It is time to make a Declaration of Independence from the Supreme Court and its rulings where two-thirds of the "Justices" are no longer protecting our rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is not an originalist view the Court is giving us; It is an absolutist view where only one small piece of the Constitution is read literally without consideration of the rest. Does the 2nd amendment get absolute top priority over the rest when by doing so it is jeopardizing everyone's unalienable rights like the right to life? Same argument will probably apply to their ruling on Roe tomorrow where freedom of religion will be trampled on, the life of the fetus will have more right to life than a woman, and they'll allow the autocratic rogue states to make an absolute ruling that a woman has no right, no choice over the sovereignty of her own body. I'm serious about Declaring Independence from the Robert's Court! We need to vote all Republicans out of office. Next is over turn Citizen's United and get rid of the legalized bribery of money being "free speech". I could go on from there but the main goal is to restore a democratic republic by, for and of the People == all of us this time. If this means civil disobedience so be it. I'm afraid to get out my violin now because I don't want to be accused of fiddlin' while democracy burns.

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Incisive and insightful column, as usual. I find myself in tears during each hearing - learning that Trump and other key people are willing, if not eager, to destroy democracy for their own selfish gains, that even people betrayed by Trump would vote for him again, and that the only true heroes in this disgusting saga seem to be Shaye, Lady Ruby, and other election workers. Certainly not the cowards who are only coming forward now, when they could have and should have spoken up in 2020-- Pence, Barr, Rosen, McConnell, etc., etc., etc.

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I do wonder if we give Jeffrey Clark too much credit by calling him an “environmental lawyer.” “I don’t have facts to back this up” but I think it more likely that his “environmental law” work would have included things like defending corporations with toxic waste cleanup issues or opening national park lands to oil drilling. If I am right, “anti-environmental lawyer” would be more apt and I also don’t like the disrespect shown to “environmental lawyers” by the comments of Rosen and Donoghue. The lack of trial experience should have been disqualifying enough.

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Speaking of civic duty, voting is central. Almost as important is supporting candidates who deserve support and opposing those who deserve opprobrium. That approach should be taken judiciously, though. Spending money to defeat candidates who cannot be defeated is unwise. Here is a list of some of the most unappealing members of congress with the website 538's calculation of the district's Republican Lean. People can see for themselves who it is worth spending money to defeat:

Jim Banks IN 03 R+34 -- one of the MOC Pelosi rejected

Andy Biggs AZ 05 R+24 -- Pardon requester (though he denies it)

Lauren Boebert CO 03 R+15 -- Almost within range. The June 28 primary will pick her opponent. Watch for that.

Matt Gaetz FL 01 R+38 -- Pardon requester

Paul Gosar AZ 09 R+33 -- Pardon requester

Marjorie Taylor Greene GA 14 R+45 -- Pardon requester

Jim Jordan OH 04 R+38 -- one of the MOC Pelosi rejected

Barry Loudermilk GA 11 R+24 -- Tour guide

Thomas Massie KY 04 R+34 -- He just belongs on this list

Kevin McCarthy CA 20 R+31 -- Overseer of clown show

Scott Perry PA 10 R+9 -- Pardon requester (denies it) principal figure in persuading Trump that Jeffrey Clark should be Acting Attorney General. Definitely within range. His opponent is City Councilor Shamaine Daniels

Len Lubinsky. lenspoliticalnotes.com

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Let's all get busy tonight and write Letters to the Editor of our local papers to show that we ARE concerned about the need to indict Trump! As you quote from columnist Eugene Robinson, "It will be bad if Merrick Garland prosecutes Trump -- and worse if he doesn't." Let's make it clear that public opinion supports the rule of law!

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The Thomas/Alito Court has managed to prove the point that its majority is made up of partisan hacks with their (lack of) gun control ruling. The NRA is happy. All gun manufacturers are cracking open the champagne bottles, and more money will flow to the GOP. The rest of us who choose not to own guns for fear of their lethality have been put at ever increasing risk of premature death by firearm; this doesn't seem like it could possibly be the original intent of the framers of the constitution (despite what Thomas/Alito have contrived).

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Well. We are riveted to the radio. You filled in parts we hadn't heard or read elswhere since we don't get past a bit of NPR in the Sierras. What a time.

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The widely heralded Senate gun safety bill passed because ti does not reduce gun sales, instead it hides this fact by proposing to flood the states with money for mental health: the funds will never be expended, and the mental health services will not be used. Clarence Thomas's gift to the gun manufacturers was opened on the same day. I can envision gun manufacturers merrily dancing. I hope Mr. Hubbell will track and report the uptick in gun sales, homicides, and suicides.

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The juxtaposition of announcements and findings today are head spinning. I’m elated their are decent humans uncovering the J6 truth. I’m dumbfounded that we are facing so many dark corners. Yes we will fight and yes it will take years. But now each of us walks the streets watching every situation we enter looking for “legally” armed snipers with their own definition of self defense. Justice Thomas and his cohorts are an abomination. I’m praying more dirt is uncovered on this man and his wife that turned the Supreme Court upside down and dismantles our Constitution. I’m bracing for the next gutting decision today. I’m so sorry that this country has come to this. 😢 Not what I expected to be leaving to my children and Grandchildren. My torch is lit…marching forward.

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Thursday’s hearing was certainly an eye opener. We learned there were 5-6 members of the House who asked for pardons all of whom either spoke at the J6th event and were complicit in promoting the big lie. Obviously they had some idea they were doing something unlawful or why ask for a pardon. We also learned first hand of the pressure Trump could apply to individuals in the DOJ and how helpless they must have felt. One thought I had was they did not testify in the second impeachment because they knew Republican lawmakers would back Trump regardless. Finally I am so frustrated with the Supreme Court because they are making decisions that most Americans do not approve of and are changing our society dramatically. The attached article summaries by frustrations. https://news.gallup.com/poll/394103/confidence-supreme-court-sinks-historic-low.aspx

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The overturn of Roe is just being announced and trigger laws will go in effect. "Justice" Alito argued in his draft that if the decision on abortion went back to the states it would reflect the will of the People. That is not true in Texas and 18 other states who are now under minority rule because of gerrymandering and voter suppression and other shenanigans. Sounds like Chief Justice Roberts is trying to equivocate saying he would have gone with a lessor position. This idea that it isn't rooted in history and the originalist view that abortion isn't in the Constitution (although they seem to be skipping over Amendment 9) is so discriminatory. The Constitution was written by white men ONLY. John Adams laughed at his wife Abigail when she said "remember the ladies". Women were property and African Americans were 3/5's human. This means the only "people" with rights are the elite white males. No one is safe in this autocratic government. Article IV section 4 of the Constitution is the Guarantee clause assuring the all states must have a republican form of government , meaning of by and for the People. I'm sure both the Congress and the Supreme Court will ignore the states under minority rule. This is separate but not equal! This is the worst day in the history of the United States. Time for action. I want this reversed and a more perfect union than we've ever in my lifetime -- and I'm in my 70s! Texas is now the No Choice, Pro Death being its guns in every pocket and anti-abortion vigilantes bounty hunting. We, the People, ALL OF US THIS TIME!

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2 ways to fix our problems.Either expand SCOTUS or add additional states.However both solutions require a majority in the House and Senate.Today's annulment of Roe is further reason for all of us to energize our commitment towards the goal of the Democrats having control of the House,Senate and Presidency with enough of a majority.Lets all work to that end with every ounce of strength.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

With today's Talibanic Supreme Court abolishment of a woman's right to control her body and the mandate 2 days ago that the government treat religious institutions with greater deference than public institutions, we are now truly living in a Theocratic republic about to fall off the cliff into an Authoritarian abyss.

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I must admit that I didn't think about the fact that Rosen, Donoghue, and Engel did nothing to cause Trump to be convicted...I was too taken by their testimony to remember their silence and the silence of almost every Republican in Congress. Yesterday's hearing was as fascinating and frightening as the previous ones....If what has happened in this country for the past 10 years had been offered to Netflix or Amazon or Apple as a script for a series, it would have been laughed off as impossible....and there you have it......Thanks for encouraging us to keep at it....

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I look forward to Trump and all those who have aided him in his criminal activity in jail , behind bars, for a very long time!!! That may not be very loving of me but I am truly enraged at all their activity to bring down our democracy and they need to be punished!!! Saundra Friedman

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Let's talk about Mississippi and Southern Baptists. Mississippi initiated the suit that resulted in reversing Roe v. Wade. The Southern Baptists (who broke away in 1845 because they supported slavery, and still are lily white and don't allow women to be preachers) covered up for decades huge numbers of their preacher's sexual abuse, supported abortion rights and opposed Roe v. Wade only after the GOP in the 1980's discovered evangelicals could vote. I predict that the Mississippi Southern Baptist politician, whose granddaughter is impregnated after a U. Miss. fraternity got her drunk and gang raped her, will have no qualms about driving her overnight to Massachusetts to terminate her pregnancy. Hypocrisy runs rampant among true believers.

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