
A reader sent a suggestion to my email that deserves posting: She said Democrats should use the slogan, "Govern for our grandchildren." That says a lot in a few words.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Under the category of "Reframe the opponent’s message to your benefit whenever possible", I heard a pertinent suggestion from a listener on a local radio talk show. She said, rather than talk about the "cost" of the Build Back Better Plan, we should talk about the cost of NOT implementing its measures. That would be quite a figure.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Democrats deliver” is short, positive and can follow any policy achievement or issue message (climate, health care, education, justice, economy). We’ve got to get past political tribalism and instead show how our policies benefit all Americans. And yes, as so many others have suggested, punchy visuals with real people instead of the predictable blah blah blah the candidates are coached on by some clueless overpaid Beltway consultant! I am an activist in Colorado who has lost all faith in the DNC, DSCC and DCCC and instead contribute to my local and state parties, Indivisible, Flip the Vote and other grassroots organizations along with favored candidates.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I like the Fireside Chat idea posted by others. But not just by Joe Biden. Use Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg.... Demonstrate the Democrats have a deep bench and lots of ideas, many of them already completed or underway.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for the shout-out to those of us in red states. Currently here in Missouri, we are deciding mainly between two candidates for U. S. Senate to fill Roy Blunt’s seat, Scott Sifton and Lucas Kunce. Though Sifton is a two-term state senator who has done a good job, I’m thinking Kunce as a former marine has a better chance of winning in our state. It seems a rather shallow way to choose a candidate, but I think that’s where we are. Sorry to all about Senator Hawley. It goes without saying I didn’t vote for him.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

George Carlin (maybe my favorite intellectual) has a quote that best describes the "other party" occupying seats in both the House and the Senate and it reads "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". I sign off every email I send with this quote to remind myself to get off my butt to do what I can to keep as many "stupids" out of our government. If we all work to that end, over time, we may be able to resurrect a Republican party that wishes to govern. It's tough to say now but going forward this country is better served by having two legitimate political parties who actually want to govern...but it may be a long time coming.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

If republican senators who voted AGAINST the infrastructure bill are advertising it as their gift to their constituents, isn’t there a way to “counter-advertise” to that same constituency that their bragging senator tried to kill those very services ? Before their false narrative of “look what I did for you” takes hold, it seems like dems should be calling them out quickly and loudly to make sure folks know that they deserve no credit for any of it, and that the new infrastructure benefits are coming DESPITE the efforts of their republican leadership

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Messaging needs to be tailored to the local scene as well as national. State specific messages telling people how their particular state is and will benefit from Biden's agenda, i.e, seniors in Florida will be able to have home care instead of being forced into nursing homes, Route 95 widening project will be completed, etc.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for the "open mic," Robert. There are so many, many good suggestions here. I especially hope that the suggestions to call out the dishonest GOP who are taking credit--don't they have some nerve?-- and blasting their "no" votes on all of these initiatives. Also, the many suggestions to hire the Lincoln project or other smart, pithy writers to craft messages about BBB need to be heeded and in a hurry!

Here's my question: Along with many thousands of others, I donate regularly to the DNC. What are they doing with the money??--We know it's not been going to messaging. So often it feels like we're just shouting into the wind!

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In the extremely gerrymandered states, is it even possible for a Democrat to win?? This is what I worry about…..all of this work may be just a waste of time and resources without voting regulations.

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I am a Democrat living in the R state of Georgia. Living in a county that flipped all Commission seats D in 2020, in a zip code that remains all R, in a district that elected Lucy McBath in 2016 by a narrow margin…and now with our GOP Gerrymandering…Lucy is forced to move to the only remaining D stronghold district with a face off against incumbent Carolyn Bordeaux. My school post is held by an entrenched 81 year old white man who spouts racism and conspiracy theories using the School District Email and has been re-elected for the past 11 years. My neighbor flies a Confederate flag alongside his American flag alongside his Trump 2024 and White Chicks for Trump signs. I’m involved at the local, state and national levels. There are a multitude of D’s here…but we have been strategically watered down by the stronghold at our state Capitol.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Did any one say bumper stickers??? I find them so visible... they’re could be a democratic theme color-design even with different groups coming up with different slogans like the great short ones suggested....

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for the shout out to Dems in deep red states (think KY, Mitch & Rand..sigh). We are working hard in Louisville to register & get out the vote. We have a volunteer group that has ongoing training opportunities to fit every kind of desire to serve (door knocking to delivering postcards to writers). We have recruited folks to serve as precinct leaders and walking their neighborhoods & connecting with people. Messaging is going to be so important going forward and I'm so glad to be seeing this conversation in your newsletter. It will help us as we walk our neighborhoods and branch out throughout the state

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Our goal should be to help every Democrat get his/her NAME on every ballot! Find a non-voting neighbor, friend, acquaintance, or family member who supports Democratic values and get a commitment to actually vote. This would be more energy effective than trying to change the minds of Republicans.

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

No shortage of material for Democrats to message on. Jennifer Rubin’s column today emphasizes that point… https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/01/democrats-will-have-no-shortage-material-their-2022-campaigns/

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I’m writing to you from northwestern WI, where all the women are strong & the men are good looking! Our specific county, as well as others, are working to get more local representation in our county boards. Gerrymandering has hurt us up here but we do have a good Governor. The R's in our state government are still dancing to what Scott Walker started. Reading the comments to you are helpful as they give us support.

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