Biden has shown wisdom, patience, steadiness, fortitude, while the media has been hysterical, irrational, and critical with no solutions. I am a stronger supporter of Biden than ever.

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Those of us who are standing with Biden/Harris (myself included) must also be honest and realistic. We know that President Biden is "the most qualified person to beat him (Trump)," as he declared tonight. But there remains a distinct possibility that he may yet withdraw if the likelihood of his winning diminishes. Joe Biden will not lead us off a cliff.

While that's not something I advocate, still I have taken Robert's advice to identify and promote a candidate who can win if Mr. Biden is not the nominee.

( * * Some of you may have seen a variation on this comment in other places. Apologies for the repetitiveness, but it's heartfelt and in my opinion important. * * )

Clearly, if President Biden does withdraw, the nominee will be Kamala Harris. And at that moment everyone must put aside their fantasies to rally behind her candidacy.

The 3,904 delegates committed to the President are not just interchangeable anonymous nobodies. They are the hardest-working, most loyal Joe Biden activists in the party. If Mr. Biden does withdraw, he will almost certainly ask them to nominate Vice-President Harris. And something between 95-100% will do what he asks them to do.

Only Vice-President Harris can inherit the current campaign and its resources, including approx. $100 million. Not incidentally, tens of thousands of campaign volunteers are already working tirelessly for Biden/Harris. Most would have no idea what to say about the record and accomplishments of Andy Beshear, Wes Moore or even Gretchen Whitmore or Gavin Newsom.

Whatever dream-ticket people may have fantasized about, the hard truth is that there are only three possibilities:

1) President Biden stays the course and is the nominee,

2) President Biden withdraws and his delegates vote for Vice-President Harris to become the nominee, or

3) President Biden resigns the presidency and VP Harris runs as the incumbent.


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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Yes. Exactly. Anything else is sheer fantasy and a waste of time. The time for that was two years ago. I'm moving on with Joe and Kamala. He was old in 2020 old last year and the year before, yesterday and today and will be a bit older tomorrow. He's been campaigning well. I've listened to his interviews. Lucid. Forceful. He is a consequential president *because* of his age and experience and still has something in the tank. Whatever we can have of him for the next few years is a gift. And he's still doing his job effectively.

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I watched Katie Couric interview Jane Fonda last night. When Katie asked Jane what she thought of President Biden's age she said I'm older. Jane says climate change is so important and Biden is the one to help it. I suggest you watch this. It was great.


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I'm sticking with Biden-Harris! As for Jane Fonda, despite the flap I had with her back in 1979 at the International Solar Conference in Boulder, when I ran an energy activist's newsletter, I forgive her and compliment her for her terrific comment about Biden's age! Glad she's with us!

And, great photos of the cosmos, Robert!

(I wish NASA's James Webb Telescope bumper sticker had bigger lettering. I don't think anyone could read it unless they walked by my car, so I haven't put it on.)

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Yes. That was good. Thanks for sharing. Jane Fonda's passion is contagious.

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Thanks Maureen, listening to Jane right now.

This is also a very worthwhile video to listen to. I'm tweeting it to corporate media and the Democrats in the House that are abandoning Biden. It's brilliant and needs to go viral.

"Dear Media and Democratic Politicians" By Dr Tracy Pearson.


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Thanks for sharing that. It felt a little long but so true. I just wish our politicians and "news"paper and "news"cast would listen.

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Thank you, Maureen. I just watched Jane and Katie. Really important to see Jane so passionately committed the Climate as her number one priority. She makes plain the threat that is "The Orange One," as she says. She says Joe's age is not the determining factor in his importance to all of us in this pivotal moment between our democracy and Trump's fascism. She makes it very plan that Joe Biden gives us a voice. Trump gives us jail. Joe gives us environmental hope. Trump gives us more heat, more violent storms, more fires, more air and water pollution. Joe gives us a chance at a future on a livable planet. Trump gives us, quite literally, hell on earth.

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It WAS great! I stumbled on it quite by accident and was glad I did. And she's right.

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Great video of Jane Fonda! The more power to her.

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Hearing all of the unfavorable comments about people who are mature and of a “certain age” is nauseating. Let’s give some credit where credit is due for those who have years of incredible experience, knowledge, perspective, stellar ability to assemble an expert team to function and produce spectacular results for all American citizens and beyond.

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I heartily agree, Jerry. I let 36 hours pass after the debate before I decided that it was wrong to abandon President Biden, but right to be thinking about contingency plans and the future. I've considered the latter and have concluded that IF President Biden steps aside of his own volition, Kamala Harris is the only choice to succeed him. I say that not only for the reasons you cited, but because she will likely continue much of what they've already started. Continuity and steadiness should be reassuring to a country facing utter chaos if Felonious T wins.

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True, but can she beat Trump?

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I'm warming to the idea. Initially, I thought that the strategy should be that President Biden has a great team and Kamala can step in if something happens to him. Now I'm thinking that IF the president decides to retire, and IF it's done right, she'll beat the crap out of Felonious T.

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I agree. I've always thought she was tremendously qualified but had some mannerisms that were annoying/could-be-poked-fun-at...but that's different from flaws. I've been more impressed this last year or so, think the right VP pick would be important, and can foresee a groundswell of energy, especially from women. None of this changes my #1 hope, though. I DO hope this gets settled quickly AND that there is a "what if" plan in place in case of a sudden event--that seems only wise to me. (Wonder if there was a "what if" plan for a disastrous debate?)

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Perfect response, Cathy! I couldn't have said it better!

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NO what if! All experts know that if you replace your sitting you lose. People need to understand that and reward Biden for doing a great job, instead of treating him like you are a MAGA!

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Ok, I guess that is the best Plan B, Bob! But I pray he doesn't step aside. I agree with the first part of your statement: if something happens to Biden, Kamala can step in. But I don't think she is preferable at this point in time.

However, I'm terrified he'll step down with so many pushing him. I have to face the possibility!

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I dunno - listening to the interview last night, we - Mom, husband & I - thought Biden did an excellent job of dealing with the interviewer (we didn't much care for him - at one point, my husband said "Biden's winning), being forceful and coherent. So I don't think he'll drop out. Despite the media. We do agree that it's fantastic that Kamala has his back, and can do whatever is needed.

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I agree, Kathleen.

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Sexism and racism are hard to overcome at the same time. Just as he is called Biden, or Joe Biden, but she is often just called Kamala. I love Harris, but I do not want to see her career and his upended because people are ageist. This is not happening to Warren Buffett because he is making people money and they are clear on that. Biden is making people money too, and they should be clear on that as well.

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Biden can step aside after the election when he has served a few more years. He could pass the baton to her. But, I think we will be pleased with his second term if we do not have a fascist war from the cretins that support Trump. Let us not question and doubt Biden when his performance as president has been and is excellent.

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I think as long as the ticket and the party are "all in", whomever it is, that Trumpenstein can be defeated ---because he is such an obvious monster promising chaos, doom, and ruination. We need to make a decision and forge ahead so we can put the spotlight back where it belongs -- on the Vampires of MAGA and the Gaslighting Oblivion Party.

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Probably not. Which is why Biden should stay in.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

What Bob said ⬆️✅

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I would feel more comfortable about Kamala's chances if I understood:

1. what contributions she made to Biden's accomplishments in this term.

2. What skeletons she has in her closet from her days as CA attorney general or prior to that

Same questions for Gavin Newsom.

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I hope you can open this--good article on Harris--and very complimentary--by the great Jennifer Rubin


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Neither democratic voters nor the delegates chosen in the democratic primaries (uncontested, if you count out that joke Dean Phillips) are cult members like their republican counterparts. So I presume their foremost allegiance and their untiring commitment rests with democratic values and the survival of the Republic – not with a particular candidate.

And without delving into the pros and cons of the three possibilities: Yes, Kamala Harris has to be on the ticket.

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This is a well-written summary with which I agree. I think of the prospectuses we receive that say, “Past performance does not guarantee future results.” It can be true that Biden has done a terrific job AND that his aging process is accelerating. The fact that this is a four year job is the issue, and I find myself angry, frankly, that “the system” has yielded two candidates in this age range—yes, one can be wise and even fit, but good grief.

I’m not MAD, per se, at Biden, and I am grateful for all he has done and led, but he sure as hell better be being honest with the country.

In the meantime, I am talking less about the individual and more about the ticket and the party, and I’m block walking today.

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Some people here are forgetting just how much stamina Biden has shown, even within the last 9 months. The day after the Hamas attack on Israel last Oct 7, Biden flew to Israel, a 9 hour flight crossing 9 time zones, which has to be incredibly stressful, throwing one's circadian rhythm completely off. I think he spent around a day there before returning, and then, a week later, he flew once again to Israel.

He also had a diplomatic trip to China, where, in addition to the time change involved, while he was in that part of the world he flew to multiple other countries in different time zones over a short period to negotiate with their leaders.

And then there was the flight to Poland, followed by a 10 hour train ride to somewhere in Ukraine to confer with Zelenskii, and then very quickly 10 hours back to Poland, and probably around 6-7 hours flying back to the US.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I'm 66 and I find it just plain takes longer to recover the energy. I did an 8 hour drive a year ago for a memorial service, came home the next day--all solo. It took me 4 days to not feel tired....and there wasn't even a time zone change. I think Biden needs some grace on this and the acceptance that he had a cold. Raspy voice? A little slow to respond? Were there cold meds involved? ...probably. But he did respond, and with substance to the barrage of lies. And all I had to do was hang out with family, no high level diplomatic stuff.

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Great comments and questions. And your drive is reminding me of the 550 miles I drove a week ago that left me exhausted at the end of 11 hours, despite the refreshing nap I'd had at my sister's before I took off, and the fact that I love to drive. I'm not what I was at 18, 53 years ago, when I spent 16 hours behind the wheel one day, Iowa to Pennsylvania, on my way from Stanford to Boston in my 9 year old '62 Falcon without feeling exhausted. I so wish I could do that now!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I love to drive, too, never an issue.. plus I'm retired and didn't have to go back to work or prepare for a high level debate. Or handle the woes of the world. Or campaign. Might it not have taken me a lot longer to recover from my travel if I had a day job like Biden's???

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Really good point, David. I'm about 10 years younger than he is. My wife and I have done numerous flights to Japan and Europe over the padt several years, and I flew back and forth to Singapore several times about 10 years ago. Even doing it a lot, it is tough to recover, and add to that the whirlwind at both ends and it's amazing he can function at all.

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“I am grateful for all he has done and led, but he sure as hell better be being honest with the country.“ —

First, Biden should sure as hell be honest with *himself*. I hope his grit and determination aren’t clouding his thinking about his ability to stay the course.

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Agree with you Cathy.... Thank you!!

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Well said Cathy. Thank you ! Jim

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Joe Biden's likelihood of losing is still less than anyone who would replace him and suddenly be devoured by the dogs in the press. That person would not be standing there as the greatest gift to the planet since Reagan destroyed the USA and with that a lot of what we do that affects the rest of the world. Wishy washy people need to spend time with people who are not doubters. There is no other way to win than to back Biden. No reasoning I have heard is sane or well thought through. Today I sent money to Biden because small amounts right now from everyone who does not want the world Project 2025 is planning on creating, see The Handmaid's Tale, should show support. Little donations of $5, the price of a Starbucks coffee, or a McDonald's burger could show Biden that he does not need to count on his big donors and their whims because we are behind him. You can write the White House too. I am doing that. I also suggest that since SCOTUS is a bigger problem than Biden mangling an interview, since they have set us up to shove Trump down our throats legally if he does not win on his own, turning us into Hitler's Germany with Nukes, and the most powerful military on the planet, you will send AOC $5 as well, since she is taking on calling to Impeach members of SCOTUS, something that Dick Durbin should be doing. I have done this as well, even though I vote in Illinois. I am 100% behind the Biden and Harris team, and since I know that no Black woman can win in the USA, I say Biden can pass her the baton after the election if he sees that he needs to for personal reasons. However, he is the great behind the scenes negotiator, and has gotten things done that no one else will. Everyone who advocated for him to not run will be eating their SHIT when they have to live with Trump and wonder whether if they had not sacked Biden and Harris as a team, they could have saved the planet.

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I'm sorry, Jerry! I can't go there! He cannot withdraw. WE must stay with him!

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Thanks for taking the time to write this. I agree with you. I have donated often to the Biden-Harris ticket and not to some unknown person that is put on the ballot by someone I did not give my proxy to.

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I agree. Thank you for stating this so clearly

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I’m beginning to see the strength of 3) President Biden resigns citing health issues. He leaves as one our finest presidents. Harris becomes president and runs with his blessing.

This is Michael Moore’s recommendation.

Maybe Warner’s senate committee will help bring this about, using compassion and respect.

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The war chest is 250M and my fear is that the Democratic Party has their own pollsters and the Democratic members of Congress running for office have knowledge about how Biden on the team impacts their chance for reelection. This is the key to the final decision.

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Well said, & totally agree about the paralles between astronomy & Biden..

From what I've seen & read, Biden supporters are doubling down on their support, myself included.

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One word: hubris

I found him to be a pompous old man, digging his heels in, being unrealistic about the politics and the polls and lacking much sense of his current predicament.

Not uncommonly, in patients with dementia, predominant personality traits come to the surface. Good chance we’re seeing this with Mr. Biden.

Biden had a great first term as president and should leave it at that. Clearly he does not appear ready to do another four years.

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Jul 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I don't agree with you. I think Biden is the best person for the job at this time. I think everyone (including Democrats, the press and of course MAGA) is being very unfair and creating more problems for him. He has very competent people working with him and he listens to them. That makes me feel confident and positive . I'm sure he would like to rest, but Biden loves our country and he can beat tffg.

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I am personally extremely against Ageism. Age is physical and it is years. Each person ages differently, and I am sorry if you don't know anyone older than 78 (Trump's age) but I do. My mom is 90. Still someone I turn to, to discuss things in life. I am in an art group with a 91 almost 92 year old woman who is fit, energetic and dynamic. If we did not have the horrid press we do, people could be focusing on important things. People do not just suddenly drop off by age. NO one here is discussing why Warren Buffett at 93 should retire because they want him to keep making them money. Why do people not feel that way about this country too. Biden is the CEO of a very successful company under his stewardship Dr. Bon and you don't mess with that!

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The relevant question is whether *this particular* man — Joe Biden –has what it takes to be a capable president for the next four years.

And while media are at it, they should pay attention to that other major candidate for president. He should be subject to the same psychological evaluations as people insist Biden should undergo. Balanced reporting, anyone?

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NO! The question is whether Biden and Harris have what it takes for the next four year? It amazes me that people discount a president that has a vice president. Right now Trump has none. He tried to have his last one killed as you may recall. Everyone in the USA is fair game to be murdered by Trump if we do not stand behind Biden right now. So, your question is not the real question at all! Let us see, be represented by the best person we have had as president in my lifetime, or WWIII and a Nazi in power who has nukes and the best military on the planet at his whim. What do people think. Overnight Joe Biden will go from what he does every day (I get the free What Biden Did Today Substack, so I know), and his wife knows best. I trust Jill Biden. Apparently many do not think she can tell when her husband might need to pass the baton to Kamala Harris. I do! You should too! That you would even consider that Harris would be worse than Trump is shocking to me. That is what people are saying when they say no to Biden-Harris.

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I love hearing about 90-plus year olds who are active, productive, and wise, including the 90 year olds who are subscribers here. And I love that Biden, now in his 80s, is the best president of my lifetime--which began the first summer of the Eisenhower Administration.

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I had hoped that last night's interview would have pushed me off the fence back into the "Biden must run" camp. I was hoping to see and hear a clear minded, clear talking president.

And most of all, I wanted him to acknowledge honestly the doubts about him and their reflection in the polls. I needed a solid speaker who might stutter but who could ultimately explain himself well. My hopes were dashed against the rocks.

Last night's interview was a shipwreck. He is in denial about his support levels and his bad polling. Yes, he answered with hubris and stubbornness.

It is stunning to me that his family is not intervening. Based on what I saw last night, if Joe were my dad, I wouldn't let him drive home, let alone try to be president.

Being president ages all who serve. They go prematurely grey, look exhausted and wrinkled up. It's the nature of the job. It has obviously taken its toll on Biden. It is a 24/7 job. This man looks like he will not survive four more months - let alone four more years.

President Biden: Exit the race now with grace our gratitude for being a first class and excellent president. Go out on top. But most of all, get real.

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You indentified the issues. If that is all you are going to do, it helps Trump. Please, Bill, saying Biden should resign is not a plan. If you want someone else, it is up to you to ACT to promote a different path to victory. Making random suggestions about other candidates isn't enough. You have to work your ass off like those who are supporting Biden. Please. Be proactive and positive.

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"You indentified the issues. If that is all you are going to do, it helps Trump."

Good grief Robert. "All I am going to do???" Me helping Trump?

With respect, do you have any I idea what I do? Have you read my series on Project 2025? Have you followed my every comment in every forum? Do you track my donations? Your dismissive comments to us who are really on the same side - are beneath you. This not the same Robert Hubbell.

We all have a right to our opinions here don't we? I'm really sorry if you find it upsetting that more and more of us are terrified of a Biden contest with Trump. In OUR opinion, there is a reason Trump isn't attacking Biden's behavior on TV. He thinks Biden is someone he can beat.

Jill and other people close to Biden should stop telling him what he wants to hear. Truth? Last night's interview should have cleared up our concerns about Biden's ability to put together cohesive well phrased sentences - a little stuttering would have been fine! It cleared up nothing. It was a shipwreck. His responses were sloppy at best. He was reaching for words. It was a mess.

Robert, you write a wonderful newsletter. But on this issue, you have created an echo chamber of folks who refuse to look at Biden from the perspective someone 50 and younger. I am close to Biden's age but I pride myself on listening to younger people.

Here is my "positive and pro-active position". Biden should step away. The idea that he is "the only one who can beat Trump" is nonsense. I like a Harris/Whitmer team. Anyone who would have voted for Biden will vote for that pair. And many more who are legitimately and currently disillusioned will jump on the band wagon.

Harris and Whitmer would be on fire with their appeal to the millions of women who are freaked our about their reproductive rights being stolen. Both have prosecutorial backgrounds and could make mincemeat of Trump.

Harris would have immediate access to the $250 million war chest. And she is one of the most qualified people to ever have had the opportunity. Look who her teacher has been! She would make a powerful candidate and an excellent president.

There is a lot of talk about how Project 2025 will make Trump a king. But isn't that what some of us are doing with Biden? His answer to the question of how he would feel if he lost to Trump was a self centered abomination.

I will vote for and donate to and write about whoever the Democratic nominee is with complete support. But there is a huge wakeup call being made right now. It is not too late to find the right candidate who can fight fire with fire. It's not enough to talk about how great Biden has been (and he HAS been great!).

We need to call in the dragons.

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Do you really, in your heart of hearts, believe this profoundly racist and misogynistic nation will elect a ticket headed by a mixed-race woman and another woman? I sure don't. The MAGA movement began because we had the audacity to elect a black man President, a choice I would again make a hundred out of a hundred times, but I’m not blind to the fact that it woke up a sleeping giant of hate and bigotry. I have continued to back Biden not only because he has been an excellent President but because I think he is the only candidate who can win, although the shocking betrayal by his own party appears to have derailed his chances. I have never been as terrified over the election as I am now. That doesn't mean I’m giving up; I will do whatever small part I can to help elect VP Harris and whoever her running mate is, but a week ago, I was hopeful we could salvage this country. That hope is nearly gone.

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The president of Mexico is a Jewish woman. I never thought Obama would be elected either. Hillary was an even less popular candidate and she won the popular vote.

What stuns me is that so many of us seem to be viewing two different Bidens. But we are in this together and whatever the process, Trump cannot be allowed back in the White House.

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It's not just us. From Punchbowl News:

"Among Democrats, there’s an overwhelming sense of dread about November, combined with anger at Biden and those around him. To give you a sense of how Democrats are feeling right now, take a look at what a Democratic senator told us this past week — that lawmakers feel “lied to” about Biden’s condition.

Biden’s aides, this senator added, have been “shielding” him from settings that would exacerbate Biden’s biggest liabilities. That’s quite the statement.

As reporters, we’re accustomed to lawmakers fretting — mostly privately, but sometimes publicly — about their party’s presidential nominee. Look no further than former President Donald Trump, whose presence on the ballot in 2016 and 2020 caused serious problems for down-ballot Republicans running in tough races. GOP lawmakers would speak candidly about this in private or off the record with reporters. They’d then express completely different views in public.

But instead of Republicans being the ones who are fuming and panicked, it’s now Democrats. Many of them feel like they’ve been deceived. Even some of his closest allies, like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are now saying publicly it’s valid to ask whether Biden’s flubs and stumbles at the debate were just one-offs or evidence of a “condition.”

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And then who gets to pick the candidate? I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to replace him if the time comes. I am looking forward to another 4 years with him at the helm. My hope is by then people will be ready for a woman and we can have 8 years of Kamala Harris. Maybe in 12 years we will have a great SCOTUS again.

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For most of our history, delegates at a convention selected the presidential candidate. After 1968 we changed to a direct voter decided primary system. A more democratic way for us all to participate, for sure.

But we are in crisis mode now and a convention would produce a strong candidate IF Biden were to step down. Which I suspect he will.

Harris would be my choice because she is eminently qualified. On the job traing if you will.

But here is something to ponder. Don't you think that IF Joe were to step away and we had a new candidate...don't you think 99% of us who were all in for Biden would also vote for ANY Democrat vs the Orange Menace?

Then add in the pickup of those who were Biden doubters and you have a winning coalition to defeat the fascist threat

It's all in Joe's hands.

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That is correct and Joe knows he can handle the job.

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Yes, Bill, 99% of those who were all-in for Biden would probably show up at the polls and vote for any Democrat for president – i.e., vote against Trump.

However, the Democratic nominee will need a *majority* of *all* voters (ignoring complications due to the Electoral College).

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The interview was all about his age!

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Correct. Stephanopoulos didn't ask a single policy question. It was all in service to an agenda.

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And your alternative? And how would any other candidate overcome legal barriers, a press that will swarm them (because this click bait feeding frenzy will not stop)? What is your alternative path to victory? Because that is my one and only goal.

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Harris/Whitmer. Time for women to take the reins. We men are making a mess of it.

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I don't think the issue is women versus men. Biden is the best pres of my lifetime, as I'm sure you've heard me say already. I do suspect Biden has been training Harris to be competent to take over, and I suspect she is, and Whitmer looks good. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/23/harris-voice-abortion/

But I don't think this is the time to be pushing women. Biden certainly has not been making a mess of things and I think he can handle another four years. But if it turns out he must stand down, I think we need to concentrate on who best can beat Trump. I'm not saying it's not Harris-Whitmer. I'm just saying we need to keep our eyes on the goal--which is to beat Trump, not to get a woman in the White House. I have nothing against getting a woman in the White House. My grandmother was one of the first female Coloradans to earn a PhD, and both of her daughters had them, and my sister, a public health nurse, was responsible for getting Fairfax County VA vaccinated... I'm all for women achieving. But lets keep our eyes on the goal--beating Mary's bad uncle.

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If it has to be Harris, I would prefer Josh Shapiro. I cannot see two women beating Donald Trump.

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Dean, David, Deb and all,

I appreciate the civility of this discussion. Thank you.

A frank exchange of ideas should always be welcome. I don't know what comes next. It's certainly above my pay grade. But I believe in the mission: defeat Trump, never let Project 2025 occur and keep making the kind of progress Biden has worked so hard on.

Now, I am closing up the keyboard and headed out for some sashimi - but first a martini. What a week. And what a week to come...

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That is totally untrue. He is continuing to run because he knows he is the only person who can defeat Trump. That is not being stubborn. That is being true to your cause.

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Another retired 80+ MD here. Agree. What few have wanted to say is that the awful debate makes Biden unelectable whether a one-off or a "condition". Tho I favor the latter our election will be decided in the swing states and the electoral college in either event.

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Hubris? Pompous? Predominant personality traits come to surface? Good chance you are self-describing?

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Same here

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Amen, Christa!

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I am with you on that x3!

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I am a strong supporter of Joe Biden. There is simply no one else with his foreign policy experience, which he has put to good use. Thanks for the sky photos!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Yes, his foreign policy experience is critically important. We also can't forget he did a tremendous job of working with two recalcitrant Democratic senators and very reluctant Republicans to pass several pieces of historic legislation that will help Americans more than most bills we've seen in decades.

He was also willing to compromise more than anyone expected to get an agreement with Republicans on a border bill--which Trump selfishly demanded that the Republicans scrap so he could continue to campaign on the fact that the border was a problem Biden didn't solve.

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That was a beautiful essay, Robert. I thoroughly enjoyed reading that, and the pictures were exceptional as well. What a tonic. Thank you, yet again.

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Agree, Eric !

More tonic for the soul…

“Just in time for Independence Day, NASA has released a stunning image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) that shows incredible red, white and blue fireworks erupting in the cosmos.”

We are truly all connected...



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I will vote for Biden even if, as Joy Reid said, "his brain's in a jar!" The Dems knew his age 4 years ago and if they had concerns, they should have been grooming another candidate especially if they had misgivings about Kamala (ridiculous!) No way can they pull off plucking someone else and running them now. Do I have concerns? Yes. But I know he will win. When the voters realize what Project 2025 is, they will realize that Biden is the only one who stands a chance. The media needs to quit focusing on his age and more on Project 2025.

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Most people are not going to read through the almost 1000 page Project 2025 Manifesto. Two resources I’ve been using to share and educate.📣

From the Biden campaign


Andra Watkins is a NYT best-selling author who “escaped” Christian

Nationalism decades ago. She has read and dissected P2025.She often

uses shareable quotes and page # .


I just ordered my ASK ME ABOUT PROJECT 2025 button.10$ with shipping.


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Spread the word. One way is through social media. Stats show that Gen Z get most of their news that way. The DNC has a "social ambassador" program using REACH to disseminate info. https://democrats.org/share/

FT6 uses social storming. https://social.fieldteam6.org/toolkit/815435f9-454f-446d-a1ce-5fd7a4188713

Here' are the orders for today. Enlarge the base. https://danielsolomon.substack.com/p/enlarge-the-base

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I have been posting pieces about P2025 to FB. I have about 500 FB friends. Of the people who have actually responded to my post asking if they were aware, almost all knew about P2025, and the couple who didn't were glad to be educated. I am heartened that more & more are talking/writing about it!!

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The table of contents gives a good idea of what's inside.

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Kathy, thank you for these links! Condensed versions of Project 2025 are needed or it'll go by the way of the Mueller Report!

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The only concern I have are people talking about a different candidate.

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One of the things that puzzle me is that, apparently, many people who had supported Biden in polls may have switched to support Trump. That would indicate that many people don’t see Biden and Trump as *fundamentally* different.

Trump has been “normalized” to a disturbing extent. Democrats need to get the message across that Trump is not normal – that he and the people behind him are very dangerous, and people must not give them their votes.

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Beautiful! The photos--and the lesson in patience.

I dont think Stephanopolos was fair to Biden tonight. He had an opinion and set about proving it. Nor was his after-interview-panel the least bit open-minded.

Joe's our guy. Get over it, media!

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I had to turn the TV off when the first panelist started with the doom and gloom Bullsh----! Biden answered Stepnanopolos' questions about why he should not step down well, clearly, cogently and refuted the insinuations that most of the top Dems want him to, but George just didn't want to hear it. Biden's frustration was evident, but he continued to rebut Stephanopolos with patience and diplomacy.

Thanks for sharing the lessons you learned while waiting for the beautiful nebulae photos. So refreshing!

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George came in with an agenda. They did say they asked Trump to also do a sit-down, but of course he said no. But I thought his questions were weak and unhelpful except if his purpose was to try to corner one candidate when he knew he would not be doing the same to the other. It had ZERO to do with providing information to voters.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I saw the interview with Stephanopolos. I'm afraid it will not do much to alleviate the concerns over his age and cognitive ability. There were 2 things suggested by the interviewer that I wish he had answered differently. One, is agree to take a cognitive test if DT will take the same test. I am sure he could pass any cognitive test that DT could and it looks bad if he refuses to take one. And two, he should make the case that most of his advisors are not telling him to step down but if they were, he would consider that option. Just my opinion.

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Have you looked up why a cognitive test is given? My brother has a traumatic brain injury. Would it surprise you to know that he's been given this test? I never lost faith in President Biden because of a 90 minute debate where the other person lied continually. There's a name for what trump did. It's called the Gish gallop. Look it up. Why is President Biden under a microscope by the party, the people that are supposed to support him? Is he on trial? Did I miss something? Biden is old. He was sick. He has a stutter. It was 90 minutes. To clutch your pearls, to think you know better than the person is, is disappointing. You want a dictator? I guess you're going to get one with the attitude you have. In my opinion of course.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

It is abundantly clear that some people have already made up their mind, and no interview, debate, speech, or pitching a complete game for the New York Yankees will change their minds. It's every repub strategist's fantasy for Biden to drop out, and they're helping the fascists.

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I am still going to vote for Biden. I'm just saying he could have done more to alleviate concerns about his age.

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What could he have said that he didn't already? Stephanopolis would ask a question. Not get the reply he wanted. Ask in a different way. Still not get the answer he wanted. How many different ways was he going to ask his questions? The whole thing was a massive waste of time. Stephanopolis was looking for a gotcha moment. I'm another that turned off the TV when it was apparent Stephanopolis had an agenda.

Have I mentioned my dad is 87 with a stutter? His brother is 75, also has a stutter. I wasn't surprised by the debate, even a little.

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I wanted him to say something like" Look I'm 81 years old and I had a bad night, I get it, I understand people's concerns so I will take a cognitive test if DT will do the same. I may not be as good a speaker but I am a much better president, just look at my record and my plans for the future of our country compared to his.

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Cancel the media. Let them die before Trump kills them.

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Andra Watkins lists 25 of the 36 listed authors of Project 2025 that worked in the former admin.Convicted Criminal Trump has “amnesia” and the media is on life support !


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I attended Biden’s rally in Madison Wi today. He was his usual self and crowd responded enthusiastically. I also watched the interview of him today. Frankly, I believe his explanation about debate— travel related exhaustion, bad cold, and inadequate prep for opponent who lies nonstop. The press needs to back off and treat both candidates fairly. If they doubt his fitness, ask for independent evaluation of *both candidates* by neurologist, psychiatrist and internist in the same location using same tests and criteria. A man who cannot tell the truth, rambles nonsense and hateful comments at his rallies and cannot answer policy questions in a debate is no more fit than Biden. Let’s get expert evaluations and stop the cheap attacks on only one candidate.

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Did you hear him say that while Trump's mic got cut, he was still yelling at Biden? (If the media somehow forces tests on these candidates, they will be setting precedents for all candidates of any age. I'm not necessarily say that is a bad thing, but I don't think it is reasonable to say that because the media went on a feeding frenzy about Biden, we are going to ask for something that has never been required before but never require it again either.)

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I agree that more thought would have to be paid to required medical assessments but I am so tired of hearing truly awful lay assumptions about aging and possible causes of candidate behavior. If they ultimately are required to complete security assessments, why not health assessments?

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I'm listening right now to David Brooks and Kimberly Atkins Stohr on PBS. Brooks is pushing for Biden to take a cognitive test over the weekend, but said nothing about Trump having to do so. That's absurd. Stohr points out Trump has already failed the moral test, the democracy test, the insurrection test. All the armchair lay--and even medical people who have not treated the president, like CNN's popular doctor--just need to stop pretending to be neurologists.

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Even without having listened to David Brooks on PBS I'd like to suggest – never listen to David Brooks.

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I was mostly in it for Kimberly Atkin Stohr. I read Brooks's latest book, which was not political, and have appreciated his gifts as a wordsmith over the years, but his defense of conservativism not so much. Or not-Democrats having opinions about how Democrats should run their campaign falls on my deaf ears.

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She was on fire on Deadline Whitehouse the other day! The most passionate that I remember seeing.

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Not sure why we would listen to anything David Brooks says. He has said far too many stupid things already.

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I think the emphasis on cognitive tests is misplaced and a distraction: If Trump could “pass” a cognitive test, would that negate the sickness of his political prescriptions (such as they are)? Would it negate what we know about his character?

Trump fails all *ethical and moral* tests.

People should pay attention to the candidates’ philosophy of government and politics, and to their character.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I agree. The problem is that many lay persons/politicians/journalists draw unwarranted conclusions when they observe an older person who stutters. Instead of attributing his hesitation or stammering under pressure to his stutter, they assume (wrongly) it’s dementia, Parkinson’s, a mini-stroke, or some other neurological issue that will limpact his ability to reason and solve problems. To my knowledge, a stutter does not affect your ability to analyze/solve problems!

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I loved Biden's repeated statements (on Friday) that he takes cognitive tests EVERY DAY.

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Brava, Bonnie!

I only see what tfg says when someone else posts it either here or other substacks I subscribe to. Have you - or anyone else here - seen him bashing Biden over the debate?

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I hear he's been unusually quiet about it--probably finally listening to his team, because the Democratic infighting is doing the heavy lifting for them at the moment.

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That makes sense...as I smacked my head in agreement with you, Susan!

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And the Dems are being so obtuse they can't figure that out. 3 Representatives have now gone on the record as saying Biden should step aside. Senator Warner is trying to get a posse of senators together, alleging that he is hurting the down ticket. Good golly. How blind do they have to be. A bunch of people in favor of gun control are nevertheless shooting themselves in the feet.

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Warner is one of my senators. I'm so appalled!

I wish there was a way to ask the American people pre-election to find out what we want. Jeff Jackson, who is running for AG in North Carolina, was told by his consultants that he needed to style his campaign like his opponent who runs on negativity and ranting. So Jeff on his substack took a vote by having his readers who wanted him to stay as he is click one way to donate to his campaign and readers who wanted him to campaign like his opponent to click another way. 98% want him to keep on doing what he's been doing. It was a clear instruction from the people telling him what they wanted.

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Frightening. But you know who to call in the morning.

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I sent a letter to my own Representative, Jared Golden (who was elected as a Democratic Rep in a district that is very red) who has now wielded his own little shiv knife and stuck it in Biden's back. I'm thoroughly disgusted with him and I think he must have learned his weathervaning skills at Senator Suzy "I think he's learned his lesson" Collin's knee. He started his political career working for Collins as an intern or a aide in one of her sub-committees. I have no idea why he decided to run as a Dem--his instincts seem to be right center--or even further rightward, apparently.

In my letter, I informed Golden that heretofore I had contributed a considerable amount of my limited income to his campaign and that I had voted for him several times...but would no longer. His announcement that he has "known" Trump would win for nearly a year and that he's "okay with that...." really put the kybosh on my support for him.

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I saw that. Politically pointless. Who in his district needed to hear that?

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Good anger, T. L.

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No. My guess is he’s delighted to observe everyone else bashing Biden. But will save the thought for a few rallies.

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Thanks for replying. I just watched the video of Biden in Wisconsin. It was epic!

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I will vote for Biden in November and I hope all Democrats and independents do as well.

Once again I am concerned that those who are asking Biden to leave don’t suggest Kamala Harris as his replacement.

Are we trapped in the racist anti-woman era?

Is the support of 45 a reaction by mostly white men as they are afraid of a woman as president and a black woman at that.


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No but he looks like his botox or a neurological anomaly has created him looking odd and moving like an automotan. He didn't answer any question with cogency tonight on Stephanapoulos and used god and not medical evaluations to aid him. And his closing remark that if he loses he did everything he could do is not a true statement. I am 85 and believe me, each year more is lost or you become more aware of changes, subtle and real. Aging is a reality and he is not the same candidate he was in 2020. That is a fact.

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Which TV on Earth II - where the sky is green and the grass is blue - were you watching? I watched and saw none of that. But you can keep running around that yard like the headless chicken you remind me of. BTW - you're no "spring chicken" yourself, lady, or at least your avatar isn't. How do we know you're competent to spread your baloney?

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I saw a completely different interview.

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So, as Robert Hubbell says, if you want Biden to step down, who do you think we should put in who can defeat Trump. Can't be against Biden without coming up with a reasonable alternate plan.

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No response to K.H. becoming the candidate?

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Harris would be an excellent president. She would hit the ground running. After all, she has had the best teacher and mentor.

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That is not the question, so let's not waster our time with it. The question is this: Can she defeat Donald Trump?

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I have had two arguments this morning with fellow anti-trumpers. Both thought Biden should step down but first kill Trump and get his immunity. I am not kidding. That is all they could come up with. I am with Robert Hubbell. If not Biden, then who?

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Governor Beshar, Kentucky / Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Racism and anti-womenism are alive and well. When I last saw Kamala in action in Los Gatos at a Planned Parenthood event, I was very encouraged. I had done post election provisional ballot reviews in Santa Clara County for her team when the vote was very close when she ran for Attorney General. Throughout her California political campaigns I have had many opportunities to watch her increasing her confidence and competence. When President Biden rambled on about his preparation for the "debate", and then failed to acknowledge his obvious slippage, blaming it on his fatigue which was exacerbated by his foolish racing back and forth across the continents to raise money, it showed that he had misjudged his priorities. He and his advisers wanted the debate early to allay the fears already being expressed about his mental acuity, and that just hastened the fears of his many supporters. His obstinancy is shown by his closing remark that if he doesn't win, he did his best. That isn't good enough. Sure I am 85, but i don't pretend to be running for President or any elected office.

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A Christian friend (I am secular) who hates Trump texted me tonight asking:

“Were you convinced that Biden can beat Trump? That interview should have gone so much better.”

And I replied:

“I didn’t watch, we are doing projects…I can only hope that people look at what he’s done for our country and economy and for the little people and the fact that we should be voting for normal decency and helping people over a fast talking lying sexist rapist cheater felon who is only out for himself and his cronies and is hell bent on making our country a dictatorship via project 2025. Why THAT isn’t news or the focus of interviews, I will never know. Now I know how people in Nazi Germany felt. Helpless. Like watching a slow motion car wreck. I think replacing him is folly. Total unknown that may well guarantee Trump wins among low info voters who only look at how each one speaks vs what they say. And Trump may win anyway due to same against Biden. I can only hope that roe v wade going down and the recent unsupreme court disastrous decisions motivate enough voters to vote against trump and for Biden no matter if he’s drooling. I’d vote for a ham sandwich over Trump any day. The presidency is a team. He flies here and there, countless meetings and speeches, and is enacting policy I like. Again, vs a criminal who tried to overthrow our government. It’s a no brainer. And if something happens to him? We get Kamala. Win win.”

We all have to get our shit together. Trump supporters love him no matter what. Because we are thinking humans who want things to go well for our country and not just for our cult leader, we second guess…at our own peril. STOP IT. Get behind Biden NOW. Call out the press NOW. Volunteer NOW. Enough hand wringing, it accomplishes nothing but helping trump.

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"Like watching a slow motion train wreck." So true. Or feeling like deer in the headlights. These are exactly my sentiments watching what is unfolding from Germany. And yes, you are correctly comparing that to how people in Nazi Germany felt – the decent ones, at least. The big difference between now and then is that the sense of despair back in the 30s set in AFTER the elections, which swept to power a government whose true intentions were not fully understood at the time.

The personality of the felon and schemes like Project 2025 at least leave no doubt where the country might go in November.

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Jul 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am also an amateur astronomer. I have been the lead astronomer for the nature reserve at Rancho Mission Viejo for the last 25 years. I also have a Seestar 50 and I’m on my way to the Sierras. Tomorrow I will arrive at the UC Berkeley alumni Summer camp, the Lair of The Golden Bear, in Pinecrest, California. I will set up my Seestar after the evening camp activities and search for deep sky objects, exactly as you describe. Oh yeah, I also think Biden should stay in it to win it.

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Jul 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you so much! That’s lovely. I’m south of you in Indian River County. I grew up in Melbourne, & graduated from Melbourne High. We moved to Florida when my Dad got a job with the Space Program. I love the photos of deep space, truly our “Final Frontier”!

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I’m a strong supporter of Joe Biden too. He gave a fiery speech in WI and he held his own during the George S interview. But you wouldn’t know this bc media said he’s losing and won’t change anyone’s mind. Then you have feckless Mark Warner wants to gather senators and tell Biden to step aside. They are having a meeting on Monday evening. Also Hakeem Jeffries (I think he still supports Biden) is having an emergency meeting on Sunday evening. Really! I and millions of other voters voted for him to be the nominee. If they force him to step down (which btw, Biden was adamant that he will not) then they are disenfranchising million of votes. Does that sound familiar? Whether you are of the opinion that Biden should step down, that should alarm you. They are no different than MAGA and very undemocratic. They answer to us and not their donors! They don’t get to make that decision for us.

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I think that some forget that they answer to us. Between the constant fundraising & campaigning & fear of losing office, they are more interested in keeping their jobs than representing their constituents. Some also believe they are much smarter than we are. It would be nice to get those large sums of money out of politics. Corporations are not people & shouldn’t be allowed to contribute obscene amounts of money to PAC’s & candidates, & all entities which contribute should have their identities fully disclosed.

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It would be nice to get that money out. Not going to happen. But we can support and send money to Biden. If the big donors are calling on him to step down, we small donors will have to do the trick.

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Don’t have a lot of disposable income, but I donated the night of the (so-called) debate, & again today. Wanted to show that I have his back, & he has my vote.

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Thank you!!! I, too, have donated. Several times. Not big but often.

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Warner's been a dildo forever.

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Did you hear information about what Hakeem's meeting is about? I saw posts on Threads earlier tonight that didn't seem like he was cracking. He may be having meetings to try to get Democrat representatives to shut up in the media!

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I don’t know why he called the meeting but I hope it’s to tell these reps to knock it off.

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For what it's worth, I thought the ABC interview was pablum. This was the path of questions. 1. Are you going to step down? (Answer: No.) 2. But don't you think you should? (No.) 3. Shouldn't you have to take a test no other candidate has been required to take to show us that you shouldn't have to step aside? (I take a test every day.) 4. How about if a posse of hypothetically very unlikely people backstabbed you and told you that you should? Would you step aside then? (I don't answer hypotheticals.) What was the point of that? It added exactly ZERO to the general media conversation that will help voters, which allegedly was going to be the reason for an interview.

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I agree that the Stephanopoulos interview was pablum, when it was not insulting, condescending, patronizing, impertinent and arrogant. There were moments when Joe was slow in his response, but I did not read that as senility. I read it as a big thought balloon over Biden's Irish tough kid's head saying, "What are you talking about? I had a cold, I was tired, I didn't do well in the debate. So what? Listen, you punk, I am the President of the United States and I have accomplished more than any other President in years and I am more than capable of taking down that unspeakable wannabe dictator who can't string two coherent sentences together, so let's move on." But GS did not move on. He asked repeatedly whether Biden would take a cognitive test. Then came Joe's best response of the night, "I TAKE ONE EVERYDAY." It's called doing the work of the President for the American People.

Stephapolous makes between $15 and $18 million dollars a year. That's about 45 times what President Biden makes. I guess that gives him the right to sniff at the honest answers of a man who has given his life to this country. I stand with Joe.

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For that much money, you think he could come up with better questions. And he probably had a staff helping him. Probably the last time Joe sits down with George.

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Very impressive photos, Robert! Back in the day, my husband sailed aboard different ships in the Caribbean. With just his naked eye focusing on the night sky, he was able to navigate those seas from island to island. In a very real sense, it was about survival. I'm sure he would appreciate a glimpse through your telescope.

Also, I appreciate your continued support for President Biden. I hope he weathers the storm. I am continuing to donate to him and writing postcards for Democrats.

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Take it from an insecure person who's spent dar too much of his life preoccupied with what others think: don't let anyone make your mind up for you regarding Joe. Don't abandon Joe just because your friend, neighbor or fellow activist wants to. While I will campaign and cast a ballot for ANY Democratic candidate, I remain a committed Biden supporter. I believe forcing him aside at the point would be Russian Roulette ( no pun intended) for this election. I've had it up to here with the yellow journalism from even the most legitimate outlets, trying to make it bleed so it leads, not to mention donors like Abigail Disney pressing for Biden to drop out. Like Robert said before, don't let them invalidate your instincts - or what millions of primary ballots - say. I know better than to expect the media to get its shit together over the next 4 months, but we sure as hell can, and it starts by sticking with our standard bearer. I believe his age to be an asset, not a liability. I know others out there who disagree with me, and I can respect that but I'm not about to let them decide for me, let alone an elite donor class or a corrupt profit driven media machine. We have agency people. Use it !

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And I don't want to hear anything from "anonymous sources" about anything. Yes, Biden's age is an asset. He is our national treasure.

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In Biden’s case, age is an asset. In DJT’s case …

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Jarrod. Excellent. I too have been a good boy, good student, thoughtful and considerate person, attentive, careful team player, but I have been in enough situations when I saw "experts" of every stripe and supersuccesful men and women who have experience in the world telling me I should not do X, and do Y, which "everybody" knows is the better choice, when they were just running scared because someone else was yelling at them. Mob rule in suits or in the halls of Congress is still mob rule, and panic looks no wiser when it is performed by "thought leaders" reinforcing their own cliches, surrounding a slick table on a snazzy national news show. I echo your battle cry:"We each have agency, people. Use it."

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P.S. We donated again to Biden-Harris last night.

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It’s intrinsically disgusting for members of the “donor class” to arrogate to itself the exclusive right to say who should or shouldn’t be the Democratic nominee.

Moreover the very concept of a donor *class* is undemocratic and disgusting.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, thank you for the momentary (pun intended) astronomical respite from our troubles. You, in your own unique way, are a guiding star - promoting patience, planning and a hopeful view of the

world and the ripples of space time before us. Your photos are testimony to your passion. So thank you for sharing. (By the way, I had the great fortune of traveling to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia to photograph the night sky via a Muench Photo Workshop. To my great surprise, I captured a magnificent photo of the Milky Way rising from the jagged Gurvan Saikhan mountains with just a lowly Canon EOS 30D. There is nothing like the vastness of space to remind us of how small but unique we are - in, oh, so many ways.

Meanwhile, here on our little blue planet, on this floating land mass we call North America, in a country borne from tyranny, governed by the people for the people, I continue to support Joe Biden. Should he decide to not continue, I will support whoever the Democratic candidate might be. This election is not about one man or woman. This election is about our living in a free and democratic society.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I'm so tired of the "if" comments. President Biden had a bad night. Why is he being asked anything, except, "do you feel better? That must have thrown you off! Hearing trump do nothing except lie."

I heard someone say, and I completely agree, that if you're doubting President Biden because of a bad night, then you were really never a Biden supporter to begin with. You don't fully comprehend what all President Biden has done in the last 3 1/2 years, nor do you understand what trump has planned if elected.

I donated to President Biden because I believe in him.

Robert, your photos are phenomenal! Thank you for sharing how much it took to get them.

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I put this suggestion on the comments a couple days ago. If you support Biden, write -- or put a note on the website of -- your member of Congress and Senator telling them so. They need to hear from their constituents.

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I did so, and ended up with my senator (Warner) leading the "charge" to pressure Biden to step aside. I'm so disappointed. I plan on calling his office this morning to make my case again.

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I have told my Senators that I expect them to support Biden. My House representative is a Republican, so won't waste my time.

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