Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

IT'S ABOUT TIME some of the profligates misrepresenting Biden's character are brought to justice. Now, how about the news media who promote these lies?

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What has happened to the main stream media, in particular the NY Times and Wash Post? There was a time when the these publications would investigate claims (e.g. Smirnov or “True the Vote”) and often uncover the lies and deception. The media was the fourth leg of our Democracy, protecting us from unscrupulous actors. Today, they are kicking the legs out from under our Democracy. Are they are so inundated with lies, it's hard to pick and choose which claims to investigate? Or could it be they are just lazy? Or could it be they are more interested in broadcasting the lies because it's cost efficient and sells subscriptions?

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We have allowed the far right to buy up too much media, so that it is no longer the independent 5th Estate that we used to be able to count on. Also, I think it has taken us all this time to get wise to Trump and Putin's tricks.

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And, their crap got through editors to make it to the publishing floor. Something's going on.

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Can we say it too, “the media is the enemy of the people”? If not the perpetrators they are bystanders.

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You can say it if you are an enemy of the First Amendment. First, “the media” is hardly cohesive or even coherent. And if you read Ibsen’s play, The Enemy of the People, you come face-to-face with the prototype of fascism.

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I fully expect Greene, Comer and Jordan to apologize for lying to the American people for this right? Right?


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I was listening to a commentary about TFG's upcoming trials. The fact that he was allowed to set up outside the courtroom or courthouse and invite all the cameras while he spouted off his victim statements through bullying, misinformation, and gaslighting. It will be yet to be seen if he will be allowed to do it for his upcoming trials. I don't want to see any of his nonsense.

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I don’t think it’s accurate to say the news media *promoted* the lies. More likely they were useful fools, once again, for Trump.

Maybe writing that media are useful fools will shame some of the media. Having inflated egos (many/most of them), being called fools likely would be stinging.

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Searching on FoxNews.com for "Hunter" and "informant" produced "1,140 results found."

I like "useful fools" or "useful tools" instead of "promoting" -- sounds less biased. I wonder, though, if Fox will file any retraction or update.

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Totally agree!

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It's overdue.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

There is no comparison. Your own voice narrating your own words provides infinitely more complexity and humanity than the AI could even pretend to do. It is so refreshing to be able to listen to you, as opposed to an automated narrator that is the only audio option for the other Substack authors to whom I subscribe. Furthermore, for me your pace of reading, volume, intonation, etc. are perfect. Thank you!

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Thank you Mikeyboards. I agree 100%. I can't quite pinpoint what it is about the Demlabs AI text to speech, but somehow it impairs my comprehension ability. It seems that it doesn't have the errors that the Substack AI has, but certainly has a quality that cannot remotely compare with hearing Robert read his newsletter.

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AI puts the emphasis on the wrong syl—LA-bles.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Also it is too literal "N Y Times" instead of "New York Times".

Besides, everytime I hear Robert's voice my BP is reduced. I imagine it has the same effect as listening to one of FDR's fireside chats on the radio did for my parent's generation. Very calming and reassuring. No way AI can compete with that.

If AI is the way you end up going, I would stop listening and just go back to reading your column instead. (It took me a while to realize that the audio wasn't AI generated, so I originally read instead of listening when I found your site).

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To be clear, I am going to continue with my own voice recording no matter what. AI would be in addition to my original recording.

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Robert, I suggest you not even bother with the AI. Are you sure that the complaints aren’t coming from the usual whiners who simply disagree with your opinions and just want to yank your chain?

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So true! AI "reading" all the abbreviations can be distracting

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Good observation Susan! I wondered why it doesn't set right with me.

I don't know about the Demlabs AI, but the Substack AI also "reads" things incorrectly at times. When I was listening to one of Joyce Vance's articles regarding Kenneth Chesebro, it was pronouncing it "Keez-bro". I thought Joyce was writing about another person involved in the fake electors plot that I had not heard about yet!

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The worst part is AI reading "[T]he court ... as "wink with a frown "T" court ... (I told Substack about "Keez-bro" but they never changed it.) I suspect part of the problem may be how the author sets it up.? I've heard other blogs reading [T]he as "the". ??

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I am in total, total agreement with Mikeyboards! I listen to Robert because I want to hear the person, their feelings and their heart in their words! I am so glad that Heather Cox has moved to following Robert's example and is trying the same recording plan. I don't want to have lunch or dinner with Ms. or Mr. AI.

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I actually prefer Robert’s narration to HCR’s. Still, I am glad she followed Robert’s good example. Also, you have to wait a day to hear HCR’s and Robert reads in real time. Thank you, Robert!

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HCR's, I believe, is just at a different time due to it being Beta testing. At least I hope so!

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Absolutely! AI narrates with perfect pronunciation and yet sounds like someone who has zero comprehension of the language.

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AI *does* have zero comprehension.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Idle question: Does Hunter Biden have a libel case against Hannity and Fox?

(I am a reader, not a listener.)

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Very good question!! I think a lot will depend on what Hannity does next. Does he retract and correct? Ignore? Evidence of malice, no?

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I think he's going to spin something new and create more angst. Like TFG, I don't think Hannity has the ability to admit wrong and make amends.

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Yes, and can't he sue MTG for revenge porn in showing nude photos of him while in committee and also sending them out in an email blast?

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Unless she has speech and debate immunity?

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How about the email blast? Children may see those images, and therefore she is distributing pornographic images to minors. They may also see this in the online articles regarding her spectacle.


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I just saw this for the first time. This woman is the lowest of the low. She is truly disgusting. I guess this is what her “Christian values” constituents want in a representative?

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It’s hard to imagine that the speech and debate clause would/should cover porn.

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I also prefer to read as I open the links provided, to dig deeper into

the issues raised. Thank you Robert, for the depth of knowledge embedded in every one of your newsletters.

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I love all the links! Also, I am a visual learner, so the read version is great for me! Its also so fabulous that you consider everyone's needs. Thank you!

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I am too. I like to click on the links and read further. I'm too impatient to listen. I am entirely too visual (and also tactile kinesthetic) for my own good!

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I also appreciate the links, and follow many of them to get even more background.

How do you find the time, Robert, to assimilate, let alone report on, all that material?

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I totally get it!

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If not he should get the best one. The 1st Amendment is in play here and the results would be challenging.

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Actual malice?

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My deepest concern right now is Johnson’s recessing of the House when there is so much critical business to complete. Isn’t there some emergency order the administration can use to force them all back? It is so difficult for me to understand and accept the MAGA lack of concern for the global ramifications of their actions.

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What leaves me scratching my head about Johnson and his ilk in the House is do they really think *not* accomplishing anything during this term is a good reelection strategy? Do they hold their constituents in such low regard that they feel they can sabotage policies that move the nation forward and suffer no repercussions? Sadly, the answer must be yes.

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It very well may be. If they can't get a legislative win for their own draconian policies, which they won't (Sorry, Chip Roy), the next best thing is to campaign on stopping the evil liberals from destroying the country with their policies.

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That's what they think! But I think they are wrong. Moderates and Independents won't like it.

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I read today Trump announced he will campaign on a national abortion ban. That will really galvanize the opposition. His base might like it, but seems like a stupid move if you are trying to win a national election.

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He is privately supporting a 16 week period when abortions are okay, and an extension for rape, incest and the life of the mother. However, he's waiting until after he wins the nomination to announce this. This could be a problem for Democrats, I think!

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His base won't like that at all! Maybe the ones who have only been sticking with him because he was the one who overturned Roe will have had enough and just not vote. The states that already have broader protections, some of them enshrined in their constitutions, will not be interested in rolling back anything. They will roll out the horrific mid- or late-term stories, plus the fact that 16 weeks covers 90% of abortions so Trump would basically be saying he is in favor of abortions, so what a hypocrite he was to stack the court with judges who deprived women of their rights to make private decisions. And what happened to states' rights? Yada yada.

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They believe their constituents send them to Congress to stop the government from passing laws.

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Sad, and I wish it were not true.

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I believe their playbook is to:

1) operate as though everything the government does is bad;

2) do anything and everything to stop the government from being able to function;

3) especially stop the government from spending money on anything "optional";

4) scream that a government that actually cared about the people would be stopping!would-be immigrants at the border, using fierce methods.

Senator Lankford (R-OK) seemed to forget that this was the MAGA playbook, and he actually helped craft a compromise bill that would allow the government to do a lot of important things, including improving border security. The Trumpistas weren't about to let that bill pass, as it would break too many of the above rules. Instead they pilloried Lankford.

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Somewhat about the Senate bill. I think the GOP who worked on it were invested. But, the order to not solve the border struggles was most important. I bet they are quietly frustrated. I mean GOP got a lot of things they have been screaming about for quite some time.

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I think not necessarily all that quietly ...

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I think the constituent issue went away in 2016 when TFG was elected. He is much more important than the desires and needs of areas outside of Washington. Except, they want to win elections to retain their position. They do this through state laws restricting voting and not on any platform because the GOP/MAGA has no platform.

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One of their own members is saying exactly that! But he's a lonely voice in the wilderness, it seems!

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It is truly unbelievable that Johnson would do that. It shouldn't be unbelievable, given his recent actions; but it IS unbelievable! WE MUST regain the House. All of this is so damaging both at home and globally! November is so far away, but it gives us time to round up many voters. (I'm using positive thinking!)

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It's not unbelievable considering his history, inexperience and the idiots in his party. Never mind he's being threatened by Trump.

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I have communicated with him multiple times. He assures me he has everything under control and I can have complete faith in him. So we all feel better, right?

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Sigh... what YOU deem critical business is vastly different from MAGA critical business. Frustrating.

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I like your voice which is soft and your slow cadence.

It is a pleasure to listen to you and not have a quickly read article

You are my go to when I get into bed before I go to sleep.

Don’t change a thing.

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I agree! Robert, your inflection tells at least half the story. As a picture paints a thousand words so your voice's melody sings your articles to life.

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Right?! Robert: Calm, precise, steady and informative. Reassuring without blowing smoke… what’s not to love about his real voice!!!

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I listen first thing in the morning and agree that your voice helps start my day!

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I’m the opposite! I like to begin my day with comforting thoughts and Robert’s voice. Don’t change a thing please.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am so saddened to hear of Alexei Navalny's passing today.

Please also recall the assassination of Boris Nemtsov in 2015.


Yet there are some here who call themselves "Americans" who would welcome this kind of brutal authoritarianism in the US.

Godspeed Mr. Navalny. You lead a short, yet virtuous life.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Back in the Bush Ii days, we used to play a game: spot the headline that could have been reported any old day, and guess the headline it was designed to get rid of.

Today Robert summarizes some serious bad news for Putin's puppet and, oh, now we learn Navalny is dead. That murder could have been carried out any day for the last many years and could also have happened any day in the future . What was special about now? Someone trying to protect his investment?

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Very interesting perspective. Thanks.

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I hadn't heard. And I almost wish I hadn't read your comment. He so deserved to taste freedom, and see his family again.

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Rick Wilson wrote a very moving essay about the news this morning that essentially brought me to tears. And the timing of events like this one is always meaningful, no matter how hard the perpetrators attempt to make it seem coincidental. I’ll find that link and post it here.

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Thank you Janet. I really appreciate your sending this. And, yeah, of course Putin murdered Navalny. I will send this with my sentiments about doing everything we can on Ukraine to my Rep, Katherine Clark, who is the Democratic whip in the House, and to Pres Biden.

And I sent it with a note to a Ukrainian at Harvard who wrote a book about the US bases in USSR during WWII, in which my father figures more than any other serviceman (non-officer).

I think Navalny's fate is symbolic of what could happen if the former guy ever came to power again. But as I said to my Ukrainian friend, I don't think that will happen.

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What keeps me from living in fear every day is the fact that I think Biden‘s going to easily win this next election, in spite of these ridiculous third-party candidates. The MAGA faction is relatively small and getting smaller, especially as Trump gets more more disgusting and frightening. I think that’s why we’re seeing so many trolls and Trump lunatics on Substack now. It’s like someone let the cage door open, and they’re frantically trying to save their guy and create havoc.

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Trump did not win a popular majority either of the times he ran before. Why should we think he is gaining more voters now? That doesn't seem reasonable. The question is whether Republicans successfully manipulate voter suppression and the Electoral College. At what point, what five states should we be sending all our money to because under this antiquated system there are 100,000 people who are actually the ones choosing the president? (I'm not jaded at all.)

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I feel the same. Biden should be able to pull this off, but it’s as you said, it’s not like every vote counts; it’s like a select handful of Midwestern battleground states decide every election. I’m fed up with it, but knowing that it would require a constitutional amendment to change anything, I feel pretty hopeless about anything happening in my lifetime.

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I hope you're right, and I lean in the same direction, although I'm not sure I'd have said "easily." But I do expect him to win.

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I’m just hoping Biden‘s win is by a wide enough margin that the election does not come into question. We can’t afford to go through another election like what happened in 2000 with Al Gore.

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OMG! I hadn’t heard. What a hero. 😢

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He didn't "pass" he was murdered.

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Alexei Navalny was assassinated on February 16, 2024. On February 19th, he can still still be referred to as "passed" from this world.

Have a nice day.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Justice moves slowly and we are witnessing the the slow process of accountability playing out across multiple venues as well as watching in real time Trump’s false narratives seeing the light of truth

I live in a retirement community and yesterday the second in command of the NC Democratic Party spoke in our community. There has been major structural and organizational changes in the NC Democratic committee organization. Two important takeaways came from this meeting. One the national DNC provides funds to states they believe are competitive but these funds are primarily used to support candidates running for Governor, and the Senate. There is not enough money to cover all the House races so the candidates in these individual counties for the most part are on their own. The point was made that the best way for candidates to win is through an extensive “ door knocking” campaign with follow discussions and that is where the money and time will be allocated. Secondly since 2010,Democrats have lost a considerable number of state houses in part because they abandoned these races and we clearly saw how these individuals were key enablers to Trump’s lies. The bottom line is politics is local and we need to focus time energy and money to support these local races which is the backbone of democracy.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Underfunding of downballot races has been a decades-long mistake by the Democratic Party. During this time the Republicans were doing the work--school boards to state legislatures. The gerrrymandering we are currently living with is due in part to that lack of attention.

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Thank you, Stephen. I always look for your posts. Your posts are so level-headed, thoughtful, and fact-based. Reading your words both comforts and encourages me… to know you are somewhere in NC as I am. (Durham)

After, what seemed to me, the lukewarm support from DNC and NC Dems for Cheri Beasley in 2022, I’d about given up on NC ever getting any meaningful attention. I’ve given to individual US House reps as well as to local state candidates instead of to the general fund. I’ve felt a flicker of hope recently, listening to Simon Rosenberg’s commitment to making NC Dems a priority this year. May it be so.

All that to say thank you for your presence in the Today’s Edition community.

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Colleen thank you for your kind words. The DNC of NC up until this year was incompetent and had not vetted potential candidates and was a mess. That had changed big time but we are still a gerrymandered state and that is a challenge. Based on my meeting yesterday a new younger and more attuned leadership is in place and hopefully it will make a difference. Keep the faith.

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Thanks, Stephen. Precinct Meetings are tomorrow morning here in the Bull City. Hoping for the best. 💙

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Hi Stephen, where are you located in NC? I live in Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) where there is a big push to improve voter turnout. I'm spending some time phone banking, trying to get people out to the polls for early voting.

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I live in Chapel Hill. Our voter turnout has been excellent but we need every voter we can to combat the rural counties. We like you are having a lot of new voters coming into the area which I think will help.

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May I jump in here to add Durham to the NC list? You guys in Mecklenberg Co are doing a fabulous job. Thank you.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Today, Heather Cox Richardson noted in observing how Trump is testing the idea of promoting family members into high positions in his make-believe forthcoming administration, "That demand for purity appears to be radicalizing the House as Republicans inclined to get things done..." I was struck, nearly dead in my tracks. PURITY - a word that should be associated with untainted drugs, drinking water or fresh orange juice. But, the mention of purity in politics is utterly chilling. It is a direct path to the Nazi idea of racial purity and national purity.

In many of my comments, I have cited the need to make MAGA supporters aware of the fact that regardless of their party affiliation, their dedication to 'the cause', and their robust backing of Trump, in the background, always taking place, (under the guise of "ridding the swamp"; under the headlines of bringing together a similarly-minded-team,) is a 'cleansing' - political cleansing, racial cleansing, philosophical cleansing - he is laying the groundwork for establishing a "purity standard" that will include all opposition. That is ALL opposition.

And, today we learn that Aleksei Navalny was murdered over a two-year imprisonment. This act was an act of purification. These are not unrelated events. Navalny was a threat to the so-called purity of the nation by his opposing Russian leadership and, in particular, Vladimir Putin, making Navalny the traitor, making his words treasonous. This is the upside-down world of authoritarianism. This is the world of Donald Trump. Caution is recommended.

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Sadly, as soon as Nalvany became the face of opposition to Putin a target was placed in his back. Not unique in today’s Russia but rather a longstanding practice that preceded even the Bolsheviks. Some things never change especially when authoritarianism is the only form of government to exist, no matter its name.

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Trump and the GOP are laying the foundations of Project 2025 in real time. Because many in this country are comfortable being semiliterate and/or lacking critical thinking skills. they don't understand the balancing act to stay on the good side of the regime. And if you're a strong dissident, you meet a fate like Navalny's.

Those of us who are of a certain age, had the reverberations/lessons of WWII hanging over us; that echo is becoming increasingly hard to detect.

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Trump for President? The GOP's all-in with him? Where has decency fled? Before Newt Gingrich, Cable TV, and Citizens United, Trump would have been another fringe candidate like David Duke with no chance at all for the brass ring. I can't figure out where our country has gotten itself when a man who never served in the military can denigrate POWs and nonetheless be supported by so many in our military. He's denigrated women and been convicted of assault. He's bankrupted companies he's founded, run up our nation's outstanding debt tremendously, and yet he's still supported by many successful businessmen. How can a man who so openly lies and so frequently has been caught philandering be supported by so many evangelicals as well as Mike Johnson? Opinions please.....

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“You can dye his hair, paint his face, strap a girdle and a diaper on him and pump him full of speed, and he’s still not going to look like a presidential candidate.”


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Power and being close to it is like a light at night drawing moths. They want to be close to power to enrich themselves.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I love your voice. It's soothing mature and clear. I'm partially deaf and often can not hear fast speaking journalist who are racing against time to relay their message. Your message is methodical , succinct and very pleasant to listen. Don't change your tone your voice is manly and reassuring...

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Hi, Rafael. Thanks for the feedback.

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The AI English was ok, so here’s my comment. I prefer the real Robert, however if the AI version will give you a few extra minutes of valuable “self” time, AI works for me. If not I’ll stick with the real Robert. Continued good success and best to your “contributing editor”, you make a good team.

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Yes, as others have commented, if you want to listen faster, then change the speed. I listen to almost all podcasts or Substack at 1.2x or 1.5x speed. Your voice is perfect Robert.

A Spanish version would be beneficial to communicate with that audience.

It wasn’t easy to get SoundCloud to actually play for me as well.

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Thanks for the feedback. If I offer additional versions, I will embed them in the article through Substack.

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Hi Robert, I deeply appreciate every newsletter that you publish. It’s the first thing I read when I begin my day. I rarely use the audio because I prefer reading, but when I have used the audio, I appreciate hearing an “authentic” voice. Your diction and the pace at which you read are perfect for me. I haven’t always been able to pay for these daily newsletters due to high medical bills, so I appreciate the comp you gave me for one month by referring a couple of people to you. I have actually posted links to your homepage many times because I think more people need to read your perspective. I hope you and Jill have a great weekend.

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Not only Spanish, but a multitude of other languages.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The most important point about the GOP’s narrative of “massive voter fraud” is that many states passed laws to restrict voting based on these lies. So right now, there is still damage that has been done.

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What an important point that I failed to highlight in the newsletter! I will come back to it tonight. Thank you!!

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I do appreciate your time spent in “retirement” on these newsletters--thank you, and may our country get so stable and “boring” that you can actually kick back. I picture it for you, someday. I occasionally listen instead of read, depending on how much multitasking is needed, and I increase the listening speed to get everything done quicker. If folks need some speed, and are listening right here in Substack, click the three dots button to the right of the time counter. You can speed up or slow down the talk to your heart’s content.

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NYT ran the "Ex-F.B.I. Informant Is Charged With Lying Over Bidens’ Role in Ukraine Business as the lead. It will be interesting to see whether Fox, et al will cover it."


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Daniel, thanks much for sharing the article from your NYT subscription. To other readers, you can click on the link and read the full article, even if you do not subscribe to the NYT.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Your voice is so calming. Even as the news you report scares the bejeesus out of me, your voice soothes and comforts.

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Absolutely Sue! The way Robert reads allows the information to enter my brain peaceably.

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Feb 16Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you are so spot on that the time between now and Election Day will seem like an eternity with so many significant events occurring both on the national and international stage almost every day.

Your remark is accentuated by learning today of Alexei Navalny’s death in a Russian prison. He was the principal leader of opposition to the tyranny of Putin among Russian citizens. It is a sad, tragic day for all of us who embrace democracy. As former ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, said in an MSNBC interview a short time ago, McFaul had been with Navalny’s spouse in Munich last night and was devastated to hear that his friend had died. He asserted that Putin killed Navalny (“let’s be crystal clear about that”, he said) despite how the Russian Prison Service described how he died. McFaul declared that Putin killed Navalny because Putin is weak; you don’t kill people if you are strong. Navalny was killed because “he was the one opposition leader in Russia that Putin feared the most.” Navalny represented the one leader who fought the corruption and authoritarianism of Putin’s oppressive government. He truly was a patriot who should inspire us all to do what we can to reelect Joe Biden as president when his principal opponent stands for the same authoritarian principles that Putin espouses every day.

One should remind themselves that it was only a dozen years ago or so when Navalny was in Moscow speaking out against corrupt government and hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in support of this message. Where are all those people today?! They have been staunchly silenced by an oppressive government whose leader cares only about himself, not the Russian people. This should serve as a sober reminder of what transpires when dictators override democratic principles.

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Navalny was murdered, plain and simple. He was denied adequate medical treatment, and was transferred to camps which would exacerbate his already parlous medical condition.

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