Linda, you bring up an interesting and important question.
What environment do we live in and who do we consider ourselves to be that people’s speaking and the listening they are granted can be so inauthentic and not be stopped in its utterance?
Why is talk so cheap? Is who we are so insignificant, do we count so little, that our words are…
Linda, you bring up an interesting and important question.
What environment do we live in and who do we consider ourselves to be that people’s speaking and the listening they are granted can be so inauthentic and not be stopped in its utterance?
Why is talk so cheap? Is who we are so insignificant, do we count so little, that our words are reduced to meaninglessness?
Why doesn’t it count when we ourselves lie or when others lie?
Where has honor gone? Where’s truth? Where’s goodness? Where’s beauty?
Is there no more to life than going through the motions?
Linda, you bring up an interesting and important question.
What environment do we live in and who do we consider ourselves to be that people’s speaking and the listening they are granted can be so inauthentic and not be stopped in its utterance?
Why is talk so cheap? Is who we are so insignificant, do we count so little, that our words are reduced to meaninglessness?
Why doesn’t it count when we ourselves lie or when others lie?
Where has honor gone? Where’s truth? Where’s goodness? Where’s beauty?
Is there no more to life than going through the motions?