In addition to donating, readers can take action. Jessica Craven of Chop Wood Carry Water leads a Wis. phone bank every Wednesday. Sign up at:


Several organizations will do post card and letter writing after the Feb. 21 primary. Here are two examples:



Robert Hubbell wrote (and I thank him for doing so): "I noted previously that there is an important election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2023. There are four candidates in the primary, and the top two finishers are likely to proceed to a run-off. Democrats must ensure that at least (one) of the two final candidates is a Democrat.

Background on why this election is important: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/25/us/politics/wisconsin-supreme-court-election.html

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Steve Scalise is well-known in Louisiana as "David Duke without the baggage." Need I say more?

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This was particularly funny, Mr Hubble: « She supports Trump, except when she doesn’t, except when Trump attacks her for not supporting him, except when she wants to be president but doesn’t want to offend Trump’s supporters. Got that? I hope not! It is incomprehensible. »

All of these people deserve to be laughing stocks. Bon Voyage RH !

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Pence prostituting himself for his political ambitions is a waste of what little integrity he might have ever had. He doesn’t have a peanut’s chance in a monkey cage of getting the Republican nomination.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A personal story: My late wife, Penny, was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 1998. She kept working as a classroom teacher until February, 2006, much to the consternation of her conservative supervisors, who openly wished she'd just give up and leave. In that year, the school district's Human Resources Director had had enough of the backbiting and sniping-and delivered a generous disability package, which included Social Security Disability payments. Mental and musculoskeletal issues did not prevent this indomitable woman from going on to earn her third Master's Degree, in Educational Technology. I had to, continue to fight with conservative Republicans, in the state bureaucracy, almost up to the day she died. Yes, their efforts were to take back her payments, by placing her in state care- which never came to pass, because she refused to sign off on it, while still of sound mind. Guess their argument was: Our son and I were goldbricks, living off her disability! This, while we were her joint caretakers, and both of us were holding down jobs.

In fairness, my parents-in-law and my middle brother, conservative Republicans all, had our on backs on this issue.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

An additional source of information on the worm hole Pence is trying to slither through, I suggest today's Joyce Vance Newsletter: https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/more-about-mike?r=f38fk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“[C]ount on Pence to produce high-minded public statements about how his only goal is to once again preserve and protect the Constitution. This time, don’t believe him.”

This time? I have never believed one word coming out of this hypocritical, self-righteous man’s mouth.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

RE “The fact that Scalise has no empathy for people suffering from disabilities after his own life-threatening disability is consistent with the GOP’s Darwinian socialism approach to government.” I’ve come to the realization, admittedly late in life, that many successful people lack empathy. Some of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs (you know their names) could fairly be described as on the sociopathic spectrum, when judged by their comments and actions. To them and their sycophants, empathy is a bug, not a feature.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, Good analysis. Thank you. Sadly, I cannot picture myself discussing these issues point by point with any MAGA follower not because I’d be unable to recall the points of such an argument, but because most of the MAGA followers whom I now avoid interacting with cannot maintain any level of concentration that makes them able to listen to an opposing point of view before interrupting with something which begins with, "But what about........" It is a lost cause except when talking among sane tribal members.

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Maybe it’s just me but it seems that the people running against Trump really don’t offer most voters an alternative to a Trump presidency. Pence is pathetic and his refusal to testify will unfortunately brand him as weak and a coward not attributes we want in a President. Nikki Haley was at one time a decent conservative Republican who sold her soul to Trump. Here is what she said a few days after J6th. “ January 6th was a tough day. The actions of the president since Election Day were not his finest. . . . What happened on January 6th was not great. Does he deserve to be impeached? Absolutely not. . . . They beat him up before he got into office. They’re beating him up after he leaves office. I mean at some point, I mean, give the man a break. I mean, move”:

DeSantis might play well in Florida but his tactics and platform should offend most voters outside of Florida and he certainly is not charismatic by any stretch of the imagination. Against these three choices Biden looks great. The only challenge he would have is if a middle of the road Republican with some charisma steps up and announces they have had enough and they want to return the GOP back to its core values and philosophy. I’m not sure that person exists or if they do have the guts to step forward.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Reading about Pence, Corcoran and Haley, two words come immediately to mind: sniveling worms.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Repubs deserve all the flak they're getting for SS/Medicare. However, the Dems really should be at least a bit clear-eyed about the future of these programs, rather than scream bloody murder at any suggestion of reform. The financial projections as our population ages and retires are really concerning. Is it possible for Dems to say that some tweakings in revenue must be examined in the interest of the programs' long term viability? I should hope so. Frame it as PROTECTING Social Security and Medicare.

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Social Security and Medicare are in need of reform, a problem widely recognized on both sides of the aisle. But the solution is not to cut benefits. The solution is to raise taxes on the wealthiest individuals and most profitable companies.

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None of those who are following orders from big money donors, like the NRA for example, are standing up to a bully. They are all part of a mafia system.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Grrrr Scalise. My family has a member who has suffered for much of her life. She wanted to work- was happy to work in a coffee shop. Fired. This became a theme. It was so sad to see someone who wanted to go to work, but because of physical issues was squeezed out time after time. It became mental issues too- much of it brought on by being treated so poorly. Now SSI Disability and believe me it’s no great shakes.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Would Trump be qualified or disqualified from receiving benefits because of his bone spurs?

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