I'm grateful to everyone who comments about Robert's articles. Knowing that so many of us treasure truth, democracy, civility, and a variety of perspectives encourages me to stay hopeful and engaged with activism in my community. It's often a struggle to not be beaten down by people spewing hate and lies - or embracing their own ignorance. I have to minimize watching clips of Jordan Klepper talking w/ MAGA followers - way too scary for me to laugh. So thank you to Robert and the commenting Community! Onward!

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Robert, when I was scanning this, I thought I had read “DeSantis is ‘burning’ education...in fact, that’s exactly what he is doing. Can he actually, as a governor of a state, invoke these threats to teachers, to librarians? If so, Hitler has been reincarnated and Florida is a mini Germany. Is there nothing in our Constitution to prevent all of the evil he spews?

As far as policing is concerned, my thought is that much must be tackled at a national level. The problem is that the powerful NRA has a chokehold on Republicans and cop culture. How do we slice and dice that?

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Marlene - I have lived 45 of my 65 years in Florida, including the past 35 years. For the past 25 years we've had horrible Governors - Jeb Bush, Rick Scott, and now the worst of them all, Ron DeSantis (or as I refer to him, Ron DeSatan). (note-Charlie Crist was a Republican when he served as Governor between Bush and Scott, and while he was not as horrid as they, he was basically a "milquetoast" Governor.) Bush and Scott wanted to do much of what DeSantis is doing, although the MAGA mandates were not yet in place until Trump and DeSantis came along. DeSantis has a super-majority in the state legislature which cow-tows to his every whim. Although Bush and Scott had Republican legislatures, there were enough people, usually in the Florida Senate, that had the guts to stand up to their worst impulses. That no longer is the case, thus DeSatan is able to get all his worst impulses realized through legislation courtesy of his lapdog legislature. It is a sad state of affairs indeed in the state I love.

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I truly feel for you and friends of mine who live there. I have one friend who is miserable. She and her husband moved there about 8 years ago to be closer to their sons. Fortunately, ahe has found a few friends to lock arms with. We shall prevail. We just have to.

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Sad to say it is Florida, Ms. Marlene! A swamp land with laws written by swamp creatures!

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Swamps are natural environments, like wetlands, and critical habitats. I think of the corrupt morass created by the cretins as “cesspools.”

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Marlene, I had the same thoughts comparing "book-burning" DeSantis to Hitler and the Germany of the 1930s. I can't imagine this going national but I sure will counter it any non-violent way I can. The students and faculty at New College are now on the front line! Next their dress code will require brown shirts.

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Indeed, burning education and educational institutions! If he succeeds in brow-beating the College Board to his will, that will affect the AP course nationwide.

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Apparently the College Board is caving. Historian Timothy Snyder warns us in ON TYRANNY not to obey authoritarian leaders in advance. Perhaps the College Board's next project will be "How to recognize, prepare for, and welcome authoritarianism."

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Yeah, I just read that 🤬

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UGH! Snyder is always right.

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The reported changes--announced on this first day of Black History month--are ominous and alarming. If colleges refused to grant credit for AP African American Studies, perhaps the DeSantis version of this course could return to its original intent to include important contemporary African American people, organizations and issues. I realize this is wishful thinking. As a retired AP English Literature and Language public school teacher and AP Faculty Consultant, I urge future AP African American Studies teachers to include the deleted subject matter as the focus of required student research projects until this ugly period in our nation's history has passed and the course can be appropriately and officially updated.

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Marlene, I was thinking that the way to prevent this evil is through the Florida voters. Then Mark reminded us that "DeSantis has a super-majority in the state legislature...." Who, in Florida is working to overcome the egregious gerrymandering that give DeSantis that super-majority?

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Absolutely looks like DeSantis is like the Teflon man, doesn’t it? He’s crazed. I don’t know what can be done with him. He is destroying any bit of what Florida has left. Hell, I will never go there as a tourist because everyone there will be packing a gun!

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Appears that no one is effective in that area! What percentage of eligible voters actually vote in Florida!

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There's always a silver lining in every event, no matter how dark. When the seas rise because of climate change/global warming, we won't have Florida to kick around any more.

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Well, will neighboring states welcome the millions of climate refugees from Florida?

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Good point! Maybe Cuba or other island nations will welcome them!

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Justice delayed is justice denied. This well worn phrase seems to fit the non-prosecution of tfg remarkably well. It goes to support the belief that if you have enough money, you can manipulate the justice system to your favor. Dis-barring the lawyers like Eastman and Giuliani and Mitchell (and many others) who have clearly transgressed would be good for our national soul. You just shouldn't be able to buy your way out of criminal responsibility.

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“If New York indicts Trump, he will seek to dismiss the indictment…. That issue will likely be resolved after a lengthy appeal, during which Trump will remain under indictment. ….the political damage of an indictment will stick to Trump until the issue is resolved.”

Just more of the same…. It’s doubtful if an indictment of tfg with no trial will do any damage to him. His pursuit of seeking the dismissal of any indictment which as you wrote “will likely be resolved after a lengthy appeal” will work in his favor. Even if there were a trial and he’s found guilty he’ll appeal the verdict. That appeal is also likely to drag on forever. Simply put his delay tactics work (appeals appeals appeals) otherwise he wouldn’t use them. He’s a master of using laws and the courts against themselves. He’ll delay delay delay until he finds a way out (pardoned? a self pardon?). For him it’s about “winning” no matter what the cost to the country and/ or any person in his way.

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But, curious minds want to know: who's actually footing the legal bills?

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I guess I should have said: who's donating the money to the "Save America" PAC. Paying lawyers with his own money is one of the things tfg tries to avoid at all costs. And, being as wiley as he is, he's generally succeeded in other people defending him. Lord only knows why they do.

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Jordan Klepper on the Daily Show interviews supporters:


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But they are buying their way out up to this point. The agony I feel running through my soul is testimony to your "justice delayed in justice denied" well worn phrase. And yet, I march on posting to FB way to much to try to get the truth out there even though many of my friends probably tire of watching my post. Perhaps they ignore them, but I will not relent as long as your country is run by thugs who bow at the feet of TFG.

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(Apologies to those who may have seen this in my HCR comment, but I think it's important for both communities!)

This Atlantic article from David From just showed up in my twitter feed. Not only does it make sense, but it included a sentence that I wanted to share, purely for hope and optimism as we continue whatever work we have chosen to do (post cards, phone calls, texts, etc) to save and grow our democracy. The GOP " "has lost contact with the sensibility of mainstream America, a huge country full of decent people who are offended by bullying and cruelty." I believe this to be true - we just need to keep getting better at reaching more of us!


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Thank you, Terry Nicholetti, for this important reminder that action work -- works.

Millions of grassroots volunteers all across the States are doing everything imaginable to protect Democracy, to support decency, equity, and Justice for all.

Substack authors are interpreting for clarity, readers are taking up the fight for Truth in government.

Now reaching deep into even underserved rural regions.

Turnout, turnout. turnout.

Robert Hubbell and this community are a blessing, inspiring Hope.

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You are welcome, Nancy! Thanks for the powerful expression of what must come next!

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I saw a piece last night on MSNBC about Florida's New College, a small liberal arts school that attracted many LBGTQ students. DeSantis has appointed 6 far right Board Members who immediately did away with all DEI training, fired the principal and is seeking to hire a whole new breed of professors to teach about Western Civilization. This red light is flashing bright. How can this be our country??

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And yesterday he named the new president of New College, Richard Corcoran. For those who are not familiar with Corcoran, he was an extreme right wing former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, then the Florida Commissioner of Education Another political hack now in charge of a state college.

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Western tradition, eh? Is he going to abolish math?

New addition to Real Housewives of SCOTUS?

Aaaannnd.... TFG says "With respect to the ‘Stormy’ nonsense, it is VERY OLD & happened a long time ago," It happened a long time ago? It happened?!?! So, it happened!!! Ya just admitted it, ya dimwit.

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I thought the same thing. He’s admitted it! Not the first time, and either. How about his contention that E. Jean Carroll was “not my type”, after repeatedly denying knowing her.

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But friends, He admitted and provided a letter after he was outed about trying to get Zelenskyy to find dirt on Biden. He tells us everything, every day. Remember what Justice Michael Luttig stated when he testified before the House Select Committee to Investigate January 6, "They are going to do the same thing in 2024. How do I know? Because they are telling us." They simply run amuck with no concern for the laws. The leverage every rotten trick to escape being prosecuted. They lie and gaslight. And TFG has gotten away with it for decades and in the public square since he came down the escalator spreading hateful speech endlessly. And here we are in 2023. It is disgusting. Yet, we must find the reserves to fight courageously.

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Love it! The Housewives of SCOTUS!

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The media and even you Robert are engaging in amplifying polling nonsense about Trump, his supporters and the third party threat that may or may not happen. Let’s deal with some facts. Trump lost the popular vote twice. At the height of his popularity Trump only had about 30-35% of voters and needed Independents and dissatisfied Democrats to win (this happened in 2016). Currently today Trump has about 25% of registered Republicans as his core base that will follow him to hell and back. Trump is losing momentum creating an opportunity for a ‘ normal” Republican to successfully run for President. The threat of Trump going 3rd party I believe is overblown and a Trump veiled threat. A third party campaign requires funding, an effective and well organized grass roots feet on the ground organization and a compelling message none of which Trump has or more importantly the skill to create. With impending litigation hopefully coming to fruition Trump is damaged goods. My belief is that several Republican candidates are patiently sitting on the sidelines waiting for Trump to be indicted and the domestic terrorists in the House to fail as they come to the rescue to save the Republican Party. The media hype of a third party run is another example of how the media has lost it’s objectively. If the media were doing their job they would detail how ineffective and unlikely a third party run would be and take the threat off the table.

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Hmm . . . the central finding I discussed was that nearly 30% of Republicans (28%) would follow Trump into a third party run . . . which you seem to agree with. ("Currently today Trump has about 25% of registered Republicans as his core base that will follow him to hell and back.")

My point was not that Trump will win, it is that for a DIFFERENT candidate to win, that candidate will need to become "Trumpier than Trump." So I was discussing the effect of Trump's popularity on the extremism of the potential contenders.

I don't think that amounts to "amplifying polling nonsense" about Trump.

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I hear you-but the constant repeating of the third party threat makes it sound real and imminent which I don’t think it is but I think a more “ normal candidate” exposing conservative values and platforms is waiting in the sidelines and that is a factor. I don’t think today DeSantis will run or win because what polls don’t do a great job of is to measure accurately the feelings and mood of the country. People of all parties are just tired of the drama.

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Well Stephen, Let's move on from Trump alone. What we need to do is take EVERY potential Republican candidate seriously. As you have surely seen, Nikki Haley is preparing to announce her candidacy on February 15. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/01/1153082534/nikki-haley-president-2024. If there is any point to be made here, by Robert or you, it is that we must be focused and alert to all who come to the forefront to get elected - from dog catcher to Governor - if they have demonstrated their willingness to abandon the Constitution of the United States.

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John agree 100% as well as down ballot offices and school boards

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How about we look at Jane Roberts’s tax returns for the past, oh say, 5 years? Let’s look at the law firms who have paid her and compare that to the firms that have had cases before the Roberts court and have received favorable rulings. Just out of curiosity, just to see if there appears to be any correlation between the firms that have contributed to the Roberts’s household income and SCOTUS decisions.

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On a positive note, the Governor of Minnesota signed a bill into law yesterday regarding reproductive rights for all Minnesotans. We’re a haven surrounded by states that restrict access. Let’s hear it for Minnesota!!

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Republicans seem to want to view Ron deSantis as Trump without the baggage. But with his effort to win over Trump voters by going even further than Trump in many areas, he opens himself to Democratic attack which should be “Ron deSantis: Even worse than Trump”.

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"without the baggage" He's packing as he goes.

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I love your slogan. Now the rest of us need to amplify it everywhere. From what I see, mainstream media are mostly treating DeSantis as a normal American leader - treating him gently just as they did Trump at the start of his political ascent. UGH.

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thank you for informing us of important "behind the scenes" connections

I will have to wrap my head around many of these issues

Without using his name to avoid amplifying his statements, there was a certain Black sports commentator on Tucker Carlson making outrageous assertions that Tyre Nichols death is due to single mothers. His views were misogynistic in the extreme and astoundingly inhumane. I wonder how do we dialogue with people like this and the MAGA extremists?

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I saw that clip on the Daily Show. Horrified by his comment that’s what young black men do when supervised by a single black woman. Memphis chief is actually married with a child so more Fauxness.

Beverly, I don’t believe we can dialogue with these extremists…

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OMG! My husband and I were dumbfounded. Utterly flabbergasted.

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Beverly, that has been my question for the past 3 decades as I’ve repeated to friends regularly, “If we don’t find a way to talk with those with different than us, we’ll be shooting at one another like they do in the Middle East.” I’ve even tried teaching “how to have difficult conversations” as an OLLI class. To my surprise too few felt they could “rock thf boat” with neighbors or family who disagree politically. Some day we’ll May be saying, “if only we had talked to one another.” Hm! I think that is where we are. Ugh!

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With reference to Ron DeSantis' campaign to remove study of Black History at the hands of Whites and focus solely on white western Europeans, to the further exclusion of Asians, Middle Eastern people, Africans, South Americans and perhaps even our Canadian and Mexican neighbors, one has to wonder how DeSantis graduated with honors from both Harvard and Yale. Was he a legacy admission at both, or did someone contribute a huge amount of money to them resulting in a degree with honors, to DeSantis who mainly distinguished himself by playing baseball. Reminds me of Garrett Morris on Saturday Night Live in the 1970s telling everyone. as the Dominican baseball player, Chico Escuela, how "Baseball been berra berra good ... to me."

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Both Ivy League institutions have lost their luster. He and the other fascists in the senate who hold certifications from those places are a disgrace!

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As usual, a great and helpful analysis. Your closing Concluding Thoughts should serve as a constant source of encouragement:

"If we can accomplish three things but not five, let’s accomplish the three we can achieve today and continue the struggle for further progress. That is the nature of all progress, and we should not be discouraged that we cannot impose a complete and perfect solution today."

As one who sometimes became too engrossed in solving a particular problem, I used to have a sign in my office to remind me that it's often more important to get something done than to get it perfect. It said, "RESLUTS!"

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In addition to the Jonathan Last article that Robert cited, also see Brian Klaas's Jan 30 post discussing how to reduce police violence: https://brianklaas.substack.com/p/how-to-reduce-police-violence?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fbrian%2520klaas&utm_medium=reader2

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DeSantis's quest to erase, or at least minimize, any history that makes him uncomfortable has broken free of the borders of Florida. The College Board seems to have caved:

The College Board Strips Down Its A.P. Curriculum for African American Studies https://nyti.ms/3wOL2D0.

Appropriate and constructive language fails me now. So I'll just leave it at this: we must work together to eradicate trumpism.

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Absolutely cowardly by the College Board. They should be ashamed. As noted in the Times article, the modifications removed references to many Black authors and genres of writing. Unbelievable.

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Nooooooo! That affects the AP course nationwide! 🤬

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