Thank you, Robert! So much news, such little time for any conclusions re: Trump. I do pray that SCOTUS works in our favor. Tonight on Lawrence O’Donell’s show, he read an opinion or brief written by Brett Kavanaugh regarding whether or not a sitting president can be charged with crimes. This opinion piece was written 25 years ago, in 1998, titled “Presidents and Independent Counsel”. Kavanaugh apparently stated then that a president can be indicted after he leaves office. After is the operative word! Here’s a link: https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/lawrence-justice-kavanaugh-destroyed-trump-immunity-claim-25-years-ago-200090181672

Hope we get the 5 votes needed to proceed to trial in March. In the meantime, we can all use a break but I worry about Ukraine. I hope the other NATO nations can pull enough money together to give Zelenskyy what is needed for the soldiers and for the brave people. We have Christian Nationalists in Congress who are beholding to Putin. Very frightening for this to happen! Should the funding be denied, Biden said we would may have to put boots on the ground to fight the Russians. God forbid!!

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

And then there's Lauren Boebert, who only won by 546 votes in 2022. Her opponent, Adam Frisch, has 3 times as much money banked as she does. Her escapade at the musical in September has not helped her. It will be a close race but Frisch has a lot more recognition and momentum this time.

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We might experience a “two week pause”—but Ukraine will not.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Let's see if New York Democrats can be efficient. Will the legislature be prepared with maps should the independent redistricting commission deadlock? If they are prepared to move quickly, we will be able to proceed to the primaries and the election. Modest changes will right the gerrymandering ordered by the Republican master hired by a Republican judge.

Meanwhile, in a special election scheduled for February, because George Santos was expelled from Congress, New York will get the first opportunity to flip one of the Republican Congressional seats and narrow the already slim Republican majority.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Given the news from Congress about Ukraine and Israel, and Israel’s government dedicated only to self-interest, and Clarence Thomas’ continued dismissal of ethics, even I—the eternal optimist—am dispirited. This is the time to remember to just keep on, keepin’ on. Thank you again, Robert, for being a cheerleader for truth.

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Yes we all need a welcomed break. Beginning in 2024 the real main event will begin. When children “ act out” many parents employ a “ time out” to change the situation and the energy and to calm the situation down. Think about this in the past few days we have had the abortion tragedy and cruelty in Texas, the refusal to provide the necessary funds to Ukraine, a former Trump attorney on trial for defaming Georgia election workers and then holding a press conference and doing it again and the attempt to bring impeachment charges with no factual basis against Joe Biden. Every day is a new adventure in Republicans proving they cannot be trusted to govern and are dangerous. After the first of the year we need to provide the American voting public with facts and examples of the Republican attack-on our country not with platitudes like “ they are a threat to democracy “ but with the how they are a threat to democracy and what it means to voters. Kate Cox is a perfect example of how Republicans politics will harm innocent American voters and it could happen to voters. We need to take the fight to them.

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Mike Lee has become an expert in political absurdity, perhaps he's right about the recusal. There's some value in having Thomas stand on the short end of an 8-1 (maybe 7-2) vote to support Smith's argument because he won't be able to style himself as anything other than an unthinking puppet.

The other current absurdity is that clear majorities (possibly super-majorities) in each house of Congress favor the terms of the supplemental appropriation request but are unwilling/unable/too cowardly to implement their desires and the will of the American people. Tim Snyder, in his book On Tyranny, discusses this point as well as Robert's opening and, especially read in conjunction with Heather Richardson's Denocracy Awakening, is an uncomfortable, almost scary, wake-up call. Leonard Lubinsky has regular recommendations for specific actions that supplement those we get from Jessica and others. We will succeed, but the path gets rougher with each step.

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Many thanks, Robert. I really appreciate the links you have in your newsletters. I subscribe to practically all of these news outlets but don't seem to find the news stories that you provide.

My question is what is the likelihood that Congress will pass funding for Ukraine and Israel in January any more than it should have this year, especially with the two government shutdowns that will have to be addressed?! I am putting my hopes (and effort) into a successful 2024 election for Dems but worry about Ukraine's ability to hold out that long before they can get more funding.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert, for the link to Run For Something!! I took time out from reading your newsletter to donate.

Together we can rise up and help save our democracy, our country, and make the world a better place.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So much to say about so many topics in your newsletter today, but I wanted to share a conversation I had with an old Jr. High/HS classmate from 50+ years ago yesterday. We are both progressive individuals and talk politics. How can you not in this environment? I told him I look at most polling as pure BS as it seems to me to be just click bait journalism. As things keep barreling along with the Orange menace, I find it hard to believe (and I won't believe) that when it comes time to vote next November that most people with do the right thing and not reelect the Orange menace. That said, I also mentioned my belief in how we got to this mess? The word that came to mind was apathy. We were just going along in our daily lives and not paying attention for far too long. I was also sitting with about 15 other seniors eating lunch (it's a monthly gathering) and I can tell you all, that none of us are apathetic, we are engaged speaking out. In closing here I want to thank you for the link to RFS. I just started a monthly donation and it allows me to trade my old apathy for extreme interest and a positive outcome. Now if I can just get my daughter to run for school board? I'm an optimist and we'll get through this together so spread the word about RFS.

Have a great day everyone!

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"We should not collapse the future into the present moment." So difficult. So important. Truer words were never written.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Indivisible has an easy tool ! It takes seconds to email➡️ Your Republican Representative and Tell Them You'll Hold Them Accountable for Revenge Impeachment Inquiry.📣


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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I'm hoping that Bronwyn, who wrote the heart-wrenching story of how well she understands the situation in Texas, will see this message as I want her to know that the Houston Chronicle did print her letter in full in this morning's paper. The whole letters section was on the whole Paxton horror, and all were appalled at what is going on here.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you wrote: "Of course, the real reason they will open an impeachment inquiry is because Donald Trump told them to do so."

A person who commented on Heather's substack today observed that Trump seems to be calling all the shots for R's in Congress. My own thoughts had been working to that very conclusion, and with this attack via Mike Johnson and his cronies on Ukraine, it seems to me more likely than not that Mike IS getting his orders directly from Mar a Lago, which by extension, means that he is collaborating with Putin. One might say that as the de facto "leader of the GOP" TFG is merely setting forth his agenda should he win in 2024. However, given what has been revealed of the 2025 Project and reports of current efforts by his loyalists/former aides to identify other loyalists who could assume control immediately in 2025, it seems to me we are experiencing a concerted effort to run this country from a country club in Florida, via his sycophants in elected office. I don't know how one circumvents such a possibility (other than to VOTE), but surely there's a remedy to allowing an indicted, ex-president to continue to "rule" this country as if he IS a king.

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I noticed two encouraging signs yesterday, from South Bend, Indiana.

1) A member of the St. Joseph County Public Library's Board term was set to expire at the end of this month. SJC Public Library leaders were concerned this Board member would not be reappointed because one County Council member had received one email claiming the Board member was not "protecting children because he did not vote to remove controversial books from the young adults section of the library" (South Bend Tribune, December 12). The Commissioners (a three person body separate from the Council) announced last week that they were taking applications for the position. Library leaders and book groups alerted their members to write letters and attend a Commission meeting yesterday. Many did one or both. At the meeting one of the three Commissioners moved to consider the reappointment, effectively scrapping the plan solicit new applications. That passed, and the Board member in question was reappointed.

2) I went Christmas shopping at our local mall quite large Barnes & Noble yesterday and wanted to pick up a copy of Liz Cheney's new book "Oath and Honor." I expected to see a sizeable stack. Nothing. Upon inquiry I learned they were sold out of the book and expected more copies, maybe, by the weekend.

I note this because I was surprised. We all know Liz Cheney's book is an "instant" bestseller, as they say, but this is red state Indiana.

Further, the County Commissioner who made the motion to reappoint the Library Board member in question is a conservative, retired police officer, and legendarily tough hard nosed guy. (Years ago I coached a Babe Ruth League kids baseball team opposing his team.) To a reporter's question, he offered this rationale for his support of the Library Board member, noting that it's not the County Commission's or the Library Board's job to supervise where materials are shelved or what is in the library, “If you don’t want to read it, don’t look at it. This is America. You should be able to read what you want.”

These are small signs, butterflies flapping in the heartland, but I think they can be instructive. On the Cheney book, as in the House investigation of January 6 Insurrection, people are paying attention and not just Democrats. And there are potentially a number of people who will finally be disgusted with Trump and his criminality. Similarly, not all people who voted for Trump in 2016 or even 2020 are ready to double down on the increasingly, yes, we need to stress that, crazy man that Trump has become. He is no longer funny. We need to avoid "gotcha" questions ("Well, why didn't you put a stop to him? You supported him when he was locking up kids at the border.")

We need to offer as best we can a path for politicians, friends, fellow citizens, a way to turn against Trump not by betraying their principles, but by living up to them. When MAGA Republicans try to capture the badge and idea of "America" for themselves (see the bestseller "The Democrat Party Hates America"), we need to reclaim a better imagination of America, a life raft that will enable independents, Republicans, and disaffected Democrats to see the threat that Trump poses to what we all love and admire about the best promise of the United States. Trump's desire to establish

a dictatorship has never been a part of any authentic American dream.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert for your news and analysis. I start each morning with your newsletter. I hope this comment is ok. I have been a member and leader of Swing Left NYC but now I am planning to work with Swing Left with regard to NY03. I have a Friday meeting. Assuming this goes forward and if you are.interested in helping, please e mail me at barbaraadele1@hotmail.com. Thank you.

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