I'm also a proud early subscriber and did not watch or hear the news today so thank you so much for the update. CRAZY STUFF!!! I listened for the first time-- while writing postcards a couple of days ago-- and it was great on audio! Re postcards...HELP! I have written a lot for Wisconsin in the last few weeks but upped it the last five days since we only have a few days left to write. I love bringing a pile to the PO each day. We have to win the majority on the WI Supreme Court! If you can write a few...or a few more, this will be such a close race!! PostcardsToVoters.org. If you prefer to phone bank, WisDems has tons of phone banks going: https://www.mobilize.us/wisdems/event/545075/
Thank goodness for postcards, Robert Hubbell and The States Project Giving Circles!
Robert, in addition to your remarkable ability to distill information to a core message that is brief but compelling - you really write quite beautifully.
Tonight, I have lost my hopefulness. (But I thank you for your steadfast optimism, Robert.)
I find myself thinking that our President, who has done well on the international stage as far as I can determine, needs to look back at his country. Despite the legislation for infrastructure, semi-conductor industry, and manufacturing, we are foundering. We have shot ourselves in the foot, metaphorically, by the second amendment. Our fondest freedoms are used broadly for ugly outcomes. We cannot even apprehend a seditionist, who is gathering a second wind to do more of the same. Trump remains a sick catalyst for mayhem. His impunity and apparent immunity from justice only makes the awful factions stronger.
Politicians have subjected women to legislation that imperils their health without their consent or the input of physicians. Religious freedom has been misinterpreted to mean subsets of a particular faith should have dominion over everyone's beliefs no matter what.
The usual shootings and suicides among our young people continue unabated as does homelessness, addiction, and drug abuse. Schools have become institutions which try to be everything to young people, while being understaffed and whose teachers are underpaid.
Migrants, whose problems arise from poverty and international corruption, cannot find refuge, even here. Although we are wealthier as a whole, we do not have solutions for their needs any more. We should be focusing on the causes of their migration with a coalition of nations, just like NATO, with consensus and a plan, but without warfare. I have never understood how we, and many nations, can spend bazillions on warfare, but so little on care of human beings.
And so it goes. I haven't even touched on our weather. A few environmentalists think we have crossed the river of no return. I apologize for being so dark, but these are my thoughts on an early Saturday morning. I can manage to squeak out a thanks for the opportunity to rail and rant, though.
It is both natural and understandable to feel the way you do--for a time. I sometimes feel exhausted and defeated, but I always find a way out by thinking about perspective. The violence and heartache we see on t.v. and social media is amplified and distorted. Yes, gun violence is horrific and far too common; but in a nation that suffers horribly from gun violence, three hundred million people (and more) live their lives in safety and security. That is small consolation to the families touched by the violence, but it should be some consolation to those who will live their lives in safety.
The environment is a harder question, but we should recognize that humanity will endure, even though conditions will be difficult for hundreds of millions of people.
I hope you will take time to share your feelings with friends and family and neighbors. They can help, and they care about you!
I think you are a saint, Robert. Your dedication to facts tempered by your compassion is amazing. I do appreciate the opportunity to despair out loud, but I apologize for the negativity. All the responses are truly healing and healthy.
By voicing your despair (that we have all felt) you inspired a bunch of people to let us know how they handle it. That benefits all of us. Your comment and the thread that follows is very helpful so thank you.
I once heard and repeated—“it’s not a race but a marathon!” We are seemingly in those last miles and they are the hardest…sometimes we wonder if we can finish! I’ve come to learn, that it’s not how fast we *run* it but if we complete it. We will complete it!
Thanks Robert, your rooting us/me on, is a source to not quit!
I feel every one of your reasons for loss of hope. And I also agree with Robert that we can't let that loss defeat us. I don't really feel that trump will win in 2024. The Faux GOP is too fratricidal and there aren't enough of the real trump core to prevail over the split. And the major GOP donors are clearly not happy with him.
We also have to focus on the congressional elections, HARD, and on a huge anti-GOP turnout in the red states. (It doesn't have to be a Democratic turnout--enough sane independents will do. Work to encourage a split of the "GOP" into two parties. Give the traditional GOP voters a place to go that isn't "tainted" by their habitual aversion to Democrats. Above all stop writing all GOP voters off as "stupid." Work to get the non-stupid ones a place to go)
I see the major issue that needs to be stopped is political gerrymandering. We need a congress strong enough to pass Federal laws against it, and if the supremes try to nullify those we need to have the strength in Congress to enlarge the court or otherwise hold it responsible: ethics rules, recusal rules, etc. Attack state gerrymandering under the rubric of Equal Protection.
The Founding Fathers feared a tyranny of the mob--surely those with experience in France could sense the tremors growing there. But they by no means supported the tyranny of the minority, which is what is behind so many of the problems of our own time. And ironically the minority is composed in large part of exactly those "emotionally swayed" members of the mob that the Founding Fathers feared.
I agree that from the vantage point of now we have to emphasize as Biden does what the Dems are doing for the ordinary person. But if the GOP destroys the economy through refusal to raise the debt limit, we have to have other arrows in our quiver. Work on them ALL now., have them ready.
Thank you, Susan. You have nicely given me food for thought. I've just hit an emotional wall with all the extraordinarily bad behavior everywhere. But, definitely, I will pull myself together to help in ways you mention. (If only I can get to sleep, now.)
A suggestion - turn off social media and tv and news and look around you. When I do that I see my friends and neighbors and am not swamped by the stuff that gets reported on. No one reports about all the good going on since it doesn't generate clicks.
(Next morning) Thank you, Raymond. That is exactly what was wrong. I had been reading the NYT, CNN on line, et al. until way late, then the substacks appeared. Probably the world will not go to hell any sooner if I am not watching.
I just went to sing with two women friends. I found myself smiling broadly as I sang gorgeous songs of hope, like The Storm is Passing Over. I imagine the escaping slaves singing songs of hope to each other. If they did it, we can do it.
I suspect everyone on this forum has reached that point you have described. You describe a series of truths that are just the tip of the iceberg we are colliding with.
But I have two ideas for you. First, my wife is the smartest person I know. She believes in the pendulum theory. Things may have to get crazier before the pendulum swings back to sanity. I think we are getting close. I think Bragg, Smith and Willis (at least one of them) will deliver some news that will neuter the wild beast who was President in Name Only.
Second, I suspect you are among the many who read this letter before sleeping. We all have different clocks and sleeping rhythms, but I recommend watching Ted Lasso instead of reading the horrors of the world before trying to put your head on the pillow. Just a thought.
My approach is to wake up early, walk the dog who has her paws on my sleeping chest. Pour a strong coffee and then...then open these letters. I feel "tougher" in that mode.
Things are bad, they will get worse. But there are way more of us than "them". And our pendulum is about to swing back to some level of justice and sanity. I could be wrong. But that's how I get through these times.
"But there are way more of us than "them"." This reminds me... I read in one of these substacks (here, HCR, Vance, maybe another) somewhere - can't remember which one or when - a comment that George Takei made about snowflakes and sorta wearing the label with pride. To paraphrase, enough snowflakes make a blizzard, a blizzard makes an avalanche. So, I envision an avalanche of us swinging that pendulum back to reality. 🤗 Granted, it'll take a while but, hopefully, not tooo long a while. BTW, since reading that, I've gotten my snowflake earrings out of my xmas box and started wearing them more often these days. ❄️❄️
Peace to you, Bill. I always enjoy your posts. As I wrote above, you are correct. I stayed up too late, channel surfed, then the newsletters appeared. Now that I have the suggestions of the wise people who responded, I will not do that again!! Becoming an early riser again is just the ticket!
Bill love your morning routine and mine is similar and I also love Ted Lasso. Things are not bad they are just a little off kilter and adjustments have to be made and the voting public will do that. My theory is you can lie to people only so long and once multiple indictments occur and the facts come out repeatedly and the lies become apparent the bubble will burst.
You say, “But there are way more of us than ‘them’". However, polls show that perhaps the largest group are Independents, and that category contains a variety of viewpoints.
Of course it’s important to mobilize people who think substantially the way we do – but it’s equally, if not more, important to reach the Independents and draw them over to our side.
Absolutely agree. I defined "them" as the Fascists. I use "Us" for all those who still believe in democracy and freedom from the government violating our human rights. Reproductive rights, Religious (or lack thereof) rights. A right to education and adequate healthcare, food security. Safe water. Housing...
Independents or the "unregistered" ARE, I believe the largest group in the US. We need them.
Thank you Bill. Many are feeling a sense of hanging by our thumps. It calls upon us to follow your wife’s thinking and find ways to stay focused on actions we can take to reduce the stress. Either you or Robert stated it will get worse. TFG definitely has no boundaries. He will fight to the end making everyone- his supporters as well as those of us - sick.
I, too, do my "political" sites first thing. Sets my tone for thinking about the day, if I want to research anything else, or just chill. Agree with the pendulum swing...but do fear things could get worse before they improve....we have miles to go before we sleep..so to speak...
Hope, you bring non-glad tydings that not many of us can deny. But as your name suggests, please be hopeful. No one person can fix these ills. But each of us can do tiny things to help. In the meantime, hunker down and try to focus on one good thing to celebrate; surely, it will bring a smile.
Thank you, Lynell. I'm really thrown off kilter by Trump resurrecting Waco. I'm hoping it is merely a tempest in a teapot. I apologize for all the gloom. Wishing you a good Saturday.
As for the immigrant thing, I saw the video of a 1 y/o left by an apparent smuggler at the edge of a river, alone. Thankfully he was rescued by a border patrol agent. I will focus on that as a cause for a smile.
There you go, Hope! When I heard someone say sometime back that falling into despair is exactly how the Greed Over Party folks want you to feel, that shook me out of my funk. So I think about that anytime I start to feel "funky."
Your under estimating the goodness of most Americans and are believing the media’s perspective of the size and strength of the MAGA base. Every American should ask themselves if they are better off today than two years ago and imagine what the world would be like if Trump was still President.
You’re stating the facts, the truth. You’re acknowledging “the elephant in the living room.” This has brought you a feeling of hopelessness, of despair, but not acknowledging these things would be worse. Knowing it’s there, now you can face and address “the elephant” as well as your feelings about it.
Lynell has offered a couple of ways to help you deal with your feelings, ways to help you move through and beyond the hopelessness and despair. Try them out, they will help. No doubt those feelings will return but you now have a couple of tools to help you through. Quite honestly another tool is sharing your feelings here. That takes courage. Knowing you have a “safe place” to do so also acknowledges that you know you’re not alone. You’re more equipped for dealing with how you feel than you realize. Keep talking, writing, and expressing your feelings. You’ll find (and are finding) your way.
Do not despair! I absolutely understand what you are feeling, but as Robert always tells us, engagement is the antidote. I view this challenging state of affairs as just that - a challenge, to be met with, among other things, getting out the blue vote in numbers sufficient to overwhelm the GQP efforts to cheat. Demographics are on our side. There is still time to write a few GOTV postcards, or call sometime voters, for Judge Janet in Wisconsin!
Things are more complicated. Polls repeatedly demonstrate that the American polity is split *three* ways – Democrats, Republicans, and *Independents*. *Each* group has approximately the *same* size (it varies some with time).
Therefore, it’s necessary for left-of-center people and candidates to convince Independents to vote for Democratic candidates and measures, and not to focus only on politically like-minded people.
I am having trouble, too. I am in such a red state in Florida, that it is difficult to climb out of what is happening. If I lived in Michigan I would be very hopeful
Stay strong, Judy. The rest of the nation is keenly focused on Florida. The mean-spirited strategy of Florida will backfire on DeSantis and the GOP in Florida. It is only a matter of time. The are alienating and denigrating important portions of the population--LGBTQ people, teachers, parents, youth, and immigrants. It will catch up to them!
It is difficult to see Democrats arguing with one another about how to deal with the attacks on us and the incessant propaganda against so many vulnerable groups. The divisions in the party really hamper efforts to meaningfully engage with Floridians about what is happening to this state. Watching what happened in Michigan is heartening.
Hey, Judy. Florida is a tough place to overcome in today's political climate. I can't make you be hopeful, I won't even try. But when I despair, I default to the lives of black people who I consider to have endured more than their share of inequity in this country. Still, they rise. Indeed, they are doing great things in Florida. Perhaps joining with them would be a useful endeavor.
I also subscribe to Democracy Docket, headed by Marc Elias. Here's the latest info I could find relating to what's happening in Florida. Overall, they give me hope that there are many advocates for maintaining our democracy out there; folks who usually don't make the news.
I joined the local NAACP and am working with them in coalition regarding environmental issues here. Hurricane Ian hit all of us hard, but of course underserved communities have less resources to recover. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of strong grassroots organizations here, so my own view is that we (Democrats) need to engage with those who are being targeted on issues that immediately affect them, if we have any hope of getting people interested in registering to vote, voting, and even running for office. Hence my pushing Mr. Hersh's book.
So much of the hurricane relief effort in Southwest Florida is being shouldered by *federal* agencies, e.g. FEMA. It’s important to prevent Republicans from trying to claim credit for their work, as often happens.
Federal agencies are essentially prohibited from engaging in PR. This leaves the field open for people to claim credit for the feds’ work. That credit-claiming (by DeSantis, e.g.,must be opposed.
Judy voters in Florida have choices and DeSantis and his team have over stepped their welcome. The Democrats need to get new leadership. You can make a difference
I am VP of the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida, and similarly active in my county caucus. Nikki Fried hopefully will make a difference, but the party locally and statewide is insular and disorganized, and there are insufficient grass roots organizations that many states have that otherwise support the democratic party. there is no strategy other than get out the vote and voter registration, and improving "messaging", however the messaging tends to go to our current supporters and each other. My view is that we need to engage in the community, which is a very heavy lift, and a long term solution that people seem afraid of. I keep trying tho.
I think it depends upon where you are and what is available. I try to focus my energy on activities that get the Democrats to be active and visible in the greater community, working on issues that affect voters who are not already engaged in the democratic party or in progressive organizations.
We need around 900,000 signatures to get this on the ballot.
That campaign by its nature sets up those working on it to reach out to voters with an issue that affects everyone here in Florida. We have to get the public to sign these petitions, which means going outside of our own groups and explaining the amendment, getting people to sign: Going to shopping malls, places of worship, creating neighborhood events, door to door, the kind of activities that progressives and liberals tend to avoid doing.
In my opinion, too many advocacy groups including the local democratic parties spend their time and money going to meetings, creating forums to educate each other, and messaging each other using social media. Another popular activity is getting people to write or call their right-wing legislator to complain about the latest cruel policy being enacted.
The right wing is very engaged in their community, locally, and will therefore continue to be successful taking over local constitutional races. Our side is watching this happen and doing little to engage in our community on a day-to-day basis. Year round organizing by the right wing completely set them up to be able to take over the school board in 2022, and in 2024 they will most likely take over the Supervisor of Election position and Naple's city council. We are failing to do any early strategizing to address that, not our local party, not local progressive groups.
In 2022, democratic votes had no idea about what was about to happen with our school board. I call that political malpractice by the Democratic Party here.
Getting liberals to engage is not easy. We are more comfortable analyzing statistics, writing letters to the editor, or liking a post on social media. The party here is comprised of many people who are also very good at getting out the vote and voter protection activities. That is important and necessary, but if we do not engage in the community in a meaningful way, we will continue to lose voters, have no Democratic candidates, no one to vote for.
Another group that I have some hope for is called Interfaith Alliance. This is a national organization, looking to create chapters in red, red areas. They understand the hold that Christian Nationalists have on local communities, and therefore local government. They appear to have developed activities that engage with the local population and provide resources to local chapters to do so. I am going to an organizing meeting and I will push that we strategize and address the local races in 2024, starting now.
That is a long-winded way I guess of saying that yes, there are things we can do:
Push the local Democratic Party to create activities that meaningfully engage in the community around issues that affect their lives, so that people see we are there for them, and hopefully are more motivated to register to vote, and vote.
Democrats and progressives should engage in groups that contain young people; we need leaders and candidates. We need to grow the party. The attack on public education is horrifying to many high school and college students. What are we doing to engage with them?
In Florida, climate change and water quality are obvious issues. Affordable housing is huge, as is the inability to get affordable homeowners' insurance.
As I said, I am now VP of the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida (DECF) and have been President of our county chapter. We do engage in the community and in electoral activities. But we need more volunteers and money to be more effective.
I have to stop now, but as you can see, those of us in states that are now autocratic, or communities governed by plutocrats must think beyond the traditional electoral activities. We have to figure out ways to change hearts and minds of people who vote for DeSantis but are not entrenched in the MAGA or Christian Nationalist mindset. These are the people we should be trying to reach, the ones that and are negatively impacted by what is happening in Florida.
I admire the work you are doing. I live in NC and our focus has shifted towards registering high school students and college students TV’s who attend college in NC but are from another state. The young voters are the key to our future
Not sure if you know that Nikki Fried (former Commissioner of Agriculture and the person who lost the gubernatorial primary to Charlie Crist) has been selected to lead the party in Florida. She is already moving and shaking. She will be in New Port Richey tomorrow. The last guy, Manny Diaz, never even stepped foot in Pasco County.
OMG, Florida and Texas are unbelievable. My thinking of late is truly stinking, but I find myself saying their weather episodes are deserved. If only they would be focused on those politicians and no one else!
The only thing I can think is that the rest of the country, particularly voters in "swing states" are seeing the consequences of Trump and DeSantis and will swing bluer as a result. Republicans have to have these swing states to win the Presidency and the Senate, and if they have been unable to illegally manipulate the electoral college to steal the election, and if these states successfully resist the extreme right-wing propaganda, then perhaps there is a silver lining to the demise of democracy in Florida and apparently, Texas.
To Judy, Hope and anyone else from FL, TX or similar states. Here are 3 organizations working year round in your state and others to make a huge difference in voting turnouts.
Movement Voter Project (movement.vote) funds multiple local organizations in almost every state in the US. These organizations work year round to connect with voters, register people, get them motivated to vote, educate them on the issues, etc. MVP provides funding, training, resources, mentoring and much much more. Donors can specify their money goes to one state, or region, or issue, or used wherever needed. Check out their website for more info.
The Civics Center (thecivicscenter.org) works to get every high school student registered to vote. They set up groups of students in each school who work year round to be sure every 17 and 18 year old is registered or pre-registered to vote. And they spend time explaining to these new voters about elections, voting and more. Check out their website and see if you can get involved some way in FL to help this group. I’ve read in several sources that around 8 million young people become eligible to vote each year, and the majority of them register as Democrats and remain so for years to come. Lets make sure those graduates in each of our states is registered to vote for 2024.
Finally, States Project, (statesproject.org) who I just learned about, helps people to form giving circles that raise money for a particular state. Your group can raise money for their own state or any of the 19 states this organization is focused on. States Project uses money raised from these giving circles to help excellent Democratic candidates get elected to state legislative seats, thus helping change our lives more directly than those people we elect to Congress. Plus it takes less than 10% of the funds to elect someone at the state level than the national level. So no need to raise millions. And this group walks you through getting several friends, or friends of friends together to organize and succeed at this giving circle. So in the process of raising funds you are also becoming part of a similar minded community you can turn to for support or to vent your frustrations when needed. It will surely help you stay more positive in the long run. And make some important changes for everyone in your state.
We need to keep the vision of a much more humane world in our hearts and minds ( in all the ways you’ve listed ), and yet defend and cultivate all the humane efforts that are currently, diligently, and often urgently put forth by… humans. I struggle for hope too but find it in inspiring efforts, both big and small, local, national, and international around me. I appreciate your important, humane, enlightened, and compassionate world view.
For some weeks now, I have been seeing brief ads on both broadcast and cable channels that highlight specific aspects of the Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. Many feature President Biden speaking to those details.
You are not alone in these thoughts. You are too kind with the phrase “sick catalyst.” I’d use stronger words but your post will do.
On another point, it is incomprehensible that humanity is still engaged in wars throughout planet earth. This does not speak well of a “civilized society” any more than our armed neighbors too often armed and standing by.
I do think we will find our country facing more violence inspired by TFG. Let’s hope there are some prepared to step up, but we can’t expect that from the GOP.
“Religious freedom has been misinterpreted to mean subsets of a particular faith should have dominion over everyone's beliefs no matter what.”:
I wonder to what extent this is because of the peculiar nature of our legal system, an “adversary system” which seems narrowly based upon A vs B, when there may also be C, D, E, etc. The appeals system seems particularly prone to that blinkered approach to conflict resolution and problem solving.
I am not a lawyer, so invite Robert’s observations (and those of other thoughtful lawyers) on my statement and whatever ideas it might prompt.
I'm not sure where the legal system plays into this. The conflict, to me, is a particular group ignoring what the Founders set up to be the law of the land.
"The second clause of the First Amendment that deals with religion immediately follows the Establishment Clause: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof." Where the first clause prohibits Congress from adopting any particular religion, the second clause prohibits Congress from interfering with an individual's exercise of religion. This second clause is called the Free Exercise Clause. The Free Exercise Clause protects an individual's right not only to believe what he or she would like but also to practice it. The clause protects individuals from laws that would expressly inhibit them from engaging in religious practices."
Sorry, I can't point to where Heather Cox Richardson, noted historian of American politics, highlighted that at the time of the founding of the U.S., there were many people practicing different religions - to include Muslims who were residing in the Americas long before 1776, and even 1492.
Thing is: neither discrimination based on religion nor laws based on religion are religious "practices." But the trend amongst the Chistianists is that they are: legitimate practices because God says so.
When I was practicing we had a saying: A good settlement is one that neither side really likes. I wasn't a litigator, but my particular practice, surety law, was a peculiar place where my job was not, during the claim process, to be an advocate of either side--the bonded entity (principal) or claimant. My job was to try to figure out the "truth" in the dispute, and that truth was usually in the middle. So my main focus, when the case wasn't slam dunk one way or the other, was to try to get people to that middle ground. Often that involved intense pointing out to the adversary lawyers the holes in their cases. And there usually are holes.
This is the goal of mediation (NOT arbitration--that rule bound and non-appealable process is its own can of worms). This is often a court requirement before a divorce case can go to trial, and I wish it were the same for many more types of cases.
Thanks for the feedback. It takes about 45 mins to record, process and post after I finish writing and editing, so it is sometimes a heavy lift. But it is good to know that people find it useful.
45, the former MAGA President, is not being persecuted, he's being PROSECUTED.
A grand jury is a group of citizens - every day neighbors - acting independently of either a prosecuting attorney or judge, that determines whether criminal charges should be brought.
"You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Trump told the crowd at an Iowa rally in September 2016.
So if he is certain he is innocent and has done nothing wrong, this is his opportunity to say so in court in his own defense.
It is also important to note that the only source claiming he would be indicted on Tuesday, March 21 was himself, and he used it as a way to raise money.
This is his pattern.
Truly rich people donate money, not ask poor supporters for their money.
During the 2020 campaign Trump coordinated with the Republican National Committee in a scheme that scammed donors into recurring instead of one-time donations. They had to issue more than 530,000 refunds. over 64 MILLION dollars!
"The Big Lie" refers to the fact Trump understood he lost the 2020 Election to Joe Biden, but he and personalities at Fox continued to claim he had won.
Over a thousand people have been charged relating to events on January 6, 2021, and over 476 have pled guilty for their role on January 6, 2021.
At his biding, they interfered with the work of Congress, harmed over 130 law enforcement personnel, caused over one and a half million dollars in damage to the U.S. Capitol, and led to fatalities.
(Citation: Insider article by Madison Hall on February 16, 2023.)
From the Rolling Stone article by Ryan Bort on June 13, 2022:
"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony.
The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."
Do not be scammed by a proven grifter. See the con for what it is.
I read your newsletter faithfully, and you get an A+ for your English (or your Managing Editor is a great proofreader/line editor!). Please keep up the good/great work because our sanity and peace of mind need it!
Are Americans going to let Trump bully us and hold us hostage? He used vile racist and anti-Semitic tropes and charged images to threaten the life of the New York District Attorney who dares hold him accountable—according to the law. Openly declaring war on the government he hopes once again to lead by appealing to the most violent, self-destructive instincts of those who continue to enable him is the next logical step.” For me his rally at Waco tonight is a visual image and reminder why Trump must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and regardless of party why he should never ever be elected to any office again. Trump is a threat to all Americans.
It blows me away that the participants of 1/6, and especially those who are being prosecuted and jailed, aren’t FURIOUS BEYOND BELIEF that they have been duped and are suffering the results of breaking the law while the orange idiot continues to walk up and down ‘5th ave’. Why aren’t they saying/admitting he lied to them and is still doing so!
Look at the recent indictment of the 22 year old woman. She has ruined her life for this liar!
I just wish, with all my being, he had never been let loose on the planet. My younger sister (well all my sisters really) loves rump and frequently tries to bait me into an argument. As per ‘their’ usual actions, she has nothing to back up her statements. I finally blocked her on my phone.
Hi, IdoCodeBlues. I hear from many readers in your position--family members who support Trump. I hope that you can find community in Democratic organizations in your community. If not locally, then online. There are thousands of groups that would welcome you into their fold!
There is a reason Trump, the grifter and con-man didn’t take over the Democrat Party.
The rot began decades ago.
My wife observed at the time Limbaugh had tapped into a broad river of discontent. And like a carnival huckster used the opportunity to shill products and line his pockets. Alex Jones made a career out of duping the gullible who lack critical thinking skills.
Trump was just the symptom of a wide spread problem.
I love the title "Today's Edition," as well, the messages that are contained within. And though I don't access audio, it's nice to know it's there...just in case.
I listen to you audio every evening (yes, that late). Although I could read your posts, it’s much more fun, and calming, to listen to you read them aloud!
Gym Jordan has sunk so low that Ohioans should have seen his craven following of Alex Jones for what it is. A way to sate a fabulist ego. He can't get enough of screen time with his pal Tucker Carlson; and he can't devote any time to serious consideration of the harm his support for insurrection by an egomaniac has done to the very fabric of our country. And let's hope there's a reporter out there who is investigating his activities at Ohio State in greater depth.
I'm also a proud early subscriber and did not watch or hear the news today so thank you so much for the update. CRAZY STUFF!!! I listened for the first time-- while writing postcards a couple of days ago-- and it was great on audio! Re postcards...HELP! I have written a lot for Wisconsin in the last few weeks but upped it the last five days since we only have a few days left to write. I love bringing a pile to the PO each day. We have to win the majority on the WI Supreme Court! If you can write a few...or a few more, this will be such a close race!! PostcardsToVoters.org. If you prefer to phone bank, WisDems has tons of phone banks going: https://www.mobilize.us/wisdems/event/545075/
Thank goodness for postcards, Robert Hubbell and The States Project Giving Circles!
Hi, Sarah! I am pinning your plea for help in writing postcards to the top! Bless you for all you do!
Thank you and same back to you!!!!! ❤️ Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!!!!!!
I've got 10 more to mail to WI tomorrow!! It's such a great stress reliever!!
I stopped at 40 because my writing is not only challenging to do but also to read!
Every effort helps!
I managed 50 but it was a struggle because my handwriting was approaching unreadable by Card #3. I had to spread them out over multiple days.
Great work, Sarah. Say her name...Judge Janet Protasiewicz!
👆 What Sarah said 👆
I'm aiming to hit 100 post cards for Judge Janet by Tuesday.
Good for you!! Every postcard is a vote!!
I think of every postcard I write as an investment in a voter and in democracy since postage and card together cost us writers at least $.50 each.
Robert, in addition to your remarkable ability to distill information to a core message that is brief but compelling - you really write quite beautifully.
Thank you.
I am also
Impressed with the skillful distillation!
Tonight, I have lost my hopefulness. (But I thank you for your steadfast optimism, Robert.)
I find myself thinking that our President, who has done well on the international stage as far as I can determine, needs to look back at his country. Despite the legislation for infrastructure, semi-conductor industry, and manufacturing, we are foundering. We have shot ourselves in the foot, metaphorically, by the second amendment. Our fondest freedoms are used broadly for ugly outcomes. We cannot even apprehend a seditionist, who is gathering a second wind to do more of the same. Trump remains a sick catalyst for mayhem. His impunity and apparent immunity from justice only makes the awful factions stronger.
Politicians have subjected women to legislation that imperils their health without their consent or the input of physicians. Religious freedom has been misinterpreted to mean subsets of a particular faith should have dominion over everyone's beliefs no matter what.
The usual shootings and suicides among our young people continue unabated as does homelessness, addiction, and drug abuse. Schools have become institutions which try to be everything to young people, while being understaffed and whose teachers are underpaid.
Migrants, whose problems arise from poverty and international corruption, cannot find refuge, even here. Although we are wealthier as a whole, we do not have solutions for their needs any more. We should be focusing on the causes of their migration with a coalition of nations, just like NATO, with consensus and a plan, but without warfare. I have never understood how we, and many nations, can spend bazillions on warfare, but so little on care of human beings.
And so it goes. I haven't even touched on our weather. A few environmentalists think we have crossed the river of no return. I apologize for being so dark, but these are my thoughts on an early Saturday morning. I can manage to squeak out a thanks for the opportunity to rail and rant, though.
It is both natural and understandable to feel the way you do--for a time. I sometimes feel exhausted and defeated, but I always find a way out by thinking about perspective. The violence and heartache we see on t.v. and social media is amplified and distorted. Yes, gun violence is horrific and far too common; but in a nation that suffers horribly from gun violence, three hundred million people (and more) live their lives in safety and security. That is small consolation to the families touched by the violence, but it should be some consolation to those who will live their lives in safety.
The environment is a harder question, but we should recognize that humanity will endure, even though conditions will be difficult for hundreds of millions of people.
I hope you will take time to share your feelings with friends and family and neighbors. They can help, and they care about you!
I think you are a saint, Robert. Your dedication to facts tempered by your compassion is amazing. I do appreciate the opportunity to despair out loud, but I apologize for the negativity. All the responses are truly healing and healthy.
By voicing your despair (that we have all felt) you inspired a bunch of people to let us know how they handle it. That benefits all of us. Your comment and the thread that follows is very helpful so thank you.
I once heard and repeated—“it’s not a race but a marathon!” We are seemingly in those last miles and they are the hardest…sometimes we wonder if we can finish! I’ve come to learn, that it’s not how fast we *run* it but if we complete it. We will complete it!
Thanks Robert, your rooting us/me on, is a source to not quit!
I feel every one of your reasons for loss of hope. And I also agree with Robert that we can't let that loss defeat us. I don't really feel that trump will win in 2024. The Faux GOP is too fratricidal and there aren't enough of the real trump core to prevail over the split. And the major GOP donors are clearly not happy with him.
We also have to focus on the congressional elections, HARD, and on a huge anti-GOP turnout in the red states. (It doesn't have to be a Democratic turnout--enough sane independents will do. Work to encourage a split of the "GOP" into two parties. Give the traditional GOP voters a place to go that isn't "tainted" by their habitual aversion to Democrats. Above all stop writing all GOP voters off as "stupid." Work to get the non-stupid ones a place to go)
I see the major issue that needs to be stopped is political gerrymandering. We need a congress strong enough to pass Federal laws against it, and if the supremes try to nullify those we need to have the strength in Congress to enlarge the court or otherwise hold it responsible: ethics rules, recusal rules, etc. Attack state gerrymandering under the rubric of Equal Protection.
The Founding Fathers feared a tyranny of the mob--surely those with experience in France could sense the tremors growing there. But they by no means supported the tyranny of the minority, which is what is behind so many of the problems of our own time. And ironically the minority is composed in large part of exactly those "emotionally swayed" members of the mob that the Founding Fathers feared.
I agree that from the vantage point of now we have to emphasize as Biden does what the Dems are doing for the ordinary person. But if the GOP destroys the economy through refusal to raise the debt limit, we have to have other arrows in our quiver. Work on them ALL now., have them ready.
I'm out of steam.
Thank you, Susan. You have nicely given me food for thought. I've just hit an emotional wall with all the extraordinarily bad behavior everywhere. But, definitely, I will pull myself together to help in ways you mention. (If only I can get to sleep, now.)
A suggestion - turn off social media and tv and news and look around you. When I do that I see my friends and neighbors and am not swamped by the stuff that gets reported on. No one reports about all the good going on since it doesn't generate clicks.
(Next morning) Thank you, Raymond. That is exactly what was wrong. I had been reading the NYT, CNN on line, et al. until way late, then the substacks appeared. Probably the world will not go to hell any sooner if I am not watching.
I just went to sing with two women friends. I found myself smiling broadly as I sang gorgeous songs of hope, like The Storm is Passing Over. I imagine the escaping slaves singing songs of hope to each other. If they did it, we can do it.
I suspect everyone on this forum has reached that point you have described. You describe a series of truths that are just the tip of the iceberg we are colliding with.
But I have two ideas for you. First, my wife is the smartest person I know. She believes in the pendulum theory. Things may have to get crazier before the pendulum swings back to sanity. I think we are getting close. I think Bragg, Smith and Willis (at least one of them) will deliver some news that will neuter the wild beast who was President in Name Only.
Second, I suspect you are among the many who read this letter before sleeping. We all have different clocks and sleeping rhythms, but I recommend watching Ted Lasso instead of reading the horrors of the world before trying to put your head on the pillow. Just a thought.
My approach is to wake up early, walk the dog who has her paws on my sleeping chest. Pour a strong coffee and then...then open these letters. I feel "tougher" in that mode.
Things are bad, they will get worse. But there are way more of us than "them". And our pendulum is about to swing back to some level of justice and sanity. I could be wrong. But that's how I get through these times.
"But there are way more of us than "them"." This reminds me... I read in one of these substacks (here, HCR, Vance, maybe another) somewhere - can't remember which one or when - a comment that George Takei made about snowflakes and sorta wearing the label with pride. To paraphrase, enough snowflakes make a blizzard, a blizzard makes an avalanche. So, I envision an avalanche of us swinging that pendulum back to reality. 🤗 Granted, it'll take a while but, hopefully, not tooo long a while. BTW, since reading that, I've gotten my snowflake earrings out of my xmas box and started wearing them more often these days. ❄️❄️
Woohoo, Beth...you snowflake you!
Peace to you, Bill. I always enjoy your posts. As I wrote above, you are correct. I stayed up too late, channel surfed, then the newsletters appeared. Now that I have the suggestions of the wise people who responded, I will not do that again!! Becoming an early riser again is just the ticket!
The newsletter, a generous cuppa, thick socks, hummingbirds outside the window ☀️
Love it!!! Drinking tea as I write.
Bill love your morning routine and mine is similar and I also love Ted Lasso. Things are not bad they are just a little off kilter and adjustments have to be made and the voting public will do that. My theory is you can lie to people only so long and once multiple indictments occur and the facts come out repeatedly and the lies become apparent the bubble will burst.
You say, “But there are way more of us than ‘them’". However, polls show that perhaps the largest group are Independents, and that category contains a variety of viewpoints.
Of course it’s important to mobilize people who think substantially the way we do – but it’s equally, if not more, important to reach the Independents and draw them over to our side.
Absolutely agree. I defined "them" as the Fascists. I use "Us" for all those who still believe in democracy and freedom from the government violating our human rights. Reproductive rights, Religious (or lack thereof) rights. A right to education and adequate healthcare, food security. Safe water. Housing...
Independents or the "unregistered" ARE, I believe the largest group in the US. We need them.
Thank you Bill. Many are feeling a sense of hanging by our thumps. It calls upon us to follow your wife’s thinking and find ways to stay focused on actions we can take to reduce the stress. Either you or Robert stated it will get worse. TFG definitely has no boundaries. He will fight to the end making everyone- his supporters as well as those of us - sick.
I, too, do my "political" sites first thing. Sets my tone for thinking about the day, if I want to research anything else, or just chill. Agree with the pendulum swing...but do fear things could get worse before they improve....we have miles to go before we sleep..so to speak...
Hope, you bring non-glad tydings that not many of us can deny. But as your name suggests, please be hopeful. No one person can fix these ills. But each of us can do tiny things to help. In the meantime, hunker down and try to focus on one good thing to celebrate; surely, it will bring a smile.
Thank you, Lynell. I'm really thrown off kilter by Trump resurrecting Waco. I'm hoping it is merely a tempest in a teapot. I apologize for all the gloom. Wishing you a good Saturday.
As for the immigrant thing, I saw the video of a 1 y/o left by an apparent smuggler at the edge of a river, alone. Thankfully he was rescued by a border patrol agent. I will focus on that as a cause for a smile.
There you go, Hope! When I heard someone say sometime back that falling into despair is exactly how the Greed Over Party folks want you to feel, that shook me out of my funk. So I think about that anytime I start to feel "funky."
Hi. Lynell.
Somehow, the word "folks" to me connotes something, well, folksy and old-fashioned and nice. How about "the Greed Over Party MAGAts"?
When I used the word "folks," Mim, I meant the MAGAt folks...how's that?!
Welllll, I guess so, Lynell, but "folks" is still too folksy for such horrid people.
Your under estimating the goodness of most Americans and are believing the media’s perspective of the size and strength of the MAGA base. Every American should ask themselves if they are better off today than two years ago and imagine what the world would be like if Trump was still President.
You’re stating the facts, the truth. You’re acknowledging “the elephant in the living room.” This has brought you a feeling of hopelessness, of despair, but not acknowledging these things would be worse. Knowing it’s there, now you can face and address “the elephant” as well as your feelings about it.
Lynell has offered a couple of ways to help you deal with your feelings, ways to help you move through and beyond the hopelessness and despair. Try them out, they will help. No doubt those feelings will return but you now have a couple of tools to help you through. Quite honestly another tool is sharing your feelings here. That takes courage. Knowing you have a “safe place” to do so also acknowledges that you know you’re not alone. You’re more equipped for dealing with how you feel than you realize. Keep talking, writing, and expressing your feelings. You’ll find (and are finding) your way.
What a wonderful cyber-hug. Thank you!!
Do not despair! I absolutely understand what you are feeling, but as Robert always tells us, engagement is the antidote. I view this challenging state of affairs as just that - a challenge, to be met with, among other things, getting out the blue vote in numbers sufficient to overwhelm the GQP efforts to cheat. Demographics are on our side. There is still time to write a few GOTV postcards, or call sometime voters, for Judge Janet in Wisconsin!
Sam Maruca,
You say “Demographics are on our side.“
Things are more complicated. Polls repeatedly demonstrate that the American polity is split *three* ways – Democrats, Republicans, and *Independents*. *Each* group has approximately the *same* size (it varies some with time).
Therefore, it’s necessary for left-of-center people and candidates to convince Independents to vote for Democratic candidates and measures, and not to focus only on politically like-minded people.
I am having trouble, too. I am in such a red state in Florida, that it is difficult to climb out of what is happening. If I lived in Michigan I would be very hopeful
Stay strong, Judy. The rest of the nation is keenly focused on Florida. The mean-spirited strategy of Florida will backfire on DeSantis and the GOP in Florida. It is only a matter of time. The are alienating and denigrating important portions of the population--LGBTQ people, teachers, parents, youth, and immigrants. It will catch up to them!
It is difficult to see Democrats arguing with one another about how to deal with the attacks on us and the incessant propaganda against so many vulnerable groups. The divisions in the party really hamper efforts to meaningfully engage with Floridians about what is happening to this state. Watching what happened in Michigan is heartening.
Hey, Judy. Florida is a tough place to overcome in today's political climate. I can't make you be hopeful, I won't even try. But when I despair, I default to the lives of black people who I consider to have endured more than their share of inequity in this country. Still, they rise. Indeed, they are doing great things in Florida. Perhaps joining with them would be a useful endeavor.
I also subscribe to Democracy Docket, headed by Marc Elias. Here's the latest info I could find relating to what's happening in Florida. Overall, they give me hope that there are many advocates for maintaining our democracy out there; folks who usually don't make the news.
Democracy Docket is great! I subscribe, too!
I joined the local NAACP and am working with them in coalition regarding environmental issues here. Hurricane Ian hit all of us hard, but of course underserved communities have less resources to recover. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of strong grassroots organizations here, so my own view is that we (Democrats) need to engage with those who are being targeted on issues that immediately affect them, if we have any hope of getting people interested in registering to vote, voting, and even running for office. Hence my pushing Mr. Hersh's book.
So much of the hurricane relief effort in Southwest Florida is being shouldered by *federal* agencies, e.g. FEMA. It’s important to prevent Republicans from trying to claim credit for their work, as often happens.
Federal agencies are essentially prohibited from engaging in PR. This leaves the field open for people to claim credit for the feds’ work. That credit-claiming (by DeSantis, e.g.,must be opposed.
Yay, you, Judy!!
Judy voters in Florida have choices and DeSantis and his team have over stepped their welcome. The Democrats need to get new leadership. You can make a difference
I am VP of the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida, and similarly active in my county caucus. Nikki Fried hopefully will make a difference, but the party locally and statewide is insular and disorganized, and there are insufficient grass roots organizations that many states have that otherwise support the democratic party. there is no strategy other than get out the vote and voter registration, and improving "messaging", however the messaging tends to go to our current supporters and each other. My view is that we need to engage in the community, which is a very heavy lift, and a long term solution that people seem afraid of. I keep trying tho.
We can fix this and we need you to be successful. What about all of those retired people who have smithing to do. We need to appeal to them some how.
I think it depends upon where you are and what is available. I try to focus my energy on activities that get the Democrats to be active and visible in the greater community, working on issues that affect voters who are not already engaged in the democratic party or in progressive organizations.
For example, in Florida there is currently a campaign to enact a Right to Clean Water Amendment. https://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org/
We need around 900,000 signatures to get this on the ballot.
That campaign by its nature sets up those working on it to reach out to voters with an issue that affects everyone here in Florida. We have to get the public to sign these petitions, which means going outside of our own groups and explaining the amendment, getting people to sign: Going to shopping malls, places of worship, creating neighborhood events, door to door, the kind of activities that progressives and liberals tend to avoid doing.
In my opinion, too many advocacy groups including the local democratic parties spend their time and money going to meetings, creating forums to educate each other, and messaging each other using social media. Another popular activity is getting people to write or call their right-wing legislator to complain about the latest cruel policy being enacted.
The right wing is very engaged in their community, locally, and will therefore continue to be successful taking over local constitutional races. Our side is watching this happen and doing little to engage in our community on a day-to-day basis. Year round organizing by the right wing completely set them up to be able to take over the school board in 2022, and in 2024 they will most likely take over the Supervisor of Election position and Naple's city council. We are failing to do any early strategizing to address that, not our local party, not local progressive groups.
In 2022, democratic votes had no idea about what was about to happen with our school board. I call that political malpractice by the Democratic Party here.
Getting liberals to engage is not easy. We are more comfortable analyzing statistics, writing letters to the editor, or liking a post on social media. The party here is comprised of many people who are also very good at getting out the vote and voter protection activities. That is important and necessary, but if we do not engage in the community in a meaningful way, we will continue to lose voters, have no Democratic candidates, no one to vote for.
Another group that I have some hope for is called Interfaith Alliance. This is a national organization, looking to create chapters in red, red areas. They understand the hold that Christian Nationalists have on local communities, and therefore local government. They appear to have developed activities that engage with the local population and provide resources to local chapters to do so. I am going to an organizing meeting and I will push that we strategize and address the local races in 2024, starting now.
That is a long-winded way I guess of saying that yes, there are things we can do:
Push the local Democratic Party to create activities that meaningfully engage in the community around issues that affect their lives, so that people see we are there for them, and hopefully are more motivated to register to vote, and vote.
Democrats and progressives should engage in groups that contain young people; we need leaders and candidates. We need to grow the party. The attack on public education is horrifying to many high school and college students. What are we doing to engage with them?
In Florida, climate change and water quality are obvious issues. Affordable housing is huge, as is the inability to get affordable homeowners' insurance.
As I said, I am now VP of the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida (DECF) and have been President of our county chapter. We do engage in the community and in electoral activities. But we need more volunteers and money to be more effective.
I have to stop now, but as you can see, those of us in states that are now autocratic, or communities governed by plutocrats must think beyond the traditional electoral activities. We have to figure out ways to change hearts and minds of people who vote for DeSantis but are not entrenched in the MAGA or Christian Nationalist mindset. These are the people we should be trying to reach, the ones that and are negatively impacted by what is happening in Florida.
I admire the work you are doing. I live in NC and our focus has shifted towards registering high school students and college students TV’s who attend college in NC but are from another state. The young voters are the key to our future
Not sure if you know that Nikki Fried (former Commissioner of Agriculture and the person who lost the gubernatorial primary to Charlie Crist) has been selected to lead the party in Florida. She is already moving and shaking. She will be in New Port Richey tomorrow. The last guy, Manny Diaz, never even stepped foot in Pasco County.
OMG, Florida and Texas are unbelievable. My thinking of late is truly stinking, but I find myself saying their weather episodes are deserved. If only they would be focused on those politicians and no one else!
The only thing I can think is that the rest of the country, particularly voters in "swing states" are seeing the consequences of Trump and DeSantis and will swing bluer as a result. Republicans have to have these swing states to win the Presidency and the Senate, and if they have been unable to illegally manipulate the electoral college to steal the election, and if these states successfully resist the extreme right-wing propaganda, then perhaps there is a silver lining to the demise of democracy in Florida and apparently, Texas.
To Judy, Hope and anyone else from FL, TX or similar states. Here are 3 organizations working year round in your state and others to make a huge difference in voting turnouts.
Movement Voter Project (movement.vote) funds multiple local organizations in almost every state in the US. These organizations work year round to connect with voters, register people, get them motivated to vote, educate them on the issues, etc. MVP provides funding, training, resources, mentoring and much much more. Donors can specify their money goes to one state, or region, or issue, or used wherever needed. Check out their website for more info.
The Civics Center (thecivicscenter.org) works to get every high school student registered to vote. They set up groups of students in each school who work year round to be sure every 17 and 18 year old is registered or pre-registered to vote. And they spend time explaining to these new voters about elections, voting and more. Check out their website and see if you can get involved some way in FL to help this group. I’ve read in several sources that around 8 million young people become eligible to vote each year, and the majority of them register as Democrats and remain so for years to come. Lets make sure those graduates in each of our states is registered to vote for 2024.
Finally, States Project, (statesproject.org) who I just learned about, helps people to form giving circles that raise money for a particular state. Your group can raise money for their own state or any of the 19 states this organization is focused on. States Project uses money raised from these giving circles to help excellent Democratic candidates get elected to state legislative seats, thus helping change our lives more directly than those people we elect to Congress. Plus it takes less than 10% of the funds to elect someone at the state level than the national level. So no need to raise millions. And this group walks you through getting several friends, or friends of friends together to organize and succeed at this giving circle. So in the process of raising funds you are also becoming part of a similar minded community you can turn to for support or to vent your frustrations when needed. It will surely help you stay more positive in the long run. And make some important changes for everyone in your state.
We need to keep the vision of a much more humane world in our hearts and minds ( in all the ways you’ve listed ), and yet defend and cultivate all the humane efforts that are currently, diligently, and often urgently put forth by… humans. I struggle for hope too but find it in inspiring efforts, both big and small, local, national, and international around me. I appreciate your important, humane, enlightened, and compassionate world view.
For some weeks now, I have been seeing brief ads on both broadcast and cable channels that highlight specific aspects of the Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. Many feature President Biden speaking to those details.
I caught one of those too. This is the messaging we have been looking for.
Now...if only he had advisors who would embrace and blow up social media, we could become current with the millions who never watch cable or OTA TV.
Obama harnessed "the internet". Biden needs to find his people where they are as well.
On their phones.
You are not alone in these thoughts. You are too kind with the phrase “sick catalyst.” I’d use stronger words but your post will do.
On another point, it is incomprehensible that humanity is still engaged in wars throughout planet earth. This does not speak well of a “civilized society” any more than our armed neighbors too often armed and standing by.
I do think we will find our country facing more violence inspired by TFG. Let’s hope there are some prepared to step up, but we can’t expect that from the GOP.
"I have never understood how we, and many nations, can spend bazillions on warfare, but so little on care of human beings."
Nor have I, Hope.
primate brains (or lizard) plus an increasing growth of selfishness as a virtue. Ayn Rand has a lot to answer for far beyond her devotees.
“Religious freedom has been misinterpreted to mean subsets of a particular faith should have dominion over everyone's beliefs no matter what.”:
I wonder to what extent this is because of the peculiar nature of our legal system, an “adversary system” which seems narrowly based upon A vs B, when there may also be C, D, E, etc. The appeals system seems particularly prone to that blinkered approach to conflict resolution and problem solving.
I am not a lawyer, so invite Robert’s observations (and those of other thoughtful lawyers) on my statement and whatever ideas it might prompt.
I'm not sure where the legal system plays into this. The conflict, to me, is a particular group ignoring what the Founders set up to be the law of the land.
"The second clause of the First Amendment that deals with religion immediately follows the Establishment Clause: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof." Where the first clause prohibits Congress from adopting any particular religion, the second clause prohibits Congress from interfering with an individual's exercise of religion. This second clause is called the Free Exercise Clause. The Free Exercise Clause protects an individual's right not only to believe what he or she would like but also to practice it. The clause protects individuals from laws that would expressly inhibit them from engaging in religious practices."
Sorry, I can't point to where Heather Cox Richardson, noted historian of American politics, highlighted that at the time of the founding of the U.S., there were many people practicing different religions - to include Muslims who were residing in the Americas long before 1776, and even 1492.
Thing is: neither discrimination based on religion nor laws based on religion are religious "practices." But the trend amongst the Chistianists is that they are: legitimate practices because God says so.
Noted, Susan!
When I was practicing we had a saying: A good settlement is one that neither side really likes. I wasn't a litigator, but my particular practice, surety law, was a peculiar place where my job was not, during the claim process, to be an advocate of either side--the bonded entity (principal) or claimant. My job was to try to figure out the "truth" in the dispute, and that truth was usually in the middle. So my main focus, when the case wasn't slam dunk one way or the other, was to try to get people to that middle ground. Often that involved intense pointing out to the adversary lawyers the holes in their cases. And there usually are holes.
This is the goal of mediation (NOT arbitration--that rule bound and non-appealable process is its own can of worms). This is often a court requirement before a divorce case can go to trial, and I wish it were the same for many more types of cases.
I start my day listening to your audio. I’m always disappointed when you’re unable to record. Please keep up the good work.
Thanks for the feedback. It takes about 45 mins to record, process and post after I finish writing and editing, so it is sometimes a heavy lift. But it is good to know that people find it useful.
Talking points:
45, the former MAGA President, is not being persecuted, he's being PROSECUTED.
A grand jury is a group of citizens - every day neighbors - acting independently of either a prosecuting attorney or judge, that determines whether criminal charges should be brought.
"You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Trump told the crowd at an Iowa rally in September 2016.
So if he is certain he is innocent and has done nothing wrong, this is his opportunity to say so in court in his own defense.
It is also important to note that the only source claiming he would be indicted on Tuesday, March 21 was himself, and he used it as a way to raise money.
This is his pattern.
Truly rich people donate money, not ask poor supporters for their money.
During the 2020 campaign Trump coordinated with the Republican National Committee in a scheme that scammed donors into recurring instead of one-time donations. They had to issue more than 530,000 refunds. over 64 MILLION dollars!
"The Big Lie" refers to the fact Trump understood he lost the 2020 Election to Joe Biden, but he and personalities at Fox continued to claim he had won.
Over a thousand people have been charged relating to events on January 6, 2021, and over 476 have pled guilty for their role on January 6, 2021.
At his biding, they interfered with the work of Congress, harmed over 130 law enforcement personnel, caused over one and a half million dollars in damage to the U.S. Capitol, and led to fatalities.
(Citation: Insider article by Madison Hall on February 16, 2023.)
From the Rolling Stone article by Ryan Bort on June 13, 2022:
"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony.
The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."
Do not be scammed by a proven grifter. See the con for what it is.
Thanks, and thank you for the references to support your facts. always appreciated!
I love the newsletter, and I love the audio feature. For me, the newsletter is a great source of information I can trust and a source of hope.
I’m very grateful to you, Robert, and to your Managing Editor for all your passion, effort and commitment given to produce it. Thank you so much!
I read your newsletter faithfully, and you get an A+ for your English (or your Managing Editor is a great proofreader/line editor!). Please keep up the good/great work because our sanity and peace of mind need it!
Are Americans going to let Trump bully us and hold us hostage? He used vile racist and anti-Semitic tropes and charged images to threaten the life of the New York District Attorney who dares hold him accountable—according to the law. Openly declaring war on the government he hopes once again to lead by appealing to the most violent, self-destructive instincts of those who continue to enable him is the next logical step.” For me his rally at Waco tonight is a visual image and reminder why Trump must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and regardless of party why he should never ever be elected to any office again. Trump is a threat to all Americans.
It blows me away that the participants of 1/6, and especially those who are being prosecuted and jailed, aren’t FURIOUS BEYOND BELIEF that they have been duped and are suffering the results of breaking the law while the orange idiot continues to walk up and down ‘5th ave’. Why aren’t they saying/admitting he lied to them and is still doing so!
Look at the recent indictment of the 22 year old woman. She has ruined her life for this liar!
I just wish, with all my being, he had never been let loose on the planet. My younger sister (well all my sisters really) loves rump and frequently tries to bait me into an argument. As per ‘their’ usual actions, she has nothing to back up her statements. I finally blocked her on my phone.
Calvin please take him away!
Hi, IdoCodeBlues. I hear from many readers in your position--family members who support Trump. I hope that you can find community in Democratic organizations in your community. If not locally, then online. There are thousands of groups that would welcome you into their fold!
RE: concluding thoughts
There is a reason Trump, the grifter and con-man didn’t take over the Democrat Party.
The rot began decades ago.
My wife observed at the time Limbaugh had tapped into a broad river of discontent. And like a carnival huckster used the opportunity to shill products and line his pockets. Alex Jones made a career out of duping the gullible who lack critical thinking skills.
Trump was just the symptom of a wide spread problem.
Exactly, and the problem still exists.
I love the title "Today's Edition," as well, the messages that are contained within. And though I don't access audio, it's nice to know it's there...just in case.
Happy weekend, all!
Proud early subscriber and will be happy to continue on this journey with you!
thank you for your support!
I listen to your comments every morning and thank you for your steady voice, wise analysis, hope, and commitment!! Don’t change a thing.
I just finished reading "Lady Justice" by Dahlia Lithwick. I highly recommend it. Very informative, compelling, and inspirational!
so so grateful for the sanity you bring and articulate.
I listen to you audio every evening (yes, that late). Although I could read your posts, it’s much more fun, and calming, to listen to you read them aloud!
Gym Jordan has sunk so low that Ohioans should have seen his craven following of Alex Jones for what it is. A way to sate a fabulist ego. He can't get enough of screen time with his pal Tucker Carlson; and he can't devote any time to serious consideration of the harm his support for insurrection by an egomaniac has done to the very fabric of our country. And let's hope there's a reporter out there who is investigating his activities at Ohio State in greater depth.