Robert, your last comments about what side Democrats take relative to all the key issues of the day can be followed by asking what path have Republicans taken in response? After they oppose ANYTHING or ANYBODY aligned with Democrats or our positions, what's left for them to say?

So they invent crap. CRT, open borders, we want to kill babies, we're soft on crime, climate change is either normal or a hoax, wearing masks is a threat to personal freedom. Hunter. All nonsense.

Why can't they engage on a realistic and practical level the issues that most of us agree are a problem? Supply chain issues that create inflation and threaten national security. Drinking water in short supply or polluted with lead and forever chemicals. An education system falling behind other countries. Income inequality. Child care. The cost of drugs. I could write all day about the everyday difficulties that ALL average Americans face that are being ignored or poo pooed by Republicans.

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Amazingly well crafted speaking points for Democrats! Let's use the script in every venue we can! And Robert - feel better soon!

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Your right Robert there is a lot going on on many fronts and I seriously believe many voters myself included are exhausted with the daily media bombardment of negative and misleading headlines and information that we see everyday. We have become numb to the attacks on our freedoms and democracy by Republican controlled state legislators and Republicans running for office nationally. We are also frustrated that there doesn’t seem to be accountability for the unlawful activities of the entire January 6th organizers and planners as well as the myriad of other crimes and violations of the law by Trump, his family and close associates. I sometimes get the feeling that the Democrats are undecided about how to message going forward towards the midterms. In reality it’s very simple. The message should be “ these are the accomplishments we created and this is how they impact and you and your family and health simply stated and most importantly this is what you will lose if you don’t vote and allow Republicans to control Congress. Frankly most Americans don’t understand what losing Democracy means to them and we need to educate them.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Sharing my own thoughts...

If you are one of those, thankfully unlike Robert and many of his followers, who believe the sky is falling on the Biden administration, Democrats, and Progressives in 2022, my response is... So what are YOU doing to work for a different outcome?

Have we not learned that simply stressing over potential outcomes, consequences, and poor uncertain futures solves no problems, overcomes no challenges, reduces no anxiety, and brings no joy? If you desire or hope for a better future for yourself, your family, your neighbors, and our country, like Robert get off your a$$ and do something to help.

How? I’m sorry have you not been paying attention to Robert’s daily Newsletters and their advice and suggestions? Every day he provides very specific suggestions and actions to take. So, lets go! We have our marching orders; now, get to work!

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And why are Dems NOT communicating their sensible and humane positions to voters in a big, loud, effective way? Why can’t Biden get on tv/the airwaves/other assorted media and make his case on a frequent and regular basis , during prime time ? Am I missing something ? I don’t get it.

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I think immigration and the border wall are the soft underbelly for the Dems. Every issue related to employment, education, vaccines, and international relations (ex the border), the Dems are on the right side of history.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Robert, For some time I have noted that your Newsletter includes some version of the statement: “The best way to shape the future is to focus on the factors we can control and not waste unnecessary energy worrying about factors not under our control.” And each time I’ve contemplated the tens of thousands preparing themselves for person-powered democracy from the inside, bottom up, work as citizen/ activists convinced that “you can fight City Hall.” Though to some they might sound foolish, utopian, and silly, could they also be the ones without whom we might not be guaranteed that our civic work would continue to be carried forward as it always has been in the United States under the blessings of our Constitution?

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As they get “pranked” with serious messages, the authorities in Florida are learning something that should have been obvious to them: heterosexuality is a sexual orientation, too. So, until 4th grade, let’s have no stories about mommy and daddy. And the kids will have to be they or them (or maybe “it?”). “Boy” and “girl” are strictly out. This is, of course making fun of things that are (in some cases literally) deadly serious. But it illustrates the absurdity of the reactionaries’ position on so many issues. So let’s use it for all it’s worth. If the voters laugh at them, they’ll be a lot less likely to vote for them.

As for Ukraine, more brutality is not likely to work. Ukrainians have tasted that and have not buckled. No reason to think they will be beaten down now, unless Russia can come up with better generals and better strategy, which seems unlikely. There are many reports that Putin is intent for victory before May 9, the anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in WWII. Also not likely. Those people being pulled into Russia’s army off the streets now are not going to be competent soldiers in a month, if ever. And unlike their Ukrainian adversaries, they won’t be fighting for their homeland, with their backs against the wall. I don’t mean to suggest that Ukrainian victory is assured—far from it with such a huge adversary—but they have a real chance to prevail.

Finally, the French election. Macron has taken off the gloves at last. I thought his slogan before now should have been, “If you liked Petain, you’ll love LePen,” but there’s still time. Or a poster with three photos: Petain, Laval and LePen. No words needed.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Criminalizing abortion? It's one thing to not have an abortion because your religion doesn't allow it, but this attempt by Texas to go after a woman who is surely desperate and terrified is stunning. To all the young people who are unhappy right now, things could get much worse.

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and (of course) Texas! Must say I had already inserted "of course" Texas in my mind at the start of that paragraph and had to laugh when you inserted it too although unfortunately it isn't funny. We need to follow what ALEC is doing with more transparency. https://alec.org/ ALEC stands for American Legislative Exchange Council. Their strategic plan is aimed at limited government, free markets, and federalism. Basically, they produce the policy and bill language and help states pass them. It has been quite effective for red states.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

The Texas hospital and healthcare worker violated privacy rights. That should be investigated. I’m not familiar with whether the vigilante law includes wording on HIPAA, though.

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A lot more is also going on- the groundwork for an expansion of the Ukraine conflict into the Balkans. Chinese missiles are now in Serbia, where Putin wannabe Aleksandar Vucic is making noises about avenging his hero, Slobodan Milosevic, and retaking the areas lost in the aftermath of the Bosnian war. There are other Putin wannabes, from the leaders of Uganda and South Africa, to Nicaragua's Ortega and Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman, who may have territorial ambitions of their own. Then, there is Victor Orban, and who knows what he has up his sleeves?

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Another good link about the situation for families of transgender kids in red states - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/texas-trans-affirming-medical-care-not-abuse-experts-165647433.html

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Thank you for your support of the LGBTQ community Robert. Some parents are now being arrested (or threatened with it) for finding medical care for their transgender children. https://youtu.be/xbad3efCic8

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Thanks. We need a keep a post attitude right now.

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"All we have to do is communicate that (Democrats') message." Not really. We can communicate for all we are worth, but if voters aren't listening, or are listening to "alternative" news, we might as well save our breath. I don't know how to get people--young, rural, old, people of color, white, straight, LGBTQ--to listen if they aren't interesting in hearing what Democrats have to say. Many seem to have decided that Republicans have their best interest at heart simply because they are paying more at the gas pump under the Biden administration. No matter how perverse, as Bill Clinton once said, "It's the economy, stupid." And quite frankly I don't know why, but Democrats don't seen able to communicate clearly and with force, our message. Is it the DNC at fault? Is it the media for not picking up the message? Is it the ad writers? Are Democrats hiring the wrong publicists? We've got to better at crawling under the tent.

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