THIS, I saved this for myself and it's on my desktop wallpaper on my pc that I see throughout my day, Rebecca Solnit on Persevering Resistance:

"They want you to feel powerless and to surrender and to let them trample everything and you are not going to let them. You are not giving up, and neither am I. The fact that we cannot save everything does not mean we cannot save anything and everything we can save is worth saving."

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Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.

— E. B. White

We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.

— Thomas Jefferson





Call Early. Call Often. If DC mailboxes are full then Call State Offices. If there is no connection then call at off hours. And call everyone you can. Including House members, because they're working to send terrible legislation to Trump to sign. THANKYOU.

Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121.

Will show you Committees, that can take you to Committee members, and that to their websites with phone numbers

US Senate Hearings & Meetings

US House Hearings & Meetings


From a Congressional Staffer:

Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans.

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✅Calling Senators yet again.I have called my MAGA US Rep and dropped into his local office asking what he is going to do about Elon’s takeover of the Treasury and access to my personal data.Told he hadn’t “released a statement” so requested statement via email.Yesterday I received an email listing his accomplishments that of course included no plan for Elon but voting Yes on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.Today I will call and tell them I’m terrified of paying my taxes and giving them any access to my bank account.I will reference Murdoch’s WSJ.

Join me !!!📲

Can anyone share a non-paywalled link for WSJ article that Robert shared ??

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I called my MAGA rep yesterday about Musk's access at Treasury and her staffer pointed out that it wasn't Musk who was active in what he called an audit but an actual Treasury employee named Thomas Krause. He's technically not lying, Krause does work for the Treasury Department, for almost a month now, but is an active DOGE associate so the disavowal is disingenuous at best. The staffer very carefully said nothing about USAID or the OPM incursion. We'll see what happens when I call today.

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When I called this morning, I got a different person who also pointed out that the Treasury had announced limits on DOGE access to supposedly secure data and the Krause dodge relative to Musk's involvement which we discussed briefly. Purely a gut feeling, and almost certainly driven to some extent by my hopes in the matter, but at least some of the staff seem to be getting the message. Whether this penetrates cult mental armor remains to be seen. Billionaires are not our friends, fight on. We shall overcome.

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In Robert's essay, this stood out to me: "The agreement allows two individuals associated with Musk but employed by the Treasury Department – called special government employees – to have “read only” access to the sensitive data." What! Does that mean they can read my social security account? I didn't give permission for that. What else are they reading? And why wasn't this a total block like a TRO? Do these two individuals have any security clearance? This is beyond frightening.

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Apparently they can, and it isn't clear, despite assurances from Trump's SecTreas, that their access is in fact 'read only'. The whole thing is highly illegal and is the basis for everything from calls you and I make to our legislators to lawsuits being filed as we speak. We need to keep up the public pressure.

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Thanks for that useful info,Dave.Just left 2 messages and able to speak with Rep’s staffer who went silent when I expressed,with emotion,how terrified people are…especially vulnerable seniors.

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The staffers I've spoken to, with one exception, seem taken aback with the concerns I express. That gives me some hope too.

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I talked with staff at both of my senators’ offices and the MN AG’s office. They all said call volume is high. The AG staffer said AGs are working together to address this crisis.

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Robert posted the non-paywalled version of the article. :-) I was able to access from a windows laptop and from the app on an Android tablet. (I never make promises about Apple devices).

But I definitely understand your confusion, because on the laptop unless you scroll down from the title, all you see is the title, an ad, and a request to subscribe.

Do you see the following message centered on your screen below the ad? "Shared with you by a Times subscriber". If so scroll down from there.

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Thanks, Cheryl.It’s those darn 🍏🍏.

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"We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate"

I agree💯percent. And it is a tragedy that so many decided NOT to participate in Nov. As someone who put everything I could on the line to get out the vote and elect Democrats from the top of the ticket to the bottom, I am struggling to not be bitter about those who sat out for whatever reason.

I found the following video posted on a postcarding slack channel which I follow It hit home for me and I do think the message is more effective than bitter recriminations. So I wanted to share it here: https://x.com/unlearn16tweet/status/1885811418940707230?s=12&t=8p2N85Us9Gt07ciFqZRlRA

I also emailed it to Robert directly, since it is easy to miss comments because of the sheer volume of comments we are seeing. Please share the video; I think it may resonate with young people who may be regretting their decision to stay on the sidelines after the past few weeks.

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Love the video, and I think you're quite right about making people feel good as a motivator compared to blaming them. Too bad it's on Xitter, I'd love to share it but don't have anything to do with Musk-related entities.

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I understand. Are you on Tiktok? I clicked on her X profile and there are a bunch of Tiktok videos so I bet you could find it there. I am on neither one.

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Not there either, I'm old and old school. Did you get her name?

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One can become a member of https://resist.org/

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We need Democratic Senators to actually put that blanket hold on all Trump nominees, before the Vought vote. This link will take you to the Caucus members' websites.

Someone needs to step up. (I'd start with older Senators in Blue states.)


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We should also point out to recalcitrant Democrats that they can be primaried too. If they're so insecure in their positions that they are afraid to publicly stand up to the MAGAt coup the threat might work and they probably shouldn't be there anyway.

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Does yelling at Democratic politicians accomplish anything?

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I don't view reminding them that they are accountable to their voters as "yelling at them". IMO we definitely shouldn't be posting about Democrats being useless, etc. as that is self defeating, but I think Dave is on the right track.

Unfortunately, I am currently represented by a GOP Congress critter and 2 GOP senators! I will be adding my Democratic state representative and my Democratic Governor and State AG to my call list.

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I don't think he is yelling, he is simply stating a fact. Take Senator Fetterman as an example. With his trip to Mar-a-Lago and his support for dismantling the legal system by voting for Pam Bondi he has shown he might very well be the next Joe Manchin . So he should be told i n no uncertain terms that if he doesn't stand up for democratic values he will not be nominated to run for Senator again.

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I don't yell, just speak calmly and try to point out some realities they may not have recognized yet.

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I apologize in advance for this rant but...Will Pennsylvanians please visit Fetterman's regional offices or at least call and tell him not to vote for the confirmation of any of these unqualified nimrods. And demand that he justify voting for Bondi! And post here in Robert's comments section when you do. Remind him of the narrow margin that he won by.

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I guess he is the new Joe Mansion or Kyrsten Sinema. So disappointing. I donated to his camapign, wrote a few VoteForward letters for PA, and even did a few shifts of phonebanks. Fortunately, I was mostly focused at home (NC).

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Robert, my heart is aching for all the reasons you are describing, but most of all for the millions of people who are suffering greatly because USAID was shut down. But here is my proposal: The hell with Musk! Let's find ways to go around him. Let's be super creative and find solutions to come to all those people's help. Do you know how to get hold of Samantha Power - the head of USAID? She knows all the projects. She can help prioritize where the most urgent needs are now. We can enlist US farmers to deliver food, find nurses willing to volunteer their services, churches could be mobilized, Foundations like Doctors without Borders or the Gates Foundation could be approached ... Etc Etc. We are resourceful, we are entrepreneurs, we are caring. Let's bypass the cruelty of Musk and the Trump Administration. Let's start working, let's show what Americans are all about. That's our opposition movement.

How do we get hold of Samantha Power? That'd be a start.

I'm connecting with other Substack communities. Together we might start something AMAZING!

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"Millions of people ...are suffering greatly because USAID was shut down." True. And what a powerful message it would be – our government has abandoned you, but 'We the People' step in. A wonderful idea, Bea.

But pulling it off would mean a huge effort, organizational as well as financial. Huge! And it must be sustainable, not just a flickering show of support. Quite an endeavor.

I wonder if all that endeavor shouldn't rather be directed at remedying the situation back home. Because in the US as well millions will be suffering greatly as Trump and Musk are about to finishing the last touches on their plot against America. So yes: "The hell with Musk!" But better start at home. If successful, no, let me rephrase: when successful, this will also greatly help people and nations worldwide.

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Per the comment currently above this one “The fact that we cannot save everything does not mean we cannot save anything and everything we can save is worth saving."

Combine this with the story of the man seeing a boy throwing beached starfish back into the sea from a beach covered in huge number of dying starfish. He approached the boy and told him “You can’t save all of them from dying” the boy replied after throwing another one back “Well, I made a different to that one”

Point being, perhaps starting from a wide open space of possibility may produce a greater outcome than starting from an idea of scarcity of resources. Full on commitment to a cause or mission can produce miracles! Don’t sell yourself short.

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Samantha Power was on Rachel Maddow tonight.


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This is a wonderful idea!! Perhaps enlist resources with known money and philanthropic contributions. Melinda Gates, MacKenzie Scott, Warren Buffett

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Has anyone heard from Tom Steyer lately? He ran for president in the Dem primary in 2020 and has $$$$$$$.

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I agree it would require someone with really deep pockets to get something on this scale launched.

I am doing my small part locally. I have increased my (modest) monthly donations to local non-profits that support immigrants - their funding is in danger just when the needs are greatest.

I have also increased my my monthly donation to the local groups that help cover the holes in our social safety net including:

* the central regional food bank that distributes to various decentralized food pantries in the area

* the local meals on wheels program

* a crisis support group that helps vetted clients get emergency funds to cover back rent (to prevent eviction) and utility payments (so utilities aren't shut off)

* a program that focuses on helping working families experiencing homelessness get on the path to self-sufficiency

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Wonderful ideas. Going around Musk avoids a serious confrontation. T would call on his ragtag, criminal militia to defend Musk.

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Samantha Powers was also interviewed by Stephen Colbert Tuesday night.

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I am always amazed by how much research goes into your nightly posts. Do you have a large staff of leprechauns digging these relevant links up? Lol, I am one of thousands of grateful beneficiaries. Many thanks.

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Thank you. It’s just me.

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We are eternally grateful to you!

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I am also amazed and so grateful.

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Musk’s continued unfettered access to at least 4 federal agencies at this point is beyond comprehension. Why is he allowed entry? Why is he given the keys without any resistance? And then no one else can get in. This is the most powerful nation on earth?

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Lawsuits are being filed all over the place, but lawsuits are just paper. Elon and the techno-vandals are forging ahead, laws be damned. If they get into systems, cut off funds, rewrite or destroy regulations, lawsuits are moot. They are not afraid of lawsuits. A person killed by a drunk driver is no less dead because drunk driving is illegal.

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Feb 6Edited

Lawsuits are absolutely not moot. That is both incorrect and discouraging for the forum of public opinion, which is building and urgently needed. Yes, they are afraid of lawsuits. Have you interacted with relevant attorneys on these matters? You are discussing a) issues of enforcement, and b) how insecure the data and re-programming leave us once Musk's crack team is ordered out in suits. Both are difficult issues, but a) less so. Still, please stop spreading this kind of information unless you can back it up with credible citations. Try reading the case logs at Just Security or Democracy Forward.

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We have to remember that the agencies are now headed by Trump people. So, that's why Musk gets the keys.

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Feb 6Edited

It is also Musk's outlaw persona and crack team that are forcing their way. They are flagrantly denying constitutional and congressional law as if on purpose. Denial and subscription to a ruthlessly autocratic worldview grants them access in the short-term, and their coding and manipulation may have some very negative repercussions even after they are legally removed. It's very sticky and grey right now, with baked-in obstruction. Reports are also that even team Trump can't really control them. Which makes public outcry all the more urgent.

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No Musk still should not get the “keys” in the manner that he has. Most of Trump's executive orders for starters are illegal and access to computer systems is not directly in the power of the President to hand over. We have Congress and an oversight committee in Congress to keep an eye on our security. Musk has put our country in a less secure positon by illegally taking down USAID. He dose not legally have the keys. This is a coup.

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I agree completely, Susan, though it seems you are replying to Lynell's observation. Unfortunately, Musk is doing much more than targeting USAID to weaken the US vis a vis foreign adversaries. Even the back doors in coding his lackeys have been instructed to leave open up US vulnerability, and he is targeting more agencies and departments. It needs to be stopped in the courts, but other developments like Bondi disbanding FBI Foreign Influence Task Force today, and the nomination of Gabbard look poorly for future security.

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There has been resistance, both inside and outside government. David Lebryk quit rather than cooperate with Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

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Why can’t Bondi be immediately impeached for lying during her confirmation testimony? What is the point of those hearings if they can openly lie and there are no ramifications or accountability ?

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We have 3 Supreme Court justices that did the same when they said they would not overturn Roe.

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Yup. My anger and dismay at those awful people will never fade.

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I don't know for sure, but if there is a major overturn in the 2026 elections, which is possible, impeachment could become more feasible. It's been increasingly clear from the hearings that Trump-GOP lying in hearings is a feature, not a bug.

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And the time frame of Bondi's lies make them even more reprehensible. She promised no hit list and then just days later she was confirmed and she was off and running creating a group to develop an investigation. Bondi and others have learned well from the master liar, Donald Trump.

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Linda, you bring up an interesting and important question.

What environment do we live in and who do we consider ourselves to be that people’s speaking and the listening they are granted can be so inauthentic and not be stopped in its utterance?

Why is talk so cheap? Is who we are so insignificant, do we count so little, that our words are reduced to meaninglessness?

Why doesn’t it count when we ourselves lie or when others lie?

Where has honor gone? Where’s truth? Where’s goodness? Where’s beauty?

Is there no more to life than going through the motions?

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Does anyone else have the sick feeling that Trump's reference to Musk's "help" in Pennsylvania 2 weeks ago actually had something to do with Trump's victory, especially now that we know how easily Musk's team of 20-somethings have infiltrated our highly sensitive government computer systems? I realize this has already been swirling around as a conspiracy theory, but now I can't stop thinking about it as a distinct possibility, and why wouldn't I? These monsters will stop at NOTHING, and are hoping we'll just move on to the next outrage. "He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers".

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Yes. Perhaps the children-hackers' phones can be geolocated to see where they were during the election.

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Yes. What immediately drew my attention was actually how quickly all swing states were called, and unanimously so. I don't think Trump cares about the consequences of what he says now (much in the same manner he doesn't care about lies), as long as it revs up his target audience. It's a very good observation of yours to see the agility of Musk team's coding sabotage in light of the Pennsylvania computer statement.

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Katharine, that has been troubling me, and many of us, ever since I started to watch the returns coming in and saw that Trump was going to win. Yes, way too many Democrats stayed home and chose not to vote, but something seemed fishy to me about the vote counts as they were coming in. I think it's more than just a conspiracy theory. I think voting machine manipulation happened.

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GREAT newsletter today, Robert.

About 20 of us visited our Senator's district office yesterday. Easy for us because we are blessed with a friendly, smart Dem Senator who's staff couldn't have been more sympathetic, warm, and concerned. The listened attentively to us and took our hand out (the Senate stalling tactics being published by Indivisible).

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US MUST STAND UP and do something now (sorry for shouting!).

I'm sorry now that I disparaged the 50 States 50 Capitols protests. I see now I was wrong. Because every protest, every stand, every bit of sand thrown into the gears is worthy.

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Do not feel sorry. I wrote today also that it was positive they were held largely without incident. But the concerns and caution was warranted. It's going to be a balance the next four years of exercising civil rights and being mindful of any potential challenges.

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Dear Robert,

After reading Rebecca S's note, I began to think about my sister who wears her "MAGA/MAHA pin. And, how "we" of the resistance don't have a meme and how that little pin of hers is such a declaration. So, I started playing around with some pithy acronyms. Might we have a "contest" and encourage other more creatives to submit ideas for our own pithy phrase?

Here's what I came. up with so far:



America (to her)














I'm sure others could come. up with something much better than these. but, I wanted to get the ball rolling......thank you, Carol Young

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I like Roar. It doesn’t need an explanation. Great idea.

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Tell me please how you envision the pin to look and I can dabble around with the graphics.

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Penzey's (spice company) has some great pin designs.

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I don't see any with the ROAR idea.

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Oh yes!!

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Reminds me of the Helen Reddy song, “I am Woman”, hear me ROAR in numbers too big to ignore……..

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I’ve been playing round with a slogan for those who can march (I can’t) —

JUST SAY NO (remember that one?)




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It is clear that WE the people can not have a country that works with Trump as our president. As the people needed to impeach Trump include Republicans and Democrats, this means that as THE people a lot of Republicans will need to be enrolled into the idea that it is in their own intelligent best interest that THEY need to tell THEIR representatives to take the actions needed to impeach Trump. This may at first occur as unthinkable.

Given these needs, WE the people will need to transcend traditional thinking in the box that binds, limits, and forms our thinking into political categories. We the PEOPLE need to think into being related as PEOPLE first and not political entities divided into two opposing team pitied against each other.

This makes our own intelligent best interest to be to identifying OURSELVES as people first and to be relating to each other as PEOPLE first.

The foundation of this relationship to each other as PEOPLE first is compassion, first for ourselves, and then towards each other.

Compassion arises when we recognize that we are all sharing the same experiences. The background of shared experiences creates a space or background of relatedness that forms the large and strong foundation for our alignment and actions around a common concern.

The foundation for communicating shared experiences that allows us to recognize ourselves in each other is trust. Knowing each other through this stilted online medium where who we are is represented by words alone makes what we say to and about each other in these words here the equivalent of life and death. Who we are here to each other is the words we write and the listening granted to each other while reading these representational words.

Our fate is now bound by the trust we generate for each other. If we can’t generate it for our own current side as defined by our current limited thinking inside the box of political thinking, then what is the likelihood of having enough trust and goodwill to enrolling the other side, the THEM, into actions needed to impeach Trump?

Let us people commit ourselves to impeaching Trump and generate the conversations needed to produce that outcome and let us do that now, together, as WE THE PEOPLE which includes everyone.

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J.D. Vance must then be impeached as well. I have read that he is knee-deep with the oligarchs who are heading this charge against the American people. Then there's the third in line to the presidency, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson...

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1 impeachment at a time would be my suggestion.

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"The foundation of this relationship to each other as PEOPLE first is compassion, first for ourselves, and then towards each other."

You assume that everyone has the capacity for compassion. I don't think that is the case. Human beings (and all living things, for that matter) are chemical machines. Our actions are basically dictated by how the chemicals in our brains combine and cause electrical signals to fire. I believe that some people are just not wired to have much empathy or compassion. Expecting them to gain that ability is like expecting the color of their eyes to change from brown to blue.

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Yes, you and I are coming from radically different perspectives regarding the question of who people are. You are coming from the perspective of people being things, like objects and are limited to the mechanics of objects, while I am coming from the perspective of human being is a space from which all things can occur within.

Keep holding onto your human being as thing and avoid beingness and see how much space it provides for you to be in the world.

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Feb 6Edited

Excellent and inspiring summary and beautiful nebula. But you write “Trump tries to walk back comments.” Not exactly. He flipflopped. Please use the right word.

Somehow good people decided - after the attacks on John Kerry applyjng that verb to his changing his position after new information showed that W had lied about WMDs- that the verb FLIPFLOP should never be applied to a politician. So since the race of 2016, Trump has flipflopped many many many times and not been called out for it. Yes, the word is derogatory but it is nevertheless accurate. It mocks the flipflopper. That is appropriate. His behavior is not laudable nor based on new facts (other than the fact that people find his position totally wrong. He “walks back” because it is expedient. He “reverses direction” because he is unable to think anything through and doesn’t think he needs to. He relies on the press to be gently understanding when he t wants to erase -or Sharoie out - a bad political move.

In 2017 as I recall Maureen Dowd wrote that mockery was the right response to Trump. Thst remains true. He is a thin skinned bully with a limited intellect and no self control. He flipflops constantly. Please say so.

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I attended a protest at Senator Ted Budd's office at the federal building in Asheville. Apparently there was no staff to talk to but we made a lot of noise!

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I disagree. As I understand, the administration’s new position, they’re not going to do anything by force, but the proposal remains.

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In Boston I only had the intention to go to the federal building to “Demand MA Senators Take Action” with my No on Vought sign (organized by Indivisible). But I was early so visited the MA state capital where the 50 states demonstration was scheduled an hour earlier. The crowd was large and disorganized but not scary. At a certain point the two events merged into each other and actually moved spontaneously through the streets. This reminded me that it’s been a long time since demonstrations actually moved around and that feels different.

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I agree with you, Barabara K, the moving protest did seem different and more effective. In Raleigh we walked around the Capitol buliding and the State Legislature building. It was a good feeling and more people witnessed the protest.

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Yesterday in Connecticut, the ReSisters joined Indivisible Shoreline, REBS, and representatives of other activist groups in Hartford to deliver a message to our U.S. Senators. We were 80+ strong.

We visited both Senators’ offices. And we delivered a message of gratitude…as well as some constructive feedback about what more they could be doing to push back (harder) on the unlawful takeover of our government.

Senate is in session so Blumenthal and Murphy were in DC. But their staffers generously came out to talk with us and to hear our message. This matters! Our showing up in numbers (and in person) gives the Senators some runway to take a stronger stand…and we are beginning to see signs that they are doing just that. Very rewarding outing. We will do it again!

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I attended yesterday’s rally at Senator Padilla’s office in downtown LA. Despite the drizzle, several hundred people of all ages and ethnicities were gathered, holding creative signs. We were warmly welcomed by staff members, who were prepared. With clipboards and pens in hand, they had printed sheets on which we could express our concerns to the Senator. We had an hour to do this, as all letters were being uploaded and sent to the Senator by 5:00 eastern so that he could read each one. All that, with barely two days’ notice. It was so reassuring that our voices were actually going to be heard. Today a very small group of Indivisible members are having a call with Senator Schiff’s top aide. It is a start, and those small actions give me hope.

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Would you believe it? Who would have thought that the Trump Administration is deliberately lying and misleading about the ICE raids that are actually occurring? The Guardian is reporting thata ICE has gamed Google search and is putting up photos of raids years/decades old to make it look as if those raids are happening now. The next four years will be a challenge of how to believe what you see and read. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/06/ice-us-immigration-deportations-google

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I joined 300 protestors at our Senator Budd's office in Asheville, NC which was closed, but we stood on the street with applauding cars driving by. It felt good to be with like-minded, active people young and old.

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Your newsletter today is a good complement to Olga Lautman's Trump Tyranny Tracker. Here is Day 17.


She is laying out what Musk/Trump are doing and the rest of Trump's entourage, and you are laying out what We the People are doing. Thank you.

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