"I cannot but laugh." John Adam's reply to Abigail when she said to him "Remember the ladies," Now I cannot but laugh at all the commentators and pundits who are still insisting abortion will not be a significant factor in the Midterms even in the light of what most predictably happened in Kansas .. if you were an angry woman being shoved into second class status. This isn't about abortion per se but about freedom to make decisions about one's own body and life. Freedom is what we're now fighting for. That's what a democratic republic guarantees every citizen of all colors, all genders and all religions. Republicans responsible for taking away women's freedoms are going to be trounced in the midterms at all levels of the election - local, federal and most especially at the state level. This will not be a partisan vote because so many realize taking away any right is onerous and can easily spread to all rights being denied. Thinking back to slaves being whipped to oar a ship faster. Freed slaves would always be able and determined to outrun such a ship. Women now have that level of determination. Anyone who understands that this is now about Freedom has that determination. We must explicitly enumerate the unenumerated rights and freedoms referred to in the Ninth Amendment, guarantee them through law and build a society where there is truly Freedom and Justice for all! Freedom. Lady Liberty just shouted Charge! and go Vote!
Exactly! I am a supporter of choice, even thought I doubt I would ever have had an abortion, back in the day...but who knows? There are so many circumstances. It is not mine to judge. An unequivocal anti-abortion position is absurd, ignorant, and ultimately unenforceable.
Exactly. We all walk down different paths, have very different bodies and conditions, and all live in varying financial situations. My choice CANNOT dictate what another woman would need.
I agree with you. But...I still wouldn't recommend my daughter go to college in one of the those states or settle or retire there. That's just me. But....the crazies are in control and dream of a return to the 1930s.
I wouldn’t either and am glad that all my nieces and great nieces live in places that are (relatively) safe….at least for now. The crazy bad-ass states are going to do what they do whether I am here or not…..so for now I am here (in Florida) and will stay and do what I can.
Is this issue that difficult for pundits to comprehend? Do they not GET that it is ALL about FREEDOM? I really don't think this is just a gender-related matter - I see men just as riled up over their wives and daughters being stripped of their rights as their wives and daughters are riled up. I see my LGBTQ+ friends terrified that their FREEDOM will be stripped away. In Kansas, the traditional red/blue zones meant nothing to those voting for FREEDOM. I hope Texans wake up this November. I'm doing my best with my little social media efforts. And now I have a BETO sign in my front yard! Yay!
Totally agree. This minority political party has become so vile, bombastic, and entitled. Leave people alone! Help those who ask for it. But, we know this is the party that s unites to NOT care for others.
Robert, it’s your generous and graceful sharing that has brought so many of us together, committed to stopping the dam of hate and vitriol— including my own! When I sputter with rage and despair, your newsletter calms and focuses me. I am sure the same for many of us, many that can say much more eloquently than I!
Well said, Nancy! I’m here for my daily dose of reality AND optimism. For too long, those things have been separate entities. Thanks Robert for flipping the pessimistic headlines and helping us see hope where others sow seeds of pessimism and discontent. Happy Wednesday everyone!
I agree! I always read Robert Hubbell first so I can face the day with an optimistic outlook. The good news out of Kansas after Tuesday shows that the future isn’t all doom & gloom.
Yes, your sincere communication style works for me. It’s a gut feeling that you want the best for everyone. My response to the Kansas primary is similar. Women in particular use that instinct when in danger. The disgust of having Clarence Thomas and Kavanaugh rule about our bodies, our choices, is so offensive that it immediately opened our eyes to all of the other cruel intentions of the Republican Party happening simultaneously against women, our children, our different races, our veterans, our democracy. As Liz Cheney stated “the Dam has broken”. We are women scorned and that vote revealed how deeply angry we are they will continue to do so if we don’t stop them. Bravo Kansas.
I agree, Diane. The gutting of Roe coupled with mass shootings is visceral. My guess is that some women who are publicly anti-choice have either had abortions or don't like the idea of forcing anyone to have a child. Perhaps a few even privately voted "NO."
Thank you, as always, Robert, for your cogent comments. I'd like to link the section on postcarding with your observation that the "enthusiasm and commitment of readers are trending up as we head into the midterms."
The studies on the efficacy of postcarding appear to be narrowly focused on desired impact on election results. However, it's as much the journey as the destination. I have no doubt that the process of writing postcards helps the writers deepen their understanding of the issues, refine their messaging, and become all the more adept at articulating these issues as they engage in conversations with friends and family, spreading the word with an increasing level of skill and confidence--including through other modes of grassroots activism, such as writing letters, phone/text banking, and door knocking.
This is a key ingredient for the secret sauce crafted by the women of Kansas to produce the resounding success of supporting their state constitutional right to healthcare choice for women!
Ellie, you bring to mind the words of an old feminist hymn from what seems like a million years ago: "We are all God's children. The journey is our home."
Thank you for your eloquent and specific reminder of the benefits to each of us when we act on behalf of all of us.
If I get a postcard from a candidate's team, I remember that person and look them up. I am a small sample of one, but in addition to door-knocking, these things can really make a difference for unknown candidates or races with a ton of people in them.
Here's my two cents worth! I love getting mail much more than a phone call or email. If someone takes the minutes to write to me, it is impressive. I think the editorial was off base.
Me, too, Hope. The advent of email took a huge source of pleasure out of my life--writing and receiving long, leisurely, detailed, handwritten letters. And it seems like every step in the technology of communication takes us a step further from intimacy and personal connection. Give me a handwritten note on a postcard any day. It is much more likely to get my attention and actually make me stop and consider what it has tp say.
Thank you for calling out the insanity of taking polling results as gospel. Such helped Truman beat Dewey. Actually, I wonder why I still bother to read the news. Not only is much of it misleading and inaccurate, not to mention propagandistic but it also has the “frog-leg-in-a-petri dish” effect of overstimulating the reader into absolute paralysis. I think anything is possible, every single day. I have
reasonable expectations that there are more sane and humane citizens in the country than otherwise.
It has always been my firm belief "that there are more sane and humane citizens" in our country than otherwise. It's just easy for a relative minority to stir up enough trouble to get an oversized amount of daily media attention. That repetition becomes the dominant daily "noise" that the rest of us hear, while the majority of good, decent, caring people go about their lives in relative obscurity. But the Republicans woke up a sleeping giant in Kansas, despite their best efforts at tiptoeing around the abortion ban bomb they set to go off earlier this week.
It is not unreasonable to wonder if the mountain of evil deeds coming fast and furiously from the fascist Republicans will hit a tipping point.
Americans continue to hear from the January 6th Committee; the Department of Justice investigating the coup plotters; various high profile legal proceedings against the worst of the worst like Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, insurrectionists who stormed our Capital and the former president; attorneys, Senators, Congressional representatives and Trump appointed flunkeys who masterminded or assisted in plots to overturn our government; new and old reports on the continuing efforts by Russia to sow chaos in America aided by traitorous Americans and the cruel, irrational, backward, selfish and anti-American "rulings" pouring out of the current White Christian Nationalist Catholic majority on the Supreme Court.
It appears to be slowly absorbing into the national consciousness that our basic rights and freedoms are under violent attack from a determined, rich, evil minority who feel they alone should run America and who want to end abortion, gay marriage, mixed marriage, the use of contraception, the separation of church and state, the equality of women, the effort to treat people of all races and sexual orientations equally, the incredibly effective social safety net that Democrats provided with Social Security and Medicare, our decades long international alliance with our NATO allies to try and provide stability in the world, efforts to provide good healthcare to all citizens and the critical right of free speech and freedom of the press.
This landslide of evidence against the fascist, autocratic minority Republican party is growing larger and coming at a faster pace. At what point might America's sleeping giant of decent, honest, caring citizens wake up together, realize it's not about red or blue, but good or evil, and vote out the fascist cancer that is threatening our democratic way of life in numbers that will knock the pundits off their chairs? No one predicted what just happened in Kansas. I certainly wouldn't bet against the vast majority of Americans who treasure our democracy.
We used to think that the damage done by a new administration would be limited and easily corrected.. We now know better and it is incumbent upon we the people to be aware in the future who and what we vote for. Those from the previous group surely have learned of ways to better take control of the government and surely there are plenty of those already on board who are ready to act. The new Administration can simply appoint acting secretaries, etc. instead of waiting for congressional approval- who can begin making substantive changes in the organizations to which they are assigned. There are probably those who are already planning what steps they can take and what people to hire.
On another note, I hope that the dems have learned not to do ads to support extreme candidates in the hope that will help dem candidates especially like the one in Michigan who voted against Trump. Taking that route is dangerous especially because it puts you down in the mud and once there it is difficult to come back and makes it harder to arue that voters should elect you.
The action by the voters of Kansas is hopefully only the beginning for voters to stop voting against their own interest . As Robert points out, the next thing people will find is that Social Security and Medicare will be impacted. The Dems need to be shouting from the roof tops all the things they voted for in the house that aren't passed because of the Repubs . This includes the Bill finally passed impacting health care for Vets. I don't understand so many in the military supporting the repubs when for the most part mst of what they get is because of the Dens!
I think the strategy of taking dem $$$ and directing it to the most extreme of the rep candidates on the bet that those crazies will then fail in November is deeply misguided. And further - I don't want one penny of my savings going to support a monster. It might result in me giving less money to the big dem PACs -----> not an outcome any of us want.
"The old rules no longer apply. While it is still too early to understand the full ramifications of the resounding defeat suffered by anti-choice Republicans in Kansas, this much is clear: Polling models based on “historical data” are broken."
Mr. Hubbell, I wanted to stand up and shout "GOOD MORNING!!" when I read this. It is the most resounding cry of hope and call to action I've heard in a very long time.
Trump (or any other GOP President) doesn’t have to re-fill thousands of federal jobs with loyal appointees after converting them to Schedule F. He or she merely has to convert the positions and then not fill them.
This point deserves our attention. Schedule F would lead to a purge of competent, experienced, nonpartisan civic service functionaries. Dispensing with them is all that is needed to fulfil the mission of anarchistic Repubs to destroy government. They don't care about replacement for the purpose of a functioning government. Any replacements would be for the purpose of growing an army of loyalists in service of plutocracy through well-paying appointments, like TFG did for Louis DeJoy and so many others in his administration.
HI, David. Other readers have made that point in emails this morning. While true, it falls short of the intended goal--to dismantle the administrative state by repealing regulations. if the positions remain unfilled, the regulations remain in place.
My field is evidence based medicine so it has been fascinating to watch SisterDistrict (awesome group!) attempt to generate evidence in this field. Although I have not done a formal analysis, it looks to me like context is key - some efforts have impact, some don’t, and we have a reasonable handle on some of the drivers. It’s also possible to dovetail local capacity building with external GOTV volunteers. This year my Indivisible group is working with a small house of delegates campaign across the border in a red area written off by state Dems for decades. By doubling the number of phonebankers and door knockers, we are helping recruit new local volunteers who would never have been contacted otherwise and also sustaining the morale of the brave little campaign through the early days. Even if we lose, the local Dems will be in much better shape for the next election.
New subscriber here... love the thoughtfulness of your posts. I agree with the NYT article: Opinion | Fed Up With Democratic Emails? You’re Not the Only One,
I became heavily involved in politics in 2016 (of course) and saw how the ubiquitous tactics were applied from the Obama campaign. Just like with investing, a successful method will be exploited and will no longer be successful because humans are smart and don't like to be manipulated.
In 2018 and 2020, the Democratic party doubled down on the madness. To me, it has beaten caring people into submission and fewer want to be involved in the political process. Biden won despite the tired tactics, and only because enough people cared to stop the Trump authoritarian takeover.
Politics is an industry (if you haven't read "The Politics Industry" by Katherine Gehl, you should). We need to find a way to engage people in meaningful ways, and quit wasting money and time on filling mailboxes and airways with junk.
Thanks for the good work and thoughtful discussion.
Politics and government are big business probably the largest enterprise in the world. The Kansas vote is the result of meaningful people fighting for their individual rights and the parents who sued Alex Jones also did meaningful things. It’s happening everyday. It’s issue based not party based.
Hi Carolyn. Thanks for sharing your views. It is not clear to me which tactics you are referring to--texting? posctarding? letter writing? As i noted in my newsletter, I believe the evidence favors the effectiveness of all three.
Texting, emailing, and calling. It would be interesting if they broke down the "get out and vote" texts from the "give me money before the deadline" texts in the research. People like being called to action, but they see through these endless requests for money. Another great study would be the dropout rate - after someone gives their contact info and/or money, how many dropout? It is disheartening how information is sold and people are then bombarded from candidates and organizations across the country. Once a person is on the list, it is like "whack-a-mole" - endless calls, texts and emails asking for more and more money. It makes people cynical. Some may vote, but they are often holding their nose closed while they do it.
Why are Republicans surprised to learn that telling people they are wrong and taking away their rights motivates them and makes them mad? Oh wait, that’s right... because they really don't care about those rights and how people feel about them. You see, Republicans are actually out of step with most of the American public on... well, a lot of things. Here is a list of just a few of those things Republicans are wrong on and out of step with most Americans:
Thank you again for the work you do, and for your unrelenting positivity. David Leonhardt has a good The Morning (NYT) newsletter today, that pursues similar themes—specifically on how Americans can thwart the Supreme Court’s anti-democratic efforts. You and writers like Leonhardt give me hope that the US I love will survive this difficult era.
Last night I had the pleasure of listening to incredible grassroots organizers, who receive financial support from the Movement Voter Project (www.movement.vote) in 3 critical states: Kansas, Michigan and Arizona. These passionate, articulate, well organized women are leading their volunteers and staff to locate potential voters, educate these people about the importance of voting and the issues at stake, register them and then get them to the polls. We have just witnessed the power of this work in Kansas where grassroots organizers worked against so many barriers to get people to understand what was and is at stake. Listening to them gives me hope and calibrated optimism that we can keep our democracy and make it stronger. And it's important to remember that this work helps improve the voting down ballot to change the direction of so many states.
And so, to echo Robert's thoughts: I am hopeful and enthusiastic and we need to keep doing everything we can to support each other and offset the gloom and doom from the pundits--who really may not know what they are talking about.
Thank you for the opportunity to share these thoughts.
"I cannot but laugh." John Adam's reply to Abigail when she said to him "Remember the ladies," Now I cannot but laugh at all the commentators and pundits who are still insisting abortion will not be a significant factor in the Midterms even in the light of what most predictably happened in Kansas .. if you were an angry woman being shoved into second class status. This isn't about abortion per se but about freedom to make decisions about one's own body and life. Freedom is what we're now fighting for. That's what a democratic republic guarantees every citizen of all colors, all genders and all religions. Republicans responsible for taking away women's freedoms are going to be trounced in the midterms at all levels of the election - local, federal and most especially at the state level. This will not be a partisan vote because so many realize taking away any right is onerous and can easily spread to all rights being denied. Thinking back to slaves being whipped to oar a ship faster. Freed slaves would always be able and determined to outrun such a ship. Women now have that level of determination. Anyone who understands that this is now about Freedom has that determination. We must explicitly enumerate the unenumerated rights and freedoms referred to in the Ninth Amendment, guarantee them through law and build a society where there is truly Freedom and Justice for all! Freedom. Lady Liberty just shouted Charge! and go Vote!
Like: This isn't about abortion per se but about freedom to make decisions about one's own body and life.
Exactly! I am a supporter of choice, even thought I doubt I would ever have had an abortion, back in the day...but who knows? There are so many circumstances. It is not mine to judge. An unequivocal anti-abortion position is absurd, ignorant, and ultimately unenforceable.
Exactly. We all walk down different paths, have very different bodies and conditions, and all live in varying financial situations. My choice CANNOT dictate what another woman would need.
And steer our daughters to go to other states than the ones that invade their privacy.
Don’t everyone run away from states that restrict women’s rights. Stay, get active and vote. We need your help
I agree with you. But...I still wouldn't recommend my daughter go to college in one of the those states or settle or retire there. That's just me. But....the crazies are in control and dream of a return to the 1930s.
I wouldn’t either and am glad that all my nieces and great nieces live in places that are (relatively) safe….at least for now. The crazy bad-ass states are going to do what they do whether I am here or not…..so for now I am here (in Florida) and will stay and do what I can.
Onward sistah!
And in case you missed the following pandering to MAGA from DeSantis:
Is this issue that difficult for pundits to comprehend? Do they not GET that it is ALL about FREEDOM? I really don't think this is just a gender-related matter - I see men just as riled up over their wives and daughters being stripped of their rights as their wives and daughters are riled up. I see my LGBTQ+ friends terrified that their FREEDOM will be stripped away. In Kansas, the traditional red/blue zones meant nothing to those voting for FREEDOM. I hope Texans wake up this November. I'm doing my best with my little social media efforts. And now I have a BETO sign in my front yard! Yay!
Totally agree. This minority political party has become so vile, bombastic, and entitled. Leave people alone! Help those who ask for it. But, we know this is the party that s unites to NOT care for others.
Nice, Cathy!
Excellent wording, Cathy. May I quote you?
Yes, you may! Let's spread the word. I believe the people running the Kansas campaign emphasized Freedom rather than abortion. Certainly worked there!
Robert, it’s your generous and graceful sharing that has brought so many of us together, committed to stopping the dam of hate and vitriol— including my own! When I sputter with rage and despair, your newsletter calms and focuses me. I am sure the same for many of us, many that can say much more eloquently than I!
Well said, Nancy! I’m here for my daily dose of reality AND optimism. For too long, those things have been separate entities. Thanks Robert for flipping the pessimistic headlines and helping us see hope where others sow seeds of pessimism and discontent. Happy Wednesday everyone!
I agree! I always read Robert Hubbell first so I can face the day with an optimistic outlook. The good news out of Kansas after Tuesday shows that the future isn’t all doom & gloom.
Me too! Can’t start the day without Robert’s words.
I agree 100% with your comment! Thanks for expressing it so well.
Nope. You said it perfectly and definitely speak for me!
Yes, your sincere communication style works for me. It’s a gut feeling that you want the best for everyone. My response to the Kansas primary is similar. Women in particular use that instinct when in danger. The disgust of having Clarence Thomas and Kavanaugh rule about our bodies, our choices, is so offensive that it immediately opened our eyes to all of the other cruel intentions of the Republican Party happening simultaneously against women, our children, our different races, our veterans, our democracy. As Liz Cheney stated “the Dam has broken”. We are women scorned and that vote revealed how deeply angry we are they will continue to do so if we don’t stop them. Bravo Kansas.
I agree, Diane. The gutting of Roe coupled with mass shootings is visceral. My guess is that some women who are publicly anti-choice have either had abortions or don't like the idea of forcing anyone to have a child. Perhaps a few even privately voted "NO."
OMG< just the mention of those two Justices, both who have been accused of sexual improprieties, really made my skin crawl. Well said comment, Diane.
Thank you, as always, Robert, for your cogent comments. I'd like to link the section on postcarding with your observation that the "enthusiasm and commitment of readers are trending up as we head into the midterms."
The studies on the efficacy of postcarding appear to be narrowly focused on desired impact on election results. However, it's as much the journey as the destination. I have no doubt that the process of writing postcards helps the writers deepen their understanding of the issues, refine their messaging, and become all the more adept at articulating these issues as they engage in conversations with friends and family, spreading the word with an increasing level of skill and confidence--including through other modes of grassroots activism, such as writing letters, phone/text banking, and door knocking.
This is a key ingredient for the secret sauce crafted by the women of Kansas to produce the resounding success of supporting their state constitutional right to healthcare choice for women!
Words to live by: it's as much the journey as the destination. Thanks, Ellie!
Ellie, you bring to mind the words of an old feminist hymn from what seems like a million years ago: "We are all God's children. The journey is our home."
Thank you for your eloquent and specific reminder of the benefits to each of us when we act on behalf of all of us.
If I get a postcard from a candidate's team, I remember that person and look them up. I am a small sample of one, but in addition to door-knocking, these things can really make a difference for unknown candidates or races with a ton of people in them.
Here's my two cents worth! I love getting mail much more than a phone call or email. If someone takes the minutes to write to me, it is impressive. I think the editorial was off base.
Me, too, Hope. The advent of email took a huge source of pleasure out of my life--writing and receiving long, leisurely, detailed, handwritten letters. And it seems like every step in the technology of communication takes us a step further from intimacy and personal connection. Give me a handwritten note on a postcard any day. It is much more likely to get my attention and actually make me stop and consider what it has tp say.
Thank you for calling out the insanity of taking polling results as gospel. Such helped Truman beat Dewey. Actually, I wonder why I still bother to read the news. Not only is much of it misleading and inaccurate, not to mention propagandistic but it also has the “frog-leg-in-a-petri dish” effect of overstimulating the reader into absolute paralysis. I think anything is possible, every single day. I have
reasonable expectations that there are more sane and humane citizens in the country than otherwise.
It has always been my firm belief "that there are more sane and humane citizens" in our country than otherwise. It's just easy for a relative minority to stir up enough trouble to get an oversized amount of daily media attention. That repetition becomes the dominant daily "noise" that the rest of us hear, while the majority of good, decent, caring people go about their lives in relative obscurity. But the Republicans woke up a sleeping giant in Kansas, despite their best efforts at tiptoeing around the abortion ban bomb they set to go off earlier this week.
It is not unreasonable to wonder if the mountain of evil deeds coming fast and furiously from the fascist Republicans will hit a tipping point.
Americans continue to hear from the January 6th Committee; the Department of Justice investigating the coup plotters; various high profile legal proceedings against the worst of the worst like Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, insurrectionists who stormed our Capital and the former president; attorneys, Senators, Congressional representatives and Trump appointed flunkeys who masterminded or assisted in plots to overturn our government; new and old reports on the continuing efforts by Russia to sow chaos in America aided by traitorous Americans and the cruel, irrational, backward, selfish and anti-American "rulings" pouring out of the current White Christian Nationalist Catholic majority on the Supreme Court.
It appears to be slowly absorbing into the national consciousness that our basic rights and freedoms are under violent attack from a determined, rich, evil minority who feel they alone should run America and who want to end abortion, gay marriage, mixed marriage, the use of contraception, the separation of church and state, the equality of women, the effort to treat people of all races and sexual orientations equally, the incredibly effective social safety net that Democrats provided with Social Security and Medicare, our decades long international alliance with our NATO allies to try and provide stability in the world, efforts to provide good healthcare to all citizens and the critical right of free speech and freedom of the press.
This landslide of evidence against the fascist, autocratic minority Republican party is growing larger and coming at a faster pace. At what point might America's sleeping giant of decent, honest, caring citizens wake up together, realize it's not about red or blue, but good or evil, and vote out the fascist cancer that is threatening our democratic way of life in numbers that will knock the pundits off their chairs? No one predicted what just happened in Kansas. I certainly wouldn't bet against the vast majority of Americans who treasure our democracy.
Agree! It is a losing proposition to bet against the "vast majority of Americans who treasure our democracy."
We used to think that the damage done by a new administration would be limited and easily corrected.. We now know better and it is incumbent upon we the people to be aware in the future who and what we vote for. Those from the previous group surely have learned of ways to better take control of the government and surely there are plenty of those already on board who are ready to act. The new Administration can simply appoint acting secretaries, etc. instead of waiting for congressional approval- who can begin making substantive changes in the organizations to which they are assigned. There are probably those who are already planning what steps they can take and what people to hire.
On another note, I hope that the dems have learned not to do ads to support extreme candidates in the hope that will help dem candidates especially like the one in Michigan who voted against Trump. Taking that route is dangerous especially because it puts you down in the mud and once there it is difficult to come back and makes it harder to arue that voters should elect you.
The action by the voters of Kansas is hopefully only the beginning for voters to stop voting against their own interest . As Robert points out, the next thing people will find is that Social Security and Medicare will be impacted. The Dems need to be shouting from the roof tops all the things they voted for in the house that aren't passed because of the Repubs . This includes the Bill finally passed impacting health care for Vets. I don't understand so many in the military supporting the repubs when for the most part mst of what they get is because of the Dens!
I think the strategy of taking dem $$$ and directing it to the most extreme of the rep candidates on the bet that those crazies will then fail in November is deeply misguided. And further - I don't want one penny of my savings going to support a monster. It might result in me giving less money to the big dem PACs -----> not an outcome any of us want.
i'm with you - i hope my initial comment reflected that!
"The old rules no longer apply. While it is still too early to understand the full ramifications of the resounding defeat suffered by anti-choice Republicans in Kansas, this much is clear: Polling models based on “historical data” are broken."
Mr. Hubbell, I wanted to stand up and shout "GOOD MORNING!!" when I read this. It is the most resounding cry of hope and call to action I've heard in a very long time.
Thank you!
Re: Schedule F
Trump (or any other GOP President) doesn’t have to re-fill thousands of federal jobs with loyal appointees after converting them to Schedule F. He or she merely has to convert the positions and then not fill them.
This point deserves our attention. Schedule F would lead to a purge of competent, experienced, nonpartisan civic service functionaries. Dispensing with them is all that is needed to fulfil the mission of anarchistic Repubs to destroy government. They don't care about replacement for the purpose of a functioning government. Any replacements would be for the purpose of growing an army of loyalists in service of plutocracy through well-paying appointments, like TFG did for Louis DeJoy and so many others in his administration.
HI, David. Other readers have made that point in emails this morning. While true, it falls short of the intended goal--to dismantle the administrative state by repealing regulations. if the positions remain unfilled, the regulations remain in place.
I will keep on post carding. I feel connected to the “fight”.
This week, I am penning encouraging words to voters in Georgia. SUPPORT SENATOR WARNOCK!
You are having a huge impact on saving our country. Thank you 🙏🏼
My field is evidence based medicine so it has been fascinating to watch SisterDistrict (awesome group!) attempt to generate evidence in this field. Although I have not done a formal analysis, it looks to me like context is key - some efforts have impact, some don’t, and we have a reasonable handle on some of the drivers. It’s also possible to dovetail local capacity building with external GOTV volunteers. This year my Indivisible group is working with a small house of delegates campaign across the border in a red area written off by state Dems for decades. By doubling the number of phonebankers and door knockers, we are helping recruit new local volunteers who would never have been contacted otherwise and also sustaining the morale of the brave little campaign through the early days. Even if we lose, the local Dems will be in much better shape for the next election.
Absolutely agree, no effort is wasted! "Even if we lose, the local Dems will be in much better shape for the next election."
Missing text scandal As Yogi Berra supposedly said, “That’s too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.”
And, 'It's like deja vu all over again"-- i.e. Watergate!
New subscriber here... love the thoughtfulness of your posts. I agree with the NYT article: Opinion | Fed Up With Democratic Emails? You’re Not the Only One,
I became heavily involved in politics in 2016 (of course) and saw how the ubiquitous tactics were applied from the Obama campaign. Just like with investing, a successful method will be exploited and will no longer be successful because humans are smart and don't like to be manipulated.
In 2018 and 2020, the Democratic party doubled down on the madness. To me, it has beaten caring people into submission and fewer want to be involved in the political process. Biden won despite the tired tactics, and only because enough people cared to stop the Trump authoritarian takeover.
Politics is an industry (if you haven't read "The Politics Industry" by Katherine Gehl, you should). We need to find a way to engage people in meaningful ways, and quit wasting money and time on filling mailboxes and airways with junk.
Thanks for the good work and thoughtful discussion.
Politics and government are big business probably the largest enterprise in the world. The Kansas vote is the result of meaningful people fighting for their individual rights and the parents who sued Alex Jones also did meaningful things. It’s happening everyday. It’s issue based not party based.
Hi Carolyn. Thanks for sharing your views. It is not clear to me which tactics you are referring to--texting? posctarding? letter writing? As i noted in my newsletter, I believe the evidence favors the effectiveness of all three.
Texting, emailing, and calling. It would be interesting if they broke down the "get out and vote" texts from the "give me money before the deadline" texts in the research. People like being called to action, but they see through these endless requests for money. Another great study would be the dropout rate - after someone gives their contact info and/or money, how many dropout? It is disheartening how information is sold and people are then bombarded from candidates and organizations across the country. Once a person is on the list, it is like "whack-a-mole" - endless calls, texts and emails asking for more and more money. It makes people cynical. Some may vote, but they are often holding their nose closed while they do it.
Why are Republicans surprised to learn that telling people they are wrong and taking away their rights motivates them and makes them mad? Oh wait, that’s right... because they really don't care about those rights and how people feel about them. You see, Republicans are actually out of step with most of the American public on... well, a lot of things. Here is a list of just a few of those things Republicans are wrong on and out of step with most Americans:
Gun rights
Protecting the environment
The economy
Election integrity
Support for Veterans healthcare
The meaning of religious freedom
Real patriotism
Social justice
The meaning of equality
Support for families and children
Childcare support
Family leave
LGBTQ rights
Rule of Law
Criminal justice reform
... and much more
Oh... and who won the 2020 Presidential election... It really was Biden.
Thank you again for the work you do, and for your unrelenting positivity. David Leonhardt has a good The Morning (NYT) newsletter today, that pursues similar themes—specifically on how Americans can thwart the Supreme Court’s anti-democratic efforts. You and writers like Leonhardt give me hope that the US I love will survive this difficult era.
Last night I had the pleasure of listening to incredible grassroots organizers, who receive financial support from the Movement Voter Project (www.movement.vote) in 3 critical states: Kansas, Michigan and Arizona. These passionate, articulate, well organized women are leading their volunteers and staff to locate potential voters, educate these people about the importance of voting and the issues at stake, register them and then get them to the polls. We have just witnessed the power of this work in Kansas where grassroots organizers worked against so many barriers to get people to understand what was and is at stake. Listening to them gives me hope and calibrated optimism that we can keep our democracy and make it stronger. And it's important to remember that this work helps improve the voting down ballot to change the direction of so many states.
And so, to echo Robert's thoughts: I am hopeful and enthusiastic and we need to keep doing everything we can to support each other and offset the gloom and doom from the pundits--who really may not know what they are talking about.
Thank you for the opportunity to share these thoughts.