My letter to President Biden this evening: Dear President Biden and Super Staff, U.S. Flags are at half staff once again because of another mass shooting tragedy. With the rate we are experiencing mass shootings practically daily now, I wonder why the U.S. Flag should ever be raised back to full staff. Why should one mass shooting be considered worthy of flying our flags at half staff and ones that kill one or two fewer people aren't worthy of that recognition? Shouldn't even one child's death by an assault weapon be worthy of this "honor"!

So, here's my suggestion. Declare U.S. Flags at half staff until the U.S. Congress bans assault weapons and their ammunition. Make it a constant reminder to the citizens and to their Congressional Representatives that there is action that can be taken to save lives and let us feel we live in a country worthy of being proud of again.

Respectfully with great sadness.

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Perhaps Texas should be removed from the Union. I say that in jest, but not really. My suggestion is to pulverize the NRA by making every gun owner in the nation register their weapons at $250 apiece. If we can register our cars, we can get these guns too under a law that also requires them to take out insurance policies for liability. Gun shops must turn over their information on every item they sell and to whom. They also should be expected to be audited, inspected several times a year for any improprieties. If they are in business to sell AK’s and AR’s, they, along with the manufacturer, will be held responsible if one or more of their clients kills or maims any one person. See, they are all dirty and the only thing they understand is anything dirtier than they are. We cannot wait another day, another month, or another second to drive a nail in the Republicans coffins!

Tomorrow will be interesting for the E Jean Carroll trial. The jury might not go the way we want it to but I hope I am wrong. If he is found to be guilty of rape, then whatever Fani has on him plus what Bragg will present, will be the icing on the cake. The real frosting, however, will be Jack Smith’s investigation.

Let’s deal with guns first.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Once again, thanks for providing excellent supporting material for the anti gun lobby. I can count only one person who I have partially converted to an anti weapon stance, but I think your idea of defeating just one politician like Sen.Ted Cruz on this issue would indeed send a powerful message.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In the linked article, Lawrence Tribe says: "Mr. Biden must tell Congress in no uncertain terms — and as soon as possible, before it’s too late to avert a financial crisis — that the United States will pay all its bills as they come due, even if the Treasury Department must borrow more than Congress has said it can." I'm for that. Tribe notes Abraham Lincoln's override of the Habeas Corpus law to save the Union in 1861 and explaining to Congress, “Are all the laws, but one, to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?” I will cite Andrew Jackson's decision to withdraw all federal deposits from the Bank of the United States in 1832. He was censured by the Senate for that action which he took intending to protect the financial security of the United States.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

➡️The problem is guns. But it is also those politicians who are willing to trade the deaths of their constituents for votes⬅️

As gun violence escalates in my community, my FL Rep sponsored a bill allowing 18-year-olds to own assault rifles. NO ONE I spoke with in the community was aware and the local paper did not cover. Please research gun legislation in your state and who sponsors/ supports. Also let’s message about the true “ grooming” of children with Wee1Tactical’s JR 15/ junior assault rifle.


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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

God’s Answer to Thoughts and Prayers

We have now seen two weekends in a row here in Texas where gun violence has taken the lives of Texans, including young children. Saturday, May 6, at least nine more lost their lives tragically in a shooting at a shopping mall in Allen, TX. Several more remain hospitalized after being injured; at least four of those are listed in critical condition.

Following the shooting, Governor Abbott once again offered a statement asking for prayers for the victims and their families. Out of respect for our Governor, I decided to have a short, private conversation with God this morning asking for his help in ending these tragic mass shootings. Here is the answer he asked me to share.

“You are a foolish people. I gave you a few simple rules, including ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ and asking that you love your neighbor. Were those rules hard to understand or confusing? I gave you the power of free will allowing you to choose how to live and act toward others. Instead of acting responsibly, you chose not only to allow irresponsible and dangerous people access to dangerous weapons, but you continue to make it easier for those people to get guns without restrictions and openly carry them in public. What did you think was going to happen? Now you come to me asking for me to end a problem you caused and continue to make worse?”

“Have you not heard that ‘God helps those who help themselves?’ I gave you the power of free will. You can make better choices. You have the power to end these yourselves. Use your power of free will I gave to you and make better choices.”

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The whole post was good. But your last paragraph was the best for focusing our attention on a singular powerful action. Get rid of Ted Cruz.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for asking us all to do what we can to fight for more sanity with regard to guns. I did make a donation to Brady. But I do want to point out that Brady has a three-star rating as a charity and Giffords, where I make donations sometimes but which you didn't mention, has a four star rating. I am sure they are both excellent organizations and worthy of contributions. But for whatever it's worth, I wanted to mention that.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Repeal the second amendment.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thoughts and prayers are about as effective as bandaids on bulletholes. It's way past time to rip off the bandaid.

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Jessica Craven opened her Sunday newsletter with this quote from the Talmud in her Sunday and I have to share (as a Heather reader did too):

"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief.

Do justly NOW.

Love mercy NOW.

Walk humbly NOW.

You are not obligated to complete the work but neither are you free to abandon it."

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

What was it that led Jim Brady to turn against guns? When suffering and death cease to be abstractions, that is when hearts and minds begin to focus. Same story, essentialy, with LGBT acceptance.

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It is time to ask the hard questions. In honor of NBA playoffs: what is the difference between a Euro step and a travel? What is the difference between a neo-Nazi and a moderate *Republican*?

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for the always thoughtful Today's Edition. Sharing a link to our Markers For Democracy newsletter. https://mailchi.mp/8b469a8221ad/mfd-news-57-blue-tennessee-launch-meet-kaiman-liu-and-grace-meng-civics-center-training We have a bunch of events coming up including a training with The Civics Center on Tuesday at 11 am ET https://www.mobilize.us/markersfordemocracy/event/560782/, an evening event with Rep. Grace Meng to support local candidates running in 2023 in Nassau County (where we hope to flip NY-03 back to blue in 2024) https://www.mobilize.us/markersfordemocracy/event/562194/, and an event to launch Blue Tennessee with David Pepper, Jess Piper, Kate Craig, and Jessica Craven. https://www.mobilize.us/markersfordemocracy/event/562674/ And, as always, lots of postcards!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Right after I finished digesting your letter, I moved on to Joyce Vance's Civil Discourse. What she lays out is truly frightening. As Robert says, we MUST defeat MAGA.


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May 8, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert, for helping us see clearly once again. It's easy to despair about the never-ending carnage of gun violence caused by the GOP & NRA. Mass shootings are horrific but comprise under 2% of all gun deaths (49,000 in 2021). Suicides make up 63% of all gun deaths, 8 out of 10 school shooters got the gun from home, and 5 million kids live in homes with unlocked guns.

Safe storage protects children, prevents suicide, and reduces crime. A gun is stolen every 90 seconds in the US. Each year, 1/4 million guns are stolen, mostly from cars--enough for every crime committed with a gun annually.


Strong gun laws work but in their absence we can all preach about safe storage like MADD did for eliminating drunk driving. Please post this on your social media:

Safe storage saves lives: Request a FREE gun lock mailed to your home by emailing: Gloria.Lewis@VA.gov.

Together, we can save some lives. Thank you!

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