Kristen Welker's job is not only to defend democracy. As a journalist, it's her job to defend the free press, upon which democracy ultimately rests, and to protect it from the threat of authoritarianism.


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Which means that the Welkers of the world are failing - if they don't challenge people they interview directly when they lie. A good journalist will be a Pit Bull. Grab on to an outrageous lie or a call to violence and not let go. A Pit Bull - not a Golden Retriever that rolls over for a belly rub.

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Kristen Welker's job is to be a good journalist AND, if she does that well, she defends democracy and asks tough questions. Look again at part of what she said in the long ago of two days past:

"Ramesh, what do you make of the rhetoric that we are hearing from former President Trump, this image that he's tweeted out of President Biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck? Maybe it energizes the base in a primary but plays a little differently in a general election, right?"

Her first question was a question. Her second question is what I called -- as a teacher, not as an attorney, 'leading the witness,' -- a question that becomes a "yes" or "no" question, with a clear indication of the direction she wants the answer to take. Welker needs to remember that as a journalist, she is not the story. As a journalist, she is not the font of wisdom. She should be the seeker of truth and the defender of reason and freedom of thought. She should have a refresher on her job by her superiors. She is not alone in this lazy habit of turning an inquiry into a form of "affirmation of the star journalist." Notice how many questions on MSNBC, FOX News and even NPR are answered, "Absolutely!" That's because the question often boils down to, "Didn't I just say a clever and perceptive observation disguised as a question?" And the implication is often, "Answer with the right emphasis and you will be back on the show, but let's not get our listeners too riled up. Our job is to view with knitted brow worry, but not real alarm."

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Patrick, you are right on point with this post. Now, put it in an envelope and an e-mail to send to The NY Times Editorial Board, publisher, and, of course, Kristin Welker.

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WOW, I couldn’t have said it better! The stations you mention are replete with examples of show hosts leading the guests in a particular thought direction they want them to go. They are all entertainment shows not news shows meant to edify our understanding. If we want an example of factual reporting it would be Amy Goodman on Democracy Now.

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Robert, Jerry, and Patrick are all correct! It is everybody's responsibility to look for truth and with truth comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes accountability, and with accountability comes ownership, and with ownership comes democracy! We have come so close to democracy falling. Why, because the institutions we have counted on for decades have fallen under the oversight of weak, short-sited, less than respectful and courageous individuals. Not all for sure but many i9n certain states.

Many of the candidates of today have either milk-toast backgrounds or have stood for nothing because they know people dig for dirt, honest mistakes, imperfections! If you are less than perfect then people go after your impurities. Many of today's successful candidates have either found their niche and small group to support them with big pockets or once elected look for and stand with those people who have funds to get them re-elected. This IS the price of having $$$ and corporations being considered as important as the individual. Thank you Antonin S.

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As a wiser man me noted a long time ago, the job of the journalist is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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Jerry, I greatly appreciate your comment, and, if I may ascribe actual behaviors, I would say they largely amount to 1) holding those in power and those who wish to be in power accountable and 2) exposing deception and striving to reveal the truth.

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She would also be defending her job. The authoritarian govt that Trump promises would silence the honest press, as well as quash the judiciary, bring violent retribution, put the military in our streets.

It is possible that the main stream media tip toes around Trump because they fear what will happen if he wins and then goes after them ignoring that the only way to stay in business is to be honest now.

Retribution is actually going to be a purge of anyone or business he fears or dislikes.

Purges of one own’s followers are standard procedure.

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This is such a glaring point! I think many personnel in MSM are either oblivious or in denial to the threat to their livelihoods and themselves (that also could be said for a large portion of our population, across all incomes).

They've either quietly resigned to be loyalist GOP hacks if trump wins or think they'll still be able to offer some subdued dissent here and there and keep their jobs/lives.

Trump is hell bent on revenge, it's his nature and it's worsening.

I'm so tired of doom saying, really. But a man who early in his 2015 campaign states he could shoot someone and get away with it is someone who would hold public executions of opponents; he admires tyrants who do. And trump is far more unstable than he was in '15.

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Since tRump hates Amazon, what would be the prospects of Jeff Bezos if tRump were elected to a second term?

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Precisely. Thank you Jerry. If she chooses not to defend the free press, then what is her purpose in being a journalist?

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Great Stuff. I agree with Quinn more than I agree with you. It is not necessarily a journalist’s job to defend democracy, but it is their job to report the truth. Trump and his MAGA supporters are constantly pushing lies, as well and threats and selling Bibles. Reporting on dangerous lies as if they are normal campaign speech is bad, dangerous reporting. Every time Trump and his gang start spewing angry, divisive lies — which is 90% of their speech — it should be reported as such. When Ms. Welker said how this is a reflection of how divided our country is, she should have said these lies are what is causing the divisions and anger in this country.

I am thrilled to sign the lawyers petition. I am thrilled it is being put forward by lawyers. As you may have noticed I’ve been very worried about this Supreme Court for six years. I would highly recommend that after you sign the petition you take another 90 seconds and send a post card to the Supreme Court (you can get the address easily) and tell them that you have NO CONFIDENCE that they will faithfully protect the election from what will surely be a barrage of meritless of MAGA lawsuits in every swing state. The court has already shown that they have protected Trump from prosecution. I fear they will do what they can to have him re-installed as president. This court is capable of redefining what “vote” means.

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Without democracy, speaking one's truth will probably not be allowed if it differs with the residing party's belief (automatically thought of 1984 when I wrote this).

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Nothing much has changed with respect to our basic human instincts. The history of the world is dotted with conflict, revolution, war, and hatred. Our stark reality is that these behaviors have become "normalized" because they ARE normal. And despite the fact that many of us want to subscribe to John Lennon's wish, " Give peace a chance" , man's reptilian feral instincts too often rise to the top. The result has always been that even the peace seekers eventually must enter into the conflict..to defend their definition of freedom. In the past, these conflicts advanced without the blessing or curse we have today, namely social media. Ideas, true and false, circulate world wide in a matter of nanoseconds. The battle for the mind is today's warfare. That battle is taking place and is aided by social media platforms. Brainwashing is also nothing new. The Manchurian Candidate is not fiction. Hitler's Third Reich is not fiction. And today's MAGA movement is not fiction. We can see and feel that truth may be losing the battle on social media. So when we have the opportunity to confront those spewing falsehoods on mass media, we want, and should insist, that interviewers behave as cross examiners rather than softball pitchers. We need to PUT OUR COLLECTIVE FOOT DOWN...not with a barely noticeable tap but with a booming THUD!!

Robert..you are part of that thud and I am proud to add my foot to that sound. It is time.

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See my comment about the press in South Africa

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I signed the petition asking Justice Roberts to have Clarence Thomas recuse himself. Thank you, Robert, for providing the link.

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I also signed the petition and made a donation to Lawyers Defending American Democracy. As a physician, I appreciate the work that they are doing.

A journalist’s job may not be to explicitly defend democracy, but it is to be a clear-eyed, accurate journalist. Both the press and the public are under-acknowledging and under-responding to the clear and present danger that Trump/MAGA posed to American democracy and therefore to world stability.

Fortunately, due to public pressure, it seems like the press is starting to wake up, but we still need to work harder to get them to stop platforming Republicans. They are constantly allowed by mainstream media to state things that are not true as if they are fact, and journalists just allow this to go on with immediate challenge. They are giving Republicans a platform to lie and/or spin (I.e., the economy is terrible under Pres Biden) with minimal to no challenge. One wonders where many of our journalists were trained and why they aren’t reflecting and changing their behavior more quickly.

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The only way it can work is having it entered into the court record.

Here is the rule for District Court Judges. Requires an affidavit, not really the same at SCOTUS, but should be familiar to the members.

28 USC 144. Bias or prejudice of a judge.

Whenever a party to any proceeding in a district court makes and files a timely and sufficient affidavit that the judge before whom the matter is pending has a personal bias or prejudice either against him or in favor of any adverse party, such judge shall proceed no further therein, but another judge shall be assigned to hear such proceeding.

The affidavit shall state the facts and the reasons for the belief that bias or prejudice exists, and shall be filed not less than ten days before the beginning of the term at which the proceeding is to be heard, or good cause shall be shown for failure to file it within such time. A party may file only one such affidavit in any case. It shall be accompanied by a certificate of counsel of record stating that it is made in good faith.


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Daniel, Does this mean that “any party” includes the lawyers arguing the case? If so, I hope they plan to do so. Thanks for this information.

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I think so. I'm old. When I first started out everything had to be verified.

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I signed it too. Thanks for the link, Robert.

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Me too!

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Me too.

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Also signed! Thanks, Robert.

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Of course I will comment on the happenings in Florida!!! Change is really happening. And we do have an opportunity now to flip the Senate seat here. I never expected this Fla. S. Ct. to allow the abortion rights amendment to appear on the ballot. It will attract people to the polls in November.

Several things are making Florida in play: Our new Florida Party Chair in elected in early 2023, Nikki Fried, is a skilled and principled politician. She has revamped the state party and is moving the party away from the culture of divisions and competition that has been so destructive to effective campaigning here.

The state party is now taking the lead in voter registration and GOTV activities. Local county parties are being energized. We are seeing some special election contests flipping to blue, thanks to her energizing Florida Democrats statewide to help in specific races, as well as changes in the electorate, described below.

Here in Naples, anti-Trump Republican leaders have been attacked and pushed out of their local Republican Party and are beginning to understand the need to work with Independents and Democrats to advance nonpartisan issues. Republicans and Independents are coming into our local headquarters asking what they can do. This is starting to change the landscape here, and I think it reflects what is happening nationally.

Our DECF (Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida) has been working in cooperation with the state party to recruit candidates so that there is NO republican that runs unopposed in state legislative and congressional races. THAT will also increase Democratic turnout. This we did in 2020. It worked then; it will work now.

The combinations of ballot initiatives of abortion rights, legalizing marijuana, and others will bring Democrats to the polls. We will have a good senatorial candidate against Scott. We will have Democrats to vote for in every state and congressional race, and we have many republicans and Independents under attack by MAGA types, who either will not vote at all, or will vote for Biden.

We need to keep up the momentum here. Anyone in Florida who reads this and wants to help support people who are stepping up to run in red, red areas, let me know!!!!

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“Republicans and Independents are coming into our local headquarters asking what they can do.”

Judy, 💙 hearing this from our Florida west coast !!


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Write postcards to FL Democrats telling them to sign up for Vote by Mail. Campaign going on now. Every vote matters. :-D www.postcardstovoters.org

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Judy, Thank you so much for expanding upon Robert’s remarks relative to developments in Florida. As of today, I officially have added Florida to my list of battleground states for which I will do everything asked of me and more. To clarify, part of what I mean by more in Florida is to focus on the Cuban and Venezuelan communities where Dems need to be focused and disciplined and not allow Republican deceptions and distortions to go unanswered.

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Write postcards to FL Democrats telling them to sign up for Vote by Mail. Campaign going on now. Every vote matters. :-D www.postcardstovoters.org

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Barbara, Thank you for your note. I’ve been sent addresses and am writing postcards as we speak.

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That makes me so happy! I love postcarding, I feel like I'm having a conversation with like-minded people all over the country. I get very excited when my candidate wins knowing I helped. :-D

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Judy, I’m in Palm Beach Gardens. My involvement so far has been my New Year’s resolution to wear a Biden T-shirt on every grocery run til 11/5. 30 times so far… and not a single negative interaction. It has restored my faith in people. And it make grocery shopping feel like activism. I’m up for doing more.

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there are so many options that I can probably suggest one that you would enjoy doing. if you are interested I can send you options: judyfreiberg@sbcglobal.net

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This is great to read. Good for the Florida Democrats and their leader.

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I write to amplify Robert’s statement that every American is obligated to drive home what it would mean to lose our democracy and how our way of life would change. Trump already has declared he would enact the Insurrection Act on Day 1 of his presidency. He’s already spoken about rounding up his political enemies. Accordingly, we can’t relent in urging people, whatever their reasons for remaining uncommitted or skeptical, to imagine what America would look like were the President to start moving the military around to put down or voices, our right to dissent, perhaps indefinitely detaining us. This is not without precedent. Trump had wanted to criminalize protests around Black Lives Matter for the murder of George Floyd.

Expanding upon rights and freedoms that would be ripped away, as an example, we all should bear in mind that a court willing to overturn 50 years of settled precedent in Roe, a protection over and over again reaffirmed, would do it to other fundamental protections.

Ultimately, we have 7 months to urge complacent and uncommitted voters to listen to the things Trump says and to the people he admires. No one should doubt that whatever the freedoms we have in this country, whatever one likes about this country, dramatically would change were Trump to return to the White House.

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Millions of unregistered women nationally trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats -- save Democracy.


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Daniel, I would add that the largest voting bloc in 2020 were non-voters, whom I expect were not Trump supporters. Hence, my reason for working with a number of organizations—registering voters, post carding, letter writing, phone-banking, and so forth—given I trust their lists mainly comprise voters from that bloc.

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Unfortunately there are many Republicans who are going to sit this election out so voter turnout is the key

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Stephen, Personally, I focus on the list of names assigned to me by various organizations. Still, I continually share thoughts with leadership as to how we might reach voters who otherwise would sit out the election or vote for a third party candidate.

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@Stephen. Hope you're right. WANT them to say home!

@ Barbara, the trick is on a state by state basis to get out the Democratic registrations and voters. In Florida 5215016 Republicans registered statewide, 4359315Democrats and 3536909 registered no party. We think we can increase the number of Democrats by a factor of 1 mil.

The party puts its money on advertising, which is inefficient. Last time, the DNC wrote us off.

Various companies have software that addresses the problem. Yesterday I contacted Galvanize, which identifies women, but is not working on Florida and has no Florida contacts.

In 2000 3rd party -- Ralph Nader votes should have gone to Democrats. These voters are identifiable. But nonregistered women are most probably statistically far more productive. It would take a lot of work to get anti vaxer JFKJr voters to switch.

Trump is effect still preoccupied running down DeSantis, our governor who has some following and Haley. De Santis btw is Mr. Anti vax.

If I were running the advertising for, say, the Lincoln Project, Republican anti Trumpers, I'd run Trump hates dogs and Trump stole from kids with cancer every day, attacking the visceral voters. https://rvat.org/

I'm big on targeting the audience. Taylor Swift has 283.4 million Instagram followers. Commenting on her site is probably more cost productive than anything else. Can start a ripple effect.

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Daniel, Considering I’m eager to expand my Gen-Z network and also am intent on spreading ripples of influence, posting on Taylor Swift’s site is intriguing. However, as someone with no experience with social media, I’ll have to reach out for help.

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FT6 are not "cold calls" -- targets trend 70% and higher Democratic.

See my comments about Florida -- which is not a targeted state, below.

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Daniel, Thank you for referencing your post regarding Florida. As someone already signed up with FT6, I, nonetheless, appreciated your expanded explanation of how they operate. Additionally, while I agree Florida is in play and worth our investment, I particularly am focused on those nationwide making under $50,000, who largely comprise the Trump base. Accordingly, I persist in urging Democratic leadership to go to those parts of the country and show those who doubt politicians care about them that they (Democrats) are eager to work on legitimate issues and grievances.

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The Trump base is visceral/ Issues mean nothing to them.

Trump hates dogs and Trump stole from kids with cancer makes them choke on their beer.

Our school board candidates win when they say "My opponent supports someone who stole from kids with cancer" and have the docs to back it up. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation

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Daniel, While you speak accurately about a huge swath of the Trump base, I don’t believe you speak for every voter paid under $50,000 who votes for Trump.

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You’re exactly right - driving home to people what’s at stake is absolutely critical. There will be no winners among ordinary folk. Timothy Snyder makes this clear in a stupendous post on Mar 17th, entitled, The Strongman Fantasy


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Art, Thank you for writing and including the link. Though I don’t subscribe to Snyder mainly because I hardly can keep up with current subscriptions, I had read the Mar 17th Issue because another Substack host (I believe it was Heather Cox Richardson) had provided that link.

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Barbara Jo, We must double down on every effort we can make. I, for one, am going to write postcards and plan to sign up for phone banking (something I don’t particularly enjoy, but feel is imperative in 2024) closer to elections. I repost Robert’s opening comment below:

“We do not have the luxury of being “just” journalists, lawyers, elected officials, educators, students, co-workers, entertainers, parents, family members, or citizens. At this moment, we must be defenders of democracy in everything we do. If not, we betray and abandon the Constitution. There is no in-between. The question has been called.”

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John, Similarly, phone banking is my least favorite way of engaging. But, as you indicate, the threat posed by the opposition is way too great not to summon every means of galvanizing voter turnout.

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Thank you, Barbara Jo. Last night I participated in the BigTent USA with Senator Chris Murphy and Lis Smith. It was very eye opening about the importance of the border security issue. We have a lot of moving parts. We are going to have to make our case on all fronts. Thank you very much for sharing your insights.

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John, I appreciate you writing. My understanding is that the percentage of the electorate for whom border security is their top issue exceeds the percentage for whom the top issue is reproductive rights. Accordingly, I would imagine, aside from pressing for comprehensive immigration reform, Dems had better repeatedly counter MAGA propaganda by amplifying it was Trump who blocked Republicans from passing the Lankford (R) bipartisan border security funding package.

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All true but the messaging has to get better and more direct and emotional.

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Stephen, I believe our leaders increasingly are having a difficult time underscoring democracy as a campaign issue because they are finding it, admittedly justifiably, as an abstraction for most people. Hence, I’ve been suggesting leaders focus more on what it would mean to lose our democracy to more personally connect with the public.

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Speaking of recusing,Fl Supreme Court Justice Canady’s wife is Fl Rep Jennifer Canady, co-sponsor of the six-week abortion ban.Of course Justice Canady refused to recuse!

All hands on deck, Florida. We will get to 60%! 🌊

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Write postcards to FL Democrats telling them to sign up for Vote by Mail. Campaign going on now. Every vote matters. :-D www.postcardstovoters.org

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Considering I already have posted a comment regarding the obligations of everyday Americans, I wish to note some thoughts regarding the obligations of democracy-sustaining journalism, a practice I imagine serious people largely would welcome.

Among its components: 1) Journalists’ questions, in large part, have to be tougher; interviewees should be put on a witness stand, so to speak. 2) Interviewees have to be able to square their rhetoric with the facts; if they know they’re going to be held responsible for their rhetoric, they’ll think twice about shouting the nonsense that too often pervades the political landscape. 3) Interviewees have to be stopped when they’re not answering the question, and they have to be called out when their answers contradict the facts.

I expect the public-at-large would welcome said democracy-sustaining practices because they would give us serious discussions with serious people engaged in an honest effort to provide the necessary information and nurture the fundamental discourse so desperately needed to maintain a democratic republic.

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Thanks Robert.

Florida in play. In 2022 the legislature made it a crime for partisans to register people -- later reversed in part by a court. Approximately 900,000 unregistered women were identified -- but we couldn't execute.

Abortion and marijuana ballot initiatives should excite two of our demographics, women and Gen Zers.

I live in Miami, Dade County. We have an incumbent county mayor who is a Democrat and an estimated pool of 100,000 unregistered women who potentially can ensure her re-election. We've had voter preclusion, and Republicans have been able to cut registered voters from the rolls, the state legislature made the rules much more difficult.

As of March, registration is:

Democrats: 512,853

Republicans 439,256

No Party 464,066

We are represented in the House by 3 MAGATS.

If our mayor Daniella Levine Cava sweeps, she can carry all the other races and maybe the rest of the state. https://www.miamidade.gov/global/government/biographies/mayor.page

Here's how. From Miami Herald: In 2016, Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County over Trump by about 30 percentage points, despite losing Florida. Democrats didn’t expect 2020 nominee Joe Biden to do quite that well in Florida’s largest county. But they couldn’t have imagined Trump would cut into that margin by more than 20 points, as he did in a disastrous result for Biden and Florida Democrats.

Biden led President Trump in Miami-Dade by about seven percentage points … Biden’s lackluster performance in Miami-Dade opened the door for Trump to win Florida, a state he needed to win.

We are "flippable!" Here's my pitch.

To protect American democracy, reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.


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Write postcards to FL Democrats telling them to sign up for Vote by Mail. Campaign going on now. Every vote matters. :-D www.postcardstovoters.org

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You can also get the lists of nonregistered Democratic trending to add to the rolls.


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'We', non-Americans living in other parts of the world, don't have the luxury of signing petitions about the idiocy and corruption in the supreme court even if we are affected. I hope you who can, do it.

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I didn't realize this Olof, can someone explain why this is the case?

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If Kristen Walker values a free press then she best defend Democracy. Wake up, these are not normal times. Petition signed. Thank You Bob Hubbell for all you do!

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I just signed the recusal letter but someone has to explain to me why he hasn't been terminated in view of all of his other offenses such as not reporting his substantial gifts from mega donors!!

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Wowzer - it is going to be a very bumpy ride to the election. I note the republicans and TFG are not only taking the corners way too fast they are not wearing their seatbelts. They also have a crew going ahead to dig potholes. Excellent! Biden is riding smooth in his integrity hovercraft, double excellent! I am working with Democracy Abroad here https://www.democratsabroad.org/uk I reside in Wales most of the year but will return to Seattle in Sept this fall to see the best way I can help to get out the vote in nearby states. This will finally grant me a pardon for my brief excursion into insanity as a ‘Gall for Goldwater’ at age 14. I don’t believe we will immanentize the eschaton in my lifetime but I am willing to come back as many times as necessary, in any sentient body available to be part of the process.

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Robin, this made me laugh.⬇️

“This will finally grant me a pardon for my brief excursion into insanity as a ‘Gall for Goldwater’ at age 14.”

I was a Nixonette (yes, they were a thing!) at about 14.My friend’s dad was head of the local Republican Party.He recruited us to don the sparkly Nixon Now sash adorned with the jumbo Nixon/Agnew button.The appropriate prom wave was required as Nixon greeted voters at the airport on his campaign stop in Rhode Island.

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Ahh yes, I had had the hat and mini skirt.😜 I still have the sash. Being chased around the hall by bloated obnoxious male delegates at the convention was certainly an eye opener. After, My dad wanted me to join Young Americans for freedom. Yech, I said no way and later came the summer of love and some blissful memories erased all memories of yuck. Sigh. 🎼❤️🎶

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Robert, thanking for pointing out the excellent editorial out of Cleveland and providing the link. Many voiced their criticism with regard to the hiring of Ronna McDaniel and did so with success. It is part of human nature to write or call to criticize something or someone. It is equally important to show support and express gratitude when deserved.

I just sent this email to Chris Quinn (cquinn@cleveland.com), perhaps some readers want to do the same

Dear Mr. Quinn,

I would like to commend and to thank you for your clear, straightforward and unfortunately all too necessary editorial on speaking the truth and taking sides.

I am a retired diplomat who lived and worked in the US for 12 years on three assignments. I still watch and follow closely what is happening in the US and I do so in consternation and disbelief – as does the rest of the world. As a German I do know the history of my country and your comparison to what happened in Germany in the 1930's is spot on.

As you stated, it was a tough column to write. It takes balls, a backbone, conviction and love for the country as the founders intended it to be to publish such an editorial – and doing so in the Midwest. It should come easier for editors living on the coasts to confront and engage their readership or viewers with such clear words – and still I haven't heard them doing so.

The US and indeed the world need upright democrats and journalists like you.

Thank you again and best regards

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Thank you for elevating Chris Quinn’s outstanding piece in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, which I was thinking about as I read your opening reflection about journalists like Kristin Welker. They may not be duty bound to defend democracy, but they sure as hell have a professional duty to defend the truth. It’s a shame that Welker and her ilk are failing us so miserably on that front. We must continue to hold them accountable, as I know you & many of your readers do. Thank you all.

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Thank you Robert. In Egypt, following the news through your emails!

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Thank you for leading with Kristen Welker's interview on Sunday. I listened to the start of her piece, and, very quickly, she lost me. Her introductory descriptions were not balanced. When she spoke about our "deeply divided nation," I gave up and turned my tv off. The deep division she was claiming is in large part, produced by the corporate news machine she represents.

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Trump's money woes are both gargantuan and well known. I'm surprised an insurance company stepped up to the plate. I read elsewhere that the bonding company was based in California. Wonder what their security was and ... importantly, who posted it?

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From the NYT: "Knight Specialty Insurance Company, a California company that handles such deals. "

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And from the report I heard is also an RNC supporter.

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I read orangatag instead of gargantuan - snort, if the shoe fits. 🤣

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