Like Heather Cox Richardson, I knew I could count on you, Robert, to give Joe Biden and his team more than an honorable mention in your newsletter. To my mind, railing against Loser 45 is fine as far as it goes. Highlighting the Biden/Harris team's accomplishments is important as we head toward November 2024.

Question: Do you think it would help if Biden were to invite one of those young hecklers onto the stage and ask what their ideas for a solution would be to ending the conflict in the Middle East? Rather than ushering them out the door, I was thinking if he engaged them to be part of the solution, it might make them see the reality of the situation. Anyway, just a thought.

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I think he should offer to meet with them offstage in a controlled setting. They are using insulting names to refer to President Biden and it would be horrible if they began insulting him while be videotaped. That would go viral.

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I did not know about the insulting names. What I get to see is short clips that disappear almost as soon as they are shown.

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Great comments, Lynell! Your "I knew I could count on you, Robert, to give Joe Biden and his team more than an honorable mention..." highlights the contrast with the media which can't bring itself to address the blatant imbalance.

Loser 45 is a good moniker for the one whom I've, of late, referred to as the "Quadefendant." It's my way of expressing my utter disdain for him. It's equally important to show respect for President Biden, so I almost always refer to him with that honorific. I rarely shorten it.

I had a similar thought to your idea about the heckler. I'd be afraid that something like that could get out of control, but what if once in a while such a person were subsequently vetted, and if cogent and respectful, invited to a one on one conversation? It should be balanced by doing the same with supporters so we don't incentivize heckling, but wouldn't that be interesting? Remember the heckler at a town hall last year where President Biden asked to speak with him afterwards? What was the outcome? It would be great if it was positive and shared. Even better if they became part of the solution as you said.

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I like that idea. I also made up my mind to refer to that loser as The Abominable Showman.

I also use President Biden as often as I can. President Biden and his administration are doing great things for the country. The majority of us voted for President Biden and we should give him respect for doing a good job by calling him President whenever we can. He earned it.

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Love it! After I vowed to use the Biggest Loser's name as little as possible, I started calling him TFG, then the Defendant, and now the Quadefendant. I'm considering, DNR...

Glad you agree about "President Biden." We should try to spread that message. I think it could make a difference on both sides - a little prideful for the good guys and something to piss off the others.

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Liking DNR and trump in the same sentence.

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Yes, he has earned our respect, and we should honor it by including his title of President and not just refer to him as Biden.

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Yes indeed. Sounds like a plan. I do so like pissing off those others.

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I initially gave the Quadefendant the benefit of the doubt after he was sworn in, and a chance to earn my respect. That lasted about 5 minutes. Not long into his residency [sic], I stopped calling him, "President." Maybe we should refer to him as "PITO," president in title only.

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Certainly would get press attention

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Yes! And it would be a chance for President Biden to show his humility and humanity. I hope somebody in his campaign is reading this thread!

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Loser45 is a good moniker, especially because DJT loves to call others “losers”. It should get under his skin.

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I consider this such a sickeningly serious situation that I mostly try to avoid DT nicknames that are clever insults describing 1 aspect of his awfulness.

For me he's Traitor Trump. And the large chunk of his followers - who literally are trying to overthrow our government, human decency, objective truth, and every institution standing in their way – they are Trumpistas in my book.

May hundreds of their chiefs serve longtime jail sentences someday.

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Bob, I just thought up another one-- The Abominable Showman .--Talk about bad actors! Now that would really get that old goat’s goat 🐐

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'Vetted' being the key word, not someone who's sole info comes from Tictoc (another example of MSM failing us). But a townhall of this nature could have some positive outcomes addressing voters 'on the fence'.

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Love these "Random Thoughts," Bob. I agree, it would be great to hear what happened between that heckler and Biden last year. I suppose the Secret Service would have much to say about inviting a protester up to the stage without being thoroughly vetted. But it maybe could come together sometime down the road to the election!

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I agree that there are too many ways it could go south. If you have never tried to reason with a deeply marinated MAGAt or anyone opposed to civil discourse then it is the tendency of reasonable people to expect reason to win the day, the smartest best informed person to win the audience and so on, but it can be amazingly difficult to apply reason to disordered arguments coming from people who are absolutely unshakably convinced of lies. The worse the disordered thinking, the harder it is to deal with in any rational way. The worse the incivility, the harder it is to demonstrate calm and strength without appearing besmirched. I would leave trouble makers to be dealt with by those whose jobs it is to do so.

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Hecklers. Some are probably plants -- from Trump -- from Putinists -- from RFK Jr. If they want to actually influence us, get Palestinians or their surrogates - Qatar, Saudi, Oman, etc. to the bargaining table.

Judges at The Hague-based International Court of Justice will rule tomorrow whether they will grant emergency measures against Israel following accusations by South Africa that the Israeli military operation in Gaza is a state-led “genocide.” In the initial ruling, the ICJ will not deal with the main question of whether Israel is committing genocide. The court will just look at possible emergency measures, meant as a kind of restraining order while the court looks at the full case, which usually takes years.

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Thank you, Daniel. I certainly acknowledge that this latest MidEast crisis would never be settled at a U.S. Presidential campaign. To be sure, much is being done by our State Department that will never reach the front pages of U.S. newspapers. My thought extended to possible positive optics for Joe Biden to grab MSM attention that, by extension, would reach those who are truly critical of the U.S. funding the "genocide" of Gaza citizens. My limited knowledge tells me that PM Netanyahu is the bad guy going forward in this crisis, not Joe Biden.

Even so, I have no insight, but would not be surprised at this point if limitations would be put on that funding.

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Some of the hostages are Americans.

As soon as a "Palestinian" or a surrogate steps up to the plate, Netanyahu is toast. He lost elections in 2009 and 2017 and is in a coalition government. What most people in MSM don't publicize is many Arab Americans are Christians, whose folks are as much targets of Islamists. Also accusations of "genocide" are just that -- accusations. Hamas has a history of killing its own people and blaming Israel.


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I absolutely agree that PM Netanyahu is the bad guy here. He is Israel’s Donald Trump with a similar base of right-wingers and religious fanatics and zealots. He also tried to destroy Israel’s democracy. Not good.

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True, but "genocide" is another matter. He had a lot of guts to submit the case to the Hague.

We had a lot of similar problems, but would never submit ourselves to the war crimes tribunals. I have acquaintances who were at the Hague, handled African prosecutions, East Timor, etc. My colleague Moe Davis was chief prosecutor at Gitmo, who resigned over the torture issue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moe_Davis

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The word “genocide” is often distorted for political, propagandistic purposes. The word means *willful and purposeful* elimination of a people. Israel is not trying to eliminate the population of Gaza.

The way pro-Hamas people sling around “genocide”, one would have to accuse the Allies in World War II of having committed genocide against Germany and Japan.

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Over 1,000,000 Israeli Jews speak Arabic as their first language, Some speak Farsi. Their families were sent by Moslems in 1947-1948, ostensibly to die in an Arab march "from the river to the sea." . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world

More than 2,000,000 Israeli Arabs live in peace, and have civil rights, their own political party, and hold seats in the government. I know more than 100 "Palestinians" now in Pennsyltucky and Ohio, who self identify as "Arab Americans:" mostly Maronite but other Christian sects. All fear Islamists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Israel#:~:text=Ten%20Christian%20churches%20are%20formally,in%20Jerusalem%20and%20the%20Middle

I also had contacts in Gaza, trying to escape. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgMrrtQlw2QNQ0o6WAqH-_FiEiEYn0g3U

We are not privy to actual negotiations.


Meanwhile Americans came under attack in Syria, Iraq. We are in a hot war in Yemen.

I take the reports about current negotiations with a grain of salt. I was a board certified mediator and a settlement judge for about 45 years. Until parties are at the "table" and agree to negotiate using mediation, I don't believe much.

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I believe that our support for Ukraine stipulated (at least initially) that they not launch attacks over into Russia with American weapons. If we felt we should and could put limitations on the use of our support to Ukraine then I see no reason why we should and could not do so with our monetary support to Israel.

How about the same limitations in fact? You can use our money to increase the effectiveness of your Iron Dome, you can use it to increase your border security (irony there), for financial, emotional and psychological support of victims, their families and communities... but you cannot use it to direct attacks over your national borders into Gaza or the West Bank.

The parallels and differences between the two situations and our responses to them provide plenty of food for thought.

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Thank you, Yehawes. Yes, food for thought.

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Daniel. "Palestinians or their surrogates - Qatar, Saudi, Oman, etc. to the bargaining table." This would be wonderful.

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The Palestinian Authority was created by the deal with Egypt/Sadat -- without cooperation of the PLO or any other "Palestinian" organization. Jimmy Carter brought the parties to the table.

The Saudis have been negotiating with Israel -- but so far won't step forward. They have their own problems in Yemen. The main reason Hamas attacked was to kill any two state deal.

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Apparently, Hamas also hoped to ignite a wider war against Israel, drawing in Hezbollah and others.

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Jimmy Carter, Biden and Ike are my favorite presidents. FDR and Teddy Roosevelt as well.

Common sense and science should reign over all things and possibly someday they will.

I always value your comments.

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This is what I have been thinking about. I'll be anxiously awaiting the Hague's decision.

Just as Hamas should not be committing genocide, neither should Netanyahu. (I agree that he is the bad guy!)

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It never hurts to call out an anonymous heckler and give them a platform. If they actually have ideas (rare, but possible) one can learn something, and if they don't, their credibility dissolves.

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Such an act shows empathy, courage and confidence.

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Exactly, and puts the discussion on a less adversarial basis.

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There are hecklers and there are hecklers. Some will not give up the lectern.

It isn’t wise to be too nice to poorly motivated people.

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No question about it, and I've seen positive gestures work out badly, but in general, one comes out ahead by giving them the chance to prove the old saying that it is far better to keep quiet and seem a fool than speak and remove all doubt. Too many of our current crop of politicos seem unaware of that wisdom although the President practices it better than most.

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Risky but worth a shot.

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Interesting thought. Robert Reich recently brought a group of students together to discuss just that. We need dialogue not a demagogue.

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Thanks, Susan. Do you know what the upshot was of that discussion?

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It was generally positive and the students came up with a list of mutually agreed upon values. I bet you could find it at Inequality Media. I found it very heartening.

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Thanks, Susan. I'll see if I can find it, though I trust your reporting of it!

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Great idea because the heckler isn’t likely to have a solution that has eluded experts for decades.

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But a heckler may have pseudo-solutions that possess surface attractiveness.

Also, yielding the lectern to a heckler is likely to be taken as an invitation to other aspiring hecklers to take over Biden rallies. If I were a Trump operative, I’d organize a corps of hecklers who could dominate Democratic lecterns.

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Shades of West Wing! Absolutely wish there was more of this on "the politics show" but of course it takes actual confidence rather than bluster or political marketing confidence. Anyone who did this would really have to be prepared to think on his/her feet, which kinda dooms the idea, but still, it's a great one.

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Mitch McConnell established who he was during the Merrick Garland/Amy Coney Barrett fiasco.

Mitch McConnell walked away from the chance to be a hero when he let Trump slide in the second impeachment trial, saying "the courts will take care of it."

But now we have an 82 year old Mitch McConnell who is presumably never running for office again, i.e. he's about as insulated from public pressure as a politician can be, refusing to take on Trump and do the right thing on immigration, Ukraine and Israel. That's just cowardice, plain and simple.

(Cross posted from HCR's comments page)

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McConnell established who he was when he said his top priority in 2009 was to ensure Obama was a one-term president. At least he makes Biden appear young ...

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Jan 25Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Wow Robert! This newsletter is the epitome of what your insights and observations have to offer this country! Your well written observations need to reach more people. I will (again) be sharing this newsletter far and wide.

I dream of a time where you have a place to share your newsletter on MSNBC or PBS Newshour. Perhaps not daily, but even weekly would be fantastic. More people need to hear your timely reflections. I am doing my best to spread the word.

Thank you ever so much for all you and Jill do, for it is vitally important to the success of this nation.

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Great ad from the Biden campaign highlighting Dementia Don's cognitive problems. Defendant 45 will only keep giving material for this kind of ammunition, as he has no ability to keep his trap shut.


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I wrote a post recently about him having Alzheimers. I agree with you about the dementia.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I stood next to a Trump supporter at the polls in New Hampshire as I held my Write in Biden sign. we actually had an interesting conversation, and if he wasn’t holding the Trump sign, based on his concerns, you would have assumed he was a Democrat. His one unfortunate thought for supporting Trump was he said Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been president. He might be a slow convert but we will keep trying. as people went into vote, they were amazed that we were getting along. Other interesting comment, the last two hours I had to stand next to my opponent. (I am running for state rep.) claimed she hadn’t heard Trump disparage veterans. I found that outrageous but in talking to some friends, who I know, don’t like Trump, they admitted they hadn’t heard that either. Some people are so far inside their own bubble. It’s scary.

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My son, a Marine vet, told me he was talking with a friend who was supporting Trump. The only subject he felt comfortable bringing up with him was Trump's disparaging comments about vets. As in your case, the friend was unaware, horrified by, and receptive to the information.

This is another subject that the Biden campaign needs to raise.

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I am involved with veterans for Biden. https://www.veteransforbiden.com/

Check this out. Retired Lt. Col. Living on a government pension. ‘Our System Needs to Be Broken, and He Is the Man to Do It’


Perhaps millions like him.

Wonder whether they know that he calls us "suckers and losers"?

That he stole from disabled veterans? https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation

Trump didn't want wounded veterans in military parade, John Kelly confirms



That he threatens to hang General Mlley?

He's a proud member of the VFW. Maybe VFW members can write to the VFW Magazine and say anyone like him are traitors and should forfeit their pensions. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-38/chapter-I/part-3/subpart-A/subject-group-ECFR878f47847b1610b


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Lorna, thank you for running for state Rep !💙 And for having a civil conversation with a Trump supporter.Yes, I have also learned some are far, far inside their own bubble. It’s almost surreal listening to them…

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Jan 25Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for mentioning the border. Yesterday I talked to a friend who lives in New Mexico. She’s a Democrat and supports Biden but said she was disappointed that he wasn’t doing anything about the border. Living in a border state she sees the situation there and worries. I explained that it was the Republicans who were stifling any efforts by Biden to address the situation. I got her to reconsider a bit but now I will send her your newsletter and highlight the paragraphs describing the border situation.

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That is my issue, I know a lot of centrist, left leaning or people who reliably vote democrat who realize that the border is an issue for Biden right now. The fact of the matter is that this is a great opportunity for there to be a bipartisan solution on the border and Republicans are still fumbling this because they know it is a toxic issue for Biden right now. I just have no faith that there will be a bipartisan deal before the election. I'm hoping that Biden can bring it up in his State of the Union address and the media starts calling out Republicans for negotiating in bad faith over the border and using it as a political stunt.

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I wish the Biden campaign would go full throttle with ads about both DT's encouraging (threatening?) Republicans to stonewall its efforts to come up with a bipartisan solution to the immigration issue, and the Republicans' compliance. Shades of efforts to get a Supreme Court Justice nominated or to bring DT to justice in court....delay, delay, delay. Biden's campaign and his supporters need to start using the media more to put the blame for inaction where it belongs: on the Republicans in Congress, once again taking orders from DT. Might not help negotiations...but let's be realistic, those negotiations aren't going anywhere. Let's shed some light on that fact.

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Openly accuse the Republicans of trying to *prevent* possible solutions to the border crisis. Flip the issue against Republicans.

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From your lips to the Biden campaign folks... I think you are on to something.

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Nikki Halley can’t win because even though she is the better rational candidate Republicans don’t believe she can beat Biden and Trump can. Every day on the campaign trail attacking Trump and reminding Republicans who Trump really is helps Biden. Recently I have read several articles that make the point that average Americans don’t comprehend in actionable terms what exactly the threats to democracy really are. A perfect example is recently Trump said that he was going to eliminate the Affordable Cafe Act which by the way has had its highest enrollment ever. What the average voter needs to hear is not that Trump is a threat to democracy but that he is going to take your health care away. The potential threats have to be specifically spelled out to blocks of voters so they understand the impact on their lives. Hopefully the Biden administration has learned valuable voter information from Iowa and New Hampshire as well as listening and learning from Nikki Haley’s recent attack ads.

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You’re exactly right about focusing on individual issues that will result in the erosion of democracy, as opposed to the broader message. Don't say, “They’re taking away your rights,” instead explain the rights being taken away. The overturning of Roe illustrates this perfectly. When I mentioned in another comment about Jason Johnson raising my blood pressure, he was alluding to the opposite tack. That’s dead wrong. Make the argument tangible, not theoretical.

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Not that I blame him, but Jason is an angry man. However, he is correct about the voter suppression tactics that Republicans have used for YEARS to lower the number of black people who can vote easily. He is challenging Biden and the Democrats in Congress to do more to address this problem. In fact, there have been several laws passed in some red/purple states that will help with that problem. Robert has highlighted these in earlier newsletters.

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Good evening Robert. Before I dig in deep tonight, just a "How are you feeling?"

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Feeling better. still testing positive for Covid, so isolating for a few more days.

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It took me 15 days to test negative. Just take it easy. At least you can still read and write. Catch you tonight.

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I remember being told that that was common after taking Paxlovid. Hang in there. It sounds like you're through the worst of it.

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He certainly sounds good! But it's good of you to ask!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I was going to take a break today...until I read Peter Baker's remarks about the forthcoming general election between Biden and the other guy, for which Baker describes their "fundamentally disparate visions of a nation". What the hell? This is not a chess game in which two grandmasters have distinctly different strategic approaches to victory. This is a madman who vision is not, distinctly not, of a nation. He goes on the say that the divide goes beyond liberal-conservative, that "it is at least partly about ideology, yes, but also fundamentally about race and religion and culture and economics and democracy and retribution and most of all, perhaps about identity." What failure of authenticity can move a political commentary to draw rational distinctions when one party is verifiably irrational and dangerous. One, Biden, offers policy and solutions. The other, Trump, offers nothing...literally. Statements like "I'll make it better" that he just declared in response to the additional millions that have enrolled under The Affordable Care Act which he has promised to dismantle.vTo give legitimacy to Trump, to validate him by any normal measure of comparative discourse is to assert him deserving of that conversation. His "even-handedness" is sorely misplaced and does not serve the goal of fairness, rather unduly elevates a madman. There is no treatise here. Only the continual rhetoric of a (so far) faux dictator. He needs to be called out, not written in or about.

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It isn’t Peter Baker’s job, as a journalist, to *call out* a candidate. Baker’s job is to report honestly and thoroughly.

However, he can legitimately be faulted for inappropriate choices of words. “Disparate visions …” is too kind because it doesn’t get to the root of those visions (Trump’s vision being authoritarian).

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Jan 25Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Republicans, and most of the media, are ignoring the (pardon the pun) elephant in the room: the very real possibility that Trump will be ruled ineligible to serve another term as president. That is what the Supreme Court should rule in the case to be argued on February 8th, for a host of legal and institutional reasons. And Republicans should be wary of that happening after Super Tuesday, or later in the primary process.

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If that does happen I hope Haley is already out if the race. I truly believe she’d be a more formidable opponent, but if she isn't still in it, they certainly won't draft her.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Follow up on Courier New PA Content Organizing Fundraising. Thanks partly to support from your newsletter and readers, 31st St. Swing Left exceeded our goal of $120,000 and Courier is on their way to enhanced countering to right-wing propaganda in PA, through cutting edge communication technique.

Next up we are supporting pivotal grassroots groups in North Carolina and Montana. In both States there are multiple benefits. But in NC lead benefit is support for Biden. And in Montana, to support Tester, who could very well be our 50th Senate seat. In our view, we should be giving more attention to the US Senate.

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The mob boss, Trump, is also becoming crazier every day. I say go Nikki! She's the absolutely best tool in the tool chest to inspire further craziness, misogyny, bigotry, and all the deplorable leanings of the inner Trump to emerge. I hope and pray she sustains at least through Super-Tuesday. If Trump does continue his mid-night tweets, his crazy speeches, and his "you're dead to me" threats against fellow Republicans, I think some measurable percentage of the non-MAGA crowd will become genuinely scared. Then they'll vote for Biden in November.

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Here’s the thing, though; I’m in one of my “low doses of media” phases to preserve my sanity, but I did catch thirty minutes of MSNBC (and let Jason Johnson raise my blood pressure, but I digress), and read my usual Substacks but didn't hear much about Trump’s all night rage posting until Professor Richardson’s letter this morning. I know it was mentioned here yesterday in passing, but the news was essentially mum on the subject. He’s unraveling in real-time, and that’s news. I get that his antics are easy to gloss over in their ubiquitousness, but where is the breaking point? Maybe the welcome return of Jon Stewart will help, he’s had thar kind of influence in the past.

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I don't know, Robert. It seems like MSM is only concerned with bolstering bad revenue and playing along with all the lies as newsworthy truths and is going to lose them their First Amendment if they don't stop catering to the Heritage Foundation's plans for us. If Trump falters physically or legaly, they will push Haley as the change we need, like get back to good old Trickle Down Econ 101.2. The Bankers own the MSM. They know how to use it. Lucien called it pretty well tonight. Simon Rosenberg does to. It's just scarry times and easy to feel powerless. Rick Wilson and Reed Galen give us hope in the way they understand social media and targeting demographics.

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As a former president Trump has a record to run on. Besides reminding people of the craziness during term we can remind them of the deficit he caused, the Covid deaths, the friendliness to Putin, the comedy of his bromance with the North Korean leader, the humiliation at the UN, the bashing of NATO, the cages with migrant children and failed immigration policies, the sharpie hurricane map, the tossing of paper towels to help Puerto Rico, the tariff war with China and Europe, the Dobbs decision because of his SCOTUS, the nepotism and corruption of his White House aides, the wanting to hold international meetings at his private property, the constant golfing at his properties at tax payers expense, the No infrastructure accomplishments and other promises unkept, the 30,000 lies, the disgrace of veterans and war heroes, the revolving door of Attorney Generals, Secretary of State, secretaries of defense, chiefs of staff (the best people), the military in the street to counter peaceful protests, two impeachments, a warming climate, Iran closer to having nuclear weapons.

This might be only the tip of the iceberg of his record.

Meanwhile, Biden’s record is one most people are not embarrassed about.

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Awesome list!!! We should figure out a way to put it on a scroller -- better yet, as the chyron under every news segment about Trumputin!!

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Dear Mr. Hubbell , whenever you talk about the "border issue" please remember to emphasize that the GOP's only interest in the border is they use it to distract voters from the abortion issue, because the abortion issue energizes voters to oust the GOP. And emphasize that the GOP does't want to solve the border problem now, they want it to fester until November 2024.

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"Birdbrain" can perform a public service by attacking Trump where it hurts -- can't handle ridicule.


When you ask a MAGAT how they can support someone who stole from kids with cancer, they choke on their beer.

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Almost makes me want to contribute to the Haley campaign...almost.

p.s. - Another shout-out to MSNBC coverage. Last night, Ari Melber (at 6 EST) and Lawrence O'Donnell (at 10 EST) each spent a bit of time talking about how useless and misleading the polls are, especially this far out. O'Donnell also did an interview with Maxwell Frost and Tom Keen, who just flipped a State House seat, talking about reclaiming control of Florida. Joy Reid (at 7 EST) opened her hour with a deep dive comparing Trump and his ilk to the rise of Hitler. And that's just a sampling. !Go MSNBC!

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GOP is figuring out this election is lost. They can't really win now or in the future using this playbook. They will let Trump unwind like a rusty old toy left out in the rain. They underestimated Dems and "ragtag grassroots groups".. gotta regroup and think of another way to float their agenda. Extremists have had their 15 minutes of fame and will get the shepherd's hook. Biden has helped us all, even fat cats know who's putting out the bowls of cream.

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