Heather IS a national treasure! Her decades of study of American history in general and the GOP in specific, give her an undeniable advantage as a starting place to write our history as we are living it. And she can write!

Robert, your perspective is also invaluable. Your ability to analyze events through a legal perspective has helped us immensely.

I’ve added other substackers to my daily reading list, often at your suggestion, but you and Heather were and remain, the first two people I read every day.

Thanks for your commitment to keeping us informed and sane.

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Robert, you have--I think--fewer readers than Prof. Richardson, but you, too are a treasure to those who are lucky enough to see your words.

And one note: In Mussolini's Italy, the trains did not really run on time. The fascists just said that they did.

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I have been limiting my news consumption for months now. I read this newsletter, Letters From An American, That’s Another Fine Mess. I scroll through my news feed to note headlines. If I open a Wall Street Journal piece, I have trouble getting past the first paragraph because the piece is opinion masquerading as news. I also do not want to improve Rupert Murdock’s bottom line. I watch tiny snippets of Nicolle Wallace occasionally. I think there is no point in the endless “sky is falling” pieces. What is needed is action; hand wringing does not count as action. I also delete 99.999% of requests I get for donations as so many of these are cast as dire circumstances. I recognize candidates need money; I am picky about my contributions.

I appreciate this forum and others like it. I find putting current events into context to be helpful. Overall, they serve as daily reminders that our politics follows the money, and there ain’t no dumbass vaccine.

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Thanks for another good recap. People who think critically and understand how democracy works respect and appreciate debate. It is not a sign of weakness or malfunction. While it may look and feel like sausage making, it is actually compromise. That's how representative government works.

And as you have pointed out, the GQP now operates like a cult. For critical thinkers who value and respect all people, that is more than appalling. For frightened bigots of limited education who think civilization is a zero sum game, it is appealing.

It's the folks in the middle who don't want to think about these matters that we must gain the support of. And that messaging appears to be improving. But what a long way to go. Nate Cohen's NYT article laid it out well. Our President and Party need to find a top notch PR team. The messages need to be sharp, biting and simple. There is certainly enough material to work with! It could start with someone trying to make a list of Republican positive programs. "Ummmm, well." And then offer up the highlights of Biden's plans - the ones already passed.

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Here you go:

Republican Policies over the Last 4 years:

- Support the Rich (Check)

- Kill the Planet (Check)

- Pack the Court (Check)

- Overthrow the Government (check)

Democratic Policies over the Last 4 Years:

- Support the Middle Class (check)

- Save the Planet (check)

- Repair America's Infrastructure (check)

- Save Democracy (in process!)

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Very good! I may "borrow" for the newsletter tonight.

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Great endorsement of the successes of the Biden team and Congressional Democrats and a needed chiding of the "doom and gloom" commentators. Reading your letter and Dr. Richardsons each day supports sometimes discouraged encounters of those of us trying to Get Out the Vote. One such encounter ended with a comment from a wealthy voter: "I'm against all the socialist programs like Social Security and Medicare". Ignorance of the funding mechanism for these programs seems to be widespread. Possibly a reference to: The Truth about Social Security by Altman in one of your letters.

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Great defense of debate among the Dems, Robert, as opposed to GOP lockstep! Your endorsement of HCR is so generous and so justified. The crazy McCarthy party shall not prevail: the Arbery and Charlottesville verdicts were the best Thanksgiving meal anyone ever had.

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I find that I have to approach most of news these days as I would something in a cow pasture. Whether it's covid, jobs reports, or polls, Chicken Little is writing the headlines. Those three topics are highly amorphous and volatile, tinder for anxiety and sensationalism. For example, my local paper (yes, I have Neanderthal in my genes), headlined the no-brainer move to higher-paying employers as job "losses." Add one, subtract one; their math doesn't even make sense. The Omicron Virus conjures images of monstrous robotic galactic invaders. (Honorable mention to the virus nomenclature committee and the Greek alphabet.) Presidential favorability polls at this stage are measures of general discomfort with the unsatisfactory nature of life in plague times; we can't blame God, so who's left besides presidents, and parents, of course. Thank you for putting disaster prediction journalism in our field of view, Mr. Hubble.

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And, as others have said, you and HCR anchor my sanity every day.

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Robert, as always, your report is inspirational.

One quick note: We must remember that "the scolds at the Wall Street Journal" work for Rupert Murdoch, who's only goal is to replace democratic governance with authoritarian Oligarchies throughout the world.

How do we prevent the Rupert Murdoch's in this world from obtaining their objectives? Just as you say, "volunteering to help get out the vote, registering new voters, donating, and being a positive influence on others!"

One last thing, I highly recommend Ruth Marcus' opinion piece in yesterday's WaPo concerning the radicalization of the Supreme Court . Democrats need to be prepared to use, what will likely be nuanced but nevertheless radical conservative rulings (bordering on unconstitutional) to strengthen their case in the battle to control Congress for the next 2 years. Below is the link:


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Thanks for the reference. i intend to discuss SCOTUS this evening.

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Thank You! Your healthy and honest perspective gives us the energy we need to fight for our democracy. My cable box for my TV literally blew up 4 days ago. Instead of fighting Black Friday traffic to go get a new one, I decided to wait until today. But, now I am feeling a new calm, and it's not from turkey tryptophan! Might wait an election cycle or three before I replace it.

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You just made my day Dear Robert Hubbell. Again. Thanks! I am, as ever, thankful for you.

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Regarding the Democratic messaging, I would start with the atrocious slogan Build Back Better. Who in the world ever thought that up? The first time I heard it, I groaned and said, "Damn it, the Democrats have done it again." Regarding "lockstep" versus "free and intense negotiation," I continue to be appalled that the media admires the former and castigates Dems for the latter. As I have written to the Times numerous times, When did "negotiation" get to be a bad word? And I chime in with others who appreciate your letters as much as I do Heather Cox Richardson's.

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Build Back Better is atrocious. Agreed!

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Just color me frustrated concerning Democratic messaging. I'm gonna go out on an limb and make the grand assumption that at least some of the leaders of the democratic party possess some modicum of intelligence with respect to the importance of positive freakin messaging- but up to now I may be wrong. DNC funding needs to be targeted at all levels of media (print, social, MSM, cable) promoting very specific and easy to understand points relating directly to what the current and proposed bills actually deliver or will deliver over time. Up to this point most of the country is just aware of the price tag and not how it will be paid for. We need to double down immediately on the positive impacts to the everyday lives of everyday Americans. We can't continue to let the other party (don't know what to call them) hijack the messaging which regrettably we have historically let happen.

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