And yet Trump's children and son-in-law get away with grift on a scale that makes Justice Thomas look like a cheap date.

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Judge Chutkan delighted me when she said the consequences for DT not heeding her warning on intimidating witnesses and jurors would be to speed up the process. That's the one thing that might shut him up -- a bit. I'm enjoying watching such a competent, fine judge so focused on fairness and the rule of law. Justice will be served in her court room!

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I am so pleased that Issue 1 failed handily in Ohio on Tuesday! When we get voters out, we win. I will write postcards again when a good election comes along.

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I love that your delightful and intelligent wife asked you to turn off the radio. It helps. Enjoy your weekend 😊

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Justice Thomas and his wife are total grifters. He has been angry since Anita Hill , always looking for his pound of flesh.

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I am enchanted with that beautiful photograph of Mineral King Valley! I must go there. I am also encouraged by and applaud Judge Chutkan…and her no nonsense well-worded admonishment to “the defendant”!

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We all know that Hunter had a addiction problem. I understand he was attempting to manage a cash flow to help the family members. Yet, it appears he made mistakes that have created the basis for political exploitation in a country (our country) with a political landscape that is driven by power and not sympathy or decency. It saddens me to recognize Hunter (What about Hunter?) will drag on at every step of the way as we follow the indictments and vitriol of Republican candidates and the right wing media. It no doubt will continue as an election sound bite consuming attention of voters who are unable or unwilling to accept the truth of Trump’s criminal conduct.

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As with many who greatly admire and treasure President Biden, the unfortunate situation with Hunter has been painful to witness. Since AG Garland made Weiss a special prosecutor and my heart ached once more, I decided I will try to exercise tough love with my tender heart. Borrowing from Liz Cheney’s words, I said to myself, Hunter is not a child, he is a 56 year old man. He has plentiful advantages and resources. I will focus my resources, head and heart where I might do some good. Turned off TV. Yea!

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I think I agree with your Managing Editor that giving special prosecutor status to the guy that has already spent two years finding next to nothing to charge Hunter with is not going to end well. Hunter is NOT being treated like any other person. The tax problem should be settled as a minor civil case like it usually is for everyone else. The gun problem seems ridiculous considering the first thing the Republicans did when they regained the House in 2022 was to make it easier for the mentally ill to get guns. Where is his Second Amendments rights, Republicans? AG Garland is bending over backwards so far to appear unbiased that the outcome is highly likely now to be even more biased. One must always take every mean thingTFG says as projection of what he is/would do like talking about the Bidens as a criminal family. Someone once pointed out to me that when one point one's finger at someone else, three fingers are pointing back toward oneself including the middle finger.

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Thx for sharing lovely photo and wife’s wisdom. Enjoy weekend.

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I've been looking towards the first Republican debate... with a wry chuckle. I have no intention of watching and I suspect nobody else will either, including Republicans! 😀 Without TFG there, nobody's going to care about listening to the rest if the jokers. Perhaps when the ratings come in, the GOP might actually get a glimpse of the destruction they've wrought on themselves and the country.

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The media loves focusing on Hunter Biden yet mostly left Jared & Ivanka alone. Makes me crazy.

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Enjoy your time in your special paradise. 🥰

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I want a special counsel appointed to look at Jared Kushner, in light of the $2 billion the Saudis paid him into his then newly formed investment firm.


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I was disappointed to hear both news items, but I didn't pay much attention to the usual talking heads.

Initially, Judge Chutkan's decision seemed to concede much to the defense, but with her masterful threat to speed up the trial to keep TFG from peeing in the jury pool, I saw the light. I hope she considers house arrest, an ankle bracelet, no internet, and no golf when he violates the terms, which surely he will.

I initially thought that the appointment of a special counsel gave more life to the allegations and reinvigorated the likes of Comer and Jordan. Now, I think it adds legitimacy to Garland's hands-off approach, but it does prolong the uncertainty and allows the MAGAts to continue to hang Hunter's troubles on his dad, and make the case that false equivalence is still equivalence.

What's particularly aggravating about that is that Hunter was never a government employee and I have yet to hear any evidence that his father ever did anything inappropriate. If Hunter misrepresented himself, that's on him. But I think he's being singled out because of who his father is vs. who is trying to make it look like there was collusion. Of course, anybody named Trump or Kushner was squeaky clean. The MAGAts are going after Hunter BECAUSE OF who his father is; Garland and the DOJ are investigating him and holding him to a high standard DESPITE who his father is. The only thing I see that President Biden has been proven guilty of is being a devoted father.

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Could it be a Garland’s thinking about elevating Weiss to special counsel is to protect the investigation, should Trump become president (perish the thought).

I realize Weiss was appointed under trumps administration, but that doesn’t mean he is a supporter. I’m just speculating here

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