I bought a 1997 Dodge Caravan in October of 1996. I still drive it. It has 4 cup holders. It is now an antique with a new engine and transmission and old enough to vote. My brother put in the new engine and transmission. I thanked him by having a bumper sticker made that said "Thank you, Richard, for the most beautiful car on the road!" And, this beautiful teal car really is the most beautiful car on the road. The greed of capitalism and income disparity shows in today's new cars. Look across any parking lot and all you see is white, black, gray and a few red cars. That is the car manufacturers cutting a nickel or two off the cost of each car to reward their stockholders with more profit and make the richer even richer, obscenely richer. To me it is another indicator of the hollowing out of the middle class and a sign of a depressed society. No wonder mental health is becoming a larger and larger epidemic these days. This is the same greed that caused the train derailment in East Palestine and closed the baby diaper factories because of unsanitary conditions. The corruption of our politicians by Citizens United is evident in all the deregulation and the GOP cries for less and less federal government. In all things there is a balance between too much and too little. To get out of the mess the government is in we must deal with the gross income disparity as a top priority. President Biden sees this clearly with his "bottom up and middle out" economics. We, the People, all of us with beautiful cars and plenty of cup holders this time!

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Ah yes, keep and repair is almost a foreign concept nowadays. Our “stable” includes Ol Bessie, an Accord with 430k, Ladybug, an Odyssey with 170k, and Bertha, our Sprinter/camper with 260k. There’s value in keeping and maintaining what you have, and not getting a new car just to have a new car.

(Not including you here, Robert. Trading in your car for something that better fits your lifestyle, allowing you to take care of your family AND your back is awesome!)

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Congrats on your "stable!" I've never kept a vehicle past 150k, but I've always gotten my money's worth out of them. I used to do most of the maintenance and repairs myself, until the emissions controls and computerization made the cars almost unserviceable. Nowadays, it's trips to the dealer and the tire shop. I guess that's good for MY back (not so good for my wallet, though).

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The beauty of older cars is that there are plenty of mechanics who have the equipment and knowledge necessary. The Odyssey is newer though, and does need to go to the dealer. 😕

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There is a facebook group for people like you called Mileage Impossible. That Accord would fit right in, as would the Sprinter, if not quite as impressively. I've seen a few on there with a million miles. And a year ago or so I wrote an article about a guy and his one owner Porsche 911 that at the time had 647k on the clock who I discovered on that site, and who will almost certainly hit 700k this year. I've got a Civic (stick) with 150k, which I'm hoping to get up to 400k, though I may be being a bit optimistic about how long I expect to live.

The Guiness Book world record for a car--and a one owner one at that--is Irv Gordon and his Volvo P1800, which he purchased on June 30, 1966, and drove until he died a handful of years ago. the car had over 3 million miles on it. Here is my story on that--the only story in which I've ever used the phrase "fungible commodity".


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Of course it was a Volvo with 3m miles!

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That's in the story I wrote!

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Oh I loved my Volvo. I still cry that my husband - who accidently ran the front into a wall - sold it and bought a used Datsun 280 Z 2+2

which was stolen - for me. I miss them both.

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I'm sorry. He should have asked you before he sold the Volvo! And the theft--ugh! I'm sorry about that, too. It's a big deal to have a car that you love.

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Hi Cathy,,

I hear what you are saying. As my husband and I walked out the door this morning, there were white, black, grey, and one red car parked. The reason that this is now world wide, is that with the innovation of places like CarMax, dealerships began taking a beating - probably even before because after we stopped traveling in a fifth wheel in , traded our Ford truck (white) for a new Chrysler 300 (white) and paid nothing. The truck had some dings because of accidents trying to attach the fifth wheel when we first got started.

The following year, we had a new client who had been in the auto industry and who wanted to create an app that would allow people to buy cars with no middle man. Just as the app was about to launch, along came CarMax and soon after the crash of 2008/9. It changed how much dealerships could make. The most popular car color is withing the grey scale. 70% of car buyers buy white, black, grey. I have always had white or black because they never go out of style.

I'm sure that greed has found its way back into the auto industry - just as in the music industry and politics. I'm just so grateful to have had the change to no longer have the need for a car. When I lived in Santa Monica, I never went anywhere that was beyond Montana above me, The Pacific two blocks to my right, Venice Beach area that I could walk to. My parents grew up in Long Beach and use to ride bikes through the orange groves to Culver City. That. Was a different time. Sigh.

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The bike riding through the orange groves sounds so idyllic. And Santa Monica was pretty idyllic still, the summer of '56, when I lived there (I turned 3 that summer). My mother and I once walked what seemed at the time like a long way out into the ocean, mystifying me because the water never went higher than my knees.

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My parents had a '97 Dodge Caravan that they probably purchased around the same time you got yours. They got it because my mother, who had MS, used an electric scooter, and they were able to get the Caravan with a ramp that came out that she could drive it into the Caravan. After my mother died, my father sold it to my sister in law's cousin, whose kid has bad cerebral palsy, and when the engine and trans went, he junked it, as he didn't know Richard, or anyone like him. The job Richard did for you, and the sticker you put on the car for him are touching!

I used to kid my mother, calling the Caravan her hot-rod minivan, which delighted her (it was the most powerful car my parents had ever had by a substantial margin), and I also thought it was surprisingly good looking. (Somewhere I have a print of it.)

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We have some similar motivations for one of our granddaughters. The minivan is much lower to the ground and easier to access for her.

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that must make a huge difference for her.

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Just sent you photos as you requested. Wonderful story about your mother's hot-rod minivan. I bought the car at the Dodge dealer in Maynard MA when I lived in Sudbury and worked at DEC. Its even been driven in New York City. I have well over 200,000 miles on it. When it rolled over to 200,000 I stopped to take a photo and there was a herd of long horn steers in the field by the road -- a great background for the photo!

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I've got a 2003 Honda Civic. Even before Covid, I didn't drive a whole lot, so the mileage is just over 37,000; last year I drove just 1,500 miles, mostly to close-by grocery stores to get online-ordered stuff delivered into the trunk of the car, plus the vet and the doctors. But I get it serviced as needed and it's garaged and kept washed, so it looks brand new. Its color is Radiant Ruby Pearl (a pretty burgundy). The feature I appreciate most about it is its BIG WINDOWS, affording excellent visibility that isn't possible in newer car models.

I just looked at images of '97 teal Caravans. How nice it is!

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Hear hear! Directly flowing from Citizens United is the investing of millions of PAC money in key elections, with false information .... no obligation to tell the truth in politics... and then election of Republican state legislatures in key States who then after the 2010 census redistricted themselves into office for at least 10 years and from that the loss by Obama of the House and then Shelby County by 5:4 and the end of our democracy which had flourished after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Federal Courts and Justice Dept's preclearance of "covered" states. Downhill spiral now being accelerated by Christian movement for an Article V convention to end separation of church and state. Terrifying

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I dread every single thing I have to pay attention to involving TFG (not only "he who shall not be named" but "he who doesn't deserve to ever be named again - may his "brand" burn in purgatory. Just as Benedict Arnold's name came to equate to treason, may T***** take on the meaning of LOSER..) Thank you for taking the first punch for us - I guess I will have to be tortured by his hypocritical mashup.

Palate cleanser: Lin Manuel Miranda's genius HAMILTON selection "ONE LAST TIME" as the "44 Remix" with Chris Jackson, Bebe Winans and former President Barack Obama. #Hamildrop


One last quote:

If you RAISE your CHILDREN, you can later Spoil your Grandchildren.

If you SPOIL your CHILDREN, you will later have to Raise your Grandchildren.

*I still assert, the world would have been saved from tremendous hurt if DJT's parents had properly raised him.

It seems to me we are continuously suffering from his toddler tantrums.

Forget "Chinese spy balloons" and continue to display the baby trump in a diaper Macy's-Day-Parade sized protest balloon (so nearly a blimp.)

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Beverly, the LOSER's parents raised him to be who he is. He is a chip of the old "block" and the "block" was a coward who shirked serving in the European or Pacific theatres during WWII to protect his own precious skin by building barracks for the troops in the good old USA. The only people the Trumps ever cared about were the Trumps.

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Gallery, All that you wrote is true, BUT when will we wake to a brighter day when this dark soul is no longer so much in our face. He is stupid, mean, and, like Putin, dug in and continuing to infect the air we breath. As Robert’s early comments stated, there is no longer any reason for people who have thought they could rehabilitate the party and should find another home. But, many - way too many - don’t and won’t.

Let’s continue to work every waking day to be sure neither TFG or any who use his behavior to ever be elected on the national, state or local level .

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Oh Beverly! Yes. This needs equal air place time. Thank you ❤️🤍💙 The Marmalade probably got the idea because of this unfortunately.

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"But the larger mythic structures of history we've been deploying for the last several centuries simply don't work anymore; they are impossible to reconcile with the evidence now before our eyes, and the structures and meanings they encourage are tawdry, shop-worn and politically disastrous." The Dawn of Everything by Graeber and Wengrow.

This concluding statement came to mind when many recent events, here and abroad, made it seem so appropriate. Especially, I applied it to the states which have made illegal the access to prescription Mifepristone this week, and Walgreen's easy compliance with the same. To me, that action is one more step in the world's rush to fascism, wrapped in repression and religion...Trump, DeSantis, Putin, the Republican Party, Christian Nationalism and our Supreme Court are all party to upholding tawdry, shop-worn and politically disastrous mythic structures.

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6 cup holders indeed! Full circle! The destination is the journey, and how you spend your days is how you spend your life, so… You’re doing great and life is good. I must confess that the closure of Yosemite brings your family to mind and your cabin… Will the snowfall impede your winter visits? One thing at a time. Be safe and feel the love.

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Thanks you for always speaking the truth Robert! And congrats on the minivan and cup holders…and your beautiful family!

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If you’re looking for a little shot of dopamine/inspiration/nostalgia/generalfeelgoodedness, check out this video of Barack Obama. He’s retelling the origin story of the Fired Up! Ready To Go! chant as he visits with the person responsible, Edith Childs. You can’t help but smile.


Then, if you feel inspired to do something, try CheckMyAds. Robert wrote about this in his newsletter dated March 2; it was recommended to him by a reader. I went to the website and I too was impressed, so I signed up.

We all complain about Fox News, but these two smart women are giving us a way to do something about it. And it literally could not be easier. They will provide you a ready-made email every day to send to advertisers on FoxNews.com telling them to stop supporting liars and propagandists.

Watch the video; I think you’ll agree. Then sign up, and share it with everyone you know. I noticed comments to Robert's newsletter from that day that others have done the same.

Here is the excerpt from Robert’s newsletter dated March 2 which includes the link.


          "In response to news of Rupert Murdoch’s testimony admitting Fox promoted Trump’s lies that Fox on-air entertainers knew to be false, a reader pointed me to a terrific resource to help convince advertisers to stop supporting Fox’s online news operation. Here is a note from the reader:

Please check out this link to Check My Ads here https://checkmyads.org/fox/

Check My Ads (CMA) is a website run by 2 amazing young women with an easy system to take down misinformation on the internet. CMA tracks which businesses advertise on websites that promote misinformation and hate speech. CMA then notifies its users of the information necessary to send an email or letter to the advertisers to inform them that their products are being used to support insurrectionists, white nationalists, election deniers, and others who seek to undermine democracy by spreading disinformation. Most businesses do not want their ads to appear on controversial websites, so they are happy to quickly remove them, and thus their funding from these sites. However, with the way advertising works these days, these businesses do not know where their ads are appearing.

I urge you to watch the three-minute video at the Check MyAds website, Defund Fox News (checkmyads.org). The video persuaded me to sign up to take a daily action to send an email to an advertiser who may not know their ads are being placed to support Fox’s lies and hate speech."

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I signed up, too.

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Signed up, thanks for this! 👍

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Excellent idea! Thanks, I signed up.

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As a fellow grandparents with sometimes aching backs from the care and cavorting offered to loved and precious grandchildren, we offer a toast from our six cupholders to yours. May our cupholders always be filled but never runneth over and may we always hear and enjoy the strains of “The Wheels on the Bus” and the laughter of grandchildren as the “wheels the bus go round and round.”

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This Friday I took my almost 4-year old twin grandsons on a REAL bus for the first time. They were wide-eyed with excitement. Made my day.

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Wow, starting with Trumps choir and ending with minivans. A true example of a liberal arts education. On minivans I still am “obsessed “ with the original VW Bus, icon of the 60’s (unfortunately no cup holders). Regarding Trump and the J6 choir…yes the will get the Justice they deserve …and hopefully they can all practice together with Trump in jail. He can then “preach to the choir”. Have a great weekend all!

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The thing about Trump is, he's in it for the $$$$$. Anyone who believes in his heart that Trump is doing something noble that will benefit the little guys is smoking the drapes. My big fear is that alot of voters will see the smoke but not the fire burning beneath. If he's our president again - - the military will resume using Trump hotels, Jared will get more money from the Saudi's, and Putin will be given a pass to take Ukraine. Rich guys will get another tax cut - especially those rich guys who develop real estate. And the SNAP program will be cut, and regulation of railroads whittled down. I think it will be like Atwood's "the Handmaids Tale" (which you should read if you haven't).

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He’s also cynically continuing to seek the presidency so he can avoid courts and prison.

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Yes. Life is good. Each day I now choose to read and share the positive and believe that more Americans are sane and level headed. There is just too much of the too muchness now.

I drove carpools to school in a used Datsun 280Z 2+2 then a Mustang Shelby when my kids were freshmen in high school. I refused to drive 'car pool mom cars´ even if it meant my kidneys taking a beating from the Houston potholes and slamming bumps that the tight suspension dealt. Today´s vans are super awesome. Fortunately, one of my dreams came true when we moved to a country where we can actually walk everywhere or take a bus from one end of the city to another using a super cool schedule on the phone - I don't even think it's an app because I can type into Google ¨bus to Aiete Parque¨ and choices come up. Once on the bus, I can watch each stop we come to on my phone. Is there anything like that on city buses back in the States?

Have a love and laughter filled weekend with you family. That is what life is all about. 🧡

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Forthcoming in Denialad: donbialostosky.substack.com

Trump’s lies have so long been mounting

That WaPo has stopped the counting—

No use pointing out another.

He’s now playing the den mother

To a troop of bad boy scouts

And joined them in coming out

With a record patriotic

Highlighting his idiotic

Claim their riot wasn’t bad

‘Cause it was for him. That’s sad!

May he join his chorus soon

And in their cell sing his tune.

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Mozel Tov on your minivan, Hubbell family! I, for one, have always lamented the elimination of bench seats in favor of bucket seats. It meant having to downsize the number of passenger friends to take along for the ride!

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Good for you on the car. Save your backs.

Trump is the embodiment of poor taste.

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Well, yeah. That's clearly true but just the very tiniest tip of the proverbial iceberg, right? How about Godzilla? (So sorry, Godzilla.)

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One of the prosecutors in wealthy Alex Murdaugh's conviction for murder said with pride ".... nobody is above the law, nobody is above the law." In the space provided you may enter the name(s) of persons who may be considered above the law. Score 10 points for each correct answer. ________

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I loved the story about cupholders and minivans! I was telling a friend the other day how my car used to always be pristine inside and out. Since my granddaughter arrived 5 years ago, I have stickers on the window next to her seat, used tissues on the floor, a car seat that seems to always need cleaning, and just all kinds of "stuff" on the floor. And I am happy with the mess! Being "Nonna" is the BEST!

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Be comforted. My parents bought a mini van at your stage. They kept getting new ones long into Mom's 80's when all grands were in college or out, but she still wanted one because it was easier for her bridge group to get in and out. And you never know when you will need to carry a sheet of plywood.

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"And you never know when you will need to carry a sheet of plywood." Or an electric piano as does my musician husband.

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My mom drove a minivan into her 90s. She was the one of her group who always drove everyone everywhere. She also had it for her dogs. She had a ramp so they could get in and out as they aged. Thanks for the memories. :-)

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