Trump? It sure wasn’t easy for Hillary in the 2016 debate.

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But Hillary kept her wits about her. I question his campaign managers for scheduling this debate at 9:00 PM Eastern. Because of his speech impediment, he is tired by that time at night. He has been traveling a lot and must be exhausted, and then if he had a cold on top of that, it's no wonder he couldn't be understood! I blame the campaign advisors! Nicolle Wallace said as much last night during their post-debate show on MSNBC. My own daughter said that "Heads should roll!!!" after that deplorable decision!

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My 20-year-old daughter: "It is terrible the way he [Trump] can just lie, and no one stops him." From the mouths of babes...

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Agreed… why aren’t the fact checkers screening comments across the bottom?

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There aren't any tonight. I don't know why. Trump just made his millionth lie. Some are personal against Biden.

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CNN said earlier in the week that they would not fact check. It was up to the campaigns!!!

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Good idea for the next debate...........

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Biden really SCORED when he asked,

“WHY is it that of your 44 cabinet members, 40 WILL NOT ENDORSE you?"

"And WHY WON’T your own Vice President endorse you?”

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Yes for all that the talk is of,Biden’s missteps he got in quite a few zingers. But the networks probably won’t mention them.

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CNN said they would not fact check!!! Look at what happened! It's truly a shame due to the unbelievable LIES that were non-stop from beginning to end! I'm worried!

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Unfortunately those who are uneducated, who don’t know the TRUTH and rely on appearances will be swayed.

Biden had a cold. He should have postponed the debate.

Also he should have been on the left for the camera.

I wonder if his microphone was lowered in volume. After the debate at the Watch Oarty you could hear him much better.

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His two minutes also seemed much shorter than tfg.

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I noticed that, too. They controlled green and red lights signaling who could speak. Lying blob blabbed way more than Biden most of the time. Yet answered NO QUESTIONS .

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Smart child. Must get it from mom :)

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I just started to watch and I can’t. I can’t listen to that criminal start out by lying (which we knew he would), but his voice just sends my blood pressure soaring. I’ll check in here to see what you brave viewers think.

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Me, too. Joe has faltered. His voice is so soft, and his stammer is apparent tonight. I can't understand him. Trump is disgusting, but unfortunately, he's loud. I wish the debate had not happened.

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💯 Biden is scaring me so much. He comes across his frail and mumbled. I know he’s not, but it seems to me that the state of the union Biden stayed home.

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The problem is Biden IS too old. This is apparent tonight. I am sick at the thought Trump could get elected. The Democrats had three years to find a good candidate. They failed. We can say good bye to democracy, our growing economy and our foreign relations.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

It's not time to roll over and play dead. It ain't over till it's over. Get to work.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Biden is not a good speaker, we all knew that and he had a bad night. But he is a good president and Trump was a terrible president. A bad debate performance doesn't change that.

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The country managed (barely) to survive 4 years of Trump--plus covid. It was scary and very, very close, though; it won't make it through another four. Even if the Democratic candidate slept through the entire 4 years like Reagan did, we would be safer letting the good people around him take over and run things than we ever would be with the MAGA mob Trump would let loose.

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Let's not forget that tfg HAD Covid-19 at one of the debates in 2020 and didn't tell anyone. And his crime family took their mask off the minute they sat down.

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Quit overreacting …read Heather Cox Richardson she lays it all out

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Not yet.............

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As I understand it, if the incumbent wants to run, there is little chance another nominee can be introduced. Joe would have to say he has changed his mind.

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The fact is that Joe Biden has dementia. He knows it, Jill knows it and they should have declared a one term presidency from the beginning to allow us to find a viable candidate. If Trump wins in November it’s the Bidens and the DNC that got him elected.

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RBG, redux.

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I agree with you completely. STUPID plan! I wonder whose great idea this was?

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I read someone said after they read the transcript of the debate he sounded pretty good.

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Watched for 30 seconds and my throat closed up. nope. we are in big trouble, folks; and this "debate" will not change that at all.

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We are in big trouble, but I agree with (don't remember who) those who say there is a large closeted Republican vote of people who are going to go for Biden.

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I have read that about closet Biden voters also... finger crossed

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I'm afraid he lost them tonight.

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Perhaps the strategy now is to focus more on getting people to vote against trump and less on for Biden.

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too risky, they'll vote for Kennedy. I voted for Eldridge Cleaver. It needs to be balanced pro Biden/antiTrump. A bad night for Biden, doesn't mean his strength and goodness are all gone. I wish that he would withdraw support for weapons in Israel. Know many of you disagree, Dk if it would help a win.

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I totally agree, Carol, but that wouldn't have saved him from tonight's problems.

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Kennedy is a total loon--not as evil as Trump, maybe; but just as toxic. Not a viable alternative.

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So true! There is NO ONE who could beat Trump except for Biden. With the morning light, I am feeling a bit better, especially after hearing that Obama had a bad first debate against Romney. But it's possible that Obama had better campaign advisors than Biden has. As my daughter said last night (she is a 47-year-old Progressive) Biden's advisors shouldn't have put him in that position! Perhaps they are the ones who should step down!!!

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I hope.

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Fear it will make things even worse

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It will change it , make it much worse. There were so many undecided, this will change their minds

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(Do you mean this will NOT change their minds? I.e., neither one?)

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I am afraid we have lost those who said" both candidates are bad" ," there is no choice", the ones who were still undecided about whether to vote at all or the ones who had not decided which one to vote for..we lost our chance to grab them.

Perhaps Biden planned this before the convention purposely so he could withdrawal and let someone else come forward at the convention, but who. We have waited too long. He is an excellent Human being and strong Character, he has tried his hardest....but we are in serious trouble now.

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I think that his campaign thought that he would do brilliantly, like he did with the SOTU address, and would win loads of supporters. Unfortunately, didn't work out...

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Right there with you!!

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Trump is the devil incarnate, and I would never, ever vote for him, but Biden is not at his best tonight. This is painful. Can someone think of something encouraging?

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The election is over 4 months away. We can do a lot of work between now and then to turn out the vote for Biden. Write more postcards, knock more doors, text and phone bank, give money to campaigns up and down the ballot to get Dems to vote, work on voter registration drives, whether locally or remotely via postcard, phoning, etc.

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Exactly!! Try not to listen to all the bad press that will come out tonight and tomorrow on Biden. Nothing has changed. We just have to keep reminding undecided voters what they stand to lose if Trump and Republicans are elected.

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Actually, something major HAS changed: we just saw our President appear as if he is a feeble, doddering, somewhat forgetful old man. I am horrified. I had no idea he was this bad off. He was so great at the SOTU. I just assumed this would be the same.

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Yes, something has changed! Biden has lost the election. There is no way he can recover from this ( almost kills me to say this)

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Democratic panelists on CNN are saying Biden cannot recover from this debacle, MSNBC panelists seem to be spinning that it’s not over

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yes, MSNBC incliuding lawrence o'donnell is saying that the focus on the optics of feebleness is reactionary when looking at biden's accomplishments. Obama's first debate was a debacle. he had a great one the next time. it's the democracy that is at stake and many people know it.

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People aren't WATCHING for facts! Most people don't KNOW about his accomplishments. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

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listen to people talk about this and you will feel better. he has not lost the election. it is our job to have his back, he has had our back. he was back to himself at the post debate, and the structure of the debate played a part. in my opinion.

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It really hurts.

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Thank you for reminding us of this.

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Postcards. Get democrats to vote.

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yes- this is a good time to be anxious. We still have time.

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All too well put. I'm going to tune off for 15 minutes, then try again. The most encouraging thing that I can say is that Biden is a decent smart man (leaving out Israel) I think it's likely that he will show that in the next hour, and Trump's lack of clarity, and destructiveness and vindictiveness will show through. I'm hoping for the part of Biden that touches both mind and heart.

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I agree with Biden on Israel as well. I believe he has been a great president, and I will vote for him, but this debate is a disaster. I really wish Biden had refused to be on the same stage at the criminal former guy.

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I agree, I think Biden should've never done this debate. it was frankly one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. Biden also had nothing to gain from debating Trump, meanwhile Trump had everything to gain.

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11:30 PM Neither Biden nor the orange sadist did what you were hoping they would do. Talk about feeling shocked.

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“He has the morals of an alley cat.” Biden’s best gotcha so far. Yes, he sounds weak and he is stammering more BUT if people listen carefully and analyze for substance and truth, it’s clear who wins. He just looks frail…

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Sadly, too many out there are likely to be impressed by the Orange Mussolini's bluster. Frankly I'm surprised that tRump is as coherent as he is tonight...

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It's probably the drugs.

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I’m surprised as well because I expected a nonstop word salad.

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I am reminded of the saying “never argue with an idiot. People watching can’t always tell the difference”. Yet Biden’s job tonight was to do just that. I also think Biden showed a visceral response to the depraved lying con man with zero morals on the stage with him, and he would have been better off ignoring what Trump said except to say “Trump’s answers were all lies. And then make his points. And Biden should have spoken more slowly,.

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It occurred to me that if you were a serious, curious, reasonably intelligent person and could put aside the facades of each, you would have to say that Donald Trump is a monstrous liar. Stuff you would know was true he’d tell you differently. We have to get past the appearance of things and really understand what’s at stake. I love Joe Biden and he is surrounded by capable people. Let’s focus on that.

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Serious, curious, reasonably intelligent people ALREADY are solidly behind Biden. It's those other folks we are desperate to get to join us!

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No. I’m not sure what Biden practiced!!! Where was the pounding of abortion and January 6th, Trump’s trials, what he’s done to the Supreme Court? I am gobsmacked that a pathological liar gets a stage to spew what he does. Never do this again!

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As another commenter pointed out, it is a late hour and President Biden's voice was not strong because he has a cold and is probably tired. Biden is under tremendous pressure just trying to counter Trump's lies. And EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT TRUMP MADE WAS A LIE.

Remember, he projects his misdeeds. Whenever Trump accuses Biden, it is something Trump is guilty of.

This is just one night. Election is still months away. I think Biden was terrific in keeping his cool in the midst of all Trump's lies and attacks. It was obvious to me that Biden knows what he is doing as President. Also, we have a very active Vice President in the background working her ass off.

Please don't be upset, people. Trump just did what he always does, which is lie lie lie. As the moderator pointed out, Trump toned down his incendiary rhetoric tonight. He knew that the outrageous and stupid things he says at rallies would not go over well with a national audience.

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I LOVE Joe Biden. I donate monthly to his candidacy. Having said that, I am having trouble understanding what you wrote: "I think Biden was terrific." Not criticizing, just very surprised. I thought he couldn't have been worse. It feels like a death blow to his candidacy, to me.

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Joe stayed calm, even though it was obvious he was upset. He stayed cool in the face of unrelenting lies and vicious attacks. It would have been easy to erupt under that pressure. In my opinion, Biden has class. And as Biden stated, Trump has the morals of an alley cat. Not a difficult decision on who the righteous candidate is. Just because Biden messed up tonight doesn't mean he will lose the election. The next few days will be brutal for him with people criticizing his performance. I choose to keep voicing unwavering support.

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I agree with you 100% about the difference between the two men, or should I say between the lovely Joe Biden and the despicable orange sadist. Prayed hard a week before this debate. Will keep praying. I just hope it (plus the money I donate every month) will make a difference...

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Money and prayer DO make a big difference. This is what I have written on my bedroom wall: "The more I pray, the more things happen."

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This is not the Joe Biden of the State of the Union. I do hope he gets more comfortable soon.

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Me too hard to watch

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Getting ready. So tired of comments like Chris Wallace suggesting it comes down to just a few battleground states. Shame on him. We don’t need mainstream media suppressing the vote, especially in the absence of their calling out lies for so long, just saying,

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Down ballot offices are critical to our future too!

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Yes and I think all our grassroots groups are doing that and perhaps will have reverse coattails. Like if you are motivated to show up to vote blue down ballot why wouldn’t you vote blue all the way?,

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Didn’t he used to work for Fox?

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Yes, for many years. He left when he couldn't stand it any more, maybe 3 years ago?

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Biden looks so old and his voice seems weak and he is talking too fast. The other guy seems more robust. Won’t change my vote (for Joe!), but I had to stop watching.

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I just stopped watching - 30 minutes in. Biden is nervous, and Trump is lying through his teeth. The animosity between the two men is palpable. I wish someone was fact checkin TFG.

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It's a little late to do it now, I bellieve, which makes me mad!!!

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Trump is so comfortable with his lies.

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I had to stop, too. I feel awful for him. Trump is such a steamroller.

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I agree he talks so fast he can't get all the words out. And he doesn't pause for emphasis and give himself a chance to breathe and think. He sounds scripted, I wish he would just slow down.

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I kept watching, and yelling. I was FURIOUS that the Dems put Joe into that position. Things couldn't have gone worse, well unless he collapsed onstage. (I was SO hoping that the orange sadist would have a heart attack. O.S. looked strong and vigorous. Biden looked like he was on his last, feeble legs.) I feel so depressed.

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I had to stop watching too, Susan. It's worrisome!

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This is brutal. But read this from Rick Wilson. It should make you feel somewhat better.

"I thought I might give you a handy-dandy list of reminders for when you're watching this debate. Surely the media will be fawning over Trump and try to both-sides this into oblivion. But we know the truth. So before you dive headfirst into insanity, just remember:

Every accusation is a confession.

Every denial is a full confession of guilt.

Every claim of evil is projection.

Every boast of strength is an admission of failure.

Every fact is subject to Trump’s sole interpretation.

Every law is a conspiracy against Trump.

Every anecdote is pure fiction.

Every casual cruelty and crazed conspiracy leads deeper into more cruelty and conspiracy.

Every word is a lie, every lie is a promise of betrayal.

Every person or group Trump claims to stand for, he loathes.

Finally, Everything Trump Touches Die."

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But will enough people understand this.

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I listened on CBS. All remarked on Biden's performance as not good, but they also all said that Trump mostly lied.

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WE know that. But the majority of Americans do not. He's preaching to the choir.

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Thank you!

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How Biden is reacting just shows me how insidious and toxic Trump’s bald faced lies are, in their effect on good, decent humans. He’s like an assault to Biden’s senses. Like something so obscene you are rendered speechless.

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Trump is a fire-hose of non stop lies. I thought CNN was going to fact check.

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They stated in advance that they would not fact check during the ‘debate.’

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As far as I can tell, as of 20 minutes ago they were STILL not fact-checking. Surprise, surprise.

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tRUMP has perfected being a bully. it's the one thing he's good at.

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It is heartbreaking, and you nailed it.

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Yes! Exactly what I thought. My heart went out to Biden because of all the nasty blatant lies Trump was spewing. Obscene is the perfect word for him and his constant lying.

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So true.

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1000%. You have one of the most decent and experienced men on the planet sharing the stage with someone with a mental illness, but you and others don't recognize it as such. What to do? It's baffling.

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I just poured myself some wine to brace myself for this debate. I'm not particularly religious but I am sending Biden my prayers.

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This situation (not just the debate, the whole kaboom) does not call for wine. It calls for single malt scotch.

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I had a beer to calm my nerves. A very difficult thing to watch!

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I've been praying for a week. Tragically, it didn't help.

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MANY of us were praying, esp given that rough beginning.

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Biden does not spend all his time doing debates, he's been running the country with a good administration. I don't think he can be dismissed just because of this encounter with an abuser

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Thank you Nancy. The voice of reason.

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Thank you Nancy !!

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He practiced for over a week. (Needless to say, the POS former POTUS didn't. But all he had to do was keep telling his lies. He did that vigorously. Grotesque.)

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Biden sounds raspy. He is and always had a voice challenge, aside from the stutter. It is in his health records. But yes, it is hard to ignore the comparison. At some point, we must all stand steadfast and vote for substance. Remember, Benjamin Franklin was also struggling mightily with gout and he was in his 80’s when he helped pull the deal across the line.

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Biden looks unwell- such a contrast to his State of the Union speech. This is frightening....I don't know how long I will last in front of this screen.

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Sadly, so sadly, I have to agree. I was hoping for a State of the Union performance. This is painful.

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Which, unfortunately, puts him on the defensive. Usually, he has great humor. Not Joe's best night.

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One of his worst sadly

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Agree, but Biden spoke very well about abortion. Hope he just continues to tell alll about the great things he’s accomplished.

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Calm down

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I agree. I had to stop watching after about 10 minutes. I'll already have trouble sleeping after seeing Biden seem so unable to communicate.

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Apparently he has a cold

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It's a lot more than a cold. And if he really is that sick, the thing should have been called off. It was shocking, very disturbing.

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Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Robert. I can readily understand that many people will be watching the debates, and I think it is a terrific idea to offer a kind of support/discussion group to go along with it. I'm not going to be watching the debate, myself, and I doubt I will even turn on either the radio or my computer until sometime in the afternoon. My gift to my sanity. It will go as it goes. My job in all this is to find out afterward which post-debate pieces I need to pick up and work on, and with whom. Good luck, all you souls hardier than I am. I'll be looking for the juicy stuff tomorrow, sometime after the second cup of coffee (which, for me, comes in the early afternoon.

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I love your total comment!

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