Override the House and use Mark DeSaulnier’s (my congressman) suggestion to use the discharge petition. That’s what I would tell Joe. I believe he will do just that. He’s got Lawrence Tribe whispering in his ear too. He will go down to the wire because I really feel he wants Qevin to look as big as a clown as he can.

Trump should be toast fairly soon. Jack Smith has delved deeply into quite a number of areas. It he can prove that Trump shared those documents with, oh let’s say, the Saudi Prince, then treason could be added along with sedition and obstruction of justice. I am just planning my wish list. Thanks, Robert!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I agree: I am SO GRATEFUL that Joe Biden is president right now.

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Re: Donnie One Term and default.

There's the additional fact that Trump is planning a second term based on revenge against the American people for making him the Biggest Loser in 2020. Calling for default, knowing what it means for the average American, is part of his rage-fueled need for revenge.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are so right about trusting Joe, Robert.

There are so many bad actors on so many different fronts right now that it seems inevitable to wonder how they gained so much power. The easy answer, stupidity and gullibility of the public, ignores the cynicism of dark politics. Now is a very good time for all of us to assess our complacency with modernity: the ubiquity of media, the financial tsunami created by Citizens United, and especially, the passivity of many voters to the importance of education in the functioning of democracy. Thanks as always for your fighting spirit.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert. I am so grateful for you and President Biden. Keep writing. Keep us hopeful.....

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May 23, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Here's a speech I'd like to hear President Biden deliver tonight:

"My Fellow Americans,

“As you know, the global economy is perilously close to collapsing due to our national debt limit set by Congress. The failure of the Republican-led House of Representatives to do its job and provide for funding a budget it has previously approved has brought us to this moment. I'm here to assure you that I will do everything in my power to sustain the economic recovery we've achieved over the past two years, and save the global economy from the catastrophic effects that a debt default would bring.

“Some Republicans believe, and have said publicly, that they are willing to crash the global economy in order to stop my Administration from cleaning up the mess left behind by my predecessor. They believe that by destroying our economy, and the rest of the world's with it, they can hang their destructive deeds around my neck. Indeed, my predecessor, who is running against me in 2024, is inexplicably and irresponsibly advocating just that.

“I'm here to tell you I'm not gonna let that happen. Over the past several weeks, I've given Congress every opportunity to do its job. I've even negotiated with the House leadership to try to help them. But it's clear that they have a different agenda, one that does not serve the vast majority of Americans.

“Today I am announcing that I am fulfilling my duty under the Constitution of the United States of America, to which I swore a solemn oath to protect and defend, in committing our government to paying its bills by removing an artificial roadblock known as the debt ceiling. It’s a relic of a bygone era, superseded by the budget and appropriation process.

“In accordance with Section 4 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, I am instructing the US Treasury to provide the necessary funds to pay for existing obligations by incurring additional debt to the extent necessary to do so. This action does not in any way restrict Congress from passing legislation to increase the debt ceiling, but it does render it unnecessary.

“I take this action reluctantly, and with full knowledge that I will be chastised by many and challenged in court by a few. I do so without regard for what it may cost me personally, but understanding what not doing so would cost our country and indeed the world.

“I pledge to work with Congress to responsibly balance the budget so that we can reduce the debt going forward. We can do that through a sensible combination of revenue increases and expense reductions, both of which can be achieved substantially by rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse. But I will not allow our government to fail the American people, not on my watch.

“May God bless America, and may God protect our troops."

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Me too. Joe is so so aware of things no one around him thinks about due to his amazing time of service, I think the 14th this round. Go Joe.

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Standing with you standing with President Biden, Robert.

People over on Joyce Vance's Civil Discourse are advocating that 45 have his properties "seized" to pay for the $5 million and other amounts from future lawsuits. Thoughts?

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I find it interesting that all we read about is the doom and gloom of the debt ceiling situation with headlines screaming out about Biden giving away too much and how he has boxed himself in etc. I asked some people I came into contact with recently if they knew or understood what defaulting on the debt meant to them and our country. They did not and my point is the Democrats have to make it personal and detail what the default means to voters , their jobs , insurance and many other services like Medicare and Social Security. No one understand the real impacts beside the implied impact on our credit rating. We need to scare “ the crap” out of voters and make Republicans feel the pain.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

How much money are the 45 Cult followers willing to throw down the drain (into E. Jean Carroll's accounts as punitive damages) for his inability to either admit he is wrong or to keep his mouth shut?

His violation of the Hatch Act (don't "at" me, I understand the President and apparently Vice President are exempt) in using his political position to make money was outrageously evident throughout his term and extends to the family "brand."

Every rally he held gathered the contact information of people for "free tickets" and he aggressively and relentlessly uses the data to solicit donations. Usually it is for his "defense fund." I hear the lawyers are demanding to be paid up front, due to his notoriety of not paying his bills. MAGA still means "Making Attorneys Get Attorneys."

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I trust Joe Biden. And that means I also think he is surrounded by very fine legal advice. Politically he can say he tried very hard to work with McCarthy. If that fails, he can support the DeSaulnier discharge petition. Democrats become national saviors. If that fails, he can say he has worked with Congress, but now he will take the action the vast majority of Americans support.

He will direct Treasury Secretary Yellen to continue to pay our debts and bills - because we can. The "debt ceiling" will be explained as an antique law that was created for other reasons. Therefore, this is a manufactured problem. The 14th Amendment requires that the full faith and credit of the US be honored.

To the outraged Republicons, he should say "sue me". Go ahead and take me to court. You can claim that YOU and YOUR party wants to bring chaos and collapse to the American economy. That YOU, the GOP wants to destroy Social Security and Military benefits. That YOU, the GOP wants to see millions of Americans out of work because of an unconstitutional law. Let's see how that works out in 2024.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you closed with "I don’t know how the debt ceiling negotiations will resolve. I know that there is no one I trust more than Joe Biden at this perilous moment in our nation’s history." For my part, there is no one I trust less than Kevin McCarthy at this perilous moment. Without a back bone or demonstrable morals, Biden is forced to negotiate with a human jelly fish. These negotiations will end badly.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, many thanks for your analysis on the debt ceiling crisis - it is a teeth-rattling conundrum to watch Biden stand up to the domestic terrorists, while also acknowledging that said terrorists are fellow Americans whose goal is to destroy the economy. Why? To regain power for the Biggest Loser!

Truly, beyond reprehensible; unbearably immoral.

I’m one of those people who is really struggling with all this at the moment. Grateful Joe Biden is President, grateful for your legal insights, and also grateful to learn about Field Team 6’s efforts in Montana.

I live downwind from the wildfires currently blazing in Canada. Our air quality is dangerous and I have asthma. And I spent my career working on the climate, why?

To the Montana legislature: It’s the climate, stupid! You are fiddling and you too will burn!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It’s not only Nebraska, but Florida and several other states, who are banning gender-affirming care for trans children, in spite of the parents’ and the doctors’ recommendations. How are these laws even allowed? They are so blatantly discriminatory! Where are all the lawsuits? I continue to believe that the idea of states’ rights is a death knell to our democracy. We are now divided into two different countries-where blue states offer its citizens all the rights of an American citizen, and red states which are denying rights of anyone they hate. The founding fathers could not possibly have intended individual states to make life and death decisions for its people. That makes NO sense. And that very much includes deciding about the birth process! We are NOT the United States under this abused concept of states’ rights. At one time, having left England, our ancestors may have feared that a central government would take them over. Now, in 2023, it’s rogue red states who believe they have the power of life and death in their hateful, bigoted hands. It simply cannot stand. Would the Supreme Court not reject their decisions to discriminate against people for race and sex?

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To amend my earlier post, doesn’t the 14th Amendment clearly state that no state shall deny rights to its citizens??? Somehow, every time the 14th is mentioned, it never seems to have the weight of other amendments - such as the 2nd Amendment - which the GQP believes we can’t touch! I feel the same way about the 14th Amendment, and that it should never have been overlooked when the fascist SC justices overturned Roe. The founding fathers put it there for a reason - as a check against their damn states’ rights, in case individual states went off the rails. They all have !

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Yesterday I was thinking the debt ceiling negotiations were “Lucy and the football” over and over. But today as you point out it’s clear Trump and Magas have major motivation to crash the economy. Will anyone step up to thwart this impending disaster?

Meanwhile Garland and Jack Smith drag their heels and Trump will keep defaming E Jean Carroll no matter the cost because he doesn’t care about anything except being the center of the hurricane.

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