Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Regarding the Houti missiles, don't forget that President Biden didn't take the bait for a Gulf of Tonkin resolution from Congress, another lesson he is applying in real time. His speech was truly a magnificent lesson for all Americans. Amazingly efficient with his use of words. He seized a very difficult teachable moment for all of the world to learn from. What he says and his delvery is that of a learned wise man. Would he only have Obama's cadence and ability to project. He deserves so much more credit than the polls indicate he is receiving. Agree: we need to overcome the polls, get out the vote, and get him re-elected. We can do this. We have a great candidate for this moment in time. It's true. It may be the most important election of our lives.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

For anyone finding themselves in a disagreement with someone else, these 4 steps for non-violent communication might be helpful. (Successfully tried them myself!)

1. Observe and recap. The process begins with neutral observation.

2. Describe emotions, not positions.

3. Identify needs.

4. Make a request.

For example: "When you said ____, I felt ____. I need ____. Could you please ____?"


(Hat tip to fellow reader Cathy L.!)

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Guilty pleas, like Sidney Powell's, are effective in persuading the public that a crime was committed. Whether it was Howard Hunt during Watergate or Sidney Powell in the multiple crimes of Trump, guilty pleas and the associated cooperation get the public to believe.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Skulk is the perfect verb. This is a great post, as always, Robert, but I think your closing paragraphs are particularly important. Together we can accomplish anything. “ A house divided” . . .etc.

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Again well said Robert. I don’t believe the polls about Biden’s unpopularity when you still have the GOP (after signaling their support for social security and Medicare in the state of the union address) so openly support Congressman Jordan whose motives so clearly explained by Congressman Cole.

This craziness is a result of many issues none of which is about country and people first.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I thought of you and Jill last evening Robert, as I watched and listened to our president and I was thinking, "This is a great speech. This is a great president".

As President Biden spoke, I had thoughts flooding my thinking-

I am so utterly grateful that he is our leader

At this time when I have reached the midpoint in my 7th decade of life, I can see that I am here to

witness a period when we have one of the most exceptional presidents of all time.

Commander in Chief, indeed.

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I am increasingly thinking that the only thing that the mainstream press is good for is absolutely nothing but furthering the erosion of our democracy. Thanks for going where the mainstream press does not!

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I listened to President Biden last night and was moved to tears. His humanity, empathy and articulation of the importance of our involvements in both Israel and Ukraine was incredible. His spelling out the linkages between Putin, Iran, Ukraine, Hezbollah and Hamas was clear and informative. And, yes, he did remind Americans that he was the only president since Lincoln to visit two countries at war, struggling for survival. And that he made two 10 hour train rides from Poland to Ukraine. (We know people need reminding!) What he has done is remarkable. Each day I am awed by his presidency. So the contrast listening to NPR was infuriating. NPR – supposed to be the enclave of good reporting. It would have been nice to hear from the 5 people on the show that this was an impressive speech given by a president who is clearly in control, who speaks forcefully and knowledgably about the issues and whose years in the senate, as vice-president have prepared a man of substance to deal with the vexing complexities that are challenging democracy. They could have said, ‘boy, what a contrast to the 4 years of bombastic, divisive, ignorant drivel we were subjected to by the former person in the oval office.’ But no --- how will this affect his chances in 2024? Do you think he was disappointed that his meetings in Jordan and Egypt were cancelled? Any idiot knows the answer. I am certain that he was on the phone repeatedly with King Abdulla and President El-Sisi. Nothing about Biden’s moral clarity. The inanity of the media is mindboggling!

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One way to address the extremists in Congress is to vote them out in 2024. The Movement Voter PAC, All In For North Carolina, and Register and Vote North Carolina are hosting a Zoom event on Monday OCT 23 at 7 PM ET/6PM CT/5PM MT/4PM PT. Together, these organizations have resolved to knock on 3.8 million doors — 3 times as many as in 2022. Funding this effort early could flip results up and down the ballot, and bring a more responsive, inclusive, and representative government to NC. You can sign up for the event here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqdOmpqDMuGNWM0oo4Ab0AZ4NAg9mINild?_x_zm_rtaid=LbUE81EFSZeoGMrRmCqpRw.1697480776452.dc320ca7ade65365330077eaf2947eee&_x_zm_rhtaid=839#/registration

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

While my comment is not meant to detract from the high praise President Biden’s address to the nation merits, I would note as he methodically threaded the needle linking Ukraine with Israel, he neglected to address some of the crucial loose threads along the way. The one I expect most bothered people both at home and abroad is the one underscoring that Ukrainians and Palestinians also share a common struggle. One is seeking freedom from Russia, the other is seeking freedom from Israel.

Postscript: Re-reading Robert’s Concluding Thoughts, I would note I don’t view airing our differences related to Middle East policy as detracting from our chief priority—defending American democracy. If anything, engaging in open, vibrant, and diverse points of view, when predicated on mutual respect, is the lifeblood of democracy.

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A question a friend of mine asked me yesterday was “ there is a lot going on regarding Israel, the House debacle, Sidney Powell and a host of other stuff but does anyone really care or are we so numb and overwhelmed.? A question I have asked myself many times. Over the past few days President Biden has made several ground breaking and wonderful speeches that alone should convince all voters that he is the right person at the right moment for this country and to protect our democracy and we are very fortunate to have him in this role. But will it make a difference to some voters.? The Biden speeches should have been front and center in all media coverage because really what is more important our relationship with Israel and the protection against a horrendous attack or watching a clown fail again in pursuit of an office he is not qualified to hold? President Biden through actions and comments has demonstrated why he should be re-elected. and there is no political advertising campaign that could ever match his actual on the job performance. Hopefully slowly voters will come to realize Biden is the only choice going forward to provide the leadership our country demands.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Excellent post today Robert. Thank you.

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Honestly, I'm dying of boredom of the GOP house mess. They're hopeless, will never be able to elect a speaker, there is no halfway sane person on the GOP side who WANTS the job, a handful are perfectly content to keep spinning the government wheels, and working with the Dems will never happen. Rinse and repeat. Yawn.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just spent 20 minutes quickly leaving 24 voicemails to congresspeople who, thus far, are thumbs down on Jordan. At this time of day (before 8 a.m. ET), the calls go to VM. Although these are not my representatives, when asked to leave a zip code, I typically do--this is a national position, for goodness sake. Even calling 1-2-3 folks might make a difference. These 24 need encouragement, IMHO. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j72YFTLHuen77-5W3ICea7xkLztpLkDatJG68qpRpRQ/edit?usp=sharing

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Based on reported votes, there are somewhere between 30 and 80 Republicans who might be expected to support a compromise candidate and resolve the Speakership issue. Several, including Don Bacon, have spoken publicly about the idea and one wonders what they are waiting for.

Is there a mechanism by which a majority of the members could call the House into session absent the Speaker? It's time the Republicans stopped treating themselves as an unthinking 'caucus' and behave like the adults who most of their constituents thought they were electing.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Even Fox. Last night Brit Hume said: "It may be remembered as one of the best, if not the best, speeches of his presidency."


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