Our water rates continue to increase but the resulting wastewater reclamation facilities (2 so far) are worth it as water from the river becomes less available to us. A third facility, to purify recycled water to potable standards for release eventually into reservoirs, is under construction.
I'm glad you're getting the water you need.
Our water rates continue to increase but the resulting wastewater reclamation facilities (2 so far) are worth it as water from the river becomes less available to us. A third facility, to purify recycled water to potable standards for release eventually into reservoirs, is under construction.
I thought you might find this article from the San Diego Union interesting. There seems to be some progress being made in the struggles over Colorado River water for southern California. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/columnists/story/2023-12-13/michael-smolens-lots-of-snow-rain-and-federal-money-make-landmark-water-deal-a-reality