The MAGA crowd are a bunch of fascists. I would like to call them worse than that, but I won’t do that here.

Also, Manchin is always saying he is worried about the deficit when he refuses to vote for one of the bills sponsored by Democrats. Someone should tell him that President Biden has lowered the deficit his first year in office and now the second.

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That's a really good call. I think we should shove those statistics under Mr. Manchin's nose.

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Yes, I am sick of him and Ms. Sinema blocking Mr. Biden’s bills that could do so much for the American people! Also, they need to vote yes on ending the filibuster so that President Biden can enlarge the Supreme Court to make it fair and just!

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Robert, why isn’t President Biden using Vice President Harris to get out the message about all of the good things that the Biden Administration has done for citizens? He chose her to be his partner like he was to President Obama. So why isn’t he using her?

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Probably because most Americans don't really care what a Vice President says or does. No, it is the president who needs to speak from the bully-pulpit. While Trump was malevolent, he knew how to use the bully pulpit via Twitter. His method: create discord.

As far as I'm concerned, Biden should be addressing the American people directly, not indirectly through the press during a televised press conference in middle of the day. As just two examples, Biden could have announced the Covid vaccination program as well as shared the intelligence gathered before Russia's attempted invasion of Ukraine from behind the Resolute Desk, letting Americans know what his administration was doing in both cases. Just as FDR used his "fireside chats" to brief Americans on what his administration was doing, so, too, Biden should speak directly to the American people (perhaps 3x per year + the State of the Union) and, when necessary, on matters of significant importance to our Nation.

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I agree. He definitely needs to talk to the American people during prime time. We know that he is accomplishing great things in his administration, but he needs to talk to all of America. He needs to explain what paying down the deficit means for the American people. He also needs to discuss inflation and not say he is not worried about it. He needs to stress that this is going on all over the world, not just in America. Why is this happening, what are the causes, and what can be done about it.

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I completely agree!

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very good question. I don't know!

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Well, it is time for the President to send her out to tell voters about all of the good things that the Biden Administration has done for them and what they want to do if more Democrats are elected to Congress.

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I suspect he doesn't use her because there is so much hate out there that having her front and center as a smart, forceful woman would just rile up the damn base. I am so over "the base."

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Something I haven’t seen recently is the idea that women risk their lives to give birth, and that’s OK if they choose it but not if they are forced to do it. The US has the highest maternal death rate among modern industrialized nations, and the states banning abortion are among the states with the highest maternal death rate in the United States. My mother was a nurse who ran a maternity hospital and she once said to me that we need a holiday to honor women who give their lives for our country giving birth just as much as we need a holiday to honor the men who give their lives for the freedom of this country.

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Your mom was right. What a great idea, especially now. I think you should propose it for real.

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. . so Putin is losing the disinformation war while Biden is losing the information war. and yes, get Kamala Harris out there to talk up the administration's accomplishment --. get SOMEBODY out there. why can't these folks command more positive attention? the liberal-leaning media are complicit in this -- let's stop with the gotcha! already -- even the gotcha! focussed on the bad guys -- and help trumpet Biden's accomplishments.

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Unemployment figures released today -- 50 year low.

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Great news. Let's shout it out so all can hear.

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"Better messaging has to come from the top. If it does, loyal supporters will follow. Biden needs to discuss his accomplishments at every opportunity—and from locations other than the East Room of the White House. There is a great big country outside of D.C. desperate for good news." The news on the deficit reduction needs to be shouted from the roof tops by every cabinet member on the team. Get everyone on the same message. Say it agin in the the white house press briefings. Deficit reduction is huge. I bet 90% of Republicans in red states have no idea that this is in fact happening. So Dems, get your congressmen to tell their local constituents. It's not a fantasy. You can talk about it!

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So, here is another question and it is not a trick question, who is more responsible for managing the U.S. Government in a fiscally responsible way, Republicans or Democrats? Let's turn to a non-partisan source for the real answer to that question - Wikipedia


Historically, the United States economy has performed better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents since World War II. The reasons for this are debated, and the observation applies to economic variables including job creation, GDP growth, and stock market returns. The unemployment rate has fallen on average under Democratic presidents, while it has risen on average under Republican presidents. Budget deficits relative to the size of the economy were lower on average for Democratic presidents. Ten of the 11 U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents.

Job Creation

Job creation refers to the number of net jobs added, which is reported monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Journalist Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post summarized the total job creation by president. For the 13 presidents beginning with Truman, total job creation was about 70.5 million for the 7 Democratic presidents and 29.1 million for the 6 Republican presidents. The Democratic presidents were in office for a total of 429 months, with 164,000 jobs per month added on average, while the Republicans were in office for 475 months, with a 61,000 jobs added per month average. This monthly average rate was 2.4 times faster under Democratic presidents.

Former President Bill Clinton said in 2012 that “Since 1961…the Republicans have held the White House for 28 years, the Democrats for 24…In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what’s the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million.” Commenting on his statement, The Economist reported that the difference increased by 5 million thereafter under Democratic President Obama by 2014.

Economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson estimated job growth at 2.6% annually for Democratic presidents, about 2.2 times faster than the 1.2% for Republican presidents, for the 1949-2012 period (Truman's elected term through Obama's first term).

GDP Growth

GDP is a measure of both the economic production and income. The Economist reported in August 2014 that real (inflation-adjusted) GDP growth averaged about 1.8 percentage points faster under Democrats, from Truman through Obama's first term, which ended in January 2013. Blinder and Watson estimated the average Democratic real GDP growth rate at 4.3%, vs. 2.5% for Republicans, from President Truman's elected term through President Obama's first term, which ended January 2013.[1] CNN reported in September 2020 that GDP grew 4.1% on average under Democrats, versus 2.5% under Republicans, from 1945 through the second quarter of 2020, a difference of 1.6 percentage points.

The NYT reported in February 2021 that: "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans...The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades.


Blinder and Watson found that the unemployment rate fell under Democratic presidents by an average of 0.8 percentage points, while it increased under Republican presidents by an average of 1.1 percentage points. Journalist Andrew Soergel wrote in U.S. News & World Report in October 2015 that: "The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961. Ronald Reagan, meanwhile, is the only GOP president since Dwight Eisenhower took office in 1953 who can say the same." (Soergel's statement here is mostly, but not completely, accurate since the U.S. unemployment rate was exactly the same–at 7.5%–at both the start and the end of Democrat Jimmy Carter's presidency (in January 1977 and January 1981, respectively). Thus, saying that the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of every U.S. president's tenure since 1961 than it was at the beginning of their tenure is close to being accurate but nevertheless not completely accurate.)

Unemployment - Democrats did better

Budget deficits (which expand the federal debt) - Democrats did better

Stock market returns - Democrats did better

Recessions - Democrats had fewer and shorter

So, which party is better stewards of our economy? Don't just listen to what politicians are screaming, look at the data, the real facts, the truth. Democrats, including Joe Biden are far better than Republicans for our economy by every measure and its not even a close call!

So the next time you hear someone say Joe Biden and Democrats are bad for the economy and responsible for inflation every Democrat has permission to throw the BS flag and point to the facts in this non-partisan Wikipedia article. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled to... what was that? Oh yes, no one is entitled to “alternative facts.”

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EXCELLENT!! Thank You Bruce! This is exactly the data we need for our regional effort to convince "decent" Republics to vote for our moderate Democratic candidates!

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Thank you for that.

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Thank you! Now I have to take the time to read this whole piece and try to learn it. Thanks for putting this all in one place.

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Ok, here’s my take on what’s going on right now.: The gop has, once again, produced a major kerfuffle to take citizen focus off what’s really going on in politics — the January 6 committee’s work and its upcoming televised reports that start in just about one month, as several major hits to the gop were announced just this week—the oathkeeper guy cooperating with the committee, the new book about republican politicians who did a 180 on trump after wanting to use the 25th amendment because of his inaction and weird responses on January 6, and the previously mentioned upcoming televised committee reports.

This SCOTUS leak was all staged by the gop, I’ll bet, and now they think their 19% will take away our REAL freedoms (not freedoms re: “maskwearing”).

They have no idea the tsunami they’ve just released with this BS. Women everywhere will be coming for them in November elections. We are already starting to mobilize, and legally, I might add.

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I am absolutely incensed that Republicans think wearing a mask to prevent the spread of a potentially deadly disease in the midst of a public health crisis is an "unjust restraint on their freedom and liberty," but forcing a young rape victim to carry a pregnancy to term potentially damaging to her health, ability to bear wanted children in the future, and her economic opportunity is OK. This craziness and inconsistency need to be pointed out loudly and consistently by every Democrat running for every office up and down the ballot. We need to show Alito, his Conservative cohorts on the Supreme Court, and all Republicans what the "electoral and political power" Alito refers to women having in his draft opinion looks like.

I'm fired up... Are you?? 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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I have never been more so. I cannot even attempt to deal with the moral and ethical inconsistencies of the Republicans. There was a time when their rhetoric made some kind of sense, but that time is long passed. This week topped it all.

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Don't worry so much about brevity, you ensure people will read to the end of the newsletter by making it interesting and non-repetitive. A relatively rare occurrence in the social media world.

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All I can do is shake my head and shed tears about the current events surrounding Roe v. Wade. How did we get here 50 years later? I can only point to DT, who was able to load the Supreme Court with three people who lied to the Judiciary Committee regarding their stance on the issue. Women will be charged with murder? Physicians and anyone who helps these women will be charged as accomplices? This entire situation is unthinkable and unforgivable in my mind.

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In nursing, we know that the first step to healing is to lance the boil. Now we can see and smell the pus, and verify the depth of the toxic infection. Next we scour it out, cleanse the site, air it, then apply the proper remedy, checking it at prescribed intervals, deciding if we need a systemic treatment in addition to the local exposure. We continue to assess and care for the wound, and over time, with proper oversight, and the recognition of a healthy core, it heals. Democracy is badly infected. We know what we have to do. Happy National Nurses Day!

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Thank you for that.

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I agree. Having DT around was like being in a national abusive relationship and this must end now. Damage control is not enough.

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There is a rally in DC on the 17th:


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thanks. I will add to the list.

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That the media coverage of the deficit news was anemic to nonexistent is not surprising. Such news doesn't fit the media narrative of the moment, which is Roe / Ukraine / Varied Everyday Crazy. Tomorrow it may be the same, or it may be Negative X / Negative Y / Varied Everyday Crazy.

Had the deficit increased by a few billion or so, I expect more than a few outlets would have found the space or made the time to mention it. Good news doesn't set anyone's hair on fire, and therefore doesn't raise the temperature in the boiler that powers profits, which relegates it to other environs, such as this one.

Props for throwing a bucket of 'cold water' on The Narrative on occasion.

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Getting young people out to vote is essential. FYI: I scrolled through the Civic Influencers Questions and it stopped moving forward at 50%. And YES if Biden can't speak forcefully and effectively to the facts of what he is accomplishing, Kamala, Pete, Amy, Bernie, Elizabeth and new voices like, McMorrow must! And all of us as well!

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I think you may have to provide answers to get to the end.

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Chicago NOW holding a rally on Saturday May 7 at Federal Plaza on Dearborn at noon.

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In line with your invitation to post on May 14th local events where we are located here is a link to the event in Austin, TX on May 14th I will be attending:


You can also search here to find local events near you:


And so far also here in Texas:

San Antonio - https://www.mobilize.us/womensmarch/event/458784/

Brownsville - https://www.mobilize.us/womensmarch/event/458782/

and more to follow -

Sign up for an event near you

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Here is a take on the overturning of Roe that I have not seen represented in the mainstream press: https://forward.com/opinion/501409/striking-down-roe-v-wade-will-violate-jewish-religious-liberty/

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Very good point!

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Yes it will, but the white Christian male politicians who feel like they’re “losing control” of the country and want to establish Christianity as the national religion (as well as many other run-of-the-mill white male politicians) don’t give a flip about this.

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It is infuriating that white male (and female) Christians want to impose their beliefs on everyone.

Moreover, freedom of religion should also be construed as freedom from religion, if that is a person's choice.

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Young people are becoming concerned that overturning Roe opens the door to similar attacks on constitutional rights previously established by the Supreme Court, for example, the right to use birth control, gay and interracial marriage equality, and the right to engage in sexual intimacy between consenting adults. Will they vote? We have to help young people connect their issues to voter registration and voting. GenZ is the most diverse and has political views more inclusive and pro democracy than previous generations. But they face an onslaught of voter suppression targeting college students especially community college students and that is why CivicInfluencers.org is focused on them.

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