Great newsletter, Robert! I really really like this format. We gotta hit the R’s where it hurts and I don’t care if it’s below the belt. They have disrupted our lives long enough and as far as I am concerned, they are all low hanging fruit-balls! As for Trump, he keeps losing and losing and losing. In fact, he is one big fat LOSER.

It was the last night of Chanukkah and my concerns are still with the hostages as well as the health and well-being of the Palestinians. May a miracle happen.

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“Collaboration“ is bringing a cheese and fruit plate to a knife fight.

Let’s fight till we are secure in both houses, and then talk about collaboration.

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As someone else mentioned above, Professor Richardson has a different take in her letter this morning on the Comer story in particular and the media coverage in general. She feels a corner has been turned in terms of the media no longer looking the other way on Republican hypocrisy. At least in regards to Comer, it appears she is right. Do a Google search on “Comer shell company,” and a half dozen pieces come up, including angry denials from Comer himself indicating a defensive posture.

As a lifelong student of history, I enjoy it when the good Professor frames her letters in a historical context. In this case, she alludes to the turn of the tide in the 1870s when journalists, known as the muckrakers, began to turn on the wealthy elite and ushered in an era of progressivism. I’m not sure it’s a direct parallel, but there are similarities in the last ten days or so; the media has seemed to have changed tacks on how it covers Republican dysfunction and hypocrisy. It’s not always as easy to find as the Comer story is, but it is there, and the change is palpable.

I say all this to acknowledge that Robert was right a few weeks ago when he suggested that we pressure the media to report current events fairly. It would seem to be working, at least to a degree, and we should keep it up. The Muckrakers of the late nineteenth century let their conscience guide them, but that's not our reality. Instead, money directs our media, and we are its consumers. We do have a voice, and there is evidence that they hear us. Keep it up.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The other night on PBS Newshour Lisa Desjardins reported on Hunter Biden story. She led with his defying subpoena, faintly mentioning later that he agrees to testify in public. She then showed a clip of Jim Jordan railing about Hunter’s “defying” subpoena & never mentioned Jordan’s defying Jan6 committee subpoena. I sent her a tweet saying I thought this was journalistically irresponsible.

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For people who think you don't use "combative metaphors" in politics: here's your Earth shoes, the Chardonnay and Brie are over on the table, and your Volvo is parked outside. Go take a ride.

As someone who was involved in professional politics, it IS combat, and if you don't like that, go play tiddly-winks.

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This is, indeed, a fight. A fight for our lives, and a democratic, not autocratic, government in this country. Rights are being stripped from the LGBTQI+ community, women, immigrants...the list is unfortunately getting longer. This is NOT 1933 Germany, and we need to continue to fight on every front.

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I really like the new format, especially when there are so many issues to write about! It helps me see each issue with clarity.

Thanks, Robert!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The Lincoln project understands how to do anti-trump ads like nobody else does. I urge people to support them. I also support The Bulwark, which is a source of great analysis and impassioned discussion by former Republicans. Also, the most successful advertising team needs to volunteer its services to the Biden campaign, at this critical moment. The Biden press secretary, and campaign manager are abject failures and should be fired along with Merrick Garland.

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Heather Cox Richardson has a more optimistic take on media coverage this morning in her newsletter, suggesting that we may start to see a shift in the narrative that has protected GOP corruption and incompetence, similar to what happened with the muckrakers taking on the ultra-wealthy of the Gilded Age. Let's hope she is right, and also do our part by clicking on those stories, and spreading the news of GOP hypocrisy and corruption, as well as Biden's successes by whatever means each of us has at our disposal. And if anyone knows any national Democrats--push them to get out there and tell the story, simply, clearly, repeatedly and everywhere.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are such a terrific coach, Robert. Instead of a knife, I have been bringing an aggrieved sense of irony to any fight, which probably doesn't help much since the Evangelicals have no sense of humor and the GOP only does hateful. Nevertheless it gratifies my sense of fair play, and in my own mind at least hastens the hubris that always comes eventually.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Maybe I'm 'voting' against the tide here, but I actually appreciate your use of both newsletter formats; if it's not too difficult, perhaps you could use both depending somewhat on your evaluation of what the context of the day requires? The abbreviated list-style format is probably easier to absorb, but doesn't convey IMO the emotions and depth that the narrative provides. I'm here for more than your excellent presentation of news and analysis -- it's hard to describe, but your voice is also something I want to hear and it is expressed best in a more essay-like style.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I'm old enough to remember that on October 23, 1956, students in Budapest massed at their beautiful parliament building to appeal to all Hungarians to protest against the brutal domination of Hungary by Russia. Those protests garnered enormous public support, & the uprising lasted 12 days before it was put down by Soviet tanks & troops on Nov. 4, but not before 2700 Hungarians were killed.

I mention this because it is unfathomable to me that Hungarians now support Victor Orban - an authoritarian who is one of Vladimir Putin's biggest supporters. I went to high school in NJ with a boy whose family, like thousands of Hungarians, escaped Hungary after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 & became US citizens. I wonder what they think about Orban's veto of EU aid to Ukraine.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Avoid “combative” metaphors??? Not use words like “struggle” and “battle”?

I agree with the need to tout successes and urge collaboration. But to not name the true nature of what Trump is doing is both short sighted and dangerous.

We are in the fight of our lives! If we don’t win this battle - if we fail to see Trump is making WAR on all of us who want democracy - and Trump is actively recruiting his army of Magas for an unfettered dictatorship if re-elected…

In fact I am wondering what plans are in place to overturn the election if he loses….and I’m really wondering what plans are in place to corrupt the election itself so it appears he won!

We all hate war - but make no mistake - we are in a war. If you don’t want to take arms against the Maga enemy, then maybe you can join the medical corps and help bind up the wounds of those who see no choice but to go into battle.

Just please don’t try to pretend Trump and Magas are not fighting a battle against democracy and say we must not respond with suitable weapons and metaphors. If we don’t meet the attacks on our precious democracy with sufficient force and battle ready response, we will end up imprisoned in Trump’ gulags. Just look at Russia - Putin is Trump’s idol. And now Navalny has disappeared. And the unprovoked destruction of Ukraine goes on unabated!!! Our choice is clear! Democracy or Trump’s fascistic dictatorship!

Onward democratic soldiers!

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I like the writing organization change very much, Robert! You spell it out and give references if we want to take a deeper dive and know more. You’re right about the click-bait going on in the main stream media, of course, but I see you as a seasoned, expert interpreter. The shift in how newspapers are scrambling and fighting for their very existence has opened new doors for many of us who are pundits in our own realms. Just look at some of your readers’ Substack lists of who else they read and support! You and many others are curating from your own backgrounds what adds truth and accuracy to the conversation. It’s a shift. I still appreciate some of the amazing writers employed by “the media” and we can reference them when needed. Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you for what you are giving us, Robert. It is hard work and time consuming and emotional work. That’s why I am a paid subscriber and have my membership on auto renew. With limited budgets for many of us, we can curate which of the outlets and writers resonate with us. I sure wish I’d believed you sooner about Merrick Garland making a big mistake waiting so long! That is to say, your “take on things” and your work resonate with me.

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The November numbers represent the 22nd straight month with an unemployment rate under 4% -- a record not seen since prior to 1970. This means lots of people are working and earning a living and hopefully improving their quality of life. In other major economic developments is that food prices, rents, mortgage rates and interest rates are all lower while the stock market is reaching new highs. The economy is the second most important issue in the election just behind abortion especially for young people. What the Biden administration needs to do is define these economic improvements in terms voters can relate to. I live in NC and just recently I saw an ad that said “ 267,000 new jobs were created in NC because of investments Democrats made in infrastructure projects to fix our roads, clean our water and upgrade our infrastructures. They then broke the increase jobs down by county and detailed the investments and then mentioned that the local Republican legislators voted against these projects. We all write letters and post cards to legislators why not write to the Democratic chairperson in your state and ask them to run ads detailing what Democrats have done in your state.?

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"If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." Harry Truman.

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