I'm currently in my first year of law school (at age 72), and in Constitutional Law we have just begun to study the presidential powers. It's absolutely surreal to simultaneously learn the details of a 250-year-old blueprint that has worked imperfectly but pretty well, and to see that blueprint burned before our very eyes.
I thought it could not get worse. But the shock wave abroad, as we extort and threaten our own ally, whose very existence is at stake, is perhaps irrevocable, and may have truly disastrous consequences. President Zelensky has been betrayed; but he cannot be mocked or humiliated. He's a hero in real time, and will be so remembered.
Trying to keep my head above water, but really loving it. And perhaps learning how to better comprehend the madness as it unfolds. (Though even the most brilliant legal minds seem to agree that it is incomprehensible.)
Kudos to you for jumping into your eighth decade with both feet, and taking on such an important part of the Constitution. May you prosper in doing so.
(I'm probably about a year younger than you--I was born the first summer of the Eisenhower Administration.) My big ambition for this year is to drive to the West Coast and back, which will be my first x-country trip by surface since I rode my bicycle from Seattle to Boston 50 years ago.
Jill, that’s wonderful that you’re in law school. Best wishes and what a fine statement here. Your name is familiar but perhaps there is more than one Jill Stoner…stay strong and good luck to you.
This evening Senators Bernie Sanders and Peter Welsh and Representative Becca Balint held a 90 minute joint town hall via a phone connection that seemed to have linked thousands of us from around the state.
Consistent with Bernie's recent travels to the Midwest where he's spoken to standing room only crowds, they talked in part, about their own work reminding elected members of Congress, especially vulnerable Republicans, of the impact of the moment on their constituents.
Over 6000 people were on the telephone or Facebook for the town hall. Everyone's phone rang multiple times to remind them of the event. It is on Bernie's FB page at: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/? ref=watch_permalink&v=1038406108120186
The latest news from Becca Ballint is that a total of 34,000 Vermonters were watching on either her livefeed or on YouTube, or participating by phone. Questions could be made by phone (liveonline) or by texting during the event. Discussion ranged from the issues before Congress and some of the dynamics, including low-key ways they are trying to build working relationships with receptive Republicans, what is at risk. and the work that all of them are doing to reclaim power for the people's Congress. It was a powerful and unified demonstration of commitment to Democracy by Vermont's Congressional delegation. They are planning another virtual event for the near future, and live events after the snow goes away. Transportation is tricky in Vermont in the best of times, and right now we have 2-3 feet of alternately mushy and freezing snow, with a few inches of new almost every day.
The business of protecting the US Constitution is indeed serious. I embrace if fully and feel good about contributing to the energy, and information that I find here on Robert's posts and others whom I follow.
To those who might wonder why I don't discuss topics of this nature on my own posts, it's simply this. I'm a scientist who writes to support the recovery of my readers, largely individuals who are still recovering from COVID and Long COVID. Some of my readers have other chronic medical conditions. They need to have a safe place to read well researched medical information that is as stress free as I can make it.
Why? Stress can exacerbate inflammatory processes which can easily cause set-backs to recuperation. I try to keep my posts as an oasis for them. Frankly, we all need safety to remain whole and viable.
Robert, I am very concerned about John Robers' ruling that Trump can for now ignore the court-ordered release of funds for USAID. Judge Luttig said he had no confidence that SCOTUS would follow the Constitution. What is your opinion?
I am shocked and stunned by Roberts’ action. If the Court supports Trump, Congress will have lost its co-equal status under the constitution. We must win a trifecta and enlarge the Court to overwhelm the reactionary majority.
"Balance the court" may be more effective than "enlarge," because it is less confrontational and more accurate. When the country had 40,000,ooo people In 1864, congress changed the number of justices for the sixth time, to nine, and it hasn't been rebalanced since.
He has not ruled on the substance of the issue, which he will in a few days after hearing arguments. Still, I am horrified that these payments have not been made, especially for USAID projects where there is irreparable harm.
I think the REAL issue is the appealability of TROs in the first place. Will the Extremes want their days (and nights) filled with appeals of this sort, where there really have been no findings of fact? I'd be surprised if Roberts decided this thing on the merits at this point--or if he even CAN. Surely that depends on the full court.
On the harm: did you see the story of the rise of a new Ebola like disease in the Congo? Suddenly those working on just understanding it, much less stopping it, are being cut off. Will it take air borne Ebola to understand that aid isn't just "soft power" but actual PROTECTION of American citizens. Of course, maybe by the time the Congo disease goes madly human, most of us will be taken off by the evolution of bird flu.
And the NIH funds have not been released. This is less immediately life threatening, but it attacks the scientists and the science-making of the present and future. Hitler and Mussolini co-opted, exiled, or drove away their scientists (Einstein, Fermi, thousands more), Mao sent them to the country to become peasants and be "re-educated," and Pol Pot closed schools, murdered scientists, doctors, lawyers, and over 2 million of Cambodian citizens of every level of education. Trump is slicing off a generation of American scientists and research while giving billions to Musk for his vanity projects (Occupy Mars) and so he can make more money. And the universities are silent for the same reason the media are: fear of "retribution," from the man who ran on a platform of revenge and reputations. How shocked can we be? It's going to get worse.
Thank you Robert for chiming in as I ponder Harrison's chronometer. Given your time change you are able to respond and that enhances the dynamic.
As a community I feel we are on the front lines of ensuring our democracy (regarding how we are hashing this out in the early hours of Thurs). We remain hopeful, passionate, and resolute. And I am always proud to share with others the work we do together.
Yes. Heard Andrew Weissman last night on Lawrence O'Donnell stating the stay was stated to be for 2 days only, till Friday, when he expects the full court to take up the matter, which is scary.
Roberts can act quickly when he wants to, but he dragged out for weeks scheduling a hearing on whether Trump could be immune from prosecution for criminal official actions, and the more weeks of delay before announcing that Trump is immune. The delays enabled Trump to avoid trial before the election for his criminal acts. Roberts is as responsible as anyone for the Constitutional crisis we are experiencing. He has weakened the Judiciary as one of the formerly co-equal branches of government, perhaps irreparably.
In his confirmation hearings, Roberts advanced the bogus concept of judges being baseball umpires who call balls and strikes. He conned Congress into believing that umpires’ strike zones are fixed, like laws of Nature.
However, people who watch baseball know that different umpires enforce different strike zones. So it is, apparently, with SCOTUS “Justices”.
Steve Vladek had two possible explanations outlined in his Substack newsletter, "One First Steve Vladek." I encourage everyone to check it out. Thanks.
Robert- as always thank you for your insightful comments. There is so much about which we can become so discouraged. As I was scrolling through the NYT on my phone to find an update on the Pope, I noticed once again 47 is where he loves to be: headline after headline, article after article. All the focus is on him and the other president. In their cowardice, the NYT is giving him everything he loves -absolute attention. It is nauseating.
BTW- it wasn’t until the very bottom that I found the article about the Pope. One would think that a man who is so concerned about all humanity and lives his faith would be the headline. And I’m not even Catholic.
It’s time for the media to cover our collective humanity first and put the craziness in a section by itself -in a corner where it belongs.
On Tuesday the Federal Register published a document regarding NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) in which the Trump Adminstration wants to gut. It's very first step in selling off OUR Public Lands. There is a 30 day comment period and EVERYONE should tell their Senators and Congress members. And any associated important outlets. I have a deep background educationally, some professionally, and definitely personally in the environmental field. This is one blockbuster of a challenge. But we can overwhelm with input and help protect our conservation/environmental resources.
First thing that comes to my mind about government sale of public lands is the the new ownership data should be rigorously recorded in detail to enable states to properly assess value and tax those properties under appropriate laws. Some early related legislative action by states should start immediately.
I wonder what the assessed value of Yosemite National park would be.
No I dont think you can directly post and I am not sure if they do dm's, but early this morning I saw a new post on there related to environmental concerns and I put it there immediately.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Will be on it first thing in morning, after I calm down enough to write my special version of bureaucratese (how to tear something apart in language that does not employ cuss words).
"Trump has somehow bullied otherwise smart, strong, principled people and institutions into submission. Cowardice is spreading like a contagious disease."
Let's show these traitors to Democracy the will of the People on Friday 2/28.
If you're going to purchase anything, buy it from a small local retailer. (Exceptions: TJX and Costco deserve our support but Apple does NOT as Tim Cook just cowered to Trump by announcing, just days after meeting with/Trump it would invest $500B over Trump's term, a salve to ameliorate Trump's fury that Apple's shareholders voted to retain its DEI initiatives.)
Spread the word to your friends, family and on social media.
Let's demonstrate the Power of the People by the Power of Our Dollar!👊
(Note: As many note below and a YouTube video presents, some are calling for a total spending boycott - I understand and agree but do harbor concern for our small local merchants who will suffer along side us as prices climb, unemployment rises and consumer confidence drops. If you wish to boycott small businesses too, I suggest selecting those businesses that wear their MAGA on their sleeves.)
I thought the boycott on 2/28/25 was to not spend any money anywhere to show the power that we the people have to control the economy and protest the reprehensible cuts being made by Musk and Trump. Spread the word so that we can have a strong effect and send a message of disapproval. We have strength in numbers.
It’s also to show ordinary people they have power. There are so many conflicting instructions out there. The most straightforward message is best: buy nothing. Don't confuse it with “Costco is OK,” reward Costco on another day. For those of us who have stopped shopping at many of those businesses, great, keep it up, but this is a one-day boycott to see if we can reach those who feel angry, confused, and helpless that aren't already active. If we make an impact that is widely noticed and reported tomorrow, these folks will be able to say, “I did that,” and start feeling less helpless. The more confusing the instructions, the less likely they’ll participate. We are talking about our lowest common denominator, for lack of a better term. This really isn't a boycott that will hurt anyone’s bottom line; it’s to show that we have the numbers to do so if they don't listen.
And there are some businesses who openly oppose Trump (and risk their businesses as a result. I have a little problem with people who try to impose their values on me. That includes telling me I HAVE to spend money in a certain way because that's how somebody or other thinks it should be done. I get the idea of a boycott, but too many people are trying to make the rules.
Please don't mix Apple with this assortment of companies kissing the ring of PINO. Yes, Tim Cook attended the inauguration and he donated a million USD. Doing so just showed that he is a responsible CEO, trying to protect his company after a mobster was elected to run the country. So blame the electorate, not Apple.
Upon recommendation of the company 97% of shareholders in a meeting this week, voted down a request to dismantle the DEI provisions the company traditionally is complying with. As The Hill notes "Apple’s move Tuesday stands in contrast to some of its fellow tech giants, which have walked back their diversity commitments in recent months." PINO, of course, reacted with a rant on 'Truth' Social.
With all due respect, Tim Cook just kissed Trumps ass by announcing Apple would "invest" $500B over the next 4 years here in the US "just days* after meeting with Trump. So let me ask you a couple of questions: (1) why meet at all with Trump? Why make such an announcement now, just days after meeting w/Trump? Was this investment Apple had been considering during its normal course of business? Was this an investment solely to protect itself from Trump's tariff's (which previously Apple vigorously opposed)? Why does this investment run concurrently with Trump's "4 year" term? Could Apple have made this announcement 1, 2 or 3 years ago if, as Tim Cook wrote on X in his announcement, "As a proud American company, we're thrilled to continue to make significant in the US today"?
Steve Jobs is spinning in his urn. Tim Cook just cowered and "obeyed" to offset Trump's rage that the shareholders refused to cower to his demands concerning DEI.
While I am a big fan of Apple (I'm typing this on my MacBook, work from my iMac, and talk/text and read on my iPhone) and I get it that if this investment actually happens (we've heard these promises before), American workers will benefit, BUT production costs will climb significantly (Apple will need a return on its investment) and sadly, quality will likely suffer. The bottom line is Apple could have made this investment before Trump. If you think Tim Cook made this investment now just because it was a good business decision, there's a big beautiful bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn I can sell you!
I think Apple has been investing in US for a while now. I wonder if Cook's announcement wasn't about plans already in the works and he wanted to make sure that the Felon in charge was aware.
I understand that using credit cards is included in this boycott. Maybe a good idea as a general rule. I wrote a check and used cash yesterday for the first time since Covid.
I’m so excited about this action. I want it to happen every week and for me, it’s my national holiday of choice! The beginning of a new way of life for me. In solidarity with you!!!
I’m a very senior citizen and I read your articles almost every day. I’ve lived through many Presidents and never have I been so miserable and frustrated watching my beloved Democracy go backwards in time , and be gutted by a President, and his Rasputin. I have one question. Why is no one mentioning that trump is a traitor to our country and our government and our way of life. He is dealing directly, and almost one on one with our arch enemy. He represents America, while he makes these deals with Putin to end the war quickly, he talks about deals to do business with Putin. He pressures our ally Ukraine to dig for their minerals to begin paying us back, while they are giving their lives to preserve their freedom, and the American people are ashamed of his behavior. Why must we wait two years to see how far he will go . He deserves to be impeached Now..and to be called, what he is, a traitor and should be tried as one Now.
Barbara, I feel the same way. I believe that the time will come, because when somebody breaks things, inevitably the breakage comes down on them. I know people are working toward that end. But be as patient as you can, and do what you can to help get us to that point. Make noise in whatever way you feel comfortable with. All our small actions add up.
With Republicans having to contend with the outrage of their constituents at town halls, it is being recommended that they do them on line, thoroughly vet attendees, or don't do any at all. I would like to see some non-partisan organizations like the League of Women Voters start doing town hall meetings.
“they do them on line, thoroughly vet attendees, or don't do any at all.”
Ours was a phone town hall and I was vetted discovered via the way my MAGA Rep incorrectly addressed an email. Told his staffer perhaps they were hacked by DOGE and must act to protect our safety and security. CALL.THEM.OUT!!!
Another way our voices are being silenced is the gradual elimination of Letters To Editor.
My local Gannett paper/Op Editor announced the last “regularly scheduled Letters to Editor” with a “less formal schedule”. Instead each week they will pose a question for readers to answer.This week’s unserious question:Should we move NASA headquarters from DC to Kennedy Space Center? Op Editor is friends with my MAGA Rep who supports this move. The Op Editor also lied and said all letters received were printed unless they were abusive. LIE !!
I wrote to the Op Editor expressing my anger( in a nice way 😏) about my voice being silenced during such unsettling times as well as his bold-faced lie. I also offered serious questions addressing issues that truly affect the local community. Don’t let them frame the narrative !!!
Do you support fluoridation of your water supply? (Several local communities have discontinued.)
Do you support 18 year-olds owning assault rifles like AK-17’s ? (Proposed Fl long gun legislation)
Do you support abortion bans with no exceptions? (Some local GOP have voiced adoption as “humane compromise” for rape.)
Do you support local/state government investing in Bitcoin, including for your Florida State Pension?(Proposed Fl legislation)
Do you support your tax dollars being used for school vouchers where parents can purchase big screen TV’s,stand-up paddle boards and theme park tickets?(Legislature failed to address this issue last year after outcry.)
Do you support local legislators using their legislative power to bring justice for Crosley Green? (wrongly accused and remains in prison due to acknowledged error by GOP-appointed parole board)
Thanks for sharing the article. I was surprised to hear this from Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana: “Don’t ever, ever take the position that you’re not going to follow the order of a federal court. Ever,” the lawmaker, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, said. “Now you can disagree with it, within the bounds of legal ethics, you can criticize it, you can appeal it, or you can resign.”
Yes, Kate! I wondered how that popped out of the mouth of the senator from Louisiana! Maybe he forgot which party he belongs to for a few minutes.
I was not surprised, but still shaking my head after reading the following in that same article:
"To many questions about how they would handle improper demands from the president, the lawyers said they simply did not believe such a thing would happen.
“The president has never asked me to do anything that I found to be objectionable, immoral, unlawful or illegal,” said Ms. Dhillon, who, if confirmed, would oversee the civil rights division. A longtime supporter of Mr. Trump, Ms. Dhillon is better known for her work challenging the results of the 2020 election. Should she be confirmed, she would oversee a division that often deals with voting rights."
Of course Ms. Dhillon would not do “anything that I found to be objectionable, immoral, unlawful or illegal.” — Anything that *she* – not *we* find objectionable, immoral, unlawful, or illegal”.
Robert, not only should the press not show up, but the federal workforce should not show up either. The right wing press will show, but that will not make the kind of headlines tRump and his MAGA sycophants thrive on. If tRump is successful in firing the federal work force, he will have done it in his time frame. The federal workers can beat him to it and stay home, and bring this crisis to a head. We must take the fight to him. Without enforcement of the wins we have achieved in both the district and appeals level courts, tRump can continue his reckless disregard for the laws that we all have to abide by. Lawyers can organize and mobilize and support the military leaders that have been fired or demoted, as well as the elite firms like Covington/Burling, who supported Jack Smith.
Hoping for the best and death by a thousand cuts just delays the inevitable and is not a winning strategy.
I have previously heard mention of a national strike on March 20. It should not be just the federal workforce that doesn't show up for work, it should be everyone!
A tech comment: I highly recommend Dava Sobel’s book, “Longitude. There is also an illustrated edition. John Harrison was an incredibly creative individual. His story will surprise in what he was able to do. Her book is well worth your time.
I have read Longitude and it is worth reading . All the discussions of how the prime meridian changed based on navigators and national power was interesting.
"Trump has somehow bullied otherwise smart, strong, principled people and institutions into submission."
No. Trump personifies the 'principles' of the Republican party. (And of every eligible American who did not vote for Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris.) Trump has not created anything new, he's merely put his brand on the packaging. We must face that millions of our fellow Americans are happy to spin Trump's bad impulses into worse facts. Some relish the damage others don't give it a thought.
Agreed, but there aren't really that many true MAGAts. The vast majority of REPs are complicit, but only through their silence. The huge voice was given to the minority by the broligarchy through FOX, manipulation of social media, and to a lesser extent legacy news, all owned by billionaires who are not just ok with the coup, they are the coup, not the poor MAGAts who hate libs/DEMS. True, the racist/bigoted Christian MAGAts were used by the REPs and believed the PINO's lies, but the real villain's here are the broligarchy. Vought/Musk and how many other billionaires are in the WH? Project 2025 wasn't created by the MAGAts, it's a broligarchy dream to control the masses. Vance and Vought claim to want an "illiberal democracy", but Vought's a billionaire and Vance was pushed onto PINO by Peter Thiel. As usual, if it's political, and involves fraud, follow the money.............
Currently, the only real fraud in government is in the executive branch.
An alarming number of votes for PINO were really votes against Kamala/Democrats, which just shows the pathetic lack of leadership within the Democratic party, both previously and currently. DEMs could speak up and call out the lies without even lying, but they didn't, and really, still don't. Sure, we all knew the truth, and voted for Harris/Walz, but seriously, neither could say "shite" if they had a mouthful. Robert Hubbell's newsletter from earlier today where he talks about the second most common point they're making to him in the UK while he's visiting is, "Why don't you Democrats have a leader to speak up for you? You need a leader of the opposition party." Sen. Chris Murphy works for me, or IL Gov. JB Pritzker, or PLEASE ANYBODY?
Yesterday I listened to Sen. Cory Booker tell us on the I've Had It podcast, that the civil rights movement was accomplished by the people, and I thought, but what about Martin Luther King Jr, to name just one of the many leaders who organized and led protests? We need leaders that we currently don't have.
Then he told us the government was against the demonstrations, but I clearly remembered, and just checked in Wiki, the third march from Selma to Montgomery "was escorted by the Alabama National Guard under federal control, the FBI and federal marshals". Now that the broligarchy has control of the FBI, secret service, military, intelligence agencies, and federal marshals?, are they going to let us keep demonstrating, and will there be any federal law enforcement to support court decisions, if we ever get any, and will they let us have honest elections in '26? I have a lot of respect for Sen. Booker, but for the DEM leadership to compare this to the civil rights movement is just totally missing the point. The level of damage that's been done, and is continuing at a furious pace, is something we haven't seen in this country since the Civil War.
Yes, the Republicans are all complicit, and the racist/bigoted MAGA DEM haters are despicable, but the real criminals here are the broligarchy..........the 1% of the population that has been slowly buying our politicians, courts, and media, and have now decided they can just run the whole show. Our democracy simply got in the way of their greed.
I would urge the press to flip the script and stop reporting on the lies that issue from Trump and Musk. Instead, the press should carefully research what they are Doing, report on that and focus on the consequences for real people and the rule of law. They have spent far too many years serving as MAGA’s megaphone.
The pictures are beautiful! Yes it was a day full of more terrorizing . Thank you for being able to send such a descriptive accounting ; along with a pep talk! Watching the Cabinet of Crooks meeting was surreal but I felt it necessary. It just underscores what we’re up against. Enjoy your time away!
The most potent antidote to Trump’s putting choke chains on the necks of the White House press corps is for the Democrats to set up the “Shadow Cabinet” advocated by Timothy Snyder.
America needs an authoritative entity giving regular, official press conferences to correct the lies flooding from the White House and the agencies of Trump’s government.
I’m calling and writing to every elected Democratic official I can reach to ask for action . . .
Here is Prof Snyder's description of why we urgently need a Shadow Cabinet:
I'm currently in my first year of law school (at age 72), and in Constitutional Law we have just begun to study the presidential powers. It's absolutely surreal to simultaneously learn the details of a 250-year-old blueprint that has worked imperfectly but pretty well, and to see that blueprint burned before our very eyes.
I thought it could not get worse. But the shock wave abroad, as we extort and threaten our own ally, whose very existence is at stake, is perhaps irrevocable, and may have truly disastrous consequences. President Zelensky has been betrayed; but he cannot be mocked or humiliated. He's a hero in real time, and will be so remembered.
Kudos to you, girl!! Jealous!
Trying to keep my head above water, but really loving it. And perhaps learning how to better comprehend the madness as it unfolds. (Though even the most brilliant legal minds seem to agree that it is incomprehensible.)
Kudos to you for jumping into your eighth decade with both feet, and taking on such an important part of the Constitution. May you prosper in doing so.
(I'm probably about a year younger than you--I was born the first summer of the Eisenhower Administration.) My big ambition for this year is to drive to the West Coast and back, which will be my first x-country trip by surface since I rode my bicycle from Seattle to Boston 50 years ago.
Jill, that’s wonderful that you’re in law school. Best wishes and what a fine statement here. Your name is familiar but perhaps there is more than one Jill Stoner…stay strong and good luck to you.
Wow, what a surreal experience. Brava to you about law school.
Hey! Bravo to you going to law school! We need MORE progressive lawyers!!
This evening Senators Bernie Sanders and Peter Welsh and Representative Becca Balint held a 90 minute joint town hall via a phone connection that seemed to have linked thousands of us from around the state.
Consistent with Bernie's recent travels to the Midwest where he's spoken to standing room only crowds, they talked in part, about their own work reminding elected members of Congress, especially vulnerable Republicans, of the impact of the moment on their constituents.
Bernie's on a rip!
Over 6000 people were on the telephone or Facebook for the town hall. Everyone's phone rang multiple times to remind them of the event. It is on Bernie's FB page at: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/? ref=watch_permalink&v=1038406108120186
The latest news from Becca Ballint is that a total of 34,000 Vermonters were watching on either her livefeed or on YouTube, or participating by phone. Questions could be made by phone (liveonline) or by texting during the event. Discussion ranged from the issues before Congress and some of the dynamics, including low-key ways they are trying to build working relationships with receptive Republicans, what is at risk. and the work that all of them are doing to reclaim power for the people's Congress. It was a powerful and unified demonstration of commitment to Democracy by Vermont's Congressional delegation. They are planning another virtual event for the near future, and live events after the snow goes away. Transportation is tricky in Vermont in the best of times, and right now we have 2-3 feet of alternately mushy and freezing snow, with a few inches of new almost every day.
Good news Annie! I hope that we can inspire others across the country to participate in gathering and letting our voices be heard.
The business of protecting the US Constitution is indeed serious. I embrace if fully and feel good about contributing to the energy, and information that I find here on Robert's posts and others whom I follow.
To those who might wonder why I don't discuss topics of this nature on my own posts, it's simply this. I'm a scientist who writes to support the recovery of my readers, largely individuals who are still recovering from COVID and Long COVID. Some of my readers have other chronic medical conditions. They need to have a safe place to read well researched medical information that is as stress free as I can make it.
Why? Stress can exacerbate inflammatory processes which can easily cause set-backs to recuperation. I try to keep my posts as an oasis for them. Frankly, we all need safety to remain whole and viable.
Here's my latest post. All are welcome: https://longcovidjourney2wellness.substack.com/p/the-journey-toward-wellness
Robert, I am very concerned about John Robers' ruling that Trump can for now ignore the court-ordered release of funds for USAID. Judge Luttig said he had no confidence that SCOTUS would follow the Constitution. What is your opinion?
I am shocked and stunned by Roberts’ action. If the Court supports Trump, Congress will have lost its co-equal status under the constitution. We must win a trifecta and enlarge the Court to overwhelm the reactionary majority.
"Balance the court" may be more effective than "enlarge," because it is less confrontational and more accurate. When the country had 40,000,ooo people In 1864, congress changed the number of justices for the sixth time, to nine, and it hasn't been rebalanced since.
Fifteen justices would make a good start.
He has not ruled on the substance of the issue, which he will in a few days after hearing arguments. Still, I am horrified that these payments have not been made, especially for USAID projects where there is irreparable harm.
I think the REAL issue is the appealability of TROs in the first place. Will the Extremes want their days (and nights) filled with appeals of this sort, where there really have been no findings of fact? I'd be surprised if Roberts decided this thing on the merits at this point--or if he even CAN. Surely that depends on the full court.
On the harm: did you see the story of the rise of a new Ebola like disease in the Congo? Suddenly those working on just understanding it, much less stopping it, are being cut off. Will it take air borne Ebola to understand that aid isn't just "soft power" but actual PROTECTION of American citizens. Of course, maybe by the time the Congo disease goes madly human, most of us will be taken off by the evolution of bird flu.
Exactly. We are an international globe economy AND health system for people and the environment —Ebola or Ebola like disease is coming to the US
Trump views death as an ally.
*Others’* deaths.
And the NIH funds have not been released. This is less immediately life threatening, but it attacks the scientists and the science-making of the present and future. Hitler and Mussolini co-opted, exiled, or drove away their scientists (Einstein, Fermi, thousands more), Mao sent them to the country to become peasants and be "re-educated," and Pol Pot closed schools, murdered scientists, doctors, lawyers, and over 2 million of Cambodian citizens of every level of education. Trump is slicing off a generation of American scientists and research while giving billions to Musk for his vanity projects (Occupy Mars) and so he can make more money. And the universities are silent for the same reason the media are: fear of "retribution," from the man who ran on a platform of revenge and reputations. How shocked can we be? It's going to get worse.
Thank you Robert for chiming in as I ponder Harrison's chronometer. Given your time change you are able to respond and that enhances the dynamic.
As a community I feel we are on the front lines of ensuring our democracy (regarding how we are hashing this out in the early hours of Thurs). We remain hopeful, passionate, and resolute. And I am always proud to share with others the work we do together.
Yes. Heard Andrew Weissman last night on Lawrence O'Donnell stating the stay was stated to be for 2 days only, till Friday, when he expects the full court to take up the matter, which is scary.
Roberts can act quickly when he wants to, but he dragged out for weeks scheduling a hearing on whether Trump could be immune from prosecution for criminal official actions, and the more weeks of delay before announcing that Trump is immune. The delays enabled Trump to avoid trial before the election for his criminal acts. Roberts is as responsible as anyone for the Constitutional crisis we are experiencing. He has weakened the Judiciary as one of the formerly co-equal branches of government, perhaps irreparably.
In his confirmation hearings, Roberts advanced the bogus concept of judges being baseball umpires who call balls and strikes. He conned Congress into believing that umpires’ strike zones are fixed, like laws of Nature.
However, people who watch baseball know that different umpires enforce different strike zones. So it is, apparently, with SCOTUS “Justices”.
Steve Vladek had two possible explanations outlined in his Substack newsletter, "One First Steve Vladek." I encourage everyone to check it out. Thanks.
Robert- as always thank you for your insightful comments. There is so much about which we can become so discouraged. As I was scrolling through the NYT on my phone to find an update on the Pope, I noticed once again 47 is where he loves to be: headline after headline, article after article. All the focus is on him and the other president. In their cowardice, the NYT is giving him everything he loves -absolute attention. It is nauseating.
BTW- it wasn’t until the very bottom that I found the article about the Pope. One would think that a man who is so concerned about all humanity and lives his faith would be the headline. And I’m not even Catholic.
It’s time for the media to cover our collective humanity first and put the craziness in a section by itself -in a corner where it belongs.
Brilliant, Carol. And moreso because the Pope has been one of the very few powerful people to call out this administration for its cruel inhumanity.
Yes, Carol L. Jenkins. Life is truly turned upside-down with the Pino-Greedio.
NEPA Proposed Dissolution
On Tuesday the Federal Register published a document regarding NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) in which the Trump Adminstration wants to gut. It's very first step in selling off OUR Public Lands. There is a 30 day comment period and EVERYONE should tell their Senators and Congress members. And any associated important outlets. I have a deep background educationally, some professionally, and definitely personally in the environmental field. This is one blockbuster of a challenge. But we can overwhelm with input and help protect our conservation/environmental resources.
First thing that comes to my mind about government sale of public lands is the the new ownership data should be rigorously recorded in detail to enable states to properly assess value and tax those properties under appropriate laws. Some early related legislative action by states should start immediately.
I wonder what the assessed value of Yosemite National park would be.
The value of Yosemite will depend on the valuation of luxury condos that will populate the Park under real estate developer Trump.
Sharing this with Alt National Park Service on Facebook as they seem to get a lot of awareness to issues. They may already have it - hard to keep up.
I put it into their comments under their latest post yesterday. But I don't know how to post directly.
Please message me directly Susan if you know how to do this.
No I dont think you can directly post and I am not sure if they do dm's, but early this morning I saw a new post on there related to environmental concerns and I put it there immediately.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Will be on it first thing in morning, after I calm down enough to write my special version of bureaucratese (how to tear something apart in language that does not employ cuss words).
"Trump has somehow bullied otherwise smart, strong, principled people and institutions into submission. Cowardice is spreading like a contagious disease."
Let's show these traitors to Democracy the will of the People on Friday 2/28.
If you're going to purchase anything, buy it from a small local retailer. (Exceptions: TJX and Costco deserve our support but Apple does NOT as Tim Cook just cowered to Trump by announcing, just days after meeting with/Trump it would invest $500B over Trump's term, a salve to ameliorate Trump's fury that Apple's shareholders voted to retain its DEI initiatives.)
Spread the word to your friends, family and on social media.
Let's demonstrate the Power of the People by the Power of Our Dollar!👊
(Note: As many note below and a YouTube video presents, some are calling for a total spending boycott - I understand and agree but do harbor concern for our small local merchants who will suffer along side us as prices climb, unemployment rises and consumer confidence drops. If you wish to boycott small businesses too, I suggest selecting those businesses that wear their MAGA on their sleeves.)
We need to avoid the named stores all of the time, not just on Friday if we want to have an impact. The only thing I do on your list is buy gas,
Yes we need an ongoing boycott of large, national retailers who are bending over to Trump on DEI.
I thought the boycott on 2/28/25 was to not spend any money anywhere to show the power that we the people have to control the economy and protest the reprehensible cuts being made by Musk and Trump. Spread the word so that we can have a strong effect and send a message of disapproval. We have strength in numbers.
It’s also to show ordinary people they have power. There are so many conflicting instructions out there. The most straightforward message is best: buy nothing. Don't confuse it with “Costco is OK,” reward Costco on another day. For those of us who have stopped shopping at many of those businesses, great, keep it up, but this is a one-day boycott to see if we can reach those who feel angry, confused, and helpless that aren't already active. If we make an impact that is widely noticed and reported tomorrow, these folks will be able to say, “I did that,” and start feeling less helpless. The more confusing the instructions, the less likely they’ll participate. We are talking about our lowest common denominator, for lack of a better term. This really isn't a boycott that will hurt anyone’s bottom line; it’s to show that we have the numbers to do so if they don't listen.
Yes. Do not spend money ANYWHERE (unless absolute emergency). I think y'all can do that for ONE DAY. Don't water this thing down!
We can spend our money at locally owned businesses like “mom and pop stores, just not the corporate ones.
And there are some businesses who openly oppose Trump (and risk their businesses as a result. I have a little problem with people who try to impose their values on me. That includes telling me I HAVE to spend money in a certain way because that's how somebody or other thinks it should be done. I get the idea of a boycott, but too many people are trying to make the rules.
Please don't mix Apple with this assortment of companies kissing the ring of PINO. Yes, Tim Cook attended the inauguration and he donated a million USD. Doing so just showed that he is a responsible CEO, trying to protect his company after a mobster was elected to run the country. So blame the electorate, not Apple.
Upon recommendation of the company 97% of shareholders in a meeting this week, voted down a request to dismantle the DEI provisions the company traditionally is complying with. As The Hill notes "Apple’s move Tuesday stands in contrast to some of its fellow tech giants, which have walked back their diversity commitments in recent months." PINO, of course, reacted with a rant on 'Truth' Social.
With all due respect, Tim Cook just kissed Trumps ass by announcing Apple would "invest" $500B over the next 4 years here in the US "just days* after meeting with Trump. So let me ask you a couple of questions: (1) why meet at all with Trump? Why make such an announcement now, just days after meeting w/Trump? Was this investment Apple had been considering during its normal course of business? Was this an investment solely to protect itself from Trump's tariff's (which previously Apple vigorously opposed)? Why does this investment run concurrently with Trump's "4 year" term? Could Apple have made this announcement 1, 2 or 3 years ago if, as Tim Cook wrote on X in his announcement, "As a proud American company, we're thrilled to continue to make significant in the US today"?
Steve Jobs is spinning in his urn. Tim Cook just cowered and "obeyed" to offset Trump's rage that the shareholders refused to cower to his demands concerning DEI.
While I am a big fan of Apple (I'm typing this on my MacBook, work from my iMac, and talk/text and read on my iPhone) and I get it that if this investment actually happens (we've heard these promises before), American workers will benefit, BUT production costs will climb significantly (Apple will need a return on its investment) and sadly, quality will likely suffer. The bottom line is Apple could have made this investment before Trump. If you think Tim Cook made this investment now just because it was a good business decision, there's a big beautiful bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn I can sell you!
https://t.co/xoNy7zGqZGTim Cook (@tim_cook)x.com
I think Apple has been investing in US for a while now. I wonder if Cook's announcement wasn't about plans already in the works and he wanted to make sure that the Felon in charge was aware.
It will be a one day beginning...then two...then three. I can do it!
I understand that using credit cards is included in this boycott. Maybe a good idea as a general rule. I wrote a check and used cash yesterday for the first time since Covid.
I’m so excited about this action. I want it to happen every week and for me, it’s my national holiday of choice! The beginning of a new way of life for me. In solidarity with you!!!
Here's a one minute video on the Feb. 28 Economic Blackout to send to folks who like YouTube:
Love this, Ellie! I will be sending it around.
I'm boycotting You-Tube, and have for some time.
I’m a very senior citizen and I read your articles almost every day. I’ve lived through many Presidents and never have I been so miserable and frustrated watching my beloved Democracy go backwards in time , and be gutted by a President, and his Rasputin. I have one question. Why is no one mentioning that trump is a traitor to our country and our government and our way of life. He is dealing directly, and almost one on one with our arch enemy. He represents America, while he makes these deals with Putin to end the war quickly, he talks about deals to do business with Putin. He pressures our ally Ukraine to dig for their minerals to begin paying us back, while they are giving their lives to preserve their freedom, and the American people are ashamed of his behavior. Why must we wait two years to see how far he will go . He deserves to be impeached Now..and to be called, what he is, a traitor and should be tried as one Now.
Amen, sister, 1000 times!
Barbara, I feel the same way. I believe that the time will come, because when somebody breaks things, inevitably the breakage comes down on them. I know people are working toward that end. But be as patient as you can, and do what you can to help get us to that point. Make noise in whatever way you feel comfortable with. All our small actions add up.
With Republicans having to contend with the outrage of their constituents at town halls, it is being recommended that they do them on line, thoroughly vet attendees, or don't do any at all. I would like to see some non-partisan organizations like the League of Women Voters start doing town hall meetings.
“they do them on line, thoroughly vet attendees, or don't do any at all.”
Ours was a phone town hall and I was vetted discovered via the way my MAGA Rep incorrectly addressed an email. Told his staffer perhaps they were hacked by DOGE and must act to protect our safety and security. CALL.THEM.OUT!!!
Another way our voices are being silenced is the gradual elimination of Letters To Editor.
My local Gannett paper/Op Editor announced the last “regularly scheduled Letters to Editor” with a “less formal schedule”. Instead each week they will pose a question for readers to answer.This week’s unserious question:Should we move NASA headquarters from DC to Kennedy Space Center? Op Editor is friends with my MAGA Rep who supports this move. The Op Editor also lied and said all letters received were printed unless they were abusive. LIE !!
I wrote to the Op Editor expressing my anger( in a nice way 😏) about my voice being silenced during such unsettling times as well as his bold-faced lie. I also offered serious questions addressing issues that truly affect the local community. Don’t let them frame the narrative !!!
Do you support fluoridation of your water supply? (Several local communities have discontinued.)
Do you support 18 year-olds owning assault rifles like AK-17’s ? (Proposed Fl long gun legislation)
Do you support abortion bans with no exceptions? (Some local GOP have voiced adoption as “humane compromise” for rape.)
Do you support local/state government investing in Bitcoin, including for your Florida State Pension?(Proposed Fl legislation)
Do you support your tax dollars being used for school vouchers where parents can purchase big screen TV’s,stand-up paddle boards and theme park tickets?(Legislature failed to address this issue last year after outcry.)
Do you support local legislators using their legislative power to bring justice for Crosley Green? (wrongly accused and remains in prison due to acknowledged error by GOP-appointed parole board)
CALL.THEM.OUT.. We have the power !!
of course they want to shutdown any tools we have that work. Thanks for fighting back
Here is a Gift link to the Times article:
Rod W
Thanks for sharing the article. I was surprised to hear this from Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana: “Don’t ever, ever take the position that you’re not going to follow the order of a federal court. Ever,” the lawmaker, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, said. “Now you can disagree with it, within the bounds of legal ethics, you can criticize it, you can appeal it, or you can resign.”
Yes, Kate! I wondered how that popped out of the mouth of the senator from Louisiana! Maybe he forgot which party he belongs to for a few minutes.
I was not surprised, but still shaking my head after reading the following in that same article:
"To many questions about how they would handle improper demands from the president, the lawyers said they simply did not believe such a thing would happen.
“The president has never asked me to do anything that I found to be objectionable, immoral, unlawful or illegal,” said Ms. Dhillon, who, if confirmed, would oversee the civil rights division. A longtime supporter of Mr. Trump, Ms. Dhillon is better known for her work challenging the results of the 2020 election. Should she be confirmed, she would oversee a division that often deals with voting rights."
I want just one of his nominees to be excellent. Just one.
Of course Ms. Dhillon would not do “anything that I found to be objectionable, immoral, unlawful or illegal.” — Anything that *she* – not *we* find objectionable, immoral, unlawful, or illegal”.
What caused his law education to rise from its slumbers?
Robert, not only should the press not show up, but the federal workforce should not show up either. The right wing press will show, but that will not make the kind of headlines tRump and his MAGA sycophants thrive on. If tRump is successful in firing the federal work force, he will have done it in his time frame. The federal workers can beat him to it and stay home, and bring this crisis to a head. We must take the fight to him. Without enforcement of the wins we have achieved in both the district and appeals level courts, tRump can continue his reckless disregard for the laws that we all have to abide by. Lawyers can organize and mobilize and support the military leaders that have been fired or demoted, as well as the elite firms like Covington/Burling, who supported Jack Smith.
Hoping for the best and death by a thousand cuts just delays the inevitable and is not a winning strategy.
I have previously heard mention of a national strike on March 20. It should not be just the federal workforce that doesn't show up for work, it should be everyone!
A tech comment: I highly recommend Dava Sobel’s book, “Longitude. There is also an illustrated edition. John Harrison was an incredibly creative individual. His story will surprise in what he was able to do. Her book is well worth your time.
Rod W.
Thank you for this information. Call me a nerd, but I’m always on the lookout for something good like this. Appreciate it.
I have read Longitude and it is worth reading . All the discussions of how the prime meridian changed based on navigators and national power was interesting.
"Trump has somehow bullied otherwise smart, strong, principled people and institutions into submission."
No. Trump personifies the 'principles' of the Republican party. (And of every eligible American who did not vote for Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris.) Trump has not created anything new, he's merely put his brand on the packaging. We must face that millions of our fellow Americans are happy to spin Trump's bad impulses into worse facts. Some relish the damage others don't give it a thought.
Agreed, but there aren't really that many true MAGAts. The vast majority of REPs are complicit, but only through their silence. The huge voice was given to the minority by the broligarchy through FOX, manipulation of social media, and to a lesser extent legacy news, all owned by billionaires who are not just ok with the coup, they are the coup, not the poor MAGAts who hate libs/DEMS. True, the racist/bigoted Christian MAGAts were used by the REPs and believed the PINO's lies, but the real villain's here are the broligarchy. Vought/Musk and how many other billionaires are in the WH? Project 2025 wasn't created by the MAGAts, it's a broligarchy dream to control the masses. Vance and Vought claim to want an "illiberal democracy", but Vought's a billionaire and Vance was pushed onto PINO by Peter Thiel. As usual, if it's political, and involves fraud, follow the money.............
Currently, the only real fraud in government is in the executive branch.
An alarming number of votes for PINO were really votes against Kamala/Democrats, which just shows the pathetic lack of leadership within the Democratic party, both previously and currently. DEMs could speak up and call out the lies without even lying, but they didn't, and really, still don't. Sure, we all knew the truth, and voted for Harris/Walz, but seriously, neither could say "shite" if they had a mouthful. Robert Hubbell's newsletter from earlier today where he talks about the second most common point they're making to him in the UK while he's visiting is, "Why don't you Democrats have a leader to speak up for you? You need a leader of the opposition party." Sen. Chris Murphy works for me, or IL Gov. JB Pritzker, or PLEASE ANYBODY?
Yesterday I listened to Sen. Cory Booker tell us on the I've Had It podcast, that the civil rights movement was accomplished by the people, and I thought, but what about Martin Luther King Jr, to name just one of the many leaders who organized and led protests? We need leaders that we currently don't have.
Then he told us the government was against the demonstrations, but I clearly remembered, and just checked in Wiki, the third march from Selma to Montgomery "was escorted by the Alabama National Guard under federal control, the FBI and federal marshals". Now that the broligarchy has control of the FBI, secret service, military, intelligence agencies, and federal marshals?, are they going to let us keep demonstrating, and will there be any federal law enforcement to support court decisions, if we ever get any, and will they let us have honest elections in '26? I have a lot of respect for Sen. Booker, but for the DEM leadership to compare this to the civil rights movement is just totally missing the point. The level of damage that's been done, and is continuing at a furious pace, is something we haven't seen in this country since the Civil War.
Yes, the Republicans are all complicit, and the racist/bigoted MAGA DEM haters are despicable, but the real criminals here are the broligarchy..........the 1% of the population that has been slowly buying our politicians, courts, and media, and have now decided they can just run the whole show. Our democracy simply got in the way of their greed.
Booker is weak, I am sorry to say. We will march in droves and The Criminal will call for martial law because he can.
I would urge the press to flip the script and stop reporting on the lies that issue from Trump and Musk. Instead, the press should carefully research what they are Doing, report on that and focus on the consequences for real people and the rule of law. They have spent far too many years serving as MAGA’s megaphone.
... speaking of cuts to Medicaid.
Death Count Math: How many Americans have to die to pay for the Republican TAX CUT for billionaires?
Deadly Measles Breakout: Mapping the fatal cost of putting clowns in charge of healthcare policy
The pictures are beautiful! Yes it was a day full of more terrorizing . Thank you for being able to send such a descriptive accounting ; along with a pep talk! Watching the Cabinet of Crooks meeting was surreal but I felt it necessary. It just underscores what we’re up against. Enjoy your time away!
The most potent antidote to Trump’s putting choke chains on the necks of the White House press corps is for the Democrats to set up the “Shadow Cabinet” advocated by Timothy Snyder.
America needs an authoritative entity giving regular, official press conferences to correct the lies flooding from the White House and the agencies of Trump’s government.
I’m calling and writing to every elected Democratic official I can reach to ask for action . . .
Here is Prof Snyder's description of why we urgently need a Shadow Cabinet: