A note to all the "I give ups": Read Dr. Timothy Snyder's book "On Tyranny." Giving up is what they want you to do because then you have neutralized yourself.

Anyone who wants to do something like that, who knows me, is on notice if you do that that I will unfriend you so fast you will be able to spin your way to China.

However, if you're someone who feels that way because it can feel overwhelming (we all have that), and you'd like to talk about how to get your mojo back, contact me at your convenience. Always available.

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I remain gob-smacked by Trump apologists like Marco Rubio. To say, or even think, that one of the two leading presidential candidates makes things up and he doesn't mean them really is disheartening. They've got a psychopath on the loose and no-one's got the leash.

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Lil’ Marco is just being Lil’ Marco, just like Lil’ Lindsey’s not gonna stop being Lil’ Lindsey.

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For once (twice?), Trump actually was right.

Watch the ever-shrinking Trump toadies.

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I'm not sure where that interview took place. Why isn't he asked, "What does that mean? Does it mean that you don't think he really will betray NATO, or that you approve of it if he does?" They shouldn't be able to get away with meaningless evasions.

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Ellen, it was on CNN'S State of the Union Sunday show with Jake Tapper. The lack of spine and moral compass in the Republican Party is amazing, although the Republican strategist in the round table discussion finally called Trump an ass....le TWICE. First time ever.

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Tapper is no better than any other member of the MSM. THEY lack spines and moral compasses. The MSM is doing again what they've done since the escalator. Hmmm, was that in 2015 or 2016? I can't quite remember.

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Just a spineless group ready to kiss the ring. I feel so sorry for whatever constitutional Republicans are left. Not a leader to be seen. They are alone in the desert on the darkest night.

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Michael, it surely seems that way. But I think you might have forgotten Liz Cheney. She has been consistently posting about Trump on X/Twitter. Here's her comment on T's outrageous NATO comments, which headed her post of an article, "Republicans Shrug Off Trump's NATO Comments."

"NATO is the most successful military alliance in history. It’s essential to deterring war & defending American security. No sane American President would encourage Putin to attack our NATO allies. No honorable American leaders would excuse or endorse this."

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I haven't forgotten Liz or Adam Kinzinger or a few others but would like to see those leaders get even more involved. I have said so many times that the reason so many Republican voters drink Trump's Kool-aid is because no one else is carrying the water.

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Yes! And you remind me of a scene from American President when "Louis" gets into it with the president over leadership and why folks "drink the sand."

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That movie has a lot of truths in it as does much of Sorkin's other scripts. I am a giant fan of "The West Wing" and "The Newsroom", my favorite TV drama of all.

But to get back to today's politics, the constitutional Republicans are not able to get through the media obstacles constructed by tffg and his lackeys. They must or the party is going to die. In its present state it will never capture enough of the American people to remain relevant.

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Where is the legacy of McCain or George Romney?

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Where are the legacies of so many constitutional Republicans? Flushed by the wannabe dictator and his MAGAMOB.

Why does this orange-haired POS still have anyone at his railings? Why?

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Think of the latent hate for “the other” that finds a home in his admirers

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I agree with you. Biden is a decent but flawed human being like the rest of us. He is also a capable leader who gets things done for. Tump is a disgusting, untrustworthy, overgrown oaf who plays Pat-a-cake with Putin. Get a grip, folks. Beating authoritarians is hard work. Giving up is not an option.

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Yes, as someone recently pointed out. Two candidates are old. One of them is evil.

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Konrad Adenauer was old – even older than Biden during his Chancellorship of West Germany. He lead the Germans away from Naziism to Democracy and membership in NATO.

Not bad for an oldster.

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It's only a person with a knowledge of history and years of experience working within a democracy (or wanting to live in one) who will take the correct action here. Joe Biden is that person. Thee isn't a better one for this moment!

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Hey, I didn't know that!!!

This should be stated at every single opportunity!!! I'm going to steal your thought and plaster it wherever I come across comments about President Biden's age. Starting with my beloved Joh Stewart whom I'm afraid has lost his way a bit.

Michael do you want me to credit you? I'm serious. I'm taking it over to XTwitter and to my other substack newsletters as soon as I hear back from you! (Sooner if I feel the urgency and can't wait!!)

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Thanks, but I don’t think I need the publicity. But before you go ahead, look up Adenauer (on Wikipedia, e.g.) to make certain all the details about Adenauer are accurate, and to find a few more.

Incidentally, Adenauer was called “der Alte” (the old one), Alte being a sign of *respect*.

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Thank you! I did look him up and it turns out he was 73-87 yrs old when Chancellor. Wow, I didn't see that about Alte. I guess the papers back then didn't need to worry about clicks and views.....

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Precisely!! Fascists want us to be exhausted by their chipping away at institutions and democracy.

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Thank you for this boost Robert. I’d like to share an energizing experience on Saturday when I attended the annual Democrats of the Desert (CA) Black History Month lunch. The guest speaker was Carlotta Walls LaNier, one of the Little Rock Nine. Now at the age of 81 she remains a torchbearer for the Democratic party. She told a harrowing tale of hatred that lasted not just days or weeks, but months and years. Her parents home was fire bombed; a little white girl would walk on her heels constantly; students stole her homework, and the books from her locker. The governor, Orville Faubus, closed the high school for an entire year, for everyone. Students had to take correspondence courses or move out of town to get an education. I was filled with shame and sorrow, but uplifted by her inspiration, and by the fact that there was a crowd of white and black high school students in the audience, who were energized by this octogenarian champion of civil rights. Us old folks still have something to give. our president has plenty.

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Thanks for the recollection. I well remember the integration of the Little Rock high school – but I had no idea how the Black students were immorally harassed by other students.

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John, thank you for revealing this important part of our history! White people are just plain cruel. I’m white and I am not proud of all the egregious things we have done or are doing.

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Thank you Marlene. We are cruel. I am a Christian and can admit our religion is at the root of so much of it.

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TC, you are one of the best.

I agree, read Snyder's book, buy some copies and give them away to friends.

Better yet, check to see if your local library has a copy. If not, buy them a copy and donate it.

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Buy them two.

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Endurance TC, its about the Chinese Water Torture, the drip,drip, drip on the forehead. Wear them down drop by drop. Very little energy need be expended to needle them consistently

Don’t give up folks, take a short respite if necessary and come back stronger

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TCinLA, talk about putting your money where your mouth is - what a generous offer! So far, between Heather and Robert, with a sprinkling of Jessica and Simon, I'm tilting towards optimism...following their advice to take action. I know Tom Suozzi is going to win in NY because I wrote cards and am making calls!! ; ) I will remember your offer if I ever need it!

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Chaplain Terry, let’s pray that the snowstorm NY is expecting won’t deter voters tomorrow.

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TCinLA, Excellent!! We (I) will never surrender to this unDemocratic outrage. In fact, my thoughts run to “How can I double down and fight harder?” I might occasionally slide into the question, “Am I really still in the U.S., but NEVER for more than a moment? Why? Because I have confidence in my fellow citizens. We are, by and large, good, sane people who value our democracy and one another.

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thanks. you sound like a good ally. I am too.

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When I give up, bury me before I stink up the place.

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How can I contact you? I would appreciate chatting.

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become a subscriber at That's Another Fine Mess, then reply to me when you get the TAFM email.

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I'm an RN working in hospice, and well acquainted with grief and its fickle manifestations. However, I'm writing to share a link from the medical press. Aging is not by any means a uniform process for us all, and President Biden is a "super-ager." https://www.medpagetoday.com/popmedicine/cultureclinic/108213?fbclid=IwAR2yDIk47kge-gwhzOS4q5ANIEB4BanbfrEGpVjY3NNQAzsDFrHMOlXjw_Q. I believe this was picked up by The Hill as well. I don't think any of us need convincing, but it might be helpful for those who do. Also, the esteemed conservative Judge J. Michael Luttig has characterized Hur's report as "unseemly" and "an abuse of power" in a lengthy interview for MeidasTouch Network. Our collective national memory is short. With the next outrage burning up oxygen, this will go into the dustbin of history, along with Hur's reputation.

Trump's cozying up to Putin makes my blood run cold. Where are the journalists reporting on Project 2025?

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You are correct, the reporting on Project 2025 is nearly nonexistent. Here's a link that gives a very good overview of the Heritage Foundation's fascism.


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I know several people who are taking deep dives into Project 2025 and into Leonard Leo, the evil mastermind behind it and the election of Supreme Justices Gorsuch, Barrett, and Kavanaugh. Also, follow Sheldon Whitehouse as he produces new info each week in the Senate. It’s gross!

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Very important. We should be asking GOP candidates what they think of the Project 2025 and we should be telling everyone they should study this Republican playbook for the future. Onward.

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For those who do ask about Project 2025, be prepared for evasion (e.g., “haven’t read it”), cite some of its recommendations, and ask the candidates whether they approve.

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Great advice. Look how many members of Congress have claimed they are not following Trump's indictments.

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Deborah, my father was in the superager category until 96 (he's 97 now). I am beginning to wonder if subliminally the fear of aging for themselves is also driving some of the journalists' questions. We also need to be mindful of ageism, which is just as prejudicial as the other "-isms" that we are more aware of.

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We have seen a ton of "projection" so far on the part of Donald Trump and certain Republicans. I'm always appalled, and feel that neither Trump nor anyone who works for him or merely supports him (Marco Rubio, as an example) really understands the concept of Projection. Projection is a psychological process by which a person points the finger at someone else for doing the thing that he/she is ACTUALLY doing him/herself. Karen, in her comment above, gives a perfect example of Projection. Those who are accusing Biden of being too old or whatever their wording would be, are actually terrrified of being "too old" themselves! Being ignorant of this concept, Trump and his followers continually project their fears and their ugliness onto others. It's very simple, really, but very dangerous. As a reader said earlier, some of these people are truly "evil!"

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You are too kind. The journalists you cite probably have inflated egos and a belief that younger folks are smarter than everyone else.

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Multiple things can be true, Michael. As you know!

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Thank you Deborah for your work and comments. So true.

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Hi Deborah, do you by any chance have the link to that interview with J. Michael Luttig? And thank you for your insights on aging. My father was sharp as a tac until he died at the age of 93.

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My Mom, too, who passed at 92. She was a wizard to the end in home hospice (with my sister and me right by her side).

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Simon Rosenberg also counsels us to not get blown around every time we're hit with misleading and reckless journalism. Good advice.

I've started saying: Don't let the fire hoses of falsehoods knock us down. Keep grounded in the facts of how things get better with Dems, and Republicans are the Party of Lawless Disorder and January 6th.

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nice: "Fire hoses of falsehoods"

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"Fire hoses of falsehoods!!! What a fabulous phrase. I will not be blown around!!!

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Yes, he’s the calm before the storm…

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In response to Hur’s report on Biden’s memory, past specific dates are difficult if not impossible for 99% of the human population to remember. His politically motivated screed is a transparent attempt to bow down to his Dear Leader for his own political ambitions.

What we should all do is talk about the difference in “memory” versus judgement and success when it comes to President Biden. Somehow he has miraculously chosen the best people for every crucial position in his administration and he and his exemplary team have accomplished more in three years than any president since FDR. So what if he couldn’t remember a date during his 5 hour deposition?

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Jacqueline, add to what you’ve said the date on which he gave the deposition - the day after the horrific Hamas attack. Along with the deposition, he was dealing with one of the most serious international events of recent memory.

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Biden is doing one hundred percent more than what Trump ever did. In fact, Trump was not at all interested in governing, let alone trying to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East, a peace that no one has been able to achieve for almost a century. Yet he gets up every day and TRIES to achieve the unthinkable. Every day, even after one son has died, and another son has struggled terribly with some personal difficulties and unfair law suits regarding former drug addiction, etc. President Biden - the man is tireless on behalf others, and especially those who have suffered. No one in the present arena is even close to this wonderful man.

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Absolutely! I can't remember what I said a minute ago, and I am three years younger than Biden!

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Of course, the story about NATO is a fabrication. I don’t know why more media outlets don’t pick up on this, but Trump has a “tell“. Virtually every story he relates when he refers to someone speaking to him, begins with the person saying saying “sir…“ People don’t speak like that.

This is a “tell.” He’s lying. No President of another country would address him by saying “Well, sir, if we don’t pay . . . .”

And as a preemptive measure, Congress passed legislation at the end of last year barring a president from pulling the US out of NATO. Ironically, Marco Rubio was instrumental in backing the bill.


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Not sure we need any tell that he’s lying other than the fact that his mouth is open, but I take your point - what self respecting president of a European country is going to call Trump “sir”?

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Thanks for pointing out Rubio’s hypocrisy with the Defense Authorization Act. I’ll repeat and contact him (again)…sigh. At least it makes me feel better !

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Hypocrisy is mother’s milk to today’s Republicans.

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President Biden "is a surrogate for democracy." The Quadefendant is a surrogate for almost everything we should stand against: gluttony, thievery, lust, narcissism, vengeance, and a whole bunch of other despicable traits. Character and integrity matter. President Biden exemplifies both; the Quadefendant neither.

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Tfg is pretty much a poster child for the seven deadly sins.

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Trump's undermining of NATO is directly connected to his attempt to block the Ukraine aid bill expected to pass the Senate this week. Defending Ukraine is NATO's highest priority at this moment; the threat to Ukraine is dire and immediate.

Olga Lautman reports: "With vital military aid disrupted since October, Ukraine faces a critical shortage of ammunition and weapons, forcing them to ration resources and resulting in an alarming increase in the daily death toll from Russia’s onslaught of attacks."

There's no time to waste. Everyone reading this can help by calling your Representative in the House and urge them to use whatever means is available to pass aid for Ukraine as soon as it passes the Senate. If you don't know their number, call the U S Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121.

For more information, and to find phone numbers of six influential "traditional Republicans" to call as well, please visit: www.FeathersOfHope.net

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Thank you, Jerry. My 3 reps (2 senators, 1 congresswoman) are all Democrats, thankfully. I have been in contact with them daily through ChopWood/CarryWater about Ukraine. I have no worries about their votes, especially Mark Warner who has been very vocal throughout Virginia about supporting Ukraine.

That said, if I can get through to the "traditional Republicans" you mention, I will do so. Thanks, again!

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While, as an old woman, I viscerally appreciate the feeling of being 'tired' and just wanting some days to ... slip away ... where it's quiet/peaceful/not problematic; let's all settle down and realize that much of real life is, as the Buddhists say, painful. Suffering, however, is not and is a choice and I've found much of Buddhist philosophy helpful in this important distinction. In this day and tumultuous series of days, there IS NO CHOICE BETWEEN GIVING UP AND DOING OUR BEST. Resting is fine, complaining is fine, making snarky jokes is fine. Giving up is absolutely NOT fine because, unless we're the narcissists of MAGA (which we're clearly not or we wouldn't be right here, right now), to do so means innocents would suffer: human and non-human among us. [And, we all need to read and re-read Robert's posts and all the really excellent commentary along with it because this community and many many others like it around the world are a well from which we can continue to draw strength.]

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Thank you, Meredith. Our words matter, our encouragement matter. Courage.

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Martha Graham would tell us that you have plenty of time to rest when you're dead. 🙏

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Thank you Meredith for your wise words.

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I agree with everything in Robert's post. Voting for Biden and a straight Democratic ticket is a vote for democracy. And, we need to go on offense.

For starters, tRump consistently behaves like a Russian asset. His sycophants have quashed this, but he wants to pull the U.S. out of NATO, leaving it more vulnerable to Putin's aggression. He and his enablers want to stop defending Ukraine. He trashed the nuclear deal that was containing Iran, a Russian ally, stole our vital military secrets to what end. Our intelligence services concluded that Russia worked to elect tRump and his campaign had contact with Russian agents. Let's keep telling that story.

We will also need to reach people who are moving to third party candidates as a protest against Israel's massive attacks on Gaza, costing the lives of many civilians, which President Biden correctly characterizes as "over the top." People find other reasons to waste their votes on an ideological third party candidate because of their anger at fundamental issues not being solved, such as climate change, securing the southern border, etc. It's far too easy for people to emotionally fall for such distractions. And name those candidates or parties that are funded by MAGA billionaires.

The real reasons that so many of these problems aren't solved are: 1) the President of the United States can't unilaterally solve every problem in the world; and 2) we have not elected a large enough Democratic majority to overcome spoilers in our fold so we can effectively govern. The solution? Elect more Democrats in each successive election. Within the Democratic Party, there's room for moderates and progressives.

On an individual basis, persuading someone who has said they will cast or consider a third party vote starts with listening. What hooks them? If they're very committed, it probably isn't worth our time to convince them, just like trying to convert Trumpists is a waste of time that could be spent turning out infrequent Democratic voters. But if they are persuadable, questioning the premises for wasting their vote is a good place to start.

And if they are not still being obstinate, ask about something that matters to them -- a livable wage? The right to unionize? Affordable childcare? Freedom to go to school or a movie without fearing a mass shooting? The right to make your own medical decisions? Consumer protections? Freedom to love who you love? Fixing the immigration mess that Trumpists are blocking? Equality for all citizens? The right to have your vote fairly counted? Collecting taxes from billionaires? Respect for military service and sacrifice? Stopping zealots from banning books? And so much more.

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Well said. It amazes me how many people seem to think that President Biden is the Prime Minister of Israel.

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fpotus is a Russian asset.

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We do not have the moral right to “give up”. Look at those who have come before us. There are a long line of democracy fighters who were force fed (suffragettes), murdered (Freedom Riders), beaten and fire-hosed (civil rights workers) and the list goes on from there.

We are called by those who came before us to push on. We have is a political hit piece and a MSM who wants a horse race. We can deal with that. This is a marathon.

Channel your anger. Tom Suozzi needs you today and tomorrow and the Dem in the PA House Seat needs phone bankers to keep the PA house in DEM hands. https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/597244/

Let’s do this!!

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Spot on! This comment should be at the top.

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When I read excerpts from Prosecutor Hur's report, two thoughts came to mind: 1) he really strayed far from his remit in order to insert GOP-friendly criticism of Biden, and 2) what a poor judge of character Merrick Garland appears to be to have hired Hur in the first place.

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Garland should have reviewed the report and could have had Hur change to a one pager which was fine for Pence.

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Right. But he’s evidently cast from the same bias mold as Aileen Cannon.

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This was a huge failure on the part of Garland. If he didn’t read the report, he failed, and if he read the report and let it go out as it is, he failed even worse. This is probably not a good time to fire Garland, but I hope we have a new and more qualified Attorney General, someone like Jack Smith, in Biden’s next term.

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From top to bottom, beautiful Today's Edition. Of course, I got to thinking of my own mother's death, being in the room when she took her last breath. Yikes! I do not remember the date that it happened though it is marked on her gravestone that I have visited frequently.

As to Biden's memory, here's a clip from an interview he had with Conan O'Brien about his 1967 Corvette (fun listening for car enthusiasts!):


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Listening to that interview a few things strike me - one, there used to be absolutely nothing wrong his memory, two he is a completely normal guy, and three he has a great SOH. None of those things could be said about the other guy.

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“Is” nothing wrong with his memory”

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Lynell’s, I’m in the same boat. I sang “Bridge Over Troubled Water” to my Mom as she breathed her last. Just her and I in the room*; the nurse on station** was waiting for me to wave her in so she could pronounce death. It was 8:42 p.m. in April, on Good Friday. What day/year… hard to remember.

* My sister had left to go watch “The Apprentice”. She is mortified by that choice today.

** The nurse on duty was a volunteer fireman and I saw her at a concert later that summer. We chatted a bit (we recognized each other) and I said “I know I know you but I don’t remember how”. She replied “8:42” and gave me a hug.

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Wow, Ally. Beautiful.

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Not giving up in Florida !l 😎 I consider myself an “ unqualified supporter” of President Biden.

Let’s all channel Taylor Swift💃 ! Many opportunities available to engage younger voters!

Join NextGen America as they text young voters in preparation for the 2024 primary elections.


Write postcards with Markers For Democracy while learning about TurnUp.

Zev Shapiro of TurnUp will join us at 10:00 am ET. TurnUp, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, has become the nation's largest youth-led voter registration and turnout initiative


Help spread the word and/or donate to Civic Influencers. CI uses “cutting-edge data to target campuses and communities where higher civic engagement can make the difference in an election.”


Write Letters For Democracy and help spread the word about high school voter registration with The Civics Center.


GOTV with People Power For Florida


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Great list!

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Thank you for all of these resources!

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Thank you! I will look into all of these resources!

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They attack Biden’s age because they can’t attack his record! Biden is a great president! Say it over and over, loud and clear.

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Thank you Robert, keep speaking the truth about the traitor Trump and a real president, Joseph Biden. Our only recourse is the vote and only the vote!

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Don’t know how I’d get thru these crazy days without your calming words each morning. TY! Here’s a question … about SCOTUS … I believe you suggested that Trump’s been threatening the justices? I’m wondering if FBI shouldn’t be tapping all their phones to see if there’s threatening communications from the Trump team?

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I don't think Trump needs to threaten the justices. They have a network of political and financial supporters who enable them to live like princes while holding federal judgeships. They know where their influence and money comes from. Just ask Clarence Thomas's mother.

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True. Sad.

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Susan I do wonder the same.

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