May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I also had to stop watching the CNN train wreck. I am insulted by the blatant behavior of this criminal. Let's keep the pressure on him and our foot on his neck. I have always referred to him as Eboli....a bacteria that is hard to kill. We will win in the end but it is remarkable how shameless this man is. Shame on CNN for giving him a 1 hour commercial and for packing the audience with Trump forever supporters. It was an outrage.

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The Cretin News Network and Christ Licht are under orders from jumped-up Reality TV honcho David Zaslav, the CEO-in-name-only of WBD, taking his jumping orders from major shareholder and far right nut John Malone, to have "CNN return to the center" (i.e., attract more Republicans). They are so deep in 3rd place in ratings that they're about to be overtaken by NewsMax and drop into #4. So they decided to follow the gameplan of Jeff Zucker in 2016 and give the network to Trump "because he brings ratings."

As for Wolf Blitzer, the man has been phoning it in since he lucked into being stuck in Baghdad. He makes Chuck Todd look like he has a brain.

Personally, I hope this is the nail in the coffin for CNN and when the ratings swoon continues, Zaslav's cost cutting goon Gunnar Widenfels, gives CNN the chop come December when WBD has a big debt payment to make.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

PBS is my news of choice. CNN is now off the menu. Sad.

We absolutely CANNOT let these lunatics win in 2024.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Jeffries said it well today when he observed that today's GOP isn't bothered by hypocrisy. Apparently neither is CNN. It makes me sick that women will overlook that disgusting man's sexual assault on a woman. It makes my skin crawl. Laughing about what six men and three women unanimously decided in barely three hours to be the truth of what happened that day to Ms. Carroll shows how ignorant and mean the people who support that disgusting man are. And shame on the GOP who encourage that stupidity by playing dumb themselves. A medal to Robert for watching and recounting the CNN debacle.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Mr. Hubbell, like you I am unsure if CNN is now in the Trump camp or is just desperately seeking better ratings or both. I didn't watch the debacle, and I encourage my friends and anyone who will listen to boycott CNN from now on! I gave up on them in 2020 because I found their reporting uneven at best, and pandering to Trump and the far-right at worst. But my prayer is that Trump in being himself on CNN (a petty, callous, narcissistic, and sinister liar) lost some of his appeal to anyone but his most ardent sycophants, and became repugnant in their eyes. How any sane woman would support him now after he mocked E. Jean Carroll is beyond me. But I felt that way when the "Access Hollywood" tape came out, and the creep still got elected. For me, the Central Park 5 case was all I needed to see Trump for who he was and is--a racist, despicable, low life with money. In calling for the death penalty, he helped get those five innocent Black and Hispanic teenagers convicted of brutally raping a White woman. Then he went on Larry King and doubled-down by saying, "I hate them. You should hate them. Sometimes hate gets things done." Chilling then and now. You're so right. We need to fight like hell to keep him out of office, along with any other GOP candidate. Biden has said we are in a fight for the soul of our country. Indeed , we are and for our democracy as a whole.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Pat sax. To change the focus for a moment: The increasing information detailing the corruption in the Supreme Court will demand action by the Justice Department. I am predicting that Justice Thomas will resign as Nixon did to avoid criminal charges. If that happens, might we consider his replacement might be the outstanding legal professor ANITA HILL?

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"Putting a microphone and three cameras on Trump as if he were just another candidate and not an instigator of the violent disruption of American democracy and leader of a conspiracy to overthrow the results of a national election is the height of journalistic irresponsibility." So said The Guardian journalist Siva Vaidhyanathan:


Just a week ago, I upgraded my subscription to The Guardian. I'm so glad I did.

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It’s too bad that Kaitlin didn’t bring up the fact that 6 men and 3 women found him guilty of being a sexual predator thus bringing harm to E Jean. Plus, she was awarded additional monies for defamation. TFG is one sick very evil puppy. CNN took a nosedive trying to pit young Kaitlin against the worse human being on this planet , other than Putin. I did not watch one ounce of this fundraiser because I did not want the producers of this to know I might be viewing. My opinion is that the R party hired paid actors to be in the audience.

Santos, another predator of sorts. Full of fraud and lies like his leader. Guess they’re birds of a feather. They all are scum.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I did not watch the so-called "town hall" on CNN, but the usual 45 BINGO card is ALWAYS easy to predict:

Female moderator = "Nasty"

Extremes of "Greatest" and "Disaster" expected

More of "I'm the victim" (when in fact he is the arsonist) with "I'm the greatest"

Throw in some "I never knew that person"

With no plan, he always tags on "we'll have to see what happens."

Did I get it right?

PLEASE, GOD, CANCEL THIS "Reality television show."

Watching this continuing train wreck is destroying our mental health.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"After a federal civil jury delivered a unanimous verdict finding that Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll, leading Republicans attacked the jury". Judge Lewis Kaplan, who kept the names of jurors secret during the trial, advised the jurors to continue to keep their service secret. He prohibited them from revealing the names of other jurors if they decided to make their own names public. Juliette Kayyem, former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary added some specificity." ... you could get killed or injured, certainly harassed, definitely trolled so don't identify yourself and don't identify anybody else. Trump's strongest legacy will always be violence as an extension of our democratic processes." Sensible people treating the trial of a political leader as if it is the trial of a mob boss -- for good reason.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

He steamrolled Collins. Someone has said it was like watching an evil sitcom. Dr. Richardson quoted President Biden.

As Biden tweeted after the performance: “It’s simple, folks. Do you want four more years of that?”

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Hearing Robert Hubbell's bracing good sense was a necessary antidote to the Donald Trump cornucopia of lies CNN presented tonight. But Robert has greater intestinal fortitude than I, as I switched off Trump's delusionary rant after just ten minutes. When Robert turned his attention to the clownish George Santos, I think he found just the right tone when suggesting that brave Kevin McCarthy might also refuse to endorse Franco, Hoffa and Nixon. We need to take a mocking, ridiculing tone when trying to counter the garbage from Trump and his allies. We should not dignify these unhinged allegations by bothering to actually refute them. They and their progenitors should remain beneath contempt.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Kevin McCarthy said that he would not expel Santos over the indictment. But in a rare display of backbone, McCarthy said that he would not support Santos for election in 2024.”

This was *not* a display of backbone. McCarthy wants the seat to remain in GOP hand — and he knows that Santos has zero chance of winning re-election. McCarthy wants a different GOP candidate, who might win, to run. That is not backbone. That’s a pragmatic choice: he’s counting GOP seats.

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Thanks for your report on the cnn interview. I couldn’t bring myself to watch.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Totally agree with your recommendations for "essential daily reading," and thanks for restating it tonight!

"I would add Simon’s Hopium Chronicles to Jessica Craven’s Chop Wood, Carry Water, and Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American as essential daily reading. Readers should feel free to recommend other Substack authors in the Comments section of today’s newsletter!"

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As a member of the audience watching from abroad and with a European background let me first emphasize that I do not intend to defend CNN in any way. They are commercial in the first place and intend to catch the sensationalistic aspect first. However, the event served people of good will on both sides of the aisle as they were forced to watch what an ugly, low base and criminal witness with mafia like behaviour he would have been in the courtroom. His defence team knew why they would not let him testify, just because of this self incriminating blabbering that Trump does. It is hard, I know, for people of good will to face the harsh reality that this has become the public face of the GOP. My Dutch background tells me that to expose this, it is best to face the music. Either intentionally or (I am afraid) rather unintentionally this town hall served that goal. Let us indeed fight this dangerous threat to democracy!

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